

SCI中Review 好句总结

目前对于国科金评审,职称晋级等大部分只认可(AR)-Article和Review,一般不包含Comment, Correspondence等小短文。目前大家主要是讨论Article写作,对于Review尤其是5+的Review讨论比较少。小编根据以往发表文献经验,摘取不同论文上Review的好句子,供入门的战友们使用。有不妥之处敬请指正!有不充足地方欢迎补充,交流经验!


1. Indicating that these proteins may be involved in the astrocytic response to an ischemic insult

2. The specific underlying mechanisms include…

3. In several studies, physical therapy, including。。。, preconditioning and ischemic preconditioning, has been shown to increase the cerebral ischemia tolerance.开门见山不做作的开头

4. In summary, there has been numerous studies concerning various treatments that target the STAT3 signaling pathway, making treatments that target STAT3 potentially effective therapies. (Table 2) 段尾另起一段, 引出需要说的表格。仔细读这句话发现说的并不是很清楚

5. In summary, all of these studies provide powerful evidence regarding the involvement of STAT3 in hemorrhage stroke, therefore 表现提供给予rendering that STAT3 more effective. 段尾

6. Therefore, prior to the investigation of therapies that target STAT3, a more comprehensive and detailed view regarding the role of STAT3 in stroke is necessary.

7. …resulting in an incomplete picture of the intracellular STAT3 network.

8. Since then, the studies of microglia expanded rapidly and widely.开头

9. facilitate the development of, be helpful for advancing our understanding of, a widely accepted cell line for investigation of,

10. had been widely debated over the past several decades

11. The controversial results are likely due to the different experimental animals, different time, routes, and dose of microglia transplantation.

12. Here we outline the progress that has been made in these aspects in recent years, particularly during the last year, and also discuss existing issues that need to be addressed.

13. Overcoming these obstacles will improve the possibility of using iPSCs in clinical regenerative medicine.

14. the understanding of how different signaling pathways and interact in sth, have given hope for, deepen our understanding of, exhibit a high vulnerability against, should be taken account,

15. Here, we have summarized recent developments regarding the application of iPSCs in PD research, following the line of hiPSCs-neural progenitors…(原文用的是箭头!)

16. We are currently at a stage of …from… to, However, we aare still facing major problems, The same expectations also apply for iPSCs-derived neurons that are used for disease mechanism studies and drug discovery

17. Althouh…., little is known about the genetic events responsible for its malignant progression, has suppressed breats cancer as the leading cause of cancer death among…,

18. Fibrosis occurs as a final outcome of injury or failure, the focus of this review is to evaluate the literature which suggests melatonin may protect against fibrosis, myocardial fibrosis always accompanied injury to the heart, 开头fibrosis is consistently associated with damaged organs, clinical trials should be carried out to test these combination therapy, research related to the anticancer of melatonin on NSCLC cells has made minor progress,

19. 一个简明扼要的摘要,不同于一般摘要:Adipose tissue is now known to express and secrete numerous adipokines that not only regulate lipid metabolism but also function in a wide array of physiological or pathological processes. C1q tumor necrosis factor-related protein 3 (CTRP3, also known as CORS26/cartducin) and CTRP9, novel members of the adipokine family, have intersecting functions in the regulation of lipid metabolism and contribute to cardiovascular protection. Here, we focus on the novel advances concerning the roles of CTRP3 and CTRP9 in these processes and review the general mechanisms. This review should serve as a basis for the design of future experimental studies and may implicate these adipokines as future therapeutic targets.

20. Progress in understanding CTRP3 and CTRP9 will be discussed in this review.最后一句简介明了Because CTRP3 and CTRP9 have been more thoroughly investigated than other CTRPs, we believe that CTRP3 and CTRP9 have the greatest potential for clinic application. 这句设想就非常好

22. 结尾:These data provide additional clarification regarding the regulation of CTRP9.

23. The expanding family of adipokines, with their multiple functions, provides abundant research targets and contributes to the development of novel therapies.这一句用的很新

24. In summary, studies evaluating CTRP3 and CTRP9 have significantly enriched our knowledge regarding the CTRP superfamily and will potentially lead to the development of novel therapeutic strategies. Although further work is needed before CTRP3 and CTRP9 can be considered viable therapeutic targets, our review should contribute to this progress.  很经典啊,自己推荐

25. The latest statistics from the World Health Organization indicate that more people die annually from cardiovascular disease (CVD) than any other ailment.

26. Initially, we proposed a hypothesis that curcumin is a protective molecule against cardiac diseases with curcumin as the well-known dietary polyphenol and protective drug against。。。


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