


  前天和晚天晚上推出的第一讲奇速英语串句记忆法》神奇的奇速英语歌诀速记法 》引起了空间热烈的反响,一天多时间,空间点击4000多次,转载500多次,今天我们《奇速英语全国名师大联盟团队》特级教师继续把几十年教学中积累的宝贵经验分享出来,形成一系列速记单词法,每天推出一讲。今天我们推出的是第三讲《奇速英语归类速记法,现通过蔡章兵总编的腾讯认证空间博客全国首发。特别提醒版权所有,如腾讯以外的媒体和个人摘抄部分内容或转载请务必注明出处(奇速英语/蔡章兵主编QQ757722345空间)因为篇幅有限,我们选择一部分单词进行说明,希望能起到抛砖引玉作用,并且我们也相信各位师生能通过我们的例子熟练掌握这种方法了。




1. 这些table不是“桌子”



The potato is a sort of vegetable, not a sort of fruit. 土豆是一种蔬菜,而不是一种水果。

If you do this, you will remain comfortable till you find another job. 如果你这么做,你会保持舒适的生活直到你找到另一份工作。

Every day there are seven lessons and this is my timetable for Monday. 每天有七节课,这是我星期一的时间表。

They have chosen the most suitable man for the job. 他们已选好最适当的人来做那项工作。

The little girl is drawing at an adjustable desk. 那个小女孩在一张可调节的桌子上画画。

趁热打铁】选vegetable, comfortable, timetable, suitable, adjustable完成句子。

1) This house is ______ and can be taken apart when we move.

2) We marked down the spot as a ______ place for camping.

3) We often have ______ soup or tomato soup.

4) I think students should do according to the ______.

5) The foreign guests said they felt ______ and safe in China.

3. 这些-ly结尾的不是副词



Nothing ever happens in the lonely village. 这个偏僻的小村子至今未出过事。

He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting. 他有一种奇特的方法使他的课生动有趣。

He is a lovely boy but he has no family. 他是一个可爱的男孩,但是却失去了家人。

Your parents as well as you are friendli to me. 不仅你而且你的父母亲也对我很友好。

Suddenly he smiled a quite unexpected smile of fatherly kindness. 他忽然出乎意外地流露出父亲般温柔的微笑。

趁热打铁】选lonely, lively, lovely, friendly, fatherly完成句子。

12) Mr. Smith gave us a ______ lesson yesterday.

13) She gave me a ______ smile when she met me.

14) His voice was filled with ______ concern.

15) Over the years, the ______ baby grew into a pretty girl.

16) He lived in a ______ house in the mountain.
      7. 动词后加-or-ar也成“人”




cook后加er不是“厨师”而是“厨具”,下次千万可别说“My father is a cooker.”,而应说“My father is a cook.”。 player



He hoped to become an actor or a singer. 他希望能成为一名演员或歌手。

The TV play is good, but the director smells. 这部电视剧是不错的,可导演太差了。

No visitor to the country can fail to be impressed by this. 到过那个国家的访客没有哪一位不对此印象深刻。

This was the house of a private collector. 这曾是一所私人收藏家的住宅。

The dog ran at the beggar and bit him. 这条狗扑向那个乞丐,把他咬了一口。


38. 农夫 ______    39. 学习者 ______   40. 所有者 ______  41. 司机 ______

领导者 ______  43. 访问者 ______   44. 发明家 ______  45. 记者 ______

12. a, an的用法归纳



一、one, unit, useful, Europeanuniversity等单词,它们的都以辅音音素开头,因此前面若用不定冠词,都要用a。请看例句:

How does a money changer machine know if you've given it a one, a five or a ten dollar bill? 货币兑换机器是如何知道你放入的是货币是一元、五元或者是十元的钞票呢?

The shop is in a one way street, which make it very difficult for parking. 那个商店在一条单行道的街上,这使停车很困难。

They have tested the new medicine in a one-year study among seventeen thousand patients. 他们已在一万七千名病人中进行了为期一年的这种新药试验。

Each bee has a very specific role, but together they work as a unit. 每一只蜜蜂都有各自的职责,而协同起来工作它们就是一个整体。

It may have left out something; even so, it is quite a useful reference book. 那本书或许有些遗漏之处,即使如此,尚不失为一本有用的参考书。

A Chinese official telephoned a European leader three days ago. 三天前,一位中国官员与一位欧洲领导人通了电话。

If you get good results in the college entrance examination, you may be accepted into a university. 如果你在高考中取得了好成绩,你就可能会被一所大学录取。

二、honest, honorhour等单词,它们的第一个辅音字母都不发音,其读音以元音音素开头。另外,由数词8-, 18-, 80-, 800-构成的合成形容词,它们的读音也以原因音开头。因此以上这些词语,前面若用不定冠词,都要用an。请看例句:

He is just an honest person trying to earn a little money for his living. 他只是一个老老实实的人,努力挣点钱过日子。

We’ll regard it as an honor if you could attend the conference. 如果你能参加会议,我们将把它视为一种荣耀。

It took me half an hour to find a spot for parking when I came home from work last night. 昨晚我下班回来时,花了半小时才找到一个地方停车。

He required his students to write an 8-page summary report after the practice. 他让他的学生在实习后写一份八页的报告。

温馨提示】有时,英语字母也可能当作单词使用,此时也应注意aan的用法。在26个字母中,a, e, f, h, i, l, m, n, o, r, s, x等的读音以元音音素开头,它们当作单词使用时,前面与an连用。其余字母b, c, d, g, j, k, p, q, t, u, v, w, y, z等,读音以辅音音素开头,它们当作单词使用时,前面与a连用。请比较例句:

I got a C this time in English, but last time I got an A. 我这次英语得了个C等,可上次我得的是A等。

Youve missed out an i in the word mountain and a u in the word autumn. 你在mountain这个单词中漏了一个“i”,在autumn这个单词中漏了一个“u”。


67) 他在一家大学医院里工作。

    He works in ___________________ hospital.

68) 我伯父花三百美元买一匹独眼马。

    My uncle bought ___________________ horse for 300 dollars.

69) 大象是一种有用的动物。

    An elephant is ___________________ animal.

70) 晚餐将在一个半小时以后准备好。

    Supper will be ready in ___________________ and a half.

71) 他说几年前他亲眼看到一个不明飞行物。

    He said he saw ___________________ with his own eyes several years ago.

72) 它发生在法国,一个欧洲国家。

    It took place in France, ___________________ country.

73) 我很荣幸被邀请参加你的生日聚会。

    It is ___________________ that I was invited to your birthday party.

74) 任何人都能看得出来,汤姆是个诚实的孩子。

    As anybody can see, Tom is ___________________ child.

75) 她是个八岁的女孩,来自澳大利亚。

    She is ___________________ girl from Australia.

76) 去年冬天村民们修了一座800长的路。

    The villagers built ___________________ road last winter.


     be, come, give, make, have, go, get, send, do, put, keep, see, seem, take, life和say。

解读: 这16个动词之所以神通广大,是因为它们与其它词类搭配可构成各种各样的表达方式。掌握这些表达方式对提高英语口头笔头表达能力大有裨益。请看一例:







sleep——slept——slept                    keep——kept——kept

sweep——swept——swept                 weep——wept——wept



lend——lent——lent                      spend——spent——spent

send——sent——sent                     bend——bent——bent 



feed——fed——fed                       speed——sped——sped

bleed——bled——bled                    breed——bred——bred



cut away砍掉剪掉

We cut away all the dead wood from the tree. 我们把树上的枯枝全都砍掉了。

He cut away the material which he didn’t need. 他把不需要的材料剪掉了。

run away逃跑跑走

Charlie ran away twice from his school. 查理两次从学校逃跑。

Mary ran away and left her family. 玛丽离家出走了。

pass away消失

       The old lady passed away peacefully in her sleep. 那个老太太在睡梦中安祥地辞世了。

As soon as the sun came out, the mist passed away. 太阳一出来雾便散去了。

put away放好放弃

We put away the tools before we leave the workshop. 我们在离开车间前把工具收拾好。

I asked him to put away such foolish ideas. 我叫他放弃那些愚蠢的想法。

smooth away消除障碍);克服困难);使顺利

They have smoothed away some of their differences. 他们已消除了一些分歧。

They are going to help her to smooth away the difficulty. 他们打算帮助她克服困难。

take away 拿走减去

Who has taken away my dictionary? 谁把我的词典拿去了?

Take away 2 from 4 and you get 2. 四减二等于二。

give away 赠送分发

       He gave away most of his money to charity. 把大部分钱都捐给了慈善事业。

       We invited a famous actor to give away the prizes. 我们邀请了一位著名演员颁发奖品。




387) 你把我昨天给你看的那本书拿走了吗?

   Did you ________ the book which I showed you yesterday?

388) 他把不需要的材料剪裁掉了

     He ________ the material which he didn’t need.

389) 他们想要为希望工程捐款

     They want to ________ their money to Hope Project.

390) 天黑前风暴就应该会停止了。

     The storm should ________ before dark.

391) 警察到来之前,那个小偷就已经跑走了。

     The thief had ________ when the policemen came.

392) 我想这些小小的困难我们是能够克服的。

     I think we’ll be able to ________ these little difficulties.

393) 请你把这些书收拾一下,好吗?

     Will you please ________ these books?


be off 离开;走开

       I am sorry, but I must be off now. 很抱歉,我必须告辞了。

       It’s time we were off. 该是我们走的时候了。

break off 折断;突然停止

       In the storm, a branch of the tree by the door broke off. 风暴中,门旁树上的一根树枝折断了。

       He broke off in the middle of his talk when he saw a policeman coming. 他谈得正起劲时,看见警察走来,就忽然停住不说了。

cut off 切断割断截断退路等

He had two fingers cut off by the machine. 他被机器切掉了两个手指。

Then we cut off their retreat. 然后我们切断了他们的退路。

drive off 赶走开走

Four years later they drove off the invaders. 四年后他们赶走了入侵者。

The car drove off early in the morning. 汽车一大早就开走了。

get off 下车……下来(躲)

We will get off at the next stop. 我们将在下一站下车。

We have to get off before it gets dark 我们得趁着天还没黑下来就走。

give off 发出蒸汽光等);……味道

The flowers give off a pleasant smell. 这些花散发出怡人的香味。

This kind of coal gives off a lot of smoke. 这种煤燃烧时烟很大。

go off 闹钟等闹响

       When my alarm goes off every morning, I turn it off immediately. 每天早晨当我的闹钟响时,我立即关掉它。

He rushed out of the house as soon as the alarm went off. 警铃一响,他就冲出房子。

jump off 跳下

The bus stopped and he jumped off it. 公共汽车停了他从车上跳下来。

The cat jumped off the tree and onto the ground. 那只猫从树上跳到地面上。

pay off 还清偿清

He paid off the debt with the money raised by his writings. 他用稿费收入还清了债务。

The couple worked day and night so as to pay off their debts. 这对夫妇夜以继日地工作以偿清债务。

put off 推迟;拖延

       The meeting will be put off until Friday. 这次会议将推迟到星期五开。

       Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 今天能做的事,千万不要拖到明天

run off 跑掉;迅速离开

       When he heard our dog barking, the stranger ran off. 那陌生人听到我们的狗叫就跑了。

      Mike ran off when he heard that the police were hunting for him. 迈克听说警方正在搜捕他,就逃跑了。

shut off 关掉切断电源等);停止供应煤气、水等

The water was shut off all at once. 水的供应立即中断了。

Shut off the radio, please. 请把收音机关上。

set off 出发动身爆炸

She usually sets off for her factory at 6:30. 她通常六点半从家里动身到工厂去。

Do you know where the first atom bomb was set off? 知道第一颗原子弹是在哪里爆炸的吗?

take off 脱下衣、帽等);起飞

He took off his coat as soon as he entered the room. 他一进屋便取下帽子。

The plane took off smoothly. 飞机平稳地起飞了。

throw off 匆匆脱掉衣服);摆脱

He threw off his coat and jumped into the water. 他匆忙脱下衣服跳进水里。

She has thrownoff her old habits. 她已戒除了老习惯。

turn off 电灯、收音机、煤气、自来水等

Please turn off the water. 请把自来水关上。

Turn off the TV, please. 把电视机关掉。

wipe off 擦去

The girl wiped off her tears and looked at her mother. 那姑娘擦去眼泪看着她的母亲。

The student wiped off a drawing from the blackboard. 那个学生将黑板上的图画擦掉。





442) 百米决赛将于明天举行。

     The final of the 100 metres will be ________ tomorrow.

443) 他们过几天就去北京了。

     They will ________ for Beijing in a few more days.

444) 他们希望他把他们欠的债一笔勾销。

     They hope he will ________ all their debts.

445) 很多关系的破裂都是因为不恰当的说话方式。

     Many relationships ________ because of wrong speech.

446) 她忘关水龙头了,地板上全是水。

     She forgot to ________ the tap, so there was water all over the floor.

447) 他切下一小片面包递给了我。

     He ________ a small piece of bread and gave it to me.

448) 他设法摆脱了那些新闻记者。

     He managed to ________ those newspaper reporters.

449) 他看见一个女孩上了公共汽车并把它开走了。

     He saw a girl get on the bus and ________.

450) 往伦敦的123次班机将于五分钟后起飞。

     Flight 123 to London will ________ in five minutes.

451) 计算机立即关闭了火箭发动机。

     The computers immediately ________ the rocket engines.

452) 劳驾,我必须在下一站下车。

     Excuse me, I have to ________ at the next stop.

453) 一艘从英国驶往美国的新轮船开始了它的首次航行。

     A new ship ________ from England to America on its first trip.

454) 花园里的花发出宜人的香味。

     The flowers in the garden ________ a pleasant smell.

455) 我的闹钟今天早上没有响。

My alarm clock didn’t ________ this morning.

456) 今天能做的事不要拖到明天。

     Never ________ till tomorrow what you can do today.

457) 他决定用稿费偿清债务。

     He decided to ________ the debt with the money raised by his writings.

458) 从正在行驶的火车上往下跳是很危险的。

     It is dangerous to ________ a moving train.


ask for请求要求得……

He asked for time to think all this over. 他要求给他一点时间把这一切仔细想想。

       Do you think people would help you if you ask for help politely? 你认为你很礼貌地请求别人帮忙,别人就会帮你的忙吗?

care for 关心;照顾

       We care for each other, love and help each other. 我们互相关心,互相爱护,互相帮助。

       Mary spent years in caring for her sick aunt. 玛丽照顾了她生病的婶婶好多年。

head for朝……去;前往

       He headed for me after I called him. 我叫了他一声之后,他朝我走过来了。

       He left Poland and headed for Britain. 他离开波兰前往英国。

look for 找;寻找

       You’re looking for trouble if you don't pay your taxes. 如果你不纳税,那是在自找麻烦。

       He began to look for a new job immediately after he was fired. 他被解雇后立即开始寻找一份新工作。

reach for伸手去拿;达到

       His mouth was too dry to speak but he could not reach for the water right then. 他嘴里干得说不出话来,但那时他不能伸手去拿水喝。

       We’ll do our best to help you to reach for your dreams. 我们将尽最大的努力来帮助你达到你的梦想。

stand for代表;表示

       Do you know what the sign over there stands for? 你知道那边的那个标志代表什么吗?

       This sign stands for the evergreen plant in the biology. 这个符号在植物学上表示四季常青植物。

send for派人去请;派人去拿

       There was nothing to do but send for a doctor. 除了派人请大夫,没有别的办法。

       Please keep the wallet until I send for it. 请把钱包保存好,一直等到我派人去拿。

wait for 等待;等候

       Time brings everything to those who can wait for it. 只要能耐心等待,时间就会带来一切。

       When you are waiting for a bus, you should wait for your turn. 当你等候公共汽车的时候,你应该排队等候。


414) 你知道那个标志代表什么吗?

     Do you know what that sign ________?

415) 当你询问一些事时,你应该说“请”和你得到某物时说“谢谢”。

     Say “please” when you ________ something, and “thank you” after you receive something.

416) 时间会给那些耐心等待的人带来一切。

     Time brings everything to those who can ________ it.

417) 每一个人都应该爱护地球母亲。

Everyone should ________ Mother Earth.

418) 除了派人请大夫,没有别的办法。

     There was nothing to do but ________ a doctor.

419) 她的身体好多了,她的情绪也开始恢复如初。

     She looked better and her feelings began to ________ herself.

420) 他很渴,但那时他不能伸手去拿水喝。

     He was thirsty, but he could not ________ the water then.

421) 他被解雇后立即开始寻找一份新工作。

     He began to ________ a new job immediately after he was fired.


通过以上从《奇速英语单词速记法》书中随机选取的一些例子,各位老师和同学已经见证了奇速英语串句奇速记忆法的神奇了吧。 那么,亲爱的老师和同学们,你们在教学和学习中就多多使用以上方法快速记忆单词吧。好了,明后天我们将进行更加神奇的初中英语1600单词奇速记忆法四的学习。究竟是什么方法,你明后天就知道了。特别提醒版权所有,如腾讯以外的媒体和个人摘抄部分内容或转载请务必注明出处,如果你喜欢我们,别忘了点击空间最上边的“关注”随时获得空间的最新信息,也别忘了把我们空间推荐给你的朋友。欢迎与我们留言互动,我们将不定期从留言互动的热心读者抽取部分赠送《奇速英语》精美图书或其它奖品。我是你的朋友《教育界》总策划&《奇速英语》总编蔡章兵(QQ757722345),祝你学习进步!

 6月19日晚   第一讲 神奇的奇速英语串句速记法
 6月20日晚  第二讲 神奇的奇速英语歌诀速记法 
 6月21日晚   第三讲 
 6月22日 晚  第四讲  奇速英语单词特殊速记法

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