

国际家庭日:这样做,能极大提升家庭幸福感 | Father and Mother, I Love Y...

International Family Day falls on May 15th every year and highlights the importance of families as basic units of society. 

The Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993. On this International Family Day let's talk about the fitness of all family members.


There are many conditions that affect people as they grow older and include but are not limited to the following — arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, hip and knee joint replacement, balance disorders, incontinence, cardiovascular disease, respiratory conditions, stroke etc. 

Geriatric physiotherapy is proven means for older adults to improve mobility and balance, build strength, boost confidence in their physical abilities and nonetheless remain active over years.

Generation of 30-50 years: 

This age group mainly suffers from text neck, cervical spondylitis, vertigo, migraine, lowerback problems, mid thoracic pain, shoulder problems, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, obesity, pelvic floor muscle weakness, incontinence, varicose veins, traumatic injuries, prenatal and postnatal pregnancy weight gain, and many more.


Nowadays students are suffering more with obesity, neck and back pain, weak muscles, mental health disorders, prone to fracture, kyphosis etc.

Furthermore, everyone knows that exercise is good for health but does not practice at the recommended level for health. We can't stop time. Or can we? 

The right type and amount of physical activity can help stave off many age related health problems. Physiotherapist who are movement experts, prescribe physical activity that can help you and your family overcome pain, gain and maintain movement and preserve your independence — often helping you avoid the need for surgery or long-term use of prescription drugs.

Regular exercise will ease stiffness, strengthen muscles, improve circulation, help to control weight- putting less strain on joints, help maintain bone density, improve sleep and boost mood. All of which help to prevent pain and keep you moving.

Nutritional deficient food items, termed junk food is replacing healthy meals in young generation and pushing them on path of unhealthy weight gain leading to obesity. Obesity is the alarm that you are having a very less physical activity.

Nowadays every generation is spending most of the time with the gadgets and avoids doing physical activities. Using mobiles, laptops watching TV in wrong posture is affecting their spine which ultimately leads to spinal disorders and obesity.

These things together unfold the metabolic syndrome a package of various diseases and conditions such as diabetes, heart diseases, sleep apnea, mental health problems, lowerback pain, neck pain, mid thoracic pain and more.

Tips for family fitness

Take the stairs: 

Stair climbing is an awesome fat-burning workout that will keep your heart rate up.

Play outdoor/indoor games: 

A great way to keep your blood pumping, play with your kids will keep you active and help you bond with your family.

Include morning and evening walk in your daily schedule.

Include deep breathing exercises useful for every age group.

Take care of your ergonomics at your workplace and home.

Make sure that the weight of your arms is supported while typing/writing.

Don't crane your head and neck forward.

While working on computers the monitor should be placed directly in front of you at proper height.

Talking on the phone with the phone jammed between the neck and ear is really bad practice.

You should look at your device by lowering your eyes rather than bending your neck, it's better to lift up the screen.

Always turn to side lying before getting up from the bed.

Always tie your shoelaces sitting down.

Wear comfortable footwear; keep high heels for special occasions.

Hold your shopping bags in both the hands to avoid bending on one side.

For feeding mothers, feed your baby by placing small pillow on your lap and sit with your back supported.

Health Benefits of Regular Exercise

Improved sleep

Better endurance

Stress relief

Improvement in mood

Increased energy and stamina

Reduced tiredness that can increase mental alertness

Weight reduction

Reduced cholesterol and improved cardiovascular fitness

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