

今日美语MP3:相信某人的话 Take One''''s Word for It

Take One's Word for It

【intro 今日导读】

How can you know when a person is trustworthy? Can you see it in her eyes? Do you feel it in your heart? Or maybe you need someone else to tell you that she's a person you can believe in? It's not always easy to know, but it's almost always important!

When someone promises to do something, he might say, 'I give you my word.' One's word is one's commitment. If you offer someone your word, you're telling them that you are serious. Most people would never give another person their word unless they planned to do exactly what they promised. If you ask someone to take your word for it, you're asking them to trust that you're telling the truth.

Jessica wants Brian and Gary to take her word for it that she's going to be interviewing somebody famous. Will they do it? Find out in today's English lesson about trust.

【Dialogue 情景对话】

Brian:  What's going on, Jessica? You look like you're ready to burst.

Jessica:  I have amazing news!

Gary:  Yes?

Jessica:  I scored the best celebrity interview.

Brian:  What? With who?

Jessica:  I can't tell you. But you just have to take my word for it.

Gary:  Why can't you tell us?

Jessica:  Their publicist said I can't tell anyone until afterward.

Brian:  What? That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

Gary:  You can't tell the owners of the company you work for.

Jessica:  Not even them. But it is going to be huge. In fact, Gary, I was hoping you could show me how to set up a blog.

Brian:  A blog?

Jessica:  My friends are always asking about what I do and which famous people I meet. I thought I could start a blog.

Gary:  OK. Have you chosen your domain name? It should be easy to remember, catchy, and unique.

Jessica:  I thought followmyblog.com could be funny.

Brian:  Maybe you should let us help you find one.

Jessica:  That would be great. Thanks, Brian.

Gary:  Do you know which blogging platform you want to use?

Jessica:  I've heard great things about WordPress. Is that a blogging platform?

Gary:  Exactly. And what about your theme?

Jessica:  Theme?

Gary:  It's the layout... how it looks. Let me show you some examples.

Brian:  Are you sure that this celebrity interview is worth all of the work of setting up a blog?

Jessica:  Take my word for it, Brian. You'll see.

重点解析 Key Phrases/Words

1. ready to burst 憋不住气,憋不住某种情绪

2. take my word for it 相信我说的

3. publicist n. 宣传人员,宣传代理人

4. domain name n. 域名

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