





1. (a) lack of sth 缺乏某事物。如:

That shows a lack of commonsense. 那表明缺乏常识。

Lack of rest made her tired.她因缺乏休息而感到疲倦。

2. for [through, because of] lack of sth 因为缺乏某事物。如:

I can’t buy it because of my lack ofmoney. 我不能买它是因为没钱。

The plants died for [through] lack ofwater. 这些植物因为缺水而死了。

It cannot be discussed here for lackof space (time). 限于篇幅(时间),这个问题在此无法讨论。

3. be lacking 缺乏。如:

Money was lacking for theplan. 这项计划缺乏资金。

Humour is lacking in hisspeeches. 他讲话缺乏幽默。

He seemed to be lacking infrankness. 他似乎不够坦率。

4. lack sth 缺乏某事物。如:

The soldiers lacked food.士兵们缺食物。

He lacked the courage to doit. 他缺乏勇气做这事。

注:用作动词的 lack(缺乏)通常为及物动词,不要受名词用法的影响,在其后用介词of。不过有时可接介词for, 尤其用于lackfor nothing 这一说法(意为:什么也不缺)



1. Ladies and Gentlemen 女士们,先生们。如:

Kindly step this way, ladies andgentlemen. 女士们,先生们,请这边走。

Your attention please, ladies andgentlemen, the meeting is about to start. 请注意了,女士们,先生们, 会议马上就要开始了。

注:该结构中的 ladies gentlemen 一定要用复数。

2. ladies [lady] first 女士优先。如:

Sorry, sir. Lady first.对不起,先生,请让女士先来。

Get your tickets ready and ladiesfirst please. 请把票准备好,女士优先入场。



1. be lame in ……。如:

He’s lame in the left leg.他的左脚是跛的.

The horse is lame in one leg.这匹马有一只脚是跛的。

注:有时用介词 of 代替代词 in, 但不如用 in 常见。

2. go lame 变跛。如:

He has gone lame. 他变跛了。

She went lame after theaccident. 出事之后她就跛了。



1. at last 最后,终于。如:

At last I have a gooddictionary. 我终于有本好字典了。

At last she managed to get a job astypist. 最后她找到了一份当打字员的工作。

注:at last 通常用于令人欣慰的场合。另外,有时也可说成at long last。如:

At long last we found out what hadreally happened. 最后我们终于弄清了实际发生的情况。

2. in the last five (few) years 在过去五()年中。如:

He has lived in the country in thelast five years. 在过去五年中他一直住在乡下。

Great changes have taken place in myhome town in the last few years. 在过去的几年中我家乡发生了巨大的变化。

注:该结构指的是从过去持续到现在的一段时间(:其中的five years 完全可换成其它时间短语),所以通常与现在完成时连用,且其中的介词in 有时可换成 for, over, during 等。如:

I have been here for the last twoweeks. 最近两周我一直在这里。

We’ve been having bad weather in thelast few weeks. 这几周来天气一直不好。

My business has decreased during thelast two months. 最近两个月内,我的生意减少了。

3. the last

(1) 最后的……。如:

He was the last (one) to come.他最后一个来。

December is the last month of theyear. 十二月是一年的最后一个月。

(2) 最不,极不,怎么也不。如:

He’s the last man I want tosee. 他是我最不想见的人。

He is the last person to tell alie. 他绝不会说谎的。

That is the last thing I shouldexpect him to do. 我怎么也没想到他会做出那种事来。

4. last (for) some time 持续一段时间。如:

His illness lasted (for) amonth. 他病了一个月。

The meeting lasted (for) twohours. 会议开了两个小时。

5. last till (until, into) 持续到……。如:

The exhibition lasts till the end ofthis month. 展览会举办到本月底结束。

The hot weather will last until[into] September. 炎热的天气将会一直持续到九月。

6. last sb (for) some time 够某人用一段时间。如:

Food will last us (for) twoweeks. 食物可以供我们吃两个星期。

This money won’t last me a wholeweek. 这钱不够我花一个星期。



1. as late as 迟至……。如:

He left here as late as May.他迟至五月才离开。

He came as late as lastSunday. 迟至上个星期日他才来。


误:as late as in May / as late as in1998

2. at the latest 至迟,最迟。如:

I shall be back by 10 oclock at the latest. 我最迟10点以前回来。

You must finish your work on Fridayat the latest. 我最迟要在星期五完成工作。

3. be late for sth 做某事迟到。如:

He’s never late for work.他上班从不迟到。

Don’t be late for class again.上课别再迟到了。

4. be late (in) doing sth / be late with sth 做某事做晚了或做迟了。如:

I was late (in) getting up thismorning. 今天早上我起床起得迟。

We were late with lunch [in havinglunch] today. 我们今天午饭吃得迟。

5. later on 以后,后来,将来。如:

I’ll call again later on.我以后再打电话来。

Later on he realized hismistake. 后来了意识到了自己的错误。


6. some time late 迟到一段时间。如:

She was five minutes late.她迟到5分钟。

The train arrived five minuteslate. 火车晚点五分钟。



1. laugh at

(1) 嘲笑。如:

He was laughed at by hisfriends. 他被朋友们嘲笑了。

Don’t laugh at a person who is introuble. 不要嘲笑陷于困境的人。

(2) 因听见或看见……而笑。如:

They all laughed at the joke.他们都被这个笑话逗乐了。

She laughed at his words.听了他的话,她大笑起来。

(3) ……不以为然或付之一笑。如:

He laughed at thedifficulties. 他对这些困难一笑置之。



1. lead (sb) a……life (使某人)过着某种生活。如:

He leads a quiet life in thecountry. 他在乡下过着安静的生活。

The landlord led him a dog’slife. 那地主使他过着牛马不如的生活。

2. lead sb in doing sth 领导(带领)某人做某事。如:

Our Party leads us in buildingsocialism. 党领导我们建设社会主义。

He’ll lead the party of scientists(in) going to Paris. 他将带领这些科学家去巴黎。

3. lead sb to do sth 使某人做某事(有时有误导之意)。如:

What he said led us to believe thathe was rich. 他说的话使我们相信他有很多钱。

Her constant lying led me to distrusteverything she said. 他经常撒谎,我完全不相信他的话了。

注:有时用于 lead sb to sth。如:

What led you to thisconclusion? 你是怎么得出这个结论的?

4. lead to

(1) 通向(某地)。如:

All roads lead to Rome.条条道路通罗马。

This road leads to wealth.这是一条致富路。

(2) 导致(某种结果)。如:

Hard word leads to success.努力工作可导致成功。

Smoking cigarettes leads to lungdisease. 抽烟会导致肺部疾病。



1. learn about [of] sb (sth) 听说关于某人或某事的情况。如:

I learnt of [about] his deathyesterday. 我昨天才得知他去世的消息。

We learned of [about] her success inthe newspaper. 我们从报上得知她成功的消息。

2. learn from

(1) ……得知。如:

We learned of her illness fromhim. 我们从他那儿得知了她生病了。

I learn from the paper that he hasleft. 我从报上得知他已离开了。

(2) ……学习。如:

People learn from experience.人们从经验中学习。

Why don’t you learn from mymistakes? 你为什么不接受我错误的教训(即从我的错误中学习)?

(3) ……学习。如:

We should help each other and learnfrom each other. 我们应该互相帮助,互相学习。

3. learn (how) to do sth 学习做某事。如:

He’s learning (how) to drive acar. 他在学习开车。

You ought to learn (how) to bepatient. 他必须学会耐心。


She learns to swim [swimming].她学习游泳。



1. at least 至少。如:

He is at least as tall as you.他至少跟你一样高。

You might at least have written tome. 你至少应该给我来封信。

The food wasn’t good, but at least itwas cheap. 食物虽不怎么好,但至少价格还便宜。

2. in the least 一点(也不)丝毫()(主要用于否定句)。如:

AAre you tired? 你累吗?

BNot in the least. 一点也不累。

They don’t in the least understandthis. 他们一点也不理解这事。



1. leave for a place 离开去某地。如:

He left for Paris.他动身去巴黎了。

He left Beijing for Shanghai.他离开北京去上海了。

2. leave sb doing sth 让某人做某事(处于做某事的状态中)。如:

His letter left me feeling prettybad. 他的信让我感到很难受。

They walked off and left me sittingthere all by myself. 他们走开了,让我孤零零一个人坐在那儿。

3. leave sb to do sth 让某人去做某事。如:

We’re leaving him to do it.我们打算让他去做这事。

He left me to wash theclothes. 他让我去洗衣服。

4. leave sb sth / leave sth for sb 给某人留下某物。如:

The left me no food. / They left nofood for me. 他们没有给我留下食物。

Someone left you this note. / Someoneleft this note foryou. 有人给你留下了这张条子。

5. leave sth to [with] sb 把某物交给(委托给)某人。如:

You’d better leave the matter to[with] me. 你最好把这事交给我办。

I’ll leave everything to [with] youthen. 那么我就把一切都交给你了。

注:leave sth to sb 可表示某人死后把某物留给某人。如:

My aunt left a large fortune to me. /My aunt left mealarge fortune. 我姑妈死后给我留下一大笔财产。



1. at [on] the left 在左边。如:

He sat on [at] my left.他坐在我的左边。

Our school is on the left of theroad. 我们的学校在马路左边。

His address is given at the left ofthe card. 他的地址写在名信片的左边。

注:有时用介词 to, 尤其是当距离较远时。如:

He sat on my left.他坐在我左边。(紧挨着左边坐)

He sat to my left.他坐在我左边。(只表示坐在我左边,不一定紧挨着)

2. turn left 向左拐。如:

Turn left after the gasstation. 过了加油站后向左拐。

You must turn left at the nextcorner. 你必须在下一个拐角处向左拐。

注:turn left 也可说成 turn to the left。如:

Turn to the left at thechurch. 在教堂那里向左拐。



1. lend itself to 适合于。如:

This hot weather doesn’t lend itselfto sleeping. 这样的天气睡觉太热了。

None of her books really lends itselfto being made into

a film. 她的书的确没有一本适合拍电影。

2. lend oneself to 让自己参与(不好的事)。如:

I am surprised a person in hisposition lends himself tosuch a thing. 我很惊奇在他那样位置的人会干那样的事。

I refuse to lend myself to such astupid plan. 我不会同意那样愚蠢的计划。

3. lend sb sth / lend sth to sb 把某物借给某人。如:

He lent me his car. / He lent his carto me. 他把小车借给我。

He asked me to lend him some money. /He asked me to lendsome money to him. 他叫我借一些钱给他。



1. at lenght

(1) 最后,终于。如:

At lenght the bus arrived, fortyminutes late. 公共汽车终于来了,晚了40分钟。

(2) 详细地,彻底地。如:

We discussed the matter atlength. 我们详细讨论了此事。

He talked at length about his workand his family. 他详细地谈了他的工作和家庭。


He spoke at length about nothing atall. 他罗唆半天,根本没说出什么名堂。

2. in length 长度是……,长……。如:

The rope is 5 metres in length. 这根绳子5米长。

The room is 10 meters in length. 这房间10米长。



1. less and less 越来越小()。如:

He did less and less work.他做的工作越来越少。

The noise became less andless. 声音越来越小。

As I spoke to him he became less andless angry. 我一边同他谈,他一边气就漫漫消了。

2. less than

(1) (指数量)不到,不足。如:

It cost me less than 10 pounds. 我买它没要上10英镑。

It’s less than a mile to thestation. 去车站不到一英里。

In less than an hour he finished thework. 没要上一个小时他就做完了工作。

(2) ……()少。如:

Two is less than Three.二比三小。

She eats less than she should.她吃得比她应该吃的少。

The job was less than perfect.这工作不十分理想。


He was less than helpful when wearrived. 我们到达时他一点也不帮忙。

3. less……than

(1) 不象()……。如:

He is less honest than hisbrother. 他不如他哥哥聪明。

This film is less interesting thanthat one. 这部电影不如那部电影有趣。

(2) ……少,不如……多。如:

We drink less coffee than tea.我们喝咖啡不如喝茶多。

I got less money than the othersdid. 我比别人得到的钱少。

(3) 与其……不如……。如:

I regard him less as my teacher thanas my friend. 与其说我把他当作老师,不如说我是把他当作朋友。

注:该结构有时可换成 not so……as。如:

She is less beautiful than hersister. / She is not as beautiful as her sister.她不如妹妹漂亮。

He was less angry than surprised. /He was not so angry as surprised. 与其说他是生气,不如说他是感到惊奇。

4. no less than

(1) 多达,有……之多(强调数量之多)。如

We walked no less than threemiles. 我们走了三英里之远。

No less than 1000 people attend themeeting. 参加会议的多达1000人。

注:not less than 意为不下于至少。如

He has no less than sevendaughters. 他有七个女儿之多。

He has not less than sevendaughters. 他至少有七个女儿。

(2) 简直,与……没差别。如:

It is no less than robbery to ask forso much. 要求多么多,简直跟抢劫没两样。

(3) 原来就是,正是。如:

He was no less than the mayor.他原来就是市长。

5. no less…than ……一样,不比……(强调有同等性)。如:

She is no less wise than you.他跟你一样聪明(他并不比你笨)

A dolphin is no less a clever animalthan a dog is. 海豚与狗同样都是聪明的动物。


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