

高考英语词汇总复习 R字母开头




race n. group of people, animals, or plants 族类、种族、人种

a competition inwhich one tries to run, drive, etc. fastest and

finish first竞赛、赛跑

adj. racial种族的

radion. (pl. radios) [C][U] an apparatus to receive soundbroadcast


on the radio 通过无线电广播=By using the radio

rail n. one of the pair of metal bars fixed to the ground alongwhich a train

runs, or railway铁轨、轨道

syn.railway, rail road

rain n.[U] water falling in drops from the clouds, the fall of suchdrops


vi. fall in drops ofwater 降雨

adj. rainy.raincoat 雨衣 rainfall 降雨量、一场雨

raise vt, lift up, cause to rise, in crease in degree amount,price, etc


rapid adj. very quick, fast, swift 迅速的、急促的


syn.fast, quick, swift


ratheradv. more willingly with better reason. somewhat,fairly, quite 宁愿、相当

rather than: morethan. or instead of someone or something else


ray n.[C] a narrow beam of light, usu, from sun or somethingelse 光线、射线


readvt, ge t the meaning of (written or printed) speak阅读,朗读。 n.reading  读物

realize vt. to know the importance of sth. to achieve sth. you wantto achieve.意识到,实现

reachvt. get to. stretch, touch。达到,伸出,触及

ready adj. prepared, willing 已预备的,愿意的

get/be ready for sth.(to do sth.)

real adj. actual, true. 实际的,真实的

adv. Really真正的,确实

reasonn. cause, motive  原因,动机

adj,reasonable 有道理的,合情合 理的

receive vt. take (sth, offered or sent), take or let in to themind,


recentadj. done or made not long ago 最近的,近来的

adv. recently.Lately, not long ago 近来,最近

receptionn. a particular type of welcome for someone 接待


recognize vt. know again, accept. 认出,承认

record  v. set down in writing so as tokeep for future use记录

n. a writtenstatement of facts, events etc. 记录,记载

keep a record of…记录下


recover v. get better after an illness, return to normalcondition 恢复 recover from …

recyclev. use again ( of objects that have been used )


red adj. having thecolour of blood or fire 红色的,红色

reddish-brown 综红色

redirect v. send sth in a differentdirection.转移呼叫,更改方向

n. redirection

reduce vt. make lessor smaller in size. amount or price 缩减,减少

refer v. phr. Refer to mention or speak about someone orsomething

to lookat a book, map, reference materials etc.


refuse v. turn down,reject, say one will not give 拒绝,不愿,不肯

regard vt. consider, think of 当作,视为,看待

regardas: to consider (sb /sth) as being (something)

regret n. vt. (regretted, regretting ) feel sorryfor遗憾,抱歉

regular adj. happening or doing sth very often or at a same timeevery

day 规则的,固定的,有规律的,整齐

adv. regularly


relate v. to show orprove a connection between two or more things,

to speakof  有关,叙述

relateto 涉及,有关


adj. relative有关系的,相关的

adv. relatively相对地,比较地

remark n. notice, looking at, comment 注意,评论

v. notice, see, say sth. byway of comment. 注意,谈起,评论

remain vi. stay,continue, be left 保持,仍是,剩下

(always+ adj. prep, linking verb)

remember vt. call to mind, recall, keep in mind. 想起,记得

rememberme to … 请向……致意

remind vt. to make sb. remember, st h /sb that they must do or theyknow


remindsb that … 使某人想起……

remindsb of sth.

remove vt. take away,move from a place, get rid of  移动,除去

repair v. mend, fix, make up for 修理

n. repair, the act ofrepairing sth. 修理

repay vt. pay back(money) 偿还,还钱

repeat v. do again, say over 重复,重说

adj.repeated.   adv.repeatedly

replace v. take theplace of 取代

reply v. to answer orto do as an answer回答, 答复

(usu.reply to…)


report v. n.. announce ,give a formal account of an accountof

events,experience, etc.  报告,汇报,报道

n.. reporter 记者

republic n.. a statecompletely governed by e lected representatives.


eg. thePeople `s Republic of China

request n.. v.a poli te demand for sth. require.请求

syn. demand,require

require v. need, ask, demand.需要,要求

n. requirement

rescue  v. save sb./sth. from danger 营救,援救

research n. ( u ) anadvanced study of a subject, so as to learn new

facts orscientific laws  调查,研究

n. researcher  研究人员

respect v. n.honor, expression of respect, show honor for 尊敬,尊重

rest n.. sleep, ease after work, absence of motion, the remainingpart of

something 1.休息,静止 2.剩余部分,其余

v. sleep, relax ,stopworking. 休息,歇息.

take (have ) a rest

restaurant n. place to buy and eat a meal 饭馆

result n. somethingthat happens because of something that happens before


as aresult of …作为……的结果

return vt. put or payback, come back 归还,返回

reuse vt. use again,recycle 重新使用,循还使用

review v. look atagain; look back on 复习, 回顾

n. reviewer 评论家

n. revision 复习 温习

revolution n. a complete overthrow of government 革命

n. adj. revolutionary革命的 革命者

rewrite v. write again重写

rice n.[U] any of several kinds of food grain grown in wettropical places


rich adj. having much money, fertile abundantlysupplied

有钱的 富有的丰富的

ride vt. sit on a horse, bike, etc. And make it go 骑

right adj. just;correct; normal; on the side of the body that does not

containthe heart  公正的; 对的; 正常的 ; 右边的

adv.properly  ; correctly 正好 ; 恰恰

n. the right side; morallyjust or lawful claim右; 右边; 权力

allright: yes , good ; well in health

on theright: on the right side

rightaway: at once . immediately

rightnow: at present without delay

ring v. (a bell, telephone )sound or cause to sound(钟,电话)响

n. a piece ofjewellery that you wear on your fighter or a circle


ringback  回电话

ring off  挂断电话

ring up   打电话

ripeadj. (fruit or crops) fully grown and ready to eat,suitable


rise  vi. go upwards, increase, get up, come up 上升, 升高,起床

n. the act ofgrowing grea ter or more powerful 升高,增长

river  n. a long natural stream of water 江,河,川

road  n. way or course, high way between places.路.公路.

rock  n. stone or a type ofstone.岩石,大石头

rocket n. a vehicle used for travelling or carrying things intospace


role  n. the way in which sb./sth. is involved in an activity, apart,

character in a playor film 作用,角色

roll v.move along by turning over and over 打滚,翻滚

roof n. (pl. roofs) the top covering of abuilding屋顶,顶部

room n. [C] a par t of a house with walls separating it from therest of

thebuilding  房间 , 室

n. [U] space地方, 空位, 余地

make roomfor…  给……腾出地方

standingroom  立足之地

root n.part of a plant that grows down int o the soil, holds it inplace

and feed it根,起源

rope n.a strong , thick line or cord. 粗绳子

rose n.red, pink, white or yellow flower that grows on a bush withstrong

stems 玫瑰花

rot v. decay, cause to go bad  腐烂,使腐烂

rot away: todisappear by decay 烂掉

roughadj. not smooth, not exact, not gentle 粗糙的 粗暴的

round  adj .shaped like a ball.圆的,圆形的.

adv . in a circle, onall sides.循环地,围绕地.

all round: in acircular position.四周

prep. around ,surrounding.围着,围绕一周.

row n. a neat line ( of people or things ) a line of seats I acinema or

theatre 排

robber n. a substance used to make types, gloves, bouts, etc. whichis made

from the juice of atropical tree; a thing that you use to remove

pencilmarks  橡胶,橡皮

rubbishn. [U] waste stuff of no use废物,垃圾


rude adj. impolite, rough in manners.无礼的,粗暴的


ruin vt. spoil or destroy sth. completely.毁灭,毁坏

rule n. principle governing conduct, action,etc.规则,规定.

vt. govern, control统治

ruler n. someone such as a king who has official power over acountry,

a flatnarrow piece of plastic, metal etc. with straight edges.


run v. move quickly onfoot , control operate.奔跑,操作.

runaway  逃走 逃脱

run outof  用完 [来源:Zxxk.Com]

runningwater 自来水

rush v. move veryquickly 冲, 奔

rushhour ( 上下班) 车辆拥挤的时间

Russia n. ( the name of a country ) ( 国名) 俄国, 俄罗斯

adj. Russian : related to thelanguage and people of Russia 俄国( 人 )的

n. Russian 俄语


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