

高考英语词汇总复习 V字母开头




vacation[v  'kei  n] n. A time of rest, amusement, and recreation awayfrom one's job or school Am.E   假期,休假

syn. holiday  Am. E可指传统节日,也可泛指休息日,常用复数表示长时间休息

leave 因事,因病请假

valley['v  li] n.  The landlying between two lines of hills or mountains 山谷,河谷

various[v'  ri s] adj. different; several, number of 各种各样的,不一样的

variously, variety,vary

ant. different  不同的,不一样的

valuable['v  ljuble] adj.  1. worth a lot of money贵重的,值钱的

2.very useful宝贵的,有价值的


value n; invaluableadj.  千金难买的。

ant. valueless 毫无价值的。

value ['vlju:] n.  1.  the degreeof usefulness of something 重要性,用途,益处

2. the worth of something in money  价值

3. worth compared with the amount paid  值得.合算


syn. worth , price

of value  有价值的

variety [v 'rI ri] n.  1.  the stareof varying; difference of condition or quality 变化,多样性

2. a group or collection containing different sorts of the same thingor people 种种,各种各样

a variety of 种种的,多种多样的。

vast [va:st]adj.  1.  very largeand wide 巨大的, 广阔的

2. great in size or amount  巨额的, 大量的。

vaster, vastest,vastl y, vastness

syn. giant, huge

vegetable['ved it bl ] n.  a (part of a ) plant thatis grown for food 蔬菜, 菜

very ['veri]adv.  especially , to a great degree很,十分,非常

very well

verb  :b] n. a word or phrase that tells what someone orsomething is , does, or experiences 动词。

verbs, verbaladj. 口头的。

Venus ['vi:ns] n.  the planet second in order from thesun, and next to the earth 金星,太白星

victory ['viktri] n.  (常与in, over连用) (an) act of winningor state of having won 胜利,战胜,克服

video ['vidiu] n.  &adj. connected with or used in the showingof picture by television; an instrument which record picture andsound 电视的, 视频的,录象带

a video, videos

videophone['vidi nf un] n.  a phone that has pictureshowing while telephoning 可视电话

view [vju:]n.  1. (与o f 连用)  (apicture or photograph of) someth ing seen from a particular place风景,景色

2. sight视力,视野

3. a personal opinion, belief or idea 意见 ,观点,见解

a view , views ,viewer (收视率,观众)

syn. scene , scenery

in one'sview  在某人看来,依某人见解

inview     在视野之内

in viewof   由于,鉴于

with a view todoing

viewer ['vju:] n.  a person watching TV电视观众,观看者

village['vilid ] n. a collection of houses and other buildings in acountry area, smaller than a town 乡村,村庄

villager['vilid  ] n.  a personwho lives in a village 村民,乡下人

vinegar['vinig ] n.  an acid tastingliquid  醋,食用醋

violence ['vail ns] n.  very great force in action orfeeling; use of bodily force to hurt or harm猛烈,剧烈;暴动,暴力行为

violent ['vail nt] adj. using, showing or produced bygreat damaging force 猛烈的,激烈的。

more/most violent,violence, violently

violin[,vai’lin]n.  a four-stringed musicalinstrument 小提琴。

violinist 小提琴家,violins

visit [visit]v.  to go and spend time in (a place) orwith (a person) 拜访,访问,游览;to go to make an official examination视察,巡视;

n. an act or time ofvisiting   参观,访问,探望。

a visit, visits,visitor

pay a visitto

visitor[visit] n.  a person who visits访问者,参观者,来宾,游客

pay a visitto

vocabulary [v'k bjul ri] n.1. all the words known to a particular person词汇

2. a list of words,usu. in alphabetical order 词汇 表

voice [v is]n. 1. the sounds produced by people when speaking andsinging 声音

2. an opinion意见

3. 语态

voices, voiced(loud-voiced) 大嗓门的

at the top of one’ svoice; very loudly 高声的

raise one’s voice: tospeak louder 提高嗓门

vote [v ut]v. 1. to express one’s choice officially 投票,选举,表决

2. to agree ,by avote, to provide (sth. ) 议决

n. an act of making a choice or decision by means ofvoting 投举,表决,选举。

vote s, voted,voting, voter (投票人)

voting Rights Bill选举权法案

volleyball ['vlib :l] n.  a game in which a large ball isstruck by hand 排球

voyage [v id ]n.  a long journey made by boat or ship 航行航海

a voyage, voyages,voyager (航行者)

Bo n voyage !旅途愉快!


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