

来源:天星 更新日期:2013-11-05 点击:81
Science and technology 科学技术           computer电脑            Internet网络
computer games 电脑游戏                 email 电子邮件          information信息
message消息                            screen屏幕              mouse鼠标    
apply应用                              application应用           invent 发明
invention发明                           electronic电子的          laptop手提电脑
equipment设备                        equip…with 装备          software软件
data数据                               database数据库            robot机器人
satellite卫星                             battery 电池              chip芯片      ,
digital 数据的                           fax 传真                 portable手提的
engineer工程师                        update更新                download下载
net网                                  network 网络系统          virus病毒
access进入                              scan浏览
wildlife 野生动物     protect保护            protection 保护        performance表演
feed 喂养            preserve保护          rare 稀有的            settle定居
existence生存        ecosystem 生态系统     creature动物,人        habitat栖息地
species物种          trap 陷阱              conservation 保护      endangered 濒危的
survive幸存          plain平原              dinosaur恐龙         evolution 进化
jungle丛林            disturb the wildlife’s natural habitat 扰乱野生动物的自然栖息地
preserve the existing woodlands 保护现存的林地          endangered species 濒危物种
be of great importance to 对……具有重要意义
popular (pop) music 流行音乐         folk music民族音乐        Rock Music 摇滚音乐
fans 乐/影迷                        tune 曲调                song 歌曲
rhythm 节奏                        melody 旋律              instrument 乐器
classical 古典的                     beautiful美妙的           exotic异国情调的
New Age 新世纪音乐           play the guitar 弹吉他         see musicals 看音乐剧
soap opera肥皂剧              science fiction film 科幻片     see an opera/go to the opera 看歌剧
join clubs加入俱乐部           yoga 瑜珈                have dances on weekends参加周末舞会
have a picnic over the weekend 周末去野餐
Pop Music and Folk Music
No one can avoid being influenced by pop music. Even little child imitate pop singers.
Many people feel pop music is lighter and easier to understand than folk music. Even some intellectuals have no interest in folk music. However, a lot of folk music is characterized by soft and sweet melody. Listening to it makes us proud of our country, builds hope for the future and encourages us to work harder for the common good. Most pop songs, on the other hand, praise love and life styles which are beyond our reach, and they only concentrate on enriching our leisure life.
As a middle school student, I want to know more about traditional music. When I turn on the radio or TV, I am overwhelmed by pop songs. I hardly hear any folk songs. I need a mixture of art, literature and pop music.
celebrate庆祝      celebration 庆祝   custom 风俗       origin 起源    performance 表演 festival 节日
nowadays现在        particular 特定的        treat 款待       wedding婚礼   merry 高兴的  occasion 场合
lantern 灯笼        reception 接待   congratulate 道贺 congratulation祝贺         ceremony 典礼,仪式
invitation邀请        fireworks烟花
harvest 收获   recreation 娱乐方式       religion宗教          celebrate an anniversary 庆祝周年纪念
an event of importance具有重要意义的事件   attend a ceremony 出席一个仪式
a display of fireworks 烟火表演             on special occasions 在特殊场合     get-together 聚会
in memory of 纪念……
Dragon Boat Festival
Duanwu Festival is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar. It is also known as the Double Fifth. It has since been celebrated, in various ways, in other parts of East Asia as well. In the West, it’s commonly known as Dragon Boat Festival.
The exact origins of Duanwu are unclear, but one traditional view holds that the festival memorializes the Chinese poet Qu Yuan (340BC~278BC) of the Warring States Period. He committed suicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption(腐败) of the Chu government. The local people, knowing him to be a good man, decided to throw food into the river to feed the fish so they would not eat Qu’s body. They also sat on long, narrow paddle boats called dragon boats, and tried to scare the fish away by the thundering sound of drums aboard the boat and the fierce looking carved dragon head on the boat’s prow(船头).
Today, people eat bamboo—wrapped steamed glutinous rice dumplings called zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fish) and race dragon boats in memory of Qu’s dramatic death.
physical and mental condition 身体与精神状态       strong 强壮的   un/healthy 不健康/健康的
overweight/fat 肥胖的                  thin 瘦的           near/short-sighted 近视的
mentally unhealthy 精神不健全的         normal 正常的       abnormal 不正常的
energetic 精力旺盛的                   unhealthy eating habit 不健康的饮食习惯
eat much junk food 吃太多的垃圾食品     stay/keep healthy/fit 保持健康
build up one’s body/improve ones        health 强身健体        enough sleep 充足的睡眠
take regular exercise 进行有规律的运动    proper diet 合理的饮食
good living habits 良好的生活习惯        lose weight 减肥
remove heavy burdens 减轻负担           be good for/do good to 对……有益处
nutrition 营养                          go on a diet 节食
form a…eating habit 养成一个……的饮食习惯
breathe in as much fresh air as you can 尽你所能呼吸多一些新鲜空气
honest 诚实的      honesty 诚实     selfish 自私的    polite 有礼貌的   cultivated 有教养的
warm-hearted 热心的    hardworking 勤劳的      reliable 可靠的    responsible有责任心的
unselfish 无私的   value 价值     valuable 有价值的    mental 精神上的    material 物质上的
treat 对待,看待    character性格       positive 肯定的        active 积极的       brave 勇敢的
bravery 勇敢       community 社区          virtue美德    patience耐心
to seek one’s fortune   追求财富      have a right attitude towards…对……持正确的态度
science 科学           scientist 科学家        technology 技术      engineer 工程师
astronaut宇航员        astronomer 天文学家     breakthrough突破    project项目
capsule太空舱         manned spaceship/spacecraft载人飞船           space shuttle航天飞机
unmanned spaceship/spacecraft无人飞船       circling the moon绕月    landing on the moon登月
return to Earth返回地球        weather satellite气象卫星      communication satellite通信卫星
carry out scientific experiments开展科学实验  with all the information available 有所有的可用信息
invent a folding wheel 发明可折叠的轮       have access to space travel能到太空旅游
apply basic technology to daily life 将基础科技运用到日常生活中
Is there life on Mars? We don‘t know. Can we land on Mars? It all depends on the development of science and technology. Man has known a little about Mars. There is almost no oxygen on Mars. It might be about 50 degrees above zero at noon and 100 degrees below zero at night, which prevents us from living there. Now that Mars are quite different from our earth, if we are to go to Mars one day, we should have to take along our own oxygen, food and clothing. But it is certain that with the development of science man will land on Mars in time.
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