

菁英讲学(二)| BIM在小型房屋建筑企业中的实施

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Implementation of building information modeling (BIM) in all levels and types of building projects in the architectural, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry can considerably improve cost, time, quality, and sustainability outcomes. Despite the potential benefits, upfront costs required to implement BIM hinder its diffusion in small home-building businesses. These costs mainly include consultancy fees, hiring/training and retention of BIM experts, and software license fees. Based on the small business management and innovation implementation literature, this study presents a framework for effective BIM implementation in small home-building businesses. 


The framework posits three phases with their associated business practices: (1) initiation phase: preliminary BIM adoption setup via external and internal support, and creation of in-house BIM experts; (2) stabilization phase: retention of in-house BIM experts via business practices improving their skills and motivation; and (3) progression phase: scanning and exploiting external innovative BIM knowledge to sustain or gain a competitive advantage. The framework was qualitatively analyzed and verified via interviews. The findings can help facilitate BIM implementation in small home-building businesses as well as in other small construction firms.

该框架根据相关的业务实践可分为三个阶段:(1)启动阶段:通过外部和内部支持建立BIM初步采用设置,以及创建内部BIM专家; (2)稳定阶段:通过业务实践保留内部BIM专家,提高他们的技能和动力; (3)进展阶段:扫描和开发外部创新BIM知识以维持或获得竞争优势。通过访谈对框架进行了定性分析和验证。这些发现可以帮助促进小型房屋建筑企业以及其他小型建筑公司的BIM实施。


The purpose of this study was to examine effective implementation of BIM in small home-building businesses. A review of the small business management and innovation implementation literature was performed to develop a framework with key phases and business practices for BIM implementation. This framework is illustrated in Fig. 1. To verify the framework via qualitative analysis, the researchers conducted interviews with three top managers of different small home-building businesses with 50 or fewer employees. The interviewees were found via a Web search of home builders currently implementing BIM for all of their projects. These builders had previous experience with implementing traditional methods and then shifting to BIM. The aim was to interview small home builders of different sizes and geographical locations. 


Especially helpful for the Web search were BIM software websites where home builders commented on their experiences using specific BIM software, and online construction magazines, such as “Professional Builder” (www.probuilder.com), which offers a number of articles interviewing home builders who use BIM. A questionnaire of open-ended questions regarding the business practices in Fig. 1 was developed for the interviews. The interviews were conducted in March and April 2016, took an average of 25 min, and were recorded and coded for research purposes. Collected data were analyzed qualitatively, and findings were reported.





When searching for home builders implementing BIM, the researchers observed that most of them offer not only construction management but also design services. The underlying reason might be twofold: first, the need for tight collaboration between designers and constructors to fully exploit BIM practices has led many home builders to incorporate design services or to join hands with design firms; and second, architects are leading BIM adoption in the residential market, thus home builders solely offering construction management without design services might be very scant (NAHB 2014).

研究人员在寻找实施BIM的房屋建筑商时,发现其中大多数不仅提供施工管理,还提供设计服务。其根本原因可能是双重的:首先,设计师和施工人员之间密切合作以充分利用BIM实践的需求已经导致许多房屋建筑商将设计服务或与设计公司联合起来;其次,建筑师在住宅市场上引领BIM的应用,因此仅仅提供建筑管理而没有设计服务的住宅建筑商可能非常少(NAHB 2014)。

Interviewed home builders perform both design and construction activities in their residential projects. The three home builders are from different areas of the United States, including the west, midwest, and southeast regions. On average, they have 20 years of experience in residential construction, and all of them currently use BIM for 100% of their projects. Two of them have 50 employees, develop more than 200 residential projects per year, use Revit and Vertex BD BIM platforms, and have 5 and 13 years of BIM experience. The other home builder has six employees, develops fewer than 5 residential projects per year, utilizes Revit, and has 14 years of BIM experience. Only one of them uses mobile devices (e.g., tablets and smartphones) with BIM applications on site.

采访的房屋建筑商在住宅项目中进行设计和施工活动。这三位房屋建筑商来自美国的不同地区,包括西部,中西部和东南部地区。他们平均拥有20年的住宅建设经验,他们目前全部使用BIM来完成他们的项目。其中两人拥有50名员工,每年开发超过200个住宅项目,使用Revit和Vertex BD BIM平台,并拥有5年和13年的BIM经验。另一家建筑商有6名员工,每年开发少于5个住宅项目,使用Revit,并拥有14年的BIM经验。其中只有一个人在现场使用BIM应用程序的移动设备(例如,平板电脑和智能手机)。

Their responses to the interview questionnaire provided in-depth descriptions of the business practices in Fig. 1. All interviewees confirmed that they used the business practices in Fig. 1 for effective BIM implementation. Only one of them did not thoroughly implement the practices under the stabilization phase. Consequently, he pointed out that he was unable to retain his BIM experts for more than 3 or 4 years. Therefore, results verified the study framework (Fig. 1). Interviewees highlighted that BIM improved their businesses’ and/or projects’ performance in different areas, mainly including information flows and management, employees’ productivity, coordination in the field, projects’ time and cost savings, detection of design errors, and competitive advantage in the market.



The results provided in-depth descriptions of business practices adopted by small home builders for BIM application. These practices correspond to those previously presented in the framework for effective BIM implementation. They are compiled again in Fig. 2 along with key examples or observations made by interviewees. These practices are linked to different phases of the BIM implementation process (i.e., initiation, stabilization, and progression). The most problematic practice was developing time and cost objectives. The interviewees were unable to initially determine time and cost of BIM implementation. However, they took the risk to adopt BIM showing an entrepreneurial business orientation, defined as “willingness to innovate and take risks to try out new and uncertain products and services, and be more proactive than competitors toward new marketplace opportunities” (Wiklund and Shepherd 2005).

结果提供了小型房屋建筑商针对BIM应用采用的业务实践的深入描述。这些做法与之前在有效实施BIM的框架中提出的做法相对应。在图2中再次编译它们以及由受访者提供的关键示例或观察结果。这些实践与BIM实施过程的不同阶段(即启动,稳定和进展)相关联。最大的问题是关于制定时间和成本目标,因为受访者无法初步确定BIM实施的时间和成本。然而,他们冒着采用BIM的风险,显示出创业性的商业导向,被定义为“愿意创新并冒险尝试新的不确定的产品和服务,并且比竞争对手更积极地面对新的市场机遇”(Wiklund and Shepherd 2005 )。

Phases in the BIM implementation framework (Fig. 2) (i.e., initiation, stabilization, and progression) were not empirically tested. Based on the aforementioned literature review, they are important to understand how innovative products or practices influence business performance across time (Frank et al. 2011). Fig. 3 proposes that they influence BIM implementation performance at varying levels. First, during the initiation phase, home builders create BIM experts and significantly improve BIM implementation; second, in the stabilization phase, home builders retain their BIM experts and maintain a stable BIM implementation effectiveness; and third, during the progression phase, home builders acquire innovative BIM knowledge facilitating a positive leap in BIM implementation effectiveness. Retention of BIM expertise in the stabilization phase can create common knowledge with external innovative BIM knowledge, facilitating its exploitation in the progression phase (Cohen and Levinthal 1990; Reagans and McEvily 2003; Alavi and Leidner 2001). After the progression phase, small businesses must go back to the stabilization phase to underpin retention and constant use of the acquired innovative knowledge. Future research should confirm these phases and their impact on the BIM implementation process via quantitative and qualitative analysis with longitudinal data.

BIM实施框架中的阶段(图2)(即,启动,稳定和进展)未经验证测试。基于本文的文献综述(文献综述可详见原文链接),他们对于理解创新产品或实践如何影响业务绩效非常重要(Frank et al。2011)。图3提出它们在不同层次影响BIM实施绩效。第一,在启动阶段,住房建筑商创建BIM专家并显着改进BIM实施;第二,在稳定阶段,住房建筑商保留其BIM专家并保持稳定的BIM实施效果;第三,在进展阶段,房屋建筑商获得创新的BIM知识,促进BIM实施效果的积极跃进。在稳定阶段保留BIM专业知识可以创建具有外部创新BIM知识的常识,以促进其在进展阶段的开发(Cohen and Levinthal 1990; Reagans and McEvily 2003; Alavi and Leidner 2001)。在进展阶段之后,小企业必须回到稳定阶段,以保留并持续使用所获得的创新知识。未来的研究应通过使用纵向数据的定量和定性分析来确认这些阶段及其对BIM实施过程的影响。

The framework for BIM implementation in this study is suited for small home-building business. The literature also offers more complex frameworks, such as those from Gu and London (2010) and Jung and Joo (2011). Their frameworks are applicable to larger and more sophisticated businesses, and offer deeper details of technical aspects of BIM.



(图3. BIM实施的阶段和有效性)


This study aimed to systematically review and report practices and strategies to enable effective BIM implementation in small home building businesses. To achieve this aim, a framework was developed based on the small management and innovation implementation literature. This framework posits three phases with their respective business practices for effective BIM implementation: (1) initiation phase: preliminary BIM adoption setup via external and internal support, and creation of in-house BIM experts; (2) stabilization phase: retention of in-house BIM experts via business practices, improving their skills and motivation for high performance; and (3) progression phase: scanning and exploiting external innovative BIM knowledge to sustain or gain a competitive advantage. Not all practices in the resulting framework might be applicable for the many sole practitioners in the residential building market (NAHB 2015) (e.g., hiring, training, performance recognition, and shared goals). This study contributes to the body of knowledge by expanding understanding on how small home-building businesses and other small construction firms can effectively adopt and implement technological and administrative innovations, such as BIM.

本研究旨在系统地审查和报告实践和战略,以实现小型房屋建筑企业有效实施BIM。为了实现这一目标,基于小型管理和创新实施文献开发了一个框架。该框架为其有效的BIM实施提供了三个阶段及其各自的业务实践:(1)启动阶段:通过外部和内部支持初步建立BIM采用设置,以及创建内部BIM专家; (2)稳定阶段:通过业务实践保留内部BIM专家,提高他们的高技能和动力; (3)进展阶段:扫描和开发外部创新BIM知识以维持或获得竞争优势。并非所有框架下的所有实践都可能适用于住宅建筑市场(NAHB 2015)中的许多独立从业人员(例如,招聘,培训,绩效识别和共同目标)。本研究通过扩大对小型房屋建筑企业和其他小型建筑公司如何有效采用和实施BIM等技术和管理创新的理解,为知识体系做出贡献。

The main limitation of the study is the low sample size, which might have impeded the researchers from identifying key additional business practices or examples in the study’s framework. The framework was verified by qualitative methods for in-depth examination of how business practices should be implemented for effective utilization of BIM in small home-building businesses. Future research should quantitatively analyze the study’s framework via, for example, statistical tests with longitudinal data. This would allow detection of correlations among business practices, confirm phases of the BIM implementation process, and examine the relative contribution of the business practices to the effectiveness of BIM implementation.


BIM constitutes the last technological and team management breakthrough in the AEC industry. As with other technologies, such as smartphones, that emerged and rapidly spread, BIM might be adopted by most home builders in the following 5 years. As one of the interviewees asserted: “We chose to go to BIM because it is the future, a lot of other home builders do not upgrade because of the cost and the fear of learning, but this is our success. If you do not keep up with the times you will be behind times, you cannot succeed in a world progressing.”





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