


2023.10.19 陕西

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Ars legendi-faculty award (2020) of the Stifterverband, the German Physical Society (DPG) and others

In 2020 the Ars legendi-faculty award was given to Prof. Heidrun Heinke, Dr. Sebastian Staacks and Prof. Christoph Stampfer for the development of phyphox and its lasting effect for academic teaching and physics classes at school. This award is selected by the Stifterverband, the German Mathematical Society (DMV), the German Physical Society (DPG), the German Chemical Society (GDCh) and the society biology, bio sciences and bio medicine in Germany (VBIO).

Wilhelm-Westphal teaching award (2019) by the AG Physikalische Praktika (AGPP) of the German Physical Society (DPG)

In 2019 the phyphox team received the Wilhelm-Westphal teaching award, which was selected and awarded by the AG Physikalische Praktika (workgroup for physics lab courses) of the German Physical Society (DPG) for the first time. Award.

Archimedes award (2019) by the “Verband zur Förderung des MINT-Unterrichts” (MNU)
The award is sponsored by the Westermann group and was selected and granted in 2019 by the MNU.

More details can be found on the German website of the MNU.

Teaching award for “best supporting teaching” (2018) by the the “Fachschaft Mathematik/Physik/Informatik” of the RWTH Aachen University

We are especially happy to find that we have been awarded by the students from our own courses. This confirms that our efforts are appreciated by those for whom phyphox was designed. More details about the award from 2018 can be found on the Fachschaft website (in German).


The RWTH Aachen University has established the support program “Exploratory Teaching Space” (ETS), to fund innovative teaching concepts within our university. Through this program, the development of the app has been funded in 2016/2017 as well as a Bluetooth interface in 2017/2018 and distributed experiments in 2018/2019.
The Hans Hermann Voss Foundation supports phyphox directly since the end of 2019, which most importantly enables us to provide more teacher training and better communication and support for our users.
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) supports the project “Lehrerbildung Aachen” (LeBiAC2) of the RWTH Aachen University in the context of their funding program “Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung” (Phase 2). As part of LeBiAC2 we develop and evaluate the use of Bluetooth-based data acquisition by students during their education to become teachers.
With a fellowship for innovations in digital academic teaching, the Stifterband NRW funded in 2017 the development of modular worksheets (in German), which also include phyphox-based experiments.
As part of the Stifterverband’s anniversary initiative “Wirkung hoch 100”, as one of 100 outstanding ideas for better education, science and innovation, we receive financial support, coaching and advancing opportunities.

Behind phyphox

Phyphox has been created at the 2nd Institute of Physics of the RWTH Aachen University.

  • Sebastian Staacks Development and Concept
  • Christoph Stampfer Idea and Concept
  • Heidrun Heinke Didactics
  • Dominik Dorsel PhD Student
  • Dustin Kirwald PhD Student
  • Jens Noritzsch PR Consultant
  • Marcel Hagedorn Student Assistant
  • Edward Leier Student Assistant
  • Luke Römer Student Assistant


  • Tim Benders Thesis
  • Robin Bläsing Strategy & Project Developement
  • Mori Danhach Thesis
  • Passy Paolla Djionkou Ngansop Student Assistant
  • Jonas Gessner Programming
  • Theresa Gnacke Thesis
  • Simon Goertz Thesis
  • Benjamin Götze Thesis
  • Jan Held Student Assistant
  • Florian Humpe Thesis
  • Simon Hütz PhD Student
  • Patrick Klein Thesis
  • Alexander Krampe Thesis
  • Jakob Krause Student Assistant
  • Camilla Lummerzheim Programming
  • Frank Posthoff Design
  • Johannes Schlaf Thesis
  • Paul Surrey Programming
  • Lena Weckauf Thesis
  • Niklas Westermann Thesis
  • Robin de Winter Student Assistant


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