





Loyalty programs have served airlines well for decades. But new technology and a new generation of travelers are changing the rules.


Young people have the means and desire to travel like never before – now the largest traveler segment in the Asia Pacific region – and the challenge is on for airlines to meet their expectations for personalised experiences, offers and engagement.


As the price and service difference continues to shrink, airlines need to review their customer loyalty strategies – and not just their loyalty programs.


Most of the time the program isn’t even the issue, but customer loyalty is. Travelers now switch and shop around with brands more frequently than ever before.


To crack the code on customer loyalty, airlines need to rethink a one size fits all points-based approach and offer rewards and experiences that are relevant to each traveler and their journey.


Put your data to work

传统来看,客户忠诚度是根据顾客与特定品牌之间的关系来衡量测定的。但著名的图形图像和排版软件的生产商Adobe 的研究表明,在近年来颠覆了人们对这一概念的传统认知,品牌需要借助数据和技术手段来验证他们对顾客的了解与关注。

Traditionally, customer loyalty has been measured based on a customer’s relationship to a particular brand. However, research from Adobe has reversed this concept in recent years and instead suggests that brands need to use data and technology to prove they care about and understand their customers.

消费者知悉品牌拥有其个人数据的事实。实际上,78% 的消费者表示,他们愿意用个人数据换得个性化的服务体验和相应奖励,这意味着品牌方可根据消费者过往的行为偏好打造定制式服务。

Consumers know brands have data on them. In fact, 78 per cent of consumers are willing to share their data to tailor information based on their past behaviors and preferences, in exchange for relevant, personalised engagement and rewards, and to be treated in a unique and special way.


With access to customers’ travel and spend as well as loyalty members data, airlines can gain insight into why their customers are traveling and what their constraints are, then act on them.


This step is crucial to anticipating their needs, as even within the same journey, there can be different rationales for travelling and priorities might change.


Take, for example, a business traveler. The outbound flight is usually functional, and the schedule is extremely important; paying $100 less but moving two client billable hours is not worth it.


Then when it comes to the return flight, the traveler could have more flexible travel arrangements, or they might not. There could be an emotional need, as they need to get home and put their kids to bed.


A parent travelling with three young children needs everything pre-planned and simple. This travelling family might place more value on the carry-on baggage and seating arrangements, then getting club access and a seat upgrade. This, however, could be desirable to a young couple embarking on their annual getaway.   


As airlines rethink their loyalty strategies, they need to understand that data facilitates personalisation by taking into consideration their customers’ values and habits.  


Close the customer gaps


To boost customer loyalty and satisfaction, it’s key for airlines to avoid negative moments during the customer journey and where possible, to even bring some moments of surprise and delight. However, with most travelers flying only once a year, airlines need to find a way to fill in the gaps on the customer journey.


On the day of travel alone, there are multiple passenger touchpoints including face-to-face interaction with on-ground and air staff. Capturing these employee insights and combining them with publicly available data such as weather forecasts, can deliver what travelers need to know at the right time and place, while anticipating and mitigating issues before they arise.


No more so than in times of disruption. Customers know delays and cancellations are unavoidable during travel, but how airlines deal with these situations will determine how positive their experience is.


Airlines need to arm their employees with technology that gives them a complete view of the passenger to evaluate their situation and requirements, and enable fast-rebooking for high-value customers.


Using contextual data to create moments of surprise and delight can also enable airlines to build an authentic connection with travelers.


Whether that’s offering personalised birthday incentives, reminding travelers of how great last year’s trip was with a suggestion for a new destination, or upgrades for repeat customers, travelers appreciate this level of one-on-one engagement and personalisation.


Of course, none of this is possible without a platform that enables airlines to capture, analyze and act on large volumes of customer data in real time.


New technology and strategic partnerships can help to fill in the customer blind spots, reduce paint points, and take traveler experience to the next level.  


Create engagement beyond travel

亚太地区的常旅客数量较少,但拥有约 1430 亿美元庞大消费力,且更注重消费体验的 Z世代或将颠覆现有市场格局,航司也正重新思考,怎样才能为不同客群提供奖励和价值服务。  

With a low number of frequent flyers in Asia Pacific and the next cohort of Gen Z travelers set to shake up the market and leverage their estimated $143 billion spending power on “experiences”, airlines are looking too reinvent how they provide rewards and value for different customer segments.   


This means tailoring rewards based on the travelers’ preferences and expand their traditional miles and points reward structures to engage customers beyond travel.


For example, Virgin Australia partnering with BP. If you have a traveler who does one trip a year with Virgin, she’s going to engage with the airline twice: outbound and return.

而如果该旅客每周使用维珍Velocity 常旅客会员卡在英国石油公司加油,这么算下来,澳洲维珍每年将会和她52次的互动机会。

If she fills up her car once a week at BP and uses her Velocity frequent flyer card, she’s going to be engaging with Virgin 52 times a year.

除此之外,为旅客提供基于体验的奖励也十分关键。Marriotts Moments 计划就允许会员在他们感兴趣的活动或体验中进行奖励兑换。

This could also include offering experience-based rewards. Marriott’s Moments program enables members to use their rewards on any activity or experience they’re interested in.


Whether that be glamping at Coachella, private dinners at Michelin-star restaurants or photography masterclasses in the Al Wadi desert.


Ultimately, customer loyalty comes down to building a meaningful connection with the customer.


Recognizing their needs and values and enhancing their travel experience is a way of demonstrating to customers that you understand and care about them. When you do that, you’ll win their hearts, minds, and wallets.

来源:经济日报·外企头条工作室 陈颐 朱琳

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