


   来自做人做事秘诀 13:18


Snoopy Bill's face was livid as he sank panting into his place. Into his eyes crept a vengeful light. He glanced sullenly about. He, too, had imbibed over freely. As he recovered the sense of outrage deepened and he proceeded to wreak immediate revenge. With the slyness of the inebriate he reached out and seized his glass. Fixing direful eyes on McClure he drew back his hand. But the murderous throw was interrupted. His wrist was suddenly caught in the vise-like grip of Sykes' long fingers.'Better not, Bill,' he admonished in a low voice. 'Rob is dead drunk. Don't even know he fouled you. If you let him have that you'll be up against murder.''He's a blankety coward,' was the angry retort. 'I'll get him yet. Watch me bust up this gang. By the blankety blank I'll tip Pullar himself.'Above the growls this threat produced rose the voice of Sykes roaring blasphemously at Swale who stood in the open door with mouth agape.'You bottle washing smuggler!' he cried. 'Fill up a tray of your dummest swill and hand it out on the double quick. No more poison or we'll blow you up.'Satisfied that the brawl was over Swale disappeared with the desired alacrity.McClure's assault had tapped a smoldering mine. Though the game was resumed neither McClure nor Snoopy Bill evinced any interest, while the latter continued to breathe vengeance. Beside him sat Ford who too was showing little interest in the cards.'Come, Ford!' challenged Snoopy Bill in a stage whisper. 'I'll stump you to split on the hounds. I'm quitting.''Cut the ragging!' called Sykes appeasingly. 'This bad stuff all comes from drinking Swale's rotten whiskey. Here comes the best ever.'Swale appeared with a loaded tray. The glasses were passed around.'Keep it!' said Snoopy Bill. 'I tell you I'm quitting.''Me too,' said Nick Ford, pushing his glass away. 'I reckon I'm with Bill,' said he rising. 'This gang's never been right. But it hit the rocks good and hard about the time Hank Foyle blew in. I know I ain't a Sunday-school teacher but I've felt like a skunk since that steal of Pullar's farm. I've a sneaking idea there's some scurvy game on right now. Rolling an old man is bad enough but I draw the line at fouling a woman. I'm through.'Nick's words had a startling effect. The drinkers paused in their act of tossing the glass. There was a passage of swift glances between Sykes and McClure. The hush of a deep calm fell on the room, broken by a wild laugh from Snoopy Bill.'Keep it up, old top!' he shouted, slapping Ford on the back. 'Cough it out. Spit up the facts. We'll enjoy 'em.'Ford gave a knowing smirk.
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