

Taylor Swift澄清新歌中影射Karlie Kloss的谣言

Taylor Swift Just Cleared Up Those Karlie Kloss Song Rumors

Taylor Swift澄清新歌中影射Karlie Kloss的谣言

Fans are convinced she dissed the supermodel in two of her latest tracks.


Another day, another Taylor Swift song filled with hidden messages — or so, at least fans think.

另一天,Taylor Swift(下称霉霉)的另一首歌包含了不少隐藏的信息——至少歌迷们这么认为。

This week, the singer released two bonus tracks — "It's Time to Go" and "Right Where You Left Me" — on the deluxe version of Evermore, and, naturally, Swifties decoded the lyrics searching for clues. After a few listens, they were collectively convinced that both songs are about Swift's falling out with former best friend, Karlie Kloss.

本周,霉霉在豪华版的Evermore上发布了两首有奖歌曲——《It's Time to Go》和《Right Where You Left Me》,霉粉们当然开始做起歌词内容的解读试图寻找蛛丝马迹。听了几遍之后,他们确信这两首歌讲的是关于霉霉和Karlie Kloss(下称Karlie或小kk )友谊翻船的事件。

"When the words of a sister come back in whispers / That prove she was not in fact what she seemed / Not a twin from your dreams / She's a crook who was caught,

Swift sings in the first verse of "It's Time to Go." Many believed this was a reference to how she and the supermodel were inseparable, before the rumored end of their friendship.

霉霉在《It's Time to Go》的第一段主歌歌词写道:“当一个姐妹的话在耳边回响/证明她其实不是她看上去的那样/并非是你梦中的双胞胎/她被识破是个骗子。”许多人认为这是在说她和这位超模当初形影不离的友谊是如何在各种谣言中结束的。

In the second song, "Right Where You Left Me," Taylor sings: "Friends break up, friends get married." You may remember that Karlie married Joshua Kushner back in 2018, and Swift was noticeably missing from the celebration. Neither Swift nor Kloss have confirmed the speculation, but people believe their alleged feud has something to do with Karlie being managed by Scooter Braun — the same man who bought and sold Taylor's masters, and was accused of "bullying" the songstress.

在第二首歌《Right Where You Left Me》中,霉霉唱道:“朋友分手了,朋友结婚了。”大家可能还记得小kk在2018年嫁给了Joshua Kushner,霉霉并未出席婚礼。人们认为,他们所谓的不和与小kk依旧在Scooter Braun旗下有关——他就是买卖霉霉热门专辑的那个人,并曾被指控霸凌女歌手。霉霉和小kk都没有证实这一猜测。 

All the metaphors I got from "it's time to go." 

我(一个霉霉粉丝)从“It's Time to Go”中看出来的所有比喻:


“15年”- 大机器唱片公司

"My past trapped behind glass "- Can see her work but can't touch 😓 


"Children"- Her albums 


"Stealing my work ". - Scooter 

“偷我的工作”。- Scooter Braun

"Sister " - Karlie Kloss 

“姐妹”- 小kk

— from twtter

From Taylor Swift' s twitter.

Swift, however, attempted to put the rumors to rest, offering a vague explanation about the new songs on Instagram.

"The evermore deluxe album with 2 bonus tracks 'right where you left me' and 'it's time to go' is now available!" she wrote. "The first is a song about a girl who stayed forever in the exact spot where her heart was broken, completely frozen in time. 'it's time to go' is about listening to your gut when it tells you to leave. How you always know before you know, you know?" Make of that what you will…


“evermore豪华专辑有两首额外曲目'right where you left me’和'it's time to go’现已推出!” 她写道:第一首是关于一个女孩的歌,她永远呆在令她心碎的地方,时间完全停滞了。'it's time to go'是关于听从你的直觉告诉你何时该离开 。你如何在每次'知道’之前就知道,你知道吗?”按你所想的来做…

Why fans think Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift's friendship is over?


The women – who are the same age – first became friends in 2012 after Taylor said in a Vogue interview she “loved” the model and just wanted to “bake cookies with her.” Karlie tweeted: “Your kitchen or mine?” and they quickly hit it off.

The model quickly became part of Taylor’s squad, hanging out on their own as well as at the pop star’s massive parties.



Taylor and Karlie would often refer to each other as their 'twin’, walking along the catwalk hand in hand on the few occasions Taylor sang at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Shows.


However, after that Taylor took almost an entire year away from the spotlight.


Karlie referred to Kim Kardashian as a 'lovely person’ in an interview amid Taylor’s spat with the Kardashian-Wests, but the model insisted she will “always have Taylor’s back.”


The TV star went on to attend Kanye’s Yeezy season 3 fashion show, where he played 'Famous’ – his song that featured a lyric about Taylor which reignited their feud.


Karlie and Joshua

The distance that had grown between them was clear when Karlie captioned a picture of herself on Instagram: 'Swish Swish,’ the title of Katy Perry’s diss track aimed at Taylor.

当小kk在Instagram上为自己的一张照片加上标题:“Swish Swish”(水果姐Katy Perry的一首歌,被指在影射讽刺霉霉)之后,她们之间的关系明显变疏远了。

Karlie has tried to quash rumours of a fallout over the years, but Taylor didn’t attend her wedding to Joshua Kushner, the brother of Jared Kushner,a senior adviser to his father-in-law Donald Trump.

多年来,小kk一直试图辟谣,但霉霉没有出席小kk与唐纳德·特朗普女婿兼高级顾问贾德·库什纳之弟约书亚·库什纳(Joshua Kushner)的婚礼。

Taylor Swift and Scooter Braun

From Karlie Kloss's ins

Perhaps the final blow to the best friendship between Kloss and Swift came when the model was seen on Instagram with her manager, Scooter Braun. Braun recently acquired all of the rights to Swift's first six albums, much to the singer's public dismay.

掀翻小kk和霉霉友谊小船的最后一击的也许是这位模特在Instagram上发布的一些和她的经纪人Scooter Braun的合照。Scooter获得了霉霉前六张专辑的所有版权,这让这位歌手的受众非常沮丧。

Taylor is having to re-record her first six albums after Scooter sold the rights to the EPs when he bought the label she first signed, Big Machine Records, in 2019.


And while Kloss has repeatedly asserted that she and Swift are still close, Swift has been silent about their relationship and most of her other friendships.


The women continue to 'like’ each other’s posts on Instagram occasionally, but it doesn’t seem like the stars are anywhere near as close as they once were.



reignite [ˌriːɪɡˈnaɪt] v.(使)重新燃烧;再点燃

feud  [fjuːd] n. 世仇;夙怨  

reignited their feud 重新挑起了他们的恩怨

speculation [ˌspekjuˈleɪʃn] n.推测;猜测 

confirmed the speculation 证实猜测

rumor [ˈruːmə(r)] n.谣言 v.谣传

Cleared Up Those ...Rumors 澄清谣言

Read more:https://www.instyle.com/celebrity/taylor-swift/taylor-swift-karlie-kloss-evermore-song-rumors


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