


Early Sessions book5 of the seth material
(Bill and Peggy Gallagher visited us this evening, and Seth camethrough later in the evening. Before this however we had the timeto go over the three sessions in which Seth dealt with theGallaghers while they were on vacation in Puerto Rico; these aresessions 199, 200, and 201.
Bill 和 Peggy Gallagher今晚来拜访我们,晚一些的时候赛斯加入进来,而在此之前,我们花了点时间去研究三次课的内容,那是赛斯分析过的Bill 和 PeggyGallagher在Puerto Rico度假时的测试,相关内容见第199课、200课和201课。
(Seth/Jane scored many hits in the material dealing with Peg andBill. Some of these are quite startling. There were misses ofcourse, and statements that hinted at, or c
ame close to, events and thoughts involving our friends. Itdeveloped that the notes Peg and Bill kept did not often coincidewith Seth's material.
(As Seth stated in the 201st session, Jane's psychological timeexperience of October 22, involving the Gallaghers, did prove to bequite legitimate; along with some less striking psy-time eventsJane experienced during the week Peg and Bill were in PuertoRico.
(在赛斯如约上课的第201课,珍的心理时间体验,10月22日,牵扯到Gallaghers,确实证明十分的合理,随着一些不那么引人注目的心理时间的事件,珍体验到Peg和Bill那一周在Puerto Rico的很多事情。)
( The session tonight did not dwell on the recent experimentshowever, although Seth did express himself as pleased because wewere pleased. Jane has made copies of the clairvoyant material fromthe three sessions involving the Gallaghers; they are to write intheir account of what actually transpired after each of Seth'spredictions or statements. We will then assemble all of the datainto coherent form and include it in an early future session.Jane's psy-time experiments will also be so treated so that we havea unified body of work covering this experiment. We are mostgrateful for the wholehearted cooperation of the Gallaghers.
(Some quotes from Seth will be given from tonight's unscheduledsession, since I did make rather thorough notes. They are not allverbatim, however. Jane was in a fine mood, spoke rapidly as Sethfor the most part, and I did not try to record each word. Her eyeswere open at times, her voice good but not loud except for one ortwo brief occasions. She smoked while speaking, and for the mostpart sat or kneeled on the floor before our long coffee table;these are favorite positions of hers, not at all unusual when wehave company.
(Seth came through as we were discussing the rather striking factthat while in Puerto Rico the Gallaghers met a womanphysiotherapist from Duke University. I do not have her name at themoment. This woman knows Dr. Rhine well. It seems that herdepartment and Dr. Rhine's are somehow linked at Duke, and that hisincoming mail goes through her department. We will obtain moredetails. The lady told Peg and Bill a good deal about the workingsof Dr. Rhine's department; and how, now that he is past 70, themandatory college retirement age, arrangements have been made forhim to continue his work in parapsychology through a foundationwhich is apparently connected to or with the college.
(当我们正在讨论相当惊人的那件事--在Puerto Rico,Gallaghers遇见了一个女人,她是杜克大学的理疗医师,赛斯穿越了进来。一时间我还不知道她的名字,这个女人很了解Rhine博士,似乎她的部门在杜克与Rhine的部门不知怎的有一些联系,且他发出的邮件是经过她的部门的。我们将得到更多的细节,这位女士告诉Peg和Bill一个很好的协议,是关于Rhine部门工作方面的;且不论怎样,现在他已经超过70岁,是学院强制退休的年龄,而实际的安排却是让他继续工作,在超心理学方向上,是通过一个基金来支持的,显然是与学院有关联的。
(Shortly after the session began Seth told us that we would receiveanother letter from Dr. Instream “within a few days.” Seth alsosuggested Jane and I write to Dr. Rhine. The Duke physiotherapisthad told Peggy that Dr. Rhine answers each letter he receivespersonally, “even those from crackpots.”
(Seth said it was coincidence that the Gallaghers and the womanfrom Duke were in Puerto Rico at the same time, but not coincidencewhen they met. There was telepathic exchange between the three ofthem. Dr. Instream knows Dr. Rhine.
(赛斯说Gallaghers和那个来自杜克的妇女于相同时间都在PuertoRico是个巧合,但是他们的相遇不是巧合。那是三个人之间心灵感应的交流。Instream 博士知道 Rhine博士。
(Quotes from Seth that follow, in caps as usual, are not verbatimfor the most part, but close approximations. It will be rememberedthat Seth refers to Bill Gallagher as the Jesuit, and to Peg as thecat lover. Seth now speaks to them:)
You must know by now... You are pleased enough with our results sothat you both are easier with me now... You are good for Ruburt inour sittings. You are permissive enough so that he doesn’t becomewary.
Through the woman at Duke our Jesuit picked up inner informationwhich he has given to Ruburt... Ruburt doesn’t know he has receivedit... The Jesuit doesn’t know he has given it. The Jesuit... hasalready given Ruburt information about Dr. Rhine, telepathically;this happened at the time.
(Peggy and Bill met the woman from Duke in Puerto Rico.)
There is constant telepathic communication... This operates withyou both and Ruburt, and of course with me. And Joseph knows thingsin a different way; not as direct as a rule, though he picks upother things...
( Peggy和Bill遇到来自杜克的妇女在Puerto Rico.)
Ruburt is not aware of the Jesuit's messages, but Seth is. TheJesuit sent the information he picked up from this womantelepathically, about the character and nature of Dr. Rhine and hisfoundation.
(Seth told Peg and Bill there is constant communication betweenthem telepathically. He said the four of us would embark “onexcellent circumstances' this winter but did not elaborate. Sethtold Bill that he took his problems with him on vacation,especially the ulcer, and Bill heartily agreed. Seth then repeatedsome general suggestions concerning the ulcer, given in earliersessions. Bill showed us his Japanese “tranquilizer, 'a small blackwooden carving he had bought in Puerto Rico.
(赛斯告诉Peg 和Bill,有着持续的心灵感应通讯在他们之间。他说我们四个人将在这个冬天进入一种“很卓越的境况”,但他没详细讲这个事。赛斯告诉Bill他在假期里处理了他的问题,特别是胃溃疡问题,Bill听了由衷地同意这样的讲法。赛斯然后重复讲了些涉及溃疡的一般性的建议,其实都出自早先的课程里。Bill给我们看他的“镇静药”,一个小小的黑木雕,是他在PuertoRico买的。)
(Seth then launched into a long topic involving Peggy, her job atthe newspaper, and another girl there. He stressed many times thatthe situations he foresaw were not drastic or alarming in any greatdegree, and that Peg could handle them. This discussion grew out ofSeth’s remarks concerning a very close call Bill had while skindiving in Puerto Rico. The remarks Seth made about this were to theeffect that had we asked specifically about potential dangers theGallaghers might encounter on their trip, he could have givenwarnings. As it was no such requests were made, thus no warningsgiven before Peg and Bill left.
(Seth now began in some detail on the situation at the localnewspaper.)
The cat lover should look out for someone... This is not tooserious... At your newspaper. A situation may have developed inyour absence: You should be advised. This implies a nuisance ratherthan a momentous event...
Give us a moment.
I think now of a woman who is eager, who intends you no harm, butwho could convince herself that she was not harming you one iotawhile she stabbed you in the back.
([Peg:] “Has she already started working there?”)
This is a minor circumstance... Not one to be on the angrydefensive about, but merely alert. Indeed this does seem to referto the young woman Ruburt has met... There is not unfriendlinesshere, but ambition.
([Peg:] “Is it the new Chinese girl?”)
We see your Kimball as new mayor, though I do not usually think inpolitical terms.
(Here Seth referred to the Elmira mayoralty contest. Both Jane andI know Howard Kimball, the Republican candidate. His sister livesin a downstairs apartment. Peg now questioned Seth further aboutthe Chinese girl at the newspaper.)
Her subconscious ideas were developing in your absence. She has noparticular designs, consciously, as far as you are concerned... Shehas strong subconscious energies, and she has a goal, and you arein the way.
(Whereupon Peggy remarked that she was used to that kind ofcompetition at the newspaper. She has been aware for some time thateach new woman reporter seems to regard her, Peg, ascompetition.)
I will let our Ruburt rest, at least for a moment or so. Now andthen I do indeed look down at him from my painting. I have at timesbeen more presentable than that. Someday we shall show that face,and this face (Jane pointed to herself) for I am a stubborngentleman, and in my own time we shall indeed give quite adequateproofs of what I am.
I am indeed one of many but not one of a kind. I am simply the onlyone of a kind that you know.
(Break at 10:20. Jane had been dissociated as usual. She hadremained in her position on the floor, shifting about but nevergetting to her feet. Her voice had been average but lively, and hereyes had been open much of the time. She had been smoking, hermanner quite relaxed and happy.
(The portrait referred to by Seth happened to hang on a wall facingJane this evening. In the 168th session, Seth stated the paintingrepresented him, but he did not say in which life. The idea 'came'to me one day and I painted the portrait without a model. It isquite successful, and depicts an elderly, rotund, bald man standingby a window through which strong light streams. He gestures towardthe viewer. As soon as I began work on it last spring, Janeinsisted it was of Seth. I did not know who it representedconsciously; merely that I had a very clear mental image of a faceand figure to paint. The work progressed with considerable ease.See Volume 4.
(During break, Bill Gallagher described his narrow escape fromdrowning while skin diving in Puerto Rico. Bill is an expertswimmer and diver, but got caught unawares between an incoming andan outgoing tide offshore, in choppy water, and nearly perished.Bill said the panic that seized him was as dangerous, if not moreso, than the tides.
(在休息的时候,Bill Gallagher描述了他九死一生的溺水事件,当他在PuertoRico裸体潜水时。Bill是一个游泳和潜水能手,但是出乎意料地被困在一股远离海岸的漩涡式潮汐里,在波涛汹涌的水中,几乎淹死,Bill说他被恐惧缠住很危险,与潮水比起来,恐惧比潮汐更危险。)
(Jane resumed with her eyes closed at the start, while sitting onthe floor again, at 10:30.)
You know enough to use the trance state very well... The trancewould have helped you concentrate and disintegrated the panic,within seconds... You knew enough, and you had the impetus. Youwould have had to say only: I am now in a light trance state, and Iwill deal with the problem at hand.
..You can also use this technique whenever you are overwhelmed bythe pain of an ulcer, or a business problem. You know enough now touse it....
(Bill now asked Seth if an Indian village had ever been situatedover the spot where he had done most of his skin diving in PuertoRico. He had heard talk while there that this had been the caseperhaps two hundred years ago, before that section of land hadsettled beneath the water. He thought the village there, if therehad been any, would have belonged to the Carib Indians.
(Note that in the unscheduled 192nd session, Seth and Bill also hadan interchange concerning underwater artifacts, Indians, Vikingsand Jesuits in this section of the northeastern USA. If what Sethsaid in that session can ever be verified, some history books willhave to be rewritten. Again, see Volume 4.
(Jane, as Seth, listened to Bill's question, then shook her head.Her eyes were closed.)
It was Inca, your village... Their main cities were in Peru. Theytraveled by sea then, but also over the land. Their journeys areresponsible for many artifacts that cannot be explained... Theyreached Florida, but not inland in this country... Theseacoasts.
They set up small villages for outposts, for inlandexplorations...
They also set up two cities in particular, which were highlydeveloped. Their remains have not yet been discovered...
One of these is in another portion of South America. The place yourefer to was just a village base to explore from... I hey expectedother ships from Peru which did not come. They died, and their homecity was never aware of their location.
I am having difficulties here with the location... of the secondcity... around a place called Cape Horn, I believe. But those werenot local Indians in your location.
(Bill now commented on his interest in reading recently of theancient Viking map which Yale University now possesses. The map hasrecently been authenticated, and purports to show the Vikings inthe New World several centuries before Columbus.)
It is interesting... I am more interested in that you are likeJoseph, always trying to lead me on... I am simple and quiet andpeace-loving... And I will get to our cat lover yet... We shalldissipate this fear of our feline friends. Your ego is fearful andset up in arms about cats.
(An amusing exchange now developed between Seth and Peg concerningcats. As if to help matters out, our cat got up from his perch onthe TV set and jumped down. He walked over to Peg; I picked him upand deposited him in another room. In doing so I missed part of theexchange between Seth, Bill and Peggy, but I heard laughter. Ireturned to my chair in time to hear the following:)
... fear with a funny face.
(Seth remarked that our weather neither excited or concerned him,and that personality affects weather. He then threw out the Godconcept as a question for general discussion. He was greeted with alarge silence momentarily. Seth asked for ideas from Bill and Peg;it will be remembered that in past sessions he said he would gointo this question when they witnessed sessions.
(After a moment Bill said he thought his beliefs regarding religionwere more or less traditional.)
I don’t like the sound of this... We shall here let Ruburt open hiseyes... Lets have better ideas.
(I asked Bill to elaborate on his previous statement. Bill's answerincluded the idea that he believed a god would have to appear tothe human race in humanoid form so that we could understandit.)
...The humanoid God idea? I appear to you as Ruburt, but I am notprimarily Ruburt...
(Bill remarked that in terms of our existence our Christ was asupernatural being.)
Your Christ had abilities which I still do not have... and he didappear in your form, but he was not of your form... Your people sawbut a small fragment that they could understand... a fragment thatwas part of a larger reality they could not understand...
We have discussed this to some degree in our sessions... I speak ofpsychic gestalts. You see but portions of these pyramids ofintelligences... what we are able to see at any one time.
(See the following sessions for material on the God concept,psychic and pyramid gestalts, and related questions: 51, 81, 95,97, 115, 135, 146-9, 151, 177, among others, in Volumes 2, 3, and4.)
(请参看下列课程资料所对应的神的概念,心灵和金字塔完形,还有相关问题:51, 81, 95, 97, 115, 135, 146-9,151, 177,其中这些,都在第二、三和四册里。)
There will be a change in 100 years... when you will be able to seemore... You will see through a growth of ability andconsciousness... an enlargement... that has been growing for 500years... the change began in the Middle Ages, existed briefly,died, then began again...
It will involve an expansion of consciousness, not physicalknowledge... You will directly and simply perceive more... I cannotmake Ruburt find all the words. Your God is part of a largerreality. We see what we can see... This larger reality is also apart of our dreams: it is more important and vital than breath, foryou are all part of this individually. There is a give and takebetween you and the stars on a physical basis, just as there isalso a connection between selves and what you call a god.
There is no real division between you and God and I... only a unitythat you cannot as yet understand.
(Bill asked Seth what he thought of the direction in which thewritings of Father Teilhard de Chardin led, and Sethenthusiastically agreed these writings are valid. Jane, her eyesopen, looked at Peggy sitting quietly on the couch.)
Our cat lover is so silent.
([Peg:] “I don’t understand enough about it. ')
Your finger is a part of your physical organism... It does not knowwhat your brain is doing. Prayer is very important... Your toenailis also a part of you... In the same way we are related toGod.
( Peg说:“关于这些我不完全理解。)
You are part of God in that you are part of the consciousness thatis, but you are not apart from a god who looks down on you andspeaks... There is indeed as you conceive of it no hell or heaven.These ideas have been distorted through the ages... You could callhell a separation from the main stream of consciousness called God,but this is impossible actually...
(Peggy asked Seth what religion, in his opinion, came closest toGod as defined by Seth.)
( Peggy 问赛斯是什么样的信仰,在他的观念里。赛斯的回答是,最接近由他所定义的神的那种。)
I do not want to puncture idealistic balloons. Buddhists areperhaps closer, but no religion comes close really... The man orwoman feeling identity with each day that passes comes close.
(In the following passages Seth hit his high point as far asfeeling and emphasis are concerned. At times his delivery becamepassionate. I did not get it all down. Jane spoke from her positionon the floor; with her eyes closed, her voice strong but notshouting.)
Sentiment is practical. The idea of birth and death each day isclose. Those who cry when they hurt a flea come close... Those whoappreciate the consciousness in every rock, tree, bird... comeclose. Fools and idiots are often wiser than the wise man. Hatredis death. All things are sacred, and every thought is a reality andhas its own potential for creation and destruction.
Experiencing every moment comes close. I myself am not known forhumility. Nevertheless my existence is dependent upon many thingsof which I know not. I learn through many existences, but I do notset myself up as many of you set yourself up, and I do notdetermine what shall be destroyed or who or what shall remain...Such actions... are based on cowardice... Any idea of a God, nomatter how distorted, will triumph, for He exists in everythingthat you know. And when you kill so much as an ant, so do you killpart of Him in most practical terms. When you kill in thought, youkill indeed.
(End at 11:06. Jane had been well dissociated. Her eyes hadremained closed during the last part of this delivery; her voicehad strengthened considerably and she had become quite impassioned.She said she “gets embarrassed when Seth talks like that.”)
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