








学前班的老师是位极和蔼可亲的中年女子,上课时坐在一张有靠背的小椅子上,男女孩子在她前面围了个半圆,都坐地上。老师随手从旁边堆放着的毛公仔中捡起一个,问孩子们,这是什么?孩子们七嘴八舌抢着回答,老师举起右手,示意他们先举手后发言,然后提问了第一个举手的小孩。小孩站起来回答:"Poppy"(小狗),跟着,老师拿起另一个毛公仔,还末开口,一个男孩已把手举起,我瞧那小男孩,竟是我家的老二。只见他从地上跃起,毫不犹如地说"Poppy",虽然他的英文发音准确得让我惊讶,但可惜老师这次拿起的是小猫而不是小狗。小朋友们都笑了,老师没笑,用另一只手拿起小狗,说"This is a poppy",然后再一次举起小猫,说"This is a kitten"。

回家后,老二好像心里在捉摸着什么。吃饭的时候,老二举起手中的筷子,自言自语地说:"This is a 筷子",然后又拿起一个叉,说:"This is a 叉";接着,好像有所顿悟,指着饭桌旁边的收音机,对我们说:"This is a 愁吟基",老二把收音机说成"愁吟基",我们笑到喷饭,但老二还是一副正儿八经的样子,坚持着把周围的物件用他的"This is a..."句式都说一遍。





The second groom in our family

Our second son was married recently, indeed, we did not want him to grow up so quick, and he still looked like a child at the date of his wedding.

We have two sons, the eldest one was spending his four years college in the city which we were living, so that he lived with us during those days. At that time, my wife and I had to work hard for living, but still needed to watch this kid very closely for everything, such as sleeping at night and got up for school in the morning; he never followed the right schedule at all. In this case, we all look forward to the early completion of his school, then, find a good job and marry a lucky girl who would teach him in other way.

Our second son was ten years younger than his brother, however, he was a very self-reliant child. From the beginning of the sensible, he took his own bath, ate and sleep by himself. There were Interest, this kid did not have to learn to walk; we remember one day, when he was climbed on the floor, he was wonder and tried to stand up, he stumbled for a few steps, and began to walk the way of his life.

Before our second son was one year old, he had been able to figure out the way for you when you were driving. No matter where you were driving, and how strange place was, he had a way to remember how to go back. With him, I never had to worry about using the map, even though I did understand how he made it.

The first day we took our second one to pre-school, he was much happier than we thought. All parents of the young student, they all gather in the classroom and watch their children’s behavior as much as they could. I was looking at a large group of foreign children, I worried about our second, because we only spook Chinese at home, and he did not even know a word in English, how could he communicate with teacher and other children?

The teacher in the pre-school class was a middle-aged western woman, she sat in a small chair with a back in front of the class room; boys and girls sat on the floor half-way in front of her. Teacher picked one of the stuffed dolls in the pile by the side, asking children what it was. Children struggling to give answered until teacher raised her right hand to show them a demonstration for classroom speaking. One of the boys stood up and answered: “This is a Poppy”.

Followed, teacher then picked another doll, just before the her asking, a boy already raised his right hand.  I turned my eyes to that boy; he was our second! 

Teacher let our second stand up and asked what the doll was, "Poppy"our second answered. I was so surprise,his pronunciation was so perfect, but unfortunately, it was not a 'Poppy', the doll on the teacher’ s hand was "Kitten "at this time.

Children laughed, but the teacher did not, her picked up a "Poppy"with her other hand and said 'This is a poppy',then once again raised the first one,said 'This is a kitten.'

When he came home, our second seemed to be looking for something in his heart. When eating dinner, our second raised up the chop stick and said to himself, 'This is a Kuaizi,' and then picked up a fork and said, 'This is a Cha'.  Then, our second seemed to be a little disillusioned, pointing to the radio receiver at the table and told us, 'This is a Shou Yin Ji'. He might mean that what we were talking about in the school of the day was a little misguided.

We all laughed at him, but the second was still insist to use his new discovery to name everything he saw around him.

Perhaps it was also a certificate of his confidence and creativity, the second month of our boy’s  primary school, he passed a test and was sent to was named 'Genius Class' in another school until he finished high school.

After graduated of high school, our second chose to go to Silicon Valley for his university. Although the driving from our home to Silicon Valley was only two hours, but on the day, he was leaving home, the mother and son were crying together again and again.

As a matter of fact, Silicon Valley is a magnet, once young people are attracted to it, they will have to put it  there. We did not really like it happen, but we were very proud of our second, we had never worried too much about him, and for that we still had much to do with the guilt of being parents.

Since our expectations on our children were never being too high, the second had always been able to exceed our expectations. In the past few years of university, the second had never stopped working. He had been certified as a graduate of his work, and he had been able to meet his job very successfully after graduation.

We all knew for a long time that when the second went to Silicon Valley to study, he could not get rid of the magnet, which would certainly be his new home, but before he become a groom, he was still the little boy who pointed the"Kitten"but named a "Puppy".

There are no parents in the world who do not want their children to grow up and have their own family, but when the day comes, apart from sending the best wishes to the child, what was left for parents could only be the memory of the their childhood.


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