


Carol Rushman的'The Art of Predictive Astrology'里面说到她总结的本命看结婚次数的方法~~以前有翻译过,顺便把怎么看孩子个数的那一段也放过来吧。












但是现代人观念变了,birth control什么的,不可能按照命盘暗示的那样生出所有的孩子的...




Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos 第五章 Marriage (蓝色字英文为原文,每一段下方有译文。意译为主,直译为辅)

With regard to men, it is to be observed in what manner the Moon may be disposed; for, in the first place, if she be found in the oriental quadrants, she will cause men either to marry early in life, or, after having over-passed their prime, to marry young women; 'but, should she be situated in either of the occidental quadrants, men will then marry either late in life, or to women advanced in age.';
oriental quadrants是4,5,6,10,11,12宫,其他的是occidental quadrants。托勒密说,对于男人,月亮在本命中在oriental quadrants的倾向于早婚或者是年纪大了娶年轻女子。反之,月亮在occidental quadrants,这个男人可能结婚较晚,或是娶年龄比他大的女子。

and if she be found under the Sun's beams, and configurated with Saturn, she then entirely denies marriage.
假如月亮在太阳的强光下(under the sun's beams应该是距离太阳8度30分到17度之间,不知道Ptolemy原意有没有包括combust,也就是17分到8度30分),或者与土星有相位,则命主可能拒绝婚姻。

Secondly, should she be in a sign of single form, and in application to only one of the planets, she will cause men to marry only once; but, if she be in a bicorporeal or multiform sign, or in application to several planets, she will cause them to be married several times;
假如月亮在单一形式的星座,或是只与一个行星有相位,则命主(男人)可能只结婚一次;如果月亮在bicorporeal sign(如双子,处女,射手,双鱼),或是与几个行星都有相位,则可能结婚多次。若与吉星相位良好,则妻子们会贤惠,反之则反。

For example, if Saturn receive the Moon's application, the wives whom he will provide will be troublesome and morose; but, if Jupiter receive it, they will be decorous and economical; if Mars, bold and refractory; if Venus, cheerful, handsome, and agreeable; and, if Mercury, sensible, prudent, and clever. Moreover, should Venus be found connected with Jupiter, Saturn, or Mercury, she will render wives provident, and attached to their husbands and children; but, if she be found connected with Mars, they will be irascible, unsteady, and indiscreet. Thus far in reference to the marriage of men.

But, in the case of women, the Sun must be observed, instead of the Moon...(略去一段)

Whenever both nativities, viz. that of the husband and that of the wife, may exhibit the luminaries configurated together in concord, that is to say, either in trine or in sextile to each other, the cohabitation will most usually be lasting; especially if the said concord exist by means of interchange; but its duration will be also much more securely established, provided the Moon in the husband's nativity should correspond or agree with the Sun in the wife's nativity. If, however, the relative positions of the
luminaries be in signs inconjunct, or in opposition, or in quartile, the cohabitation will be speedily dissolved upon slight causes, and the total separation of the parties will ensue.

And should the configuration of the luminaries, when made in con-cord, be aspected by the benefics, the cohabitation will continue in respectability, comfort, and advantage; but, on the other hand, it will abound in strife, contention, and misfortune, if the malefics be in aspect to the said configuration.

In like manner, even though the luminaries may not be favourably configurated in concord, should the benefits still offer testimony to them, the cohabitation will then not be entirely broken off, nor totally destroyed for ever, but will be again renewed, and re-established as before. But if, on the contrary, the malefics bear testimony to such discordant disposition of the luminaries, a dissolution of the cohabitation will take place, accompanied by scorn and injury. Should Mercury alone be conjoined with the malefics, it will be effected by means of some public inculpation; and if Venus also be found with them, it will be on the ground of adultery, or sorcery, or some similar offence.

There are, however, other varieties in the married state, which are to be contemplated by means of Venus, Mars, and Saturn. And should these planets act in familiarity with the luminaries, the cohabitation will be appropriate and domestic, and authorised by law; because Venus holds a certain affinity both to Mars and Saturn: her affinity to Mars, for instance, consists in each having exaltation in a sign belonging to the other's triplicity, and it operates in the cases of youthful and vigorous persons: while her affinity to Saturn arises from their respective houses being in the signs, again also, belonging to each other's triplicity, and relates to persons of more advanced age.

Hence, if Venus be in concurrence with Mars, she will produce entire love and affection in the cohabiting parties; and if Mercury also coincide with the said planets, such affection will become publicly notorious. Should Venus be found in a sign mutually common and familiar, such as Capricorn, or Pisces, she will effect marriages between brothers and sisters and kindred by blood: and, provided she be also in the presence of the Moon, when the native may be male, she will cause him to connect himself with two sisters, or other near relatives; but, if the native be a female, a similar contract on her part, with two brothers or near relatives, will be indicated, when Venus may be also with Jupiter.

Again, if Venus be with Saturn, the cohabitation will be established entirely in happiness and constancy; and if Mercury be present with them, it will be profitable; but, should Mars be present, it will be unsettled, calamitous, and afflicted by jealousy. And if Mars be configurated on equal terms with Venus, Saturn, and Mercury, he will effect marriage between persons of equal age; but, on the other hand, should he be more oriental, marriage will take place with a younger man or woman; and, if more occidental, with an older person. Should Venus and Saturn be found in signs common to each other, that is to say, in Capricorn and Libra, marriage will be contracted between persons kindred by blood: and, when the said position may happen in the ascendant, or in the mid-heaven, provided the Moon also should present herself there, men will become connected with their mothers, or maternal aunts, or with their mothers-in-law; and women with their own sons, or the sons of their brothers, or with their daughters' husbands. But if, instead of the Moon, the Sun should be in concurrence with the said position, and
especially should it happen that the planets in question may be occidental, men will then connect themselves with their daughters, or the wives of their sons; and women with their fathers, or paternal uncles, or the husbands of their daughters.
假如金星和土星作用,夫妇之间相处会很开心,婚姻牢固。如果水星掺进来,可获利,但是,如果火星有作用,则可能会带来不安定,嫉妒和不幸。如果火星的作用不强于金土水,会影响到两个年龄相仿的人的婚姻。如果,火星在oriental,配偶可能是年轻一些的异性,如果是occidental,则是年纪大一些的异性。如果金星和土星在摩羯和天秤,婚姻可能牵涉到血缘亲戚。如果位置在上升或中天,如果月亮也在附近,男性命主则可能和母亲,阿姨或岳母有联系;女性命主则和儿子,外甥,或是女婿有联系。但是,如果太阳代替月亮出现在那些位置,而且相关行星在occidental,男性命主则会和女儿,儿媳有联系,女性命主则会和父亲,叔叔或女婿有联系(这种'联系'我想托勒密指的是不正当关系,但是个人觉得这种判 (责任编辑:admin)
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