

高考英语词汇总复习 L字母开头




Lab alsolaboratory  n. a building or room which containsscientific
apparatus and in which a scientist works 实验室;实验大楼
labour/labor 1.  work, esp. tiring physical work,or effort
2. workers, esp. those who use theirhands  劳力;工人;
3.  the act of giving birth 分娩
lack v.  to be without; not have enoughof  缺少;缺乏;短缺
n.  absence or need  缺少;缺乏
ladder n.  a frame with steps, used for climbing,as up a building or the
side of a ship 梯子
lady n. 1. (polite) a woman, esp. a woman of good socialposition
2. also woman  (亦作woman)-female 女性
lake n.  a large mass of water surrounded byland  湖,湖泊(比较POND)
lamb n. 1. a young sheep 小羊,羔羊
2. the meat of a young sheep  羔羊肉
lamp n.  an apparatus for giving light, as fromoil, gas, or electricity
land n. 1. the solid dry part of the earth’ssurface  陆地
2.    a part ofthe earth’s surface forming a political whole;
country; nation  国土;国家
3. a part of the earth’s surface all of the same natural type
地带地球的表面与海洋比较时称为land; 与天空比较时称为earth;
被看作财产的一块地皮是land; 生长植物的土地称为ground, earth
v.  to come to, be to, or put onland  使上岸;登陆
landowner n.  the owner of land 地主;土地所有者
language n. 1. the system of human expression by means of words inspeech
or writing 语言,文字
2. a particular system of words, as used by a people ornation
3. any system of signs, movements, etc. used to express
meanings or feelings
large adj.  more than usual in size, number, oramount; big
last n., pron. 1. the person or thing after all the others
at (long) last  in the end; after a longtime  最后;终于
determiner, adv.[no comp.] (无比较级)
1. after everything else; after the others 最后的,唯一剩下的;最后
2. on the occasion nearest in the past; most recent
v.  to measure in length of time;go on; continue  持续;继续;延续
eg. The film lasted nearly three hours.
Late adj. 1. arriving, happening, etc., after the usual, arranged,or
expected time  迟的; 晚的
2. happening towards the end of the day, life, a period, etc.
3. that happened only a short time ago  新近的
4. former (not  living) 已故的
adv.  1. after the usual, arranged, or expectedtime  迟;晚
2. towards the end of a period  在晚期
be late for (school)  迟到(校)
lately adv.  in the recent past 近来,最近
later adv. 之后;不久
latest  n. infml (非正式的) the most recent news,fashion, or example
at the latest  最迟;至迟
laugh v. 1. to express amusement, happiness, carelessness,disrespect(etc.)
by making explosive sounds with the voice, usu. while smiling
2.to influence or bring to a result by laughing 笑得使...
laughter  an act or sound oflaughing 笑;笑声
laugh at   嘲笑
law n.  1. a rule that is supported by the powerof government and that
governs the behavior of members of a society 法令;法规
2. the whole body of such rules in a country (一个国家的)法律
3. such rules, either in total or in part, and the way inwhich
they w ork 法律及其动作
lawyer n. a person whose business is to advise people about lawsand to
represent them in court  律师
lay v  laid laid laying 1. to cause to lieflat  放下;搁置;铺放
2. to set in proper order or position
lay the table  for dinner. (=place knives, forks,etc., ready for a meal)
3. (of birds, insects, etc. ) to produce (an egg
or eggs)(鸟类,昆虫等)下(蛋);产(卵)
USAGE  Do not confuse lay (laid, laid). With lie(lay, lain).用法:不要把
及物动词 lay(laid, laid)与不及物动词 lie (lay, lain) 相混淆。
eg. A person can lay his coat on the bed;
When he has done this his coat is lying on the bed.
A third verb lie (lied, lied) means “to tell a lie”. 还有一个不及物
动词lie (lied, lied) 意思是“说谎”。
lazy adj. 1. disliking and avoiding activity or work
2. (esp. of periods of time) encouraging inactivity
3. moving slowly 慢吞吞的
lead v  led, leading  1. to bringor show the way to (person or animal)
by going in  front
2. to be the means of reaching a place, going
through an area, etc. 通往;导向
3. to persuade or influence(someone) to do
something 影响,劝诱(某人)做(某事)
lead a simplelife   过着俭朴的生活
USAGE: to lead is to show the way by going first, to guide is toshow the way
and explain things, and to direct is to explain to someone how toget
to a place 用法:走在前面带路用lead ,边领路边讲解用guide ,向某人解
释如何到某一地方去用direct:he lead them down the mountain. 他带领
他们下山。| She guided the tourists round the castle. 她引导旅游者
参观了这座城堡。| Could you direct me to the station, please? 请问到
车站怎么走? to drive is either to control a moving vehicle, or tomake
animals move forward by going behind them drive 既可表示驾驶车辆,也
可表示在后面驱赶动物: Driving the cattle to market. 把牛群赶到市场去。
To steer is to control the direction of a moving vehicle orboat.
steer 表示控制行进中的车或船的方向。steering wheel (汽车的)方向盘
lead to  v. prep  to have as aresult; cause 引起;导致
lead n. a soft heavy easily melted dull grey metal, used for pipes,to
cover roofs, etc. 铅
leader n. 1. a person or thing that leads or is in advance ofothers
2. a person who guides or directs a group, movement, etc.
leading adj.  1. most important; chief; main最重要的;主要的
2. guiding, directing, or controlling
leaf n. pl.  leaves 1. one of the usu. flat andgreen parts of a plant that
are joined to its stem or branch 
2. a thin sheet of paper, esp. a page in a book
league n  a group of people, countries etc. whohave joined to work for
some aim  联盟;同盟
Communist Youth League of China 中国共青团 Leaguemember  团员
Leak v. 1. to let (a liquid, gas, etc.) in or out of a leak
(漏洞;漏隙)   让(液体、气体等)渗漏
2. (of a liquid, gas, etc.) to pass through a leak
3. to make know (news, facts, etc., that ought to be secret)
learn  v.  learned or learnt,learning
1.    to gainknowledge (of) or skill (in) 学;学习;学会
2.    to fix inthe memory; memorize 记住
3.    to becomeinformed (of ) 听说;获悉
learn...by heart  记住;背诵
learned adj.  having or showing much knowledge有学问的;博学的
learner n  a person who learns 学习者;初学者
least adv.  in the smallestdegree  最小;最少;最不
determiner, pron. (superlative of LITTLE) (LITTLE 的最高级)
the smallest number or amount 最小;最少量
eg. He’s not in the least (=not at all) worried. 他一点也不担心。
at least: a)  not less than; if not more至少,起码
b)  if nothing else;anyway   无论如何
leave v.  left, leaving
1. to go away (from) 离开
2. to allow to remain, esp. after going away
3. to fail to take or bring, esp.
by accident (尤指偶然地)遗忘;忘记拿去;忘记带来
lecture n.  (to give)a speech to a group ofpeople,  esp. as a method of
teaching at universities  (尤指大学里的)讲课
left adj.  1. on or belonging to the side of thebody that usu. contains
the heart (身体上)左的,左面的
2. on, by, or in the direction of one’s left side
n.  1. the left side ordirection   左;左边
2. the left hand  左手
adv.  towards theleft   向左(<反>right)
on the left   在左边
left-handed adj. 1. using the left hand for most actions
2. made for use by a left-handed person
ant. right-handed
handedly  adv. -left-handedness  n.
leftovers n.  food remaining uneaten after ameal   吃剩的食物
leftover adj. 剩余的
leg n. 1. one of the limbs on which an animal walks and whichsupport its
2. that part of this limb above the foot  腿部
3. the part of a garment that covers the leg 裤腿
Legend Computer GroupCorporation   联想计算机集团公司
Lend v.  lent, lending  togive(someone) the possession or use of
(something) for a limited time  把...借给
length n. 1. the measurement or distance from one end to the otheror of
the longest side of something  长;长度
2. a piece of something esp. of a certain length or for
a particul ar purpose(一)段;(一)节
less adv. (comparative of LITTLE)(LITTLE的比较级)
1. (with adjectives and adverbs)not so; to a smallerdegree(than)
(与形容词和副词连用)不如;在较 小程度上;不及
2. (with verbs)not so much(与动词连用)较少;更少
determiner, pron.(comparative of LITTLE )(LITTLE的比较级)
a smaller amount  较小(少)的;更小(少)的
less and less (an amount)that continues to become smaller越来越少
no less(than)(expressing surprise at a large number oramount)
less than   不到;少于
lesson  n. 1. something taught to or learned by apupil, esp. in school;
the period of time a pupil or class studies a subject
2. something, e.g. an experience, from which one should learn
have lessons   上课
do one’s lessons  做(预习或复习)功课
let v. let, letting 1.to allow to do orhappen   允许,让
2. must; is to  须,应,可,让
3. Br.E to give the use of(a room, land, etc.)in return
for regular payments  出租(房间、土地等)
let us: a)  allow us to 让我们:Please let us buy you a drink!
b)  also let’s(used when suggesting a plan thatincludes the person
spoken to) we must should (亦作let’s)(提出一项包括听话者在
eg. Let’s go. 我们走吧!
Let us go, please!请您让我们走吧!
let in   让进来
let out   放出;发生;泄露
letter n. 1. a written or printed message sent usu. in anenvelope  书信
2. one of the signs in writing or printing that represents aspeech
sound  字母
3. the words of an agreement, law, etc., rather than its realor
intended meaning (法律、协议等的)字面,字面意义
eg.  to the letter a. with close attention to thewritten details of
an agreement, law, etc. b. to the fullest degree
level n.  1. a position ofheight  高度;水准,水平
2. a smooth flat surface, esp. a wide area of fl at ground
3. amount, size, or number  数量;大小;数目
liberate v.  fml(正式)to set free(from control,prison, etc.)
liberation n.  解放
librarian n. a person who is in charge of or helps to run a library图
library  n.  1. a building orroom which contains books that may be looked
at or borrowed by the public(public library) or by members
of a special group 图书馆、图书室,收藏馆
2. a collection of books 藏书
lie v.  lay, lain, lying
1.    to be in aflat position on a surface 卧,躺;平放
2.    to put thebody into such a position 躺下
3.    to be inthe stated position; be placed 位于
4.    to remainor be kept in the stated condition or position
v.  lied, lying  to tell alie   说谎、撒谎
n.  an untrue statement purposely made todeceive  谎言
life n.  lives  1. the activeforce that enables(animals and plants) to
continue existing  生命
2. living things   生物
3. human existence  人生;生活;生存;世事
4. the period during which one is alive 一生;终生
5. a person  性命;人命
lifetime  n.  the time duringwhich a person is alive  一生;终生
lift  v.  to raise to a higherlevel  提升;抬起;举起
n.       the act of lifting, rising, or raising  提;升举
Br.E = elevator Am.E elevator<美>)-an apparatus in abuilding that moves up
and down between floors and carries
people or goods  电梯
a free ride in a vehicle, esp. one given to a traveller 免费搭车
light n.1. the natural force that is produced by orredirected(reflected)from
objects and other things, so that we see them 光;光线
2. the light of the sun or the time it lasts 日光;白昼
3. something that produces light and causes other things to beseen,
such as a lamp or torch 发光体,光源(如灯、电筒)
adj. 1. easy to see in; bright  明亮的
2. not deep or dark in colour, pale 浅色的;淡的
v. ( lit or lighted, lighting ) 1. to (cause to) start to burn点燃,点着
2. to give light to 照亮
3. to (cause to ) become bright with pleasure
or excitement (因高兴或激动而)(使)

USAGE:  Use lit asthe past participle of light, except when it stands as an
adjective before the noun 用法:除了在名词前用作形容词外,light 的
过去分词都用 lit:He’s lit a match. 他划着了一根火柴。/ The match is
lit.  火柴划着了。/ a lighted match 划着了的火柴
lightly adv. 1. with little weight or force;gently  轻轻地,轻微地
2. to a slight or little degree  轻度地;略微地
3. without careful thought or reasoning
lightning  n. 1. a powerful flash of light in thesky, usu. followed by
2.very quick, short, or sudden  闪电似的
like v. 1. to be fond of; find pleasant 喜欢,爱好
2. to wish or choose  希望;想要
be like  
USAGE: When like means “to be fond of or enjoy”, it is used on itsown; when
it means “to want”, it is used with would. 用法:当like意为:“爱好,
prep. 1. in the same way as; of the same kind as 象...一样
2. typical of; showing the usual manner of 典型...的;一向是...的
3. for example  譬如
USAGE: Note the difference between these uses of like and as用法:注意like
和as用法上的区别:He has been playing tennis as a professional fortwo
years(=he is a professional tennis player).他作为职业网球运动员打网
eg. He plays tennis like a professional(=he is not a professionaltennis
player, but he plays as well as someone who is) .他打起网球来象个职
Likely adj. 1. probable; expected  很可能的;可期待的
2. suitable to give results  会有结果的,有希望的
ant. unlikely
limit n. the farthest point or edge(of something)
v.    to keep below or at a certain point or amount 限制
vi. 限定
limited adj.   有限的
line n. 1. a thin mark with length but no width, which can be drawnon a
surface 线;线条
2. a long mark that acts as a limit or border 界线;界限
3. a row  行;排
link v.  to join or connect 连接;联系
lip n. 1. one of the edges of the mouth where the skin is delicateand rather
red  嘴唇
2.the ordinary skin below the nose  唇部的皮肤
lion n. a large yellow four-footed animal of the cat family whichlives
mainly in Africa  狮子
list n. a set of names of things written one after the other, so asto remember
them or  keep them in order 清单;目录;一览表
listen v.  to give attention inhearing   听;留神听
listen to  听...(讲话)
litre/ liter  升(容量单位,约1.25品脱)
little adj. 1. small小的
2. short 短暂的
3. young 幼小的
adv. 1. not much  少;稍许
2. not at all  毫不
determiner. pron  less, least
1. (used without a, to show the smallness of the amount) not much;
not enough  (不与a连用,表示量极少), 没有多少;少量;不足
2. a)  a small amount, but at leastsome  一点儿;少量
b)  a short time  短时间,一会儿
little rather   稍微;些许
little by little gradually 一点一点地;逐渐地
live v.  lived, living 1. to be alive; have life活着;生存
2. to continue to be alive 活下去;继续生存
3. to have one’s home   居住
live on sth.   v.prep   to have as one’s only food or income
只以...为食, 只靠...为 收入
lively adj. 1. full of quick movement, thought, etc.
2. life like; as if real栩栩如生的;逼真的 ;生动的
a lively description 生动的描述
living adj. 1.alive now  活的;活着的 (注:living可放在被修饰的名词前,
alive 却不能 )
eg. a)  There is a living snake on the fl oor.Don’t go near it.
b) The passengers alive after the terrible accident were in
bad need of food and medical c are.
2. existing in use 现存的
living-room  also sitting room(B.rE):  the main room in a house wherepeople
can do things together, (usu.) apart from eating
load n.1. an amount being carried, or to be carried, esp.heavy
2.the amount which a certain vehicle can carry (车辆的)装载量
3.the work done by an engine, etc. (发动机等的)负载;负荷
loaf n. loaves  bread shaped and baked in onepiece, usu. fairly large
local adj.1. of or in a certain place, esp. the place one livesin
2. tech concerning a particular part, esp. of the body
lock n.1. an apparatus for closing and fastening something by meansof a key

2. a stretch of water closed off by gates, esp. on a canal, sothat
the level can be raised or lowered to move boats up or down aslope
(运河等 的)水闸
v. 1. to fasten with lock 锁;锁上
2. to put in a place and lock the entrance 锁入
3. to become fixed or blocked  固定住;阻塞住
lonely adj.  alone and unhappy; away from otherpeople 孤独的;寂寞的
long adj.  1. measuring a large amount in length,distance, or time
2. covering a certain distance or time
(for) a long time  长久地
as/ so long as if: on condition that  如果;只要
long ago:  at a distant time in thepast  很久以前
no longer/(not)any longer: (used only in negatives, questions,etc.)(not)any
more; not now (只用于否定、疑问等句中) 不再;现在不(是)  so longinfml (非正式) goodbye  再见
the long and the short of it the general result 总的意思是;梗概
long-term    长期的
before long   不久以后;很快
long before   很久以前
look v. 1.to turn the eyes so as to see, examine, or findsomething
2.to have the appearance of being(ill, well, etc.)
3.to see and notice carefully  留神
look after  v. prep.  to take care of 照顾;照料
look around/ round/ about  v.adv.  to search  到处寻找
look at  v. prep  1. to watch 
2. to regard; judge  看待;对待;判断
3. to consider, examine  考虑;检查
4. to remember and learn from记住并吸取教训
look back  v.  Adv.1.  to remember  回顾,回想
2. never look back to have complete success 获得全胜
look down on/upon  v. adv. prep.  to have a low opinion of(esp. someonethought
less socially important)轻视;看不起(尤指被认为社会地
look for  v. prep.   to try tofind  寻找
look forward to  v. adv. prep.   to expect toenjoy(something that is going
to happen) 盼望;期待(某事发生)
look out   v.adv.  to take care; watch(for) 当心;留神;注意看
look up  v. adv. 1. to get better;improve  好转;有起色
2. (look sth. up) to find(information)in a book
look into   v. prep.   向......里面看去;investigate调查
have a look   看一看
take a look   看一看
loose adj. 1.not fastened, tied up, shut up, etc.; free fromcontrol
2. not bound together  松散的;散装的
3. not firmly fixed; not tight松的;松动的
lorry Br.E also truck  a large motor vehicle forcarrying heavy goods
lose v.   lost, losing 1. to cometo be without, e.g. through carelessness;
fail to find  丢失,遗失;迷失;找不到
2. to (cause to )have taken away; (cause to)have to
longer, as a result of time, death, or destruction
3. to fail to win, gain, or obtain  输了;未得到
lose heart   失去信心;灰心
lose one’s life  死;牺牲
lose one’svoice   失音;噪子哑
lose weight   减肥;降体重
getlost    走开,滚开 (美国口语)
loss n. 1. the act or fact of losing possession(ofsomething)  丧失;遗失
2. a person, thing, or amount that is lost or taken away
3. a failure to take a profit亏损
lot n. 1. a large quantity, number, or amount 很多,许多
2. the whole quantity, number, or amount 全部;总数;总量
3. a group or amount of people or things of the same type
n. esp.  Am.E an area of l and used for buildingor parking cars on
a lot of/ lots of  许多;很多;大量
loud adj.1. having or producing great strength of sound; not quiet;noisy
2. unpleasantly noisy or colourful 喧闹的,嘈杂的;过分花哨的
adv.   loudly, in a loudway   大声地;响亮地
love n. 1. a strong feeling of fondness for aperson  爱;热爱;爱戴
ant. hate, hatred
2. warm interest and enjoyment(in) 爱好,喜爱
3. the object of attraction or liking  喜爱的东西
v. loved, loving  1. to feel love, desire, orstrong friendship (for)
2. to like very much; take pleasure in 非常喜欢;爱好
ant. hate
be in love w ith  与...相爱
lovely adj. 1. beautiful; that one loves or likes 美丽的;可爱的
2. infml(非正式) very pleasant  令人愉快的
loveliness  n.
low adj. 1. being or reaching not far above the ground, floor,base, or bottom;
not high 低的;矮的
2. small in size, degree, amount, worth, etc.
3. lacking in strength or spirit; weak or unhappy
adv. 1. in or to a low position, point, degree, manner, etc.
2. near the ground, floor, base, etc.; not high低矮地
3.(in music)in or with deep notes (音乐中)以低音调;低沉地
ant. high
4. quietly; softly  轻声地;轻柔地
low-lying adj.  地势低洼的
luck n. 1.  that which happens, either good orbad, to a person by, or as
if by, chance;  fortune  运气
2.  good fortune  好运道
luggage  n.  the case, bags,boxes, etc., of a traveller  行李(Br.E)baggage
lunch n.  a meal eaten in the middle of the day午餐
have lunch   吃午饭
lung  n. either of the two breathing organs in thechest of man or certain
animals (人或某些动物的)肺


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