

中英102 | 推理 | 55岁眩晕的患者 一个令人晕眩的谜--刘 妍

SECTION 1    第一部分

A 55-year-old woman presented to the emergency department complaining of dizziness. Several hours earlier she abruptly felt “the room spinning and moving back and forth.” Simultaneously, she experienced nausea, vomiting, and gait unsteadiness. The dizziness exacerbated with head movement. She denied head or neck pain, photophobia, phonophobia, auditory symptoms, weakness, numbness, diplopia, dysarthria, dysphonia, dysphagia, history of recent illness, prior dizziness, or headache. Medical history included hyperlipidemia and hypertension.



Question for consideration

1. What is the differential diagnosis for acute vertigo?


1. 急性眩晕的鉴别诊断有那些?

SECTION 2    第二部分

To determine the cause of acute vertigo, it is important to know whether it is transient (seconds to minutes) or prolonged (hours to days); a single episode of vertigo or a recurrence; if it is positionally provoked (e.g., benign paroxysmal positional vertigo); and if there are any accompanying symptoms or signs.




The most common causes of acute prolonged vertigo include a peripheral vestibulopathy, Me´nie `re syndrome, migrainous vertigo, or brainstem or cerebellar ischemia. 1 This discussion is limited to the distinction between a peripheral vestibulopathy and ischemia. The acute vestibular syndrome (AVS) develops over seconds to hours and is characterized by vertigo, nausea, vomiting, gait instability, head motion intolerance, and nystagmus. 2–4




It is caused by either an acute peripheral vestibulopathy (APV) or brainstem/cerebellar ischemia, and similarities in presentation often make the distinction a diagnostic challenge.




Transient ischemic attacks can cause acute vertigo with rapid resolution but vertigo resulting from a stroke, like an APV, may last days to weeks. Vertigo caused by ischemia is almost always accompanied by other neurologic symptoms and signs but may occur in isolation. 2–5




An APV is characterized by acute prolonged vertigo, oscillopsia (the visual illusion of movement of a stationary object due to spontaneous nystagmus), unilateral canal paresis with a positive head impulse test (HIT), nausea, vomiting, exacerbation of vertigo with head movement, and imbalance. 2–4




Depending on the presence or absence of auditory symptoms, an APV is further classified as either labyrinthitis or vestibular neuritis, respectively. Vertigo is maximal within minutes to hours and can persist for days to weeks. There may be a viral prodrome or a history of brief vertiginous attacks in the days prior to the onset of prolonged vertigo. 1




Questions for consideration:

1. What is the pathophysiology of nystagmus?

2. How is the vestibular system assessed on physical examination?



1. 眼震的病理生理机制是什么?

2. 体格检查时,如何评估前庭功能?

SECTION 3    第三部分

In an acute destructive lesion affecting 1 labyrinth, such as an APV, symptoms result from ipsilesional afferent hypoactivity and relative contralesional hyperactivity from the vestibulocochlear nerve. During a normal head turn to the left, there is left-greater-than-right asymmetry in afferent vestibular signals and the eyes drift to the right to maintain stable vision (i.e., vestibule-ocular reflex or VOR).6




A right APV is perceived as a leftward head turn even though the head is still. As a result, the eyes continuously drift to the right (slow phase of nystagmus), and a position reset mechanism (fast phase) quickly brings the eyes back to the left (to midline) (figure 1).6




图1 急性周围性前庭病的周围性眼震的病理生理



The nystagmus is of larger amplitude when gazing in the direction of the fast phase (i.e.,Alexander law). The horizontal component of peripheral vestibular nystagmus is inhibited with fixation (there is a poor torsional fixation mechanism), 7 which does not occur with central causes of vestibular nystagmus.




Since the intensity of peripheral nystagmus is influenced by fixation, observation under various conditions can help distinguish central vs peripheral causes of vertigo as peripheral nystagmus inhibits with fixation, and conversely, increases with fixation removed.




Occlusive funduscopy is performed by visualizing the optic disc with an ophthalmoscope and then covering the patient’s viewing eye, thus removing fixation, which enhances peripheral nystagmus but has no effect on central nystagmus.7 Similarly, the penlight cover test involves having the patient fixate on a penlight, and then covering 1 eye, thus removing fixation as the uncovered eye continues to view only the bright penlight.8




Having the patient view a featureless scene such as a piece of white paper has a similar effect: since there is no feature available for foveation, fixation is suppressed.7 Dynamic assessment of the vestibular system includes the HIT, which tests angular VOR function (figure 2).9




图2 头脉冲试验评估角度前庭-眼反射

(A)正常时,快速向右侧转头 20 °,患者能保持注视检查者的鼻子(即目标)(B)右侧周围性前庭病的患者,当头被快速转向右侧时,因为前庭眼反射功能减弱,视线随头移动,迫使一种向左侧的代偿性捕捉眼扫视使视线重新注视检查者的鼻子。


Although a peripheral pattern of nystagmus with an abnormal HIT implies labyrinthine or vestibular nerve dysfunction, it is important to recognize that the etiology may be ischemia. The vascular supply to the inner ear is via the internal auditory artery, so a “peripheral” lesion can be from infarction.10




Another important sign to look for in the AVS is a skew deviation, which is a nonparalytic prenuclear vertical ocular misalignment due to an imbalance of utricular inputs to the ocular motor system. It is often accompanied by features of the ocular tilt reaction (OTR), which includes the triad of skew deviation, head tilt, and ocular counterroll.11 A skew deviation is best demonstrated during alternate cover testing demonstrating vertical correction of the uncovered eye to maintain fixation, or subjectively with Maddox rod testing. A skew deviation and a fourth nerve palsy may present similarly (figure 3). A skew deviation occurs most commonly with brainstem or cerebellar lesions, but also may be seen with a lesion anywhere from the utricle to the interstitial nucleus of Cajal in the rostral midbrain.11


确定急性前庭综合征的另外一个重要体征是眼偏斜,这是无神经肌肉麻痹的核前性眼垂直错位,源于椭圆囊输入到眼球运动系统的信号不平衡。它常常伴随着眼倾斜反应(OTR)的特征,包括三部分:眼偏斜、头倾斜、眼旋转。眼偏斜最好的证明是在交替覆盖试验时,证明未覆盖眼为维持固视进行垂直向矫正,或者进行主观Maddox rod检查。眼偏斜和第四对颅神经(滑车神经)麻痹可能出现相同的症状(图3)。眼偏斜最常见于脑干和小脑病变,但是也可见于从椭圆囊到中脑嘴部卡哈尔(Cajal)间质核联系通路上任何一处的病变。


图3  Maddox rod试验鉴别第四颅神经麻痹和眼偏斜

(A)左侧第四对颅神经麻痹 与(B)眼偏斜比较。 按照惯例, 马多克斯杆(Maddox rod)放置在右眼上方。在(A)和(B)中原发性凝视中有垂直的错位,左眼比右眼高(即左上斜视)。在(A)图中,向对侧凝视(患侧眼内收),向下凝视,向同侧头倾斜(没有显示)证明光和水平线之间的垂直间隔更大,诊断左侧第四颅神经麻痹(即左眼上斜视程度更大),。在(B)图中,眼偏斜导致左眼上斜视是一种共性,意味着垂直错位在各个凝视方向是一致的。在第四对颅神经麻痹中看到的头倾斜,是一种代偿(即头向对侧倾斜最大程度地减少由于患眼的内旋受损导致的眼的错位),与之相比,在OTR中的头倾斜发生在眼球旋转的相同方向。


Other signs of central localization of acute vertigo include direction-changing (i.e., gaze-evoked or bidi-rectional) nystagmus, pure horizontal, torsional, or vertical nystagmus, impaired or asymmetric smooth pursuit, inability to suppress the VOR (combined eye-head tracking of moving targets), dysmetric saccades, and associated brainstem and long tract signs.1,7




In our patient, blood pressure was 143/79 mmHg and general medical examination including otoscopy were normal. In primary gaze there was left-beating horizontal-torsional jerk nystagmus that intensified with left gaze, and lessened but remained left-beating in right gaze (video, first half, on the Neurology® Web site at www.neurology.org). The nystagmus intensified with removal of fixation during occlusive funduscopy and the penlight cover test. The HIT was normal to the left but abnormal to the right (video, second half), demonstrating a catch-up saccade, confirming a hypoactive right VOR. Suppression of the VOR, smooth pursuit, and saccadic eye movements were normal.


我们的患者,血压是143/79mmHg,一般的医学检查包括耳镜都是正常的。在起初的凝视中,向左侧的水平旋转急动性眼震,向左注视时眼震增强,向右注视时眼震仍存在,但会减弱(视频前半部)。在闭合性眼底检查和笔灯覆盖试验中,解除固视会使眼震增强。HIT向左侧是正常的,但是向右侧是不正常的(视频后半部),可见一次捕捉眼扫视,证实右侧前庭眼反射功能减退。抑制前庭眼反射、 平稳跟踪、眼扫视运动均正常。


There was no vertical misalignment. When testing tandem gait, there were multiple side-steps to the right, and she could not maintain balance with Romberg testing. The remainder of the neurologic examination was normal.





Questions for consideration:

1. What are the most common manifestations of cerebellar ischemia?

2. What are the 3 most important bedside ocular motor tests to differentiate a stroke from an APV?

3. How has the examination narrowed the differential diagnosis in this patient?



1. 小脑缺血最常见的表现是什么?

2. 鉴别卒中与急性周围前庭疾病三个最重要的床旁眼动试验是什么?

3. 检查如何缩小该患者的鉴别诊断范围?

SECTION 4    第四部分

In a series of 66 patients with isolated cerebellar infarctions, vertigo and lateropulsion (defined as an irresistible sensation of falling to one side) were the most common symptoms.5




Although vertigo and lateropulsion can each occur in isolation with a cerebellar stroke, other signs and symptoms are typically present, including limb ataxia, nausea/vomiting, truncal ataxia, dysarthria, nystagmus, headache, confusion, or somnolence.3,5




A stroke in the posterior inferior cerebellar artery territory can cause a “pseudovestibular neuritis” manifesting as isolated vertigo without auditory or other symptoms, but typically has a normal HIT.3 A superior cerebellar artery stroke can cause a “pseudointoxication” picture because of gait or truncal ataxia with dysarthria, or “pseudogastroenteritis” with nausea and vomiting.


小脑后下动脉供血区卒中能导致一种假性前庭神经炎,表现为孤立的眩晕,无听觉或其他症状,但通常HIT正常。 因为步态或者躯干的共济失调,且伴有构音障碍或者伴有恶心及呕吐等“假性胃肠炎”症状,小脑上动脉供血区卒中可出现“假性中毒”的表现。


The internal auditory artery (IAA) is an end artery from the anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA) that supplies the vestibulocochlear nerve, cochlea, and vestibular labyrinth. Due to a paucity of collaterals, the IAA is vulnerable to ischemia. A labyrinthine infarction usually presents with sudden loss of hearing and vertigo accompanied by other AICA-territory signs (e.g., cerebellar, lateral pontine, or midbasilar syndromes).2,3




However, isolated labyrinthine ischemia may herald AICA infarction.2,10In a series of 82 patients with AICA strokes, 80 had acute prolonged vertigo and vestibular dysfunction of peripheral, central, or combined origin;35 had acute prolonged vertigo with audiovestibular loss; 24 had acute prolonged vertigo without audiovestibular loss, while a selective loss of vestibuar (4) or cochlear (3) function was much less common.10




AICA strokes have also been referred to as “pseudolabyrinthitis.”3 In patients presenting with the acute vestibular syndrome, the combination of direction-changing nystagmus, skew deviation, and a normal HIT were more sensitive in detecting stroke than MRI (table).4




表格  周围性和中枢性急性前庭综合征的鉴别






单向的,水平-旋转混合性眼震,符合亚历山大定律 恒定频率的慢相眼震,患侧耳朵向下躺时眼震增强

可以改变方向 单纯的水平,旋转或垂直眼震,慢相眼震频率持续增强或者减弱














A normal HIT strongly indicates a central process, but an abnormal HIT is a less reliable indicator of a peripheral lesion because of APV mimics (i.e.,ischemia of the vestibular nucleus, root entry zone of the eighth cranial nerve, or caudal cerebellum may cause an abnormal HIT).12–14 In addition to the findings on bedside examination, vertigo due to cerebrovascular disease should be considered if any of the following factors are present: stroke risk factors, risk of vertebral artery dissection, abrupt onset, inability to ambulate, paucity of nausea and vomiting with marked gait instability or severe nausea and vomiting with little gait instability, or other accompanying central neurologic symptoms and signs.3




Our patient had a right APV without auditory symptoms, and was diagnosed with vestibular neuritis. Prior to evaluation by the authors and within 24 hours of symptom onset, a brain MRI was found to be normal. Although brainstem/cerebellar infarctions may be missed acutely on MRI, the positive HIT, unidirectional nystagmus, and absent skew deviation all pointed away from a central process, and therefore an MRI was arguably unnecessary.4 Her symptoms improved significantly over several days with only antiemetics, and vestibular rehabilitation was recommended.




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