Hi Lesley,
Thank you for your time today.
I had a talk with my wife and her parents and we came up with a schedule for Thomas:
 7:00 wake up and breakfast(早上七点起床,起床后吃饭)
 7:15 dressing up(七点十五分,穿衣服)
 7:30 leave home(七点半,离开家上学)
 8:00 school(八点,到学校)
12:15 pick up from school (after lunch)(十二点一刻,吃完午饭后,从学校接回家)
13:30 nap time(下午一点半,午睡)
14:30 wake up and snack(下午两点半,叫醒,吃加餐)
15:00 playtime at the clubhouse with lots of running for 1 hour(下午三点,户外活动的时间,在小区俱乐部跑、玩...一个小时)
16:30 bath time(下午四点半,洗澡)
17:30 dinner(五点半,吃晚餐)
18:30 homework with mama(六点半,在妈妈的指导下做作业)
19:30 go to bed (papa will stay with him and tell him a story)(晚上七点半准时上床,爸爸给讲个故事)
We also come up with a standard approach to behaviour problems:(我们全家还推出了新的办法解决他的‘行为’问题)
1) He will eat at his table from now on, and no more chasing round the house.
2) Throwing toys/books he will lose the toy and get a warning, if behaviour persists we time-out for 5 mins or until calm.
3) Shouting will get a warning, if behaviour persist we time-out for 5 mins or until calm
4) Spitting (this he has not done for a while) / kicking or extreme/tantrum behaviour will get time-out for 5 mins or until calm
We started practicing circle time and explained to him how important it is for him to pay attention and participate in circle time.
我们全家已经开始和他每天在家做circle time,并向他解释这个的重要性,可以帮助他集中精力。
We will concentrate on this over the next days.
I hope all this will translate to improved behaviour in school.
You feedback is greatly appreciated.
Kind regards....