





1. may (just) as well 最好,还是……为好。如:

You just may as well go.你还是去的好。

There’s nothing to do, so I may aswell go to bed. 没什么事做,所以我还是睡觉为好。

2. may have done 可能(已经)(用于对过去情况推测)。如:

He may have said so.他也许这样说过。

He may not have known itbefore. 他以前可能不知道此事。


He may sell his house.他也许会把房子卖掉。

He may have sold his house.他也许已经把房子卖掉了。



1. Me too. 我也一样(用于肯定的情形)。如:

AI’m tired and want to have arest. 我累了,想休息一会儿。

BMe too. 我也一样。

2. Me neither. 我也一样(用于否定的情形)。如:

AI can’t swim. 我不会游泳。

BMe neither. 我也一样(即我也不会)



1. mean doing sth 意味着做某事,需要做某事。如:

This illness will mean going tohospital. 得了这种病就意味着要住院。

Missing the train means waiting foran hour. 赶不上火车就意味着要等一个小时。


This new order means (us) workingovertime. 这一新的定单就意味着(我们)要加班加点。

2. mean to do sth 打算做某事。如:

He means to be a teacher.他打算当老师。

You don’t mean to say so!你不是这个意思吧!

He did not mean to hurt you.他不是有意要伤害你。


We had meant to be early, but we gotup too late. 我们本来想早点来的,但起床起迟了。

I (had) meant to call on you, but Iwas so busy. 我本想来看你的,但是我太忙了。

有时也用“meant to have+过去分词来表示本想打算。如:

I meant to have told you about ityesterday. / I had meant to tell you about it yesterday.我本来打算昨天把这事告诉你的。

3. mean sb to do sth 想要(打算要)某人做某事。如:

His father meant him to be adoctor. 他父亲要他当医生。

We mean you to work as ourspokesman. 我们想请你作我们的发言人。

比较被动式 be meant to dosth(必须或应该做某事)。如:

You are meant to take off your shoeswhen you enter. 进屋时应该脱鞋。

He was never meant to be ateacher. 他根本不是当老师的料子。

再比较 be meant for(为某一目的而安排,适合于做某事)。如:

He was meant for [to be] ateacher. 他适合当老师(或人们要求他当老师)

These chairs are meant forguests. 这些椅子是为客人们安排的。

4. What do you mean by……? ……是什么意思?

What do you mean by sayingthat? 你那样说是什么意思?

What do you mean by not writingme? 你不写信给我那是什么意思?



1. by…means ……方式(手段)。如:

Only by this means can you do itwell. 只有用这种办法你才能做好它。

He explained to us the means by whichhe persuaded her to come. 他给我们说明了他是如何说服她来的。

2. by all means 一定要,千万要,当然可以。如:

This plan must be realized by allmeans. 这个计划必须千方百计予以实现。

AMay I have one? 我可以拿一个吗?

BYes, by all means.当然可以。

3. by means of ……,依靠……。如:

Thoughts are expressed by means ofwords. 思想靠语言来表达。

He has made a fortune by means ofindustry. 他靠勤劳致了富。

4. by no means 完全不是,一点也不,绝不。如:

This is by no means the first timeyou have been late. 这绝不是你第一次迟到了。

ACan I leave now? 我现在可以走了吗?

BBy no means. 不行。


By no means should he be leftalone. 绝不能把他单独留下。

5. the means of doing sth 做某事的方式(方法)。如:

But they had no means of cookingthem. 但是他们没有办法来把它们煮熟。

Taking a plane is the quickest meansof getting there. 去那儿最快的办法是坐飞机。

There is [are] no means of learningwhat is happening. 发生着什么事,无法知道。

注:有时也用 the means to do sth,但不是很常见。



1. in the meantime 与此同时,在此期间。如:

I’ll be back in the meantime.我将在此期间回来。

In the meantime let us do the thingswe can. 在此期间让我们做些我们能做的事。

注:这样用的 in the meantime 也可换成 in the meanwhile



1. take medicine 服药。如:

Don’t take too much medicine.不要吃太多的药。

He is always taking medicines.他老是吃各种各样的药。

Take this medicine three times dailyafter meals. 这种药每日服三次,饭后服用。

注:服药有时也用动词have, 但不能用 eat 等。

2. a medicine for ……的药。如:

There is no medicine for curing afool. 没有治傻瓜的药。

This is a good medicine for acough. 这是治疗咳嗽的良药。



1. meet up

(1) (偶然)见面,碰见。如:

We met up again in Paris.我们在巴黎又见面了。

I met up with her in thestreet. 我在街上碰见了她。

(2) (约好)见面,会合。如:

Let’s meet up after the play.咱们看完戏后再见面。

You go ahead; I’ll meet up with youat the hotel. 你先走吧,我到旅馆找你。

2. meet with

(1) (偶然)碰到,遭到。如:

I met (with) a friend on thebus. 我在公共汽车上碰到了一位朋友。

They met with an accident on theirway home. 他们在回家的路上出了车祸。

Their plan met with the samefailure. 他们的计划遭到了同样的失败。

(2) ……会面。如:

The president is to meet with thepress this afternoon. 总统今天下午要会见记者。



1. from memory 凭记忆。如:

He spoke from memory.他仅凭记忆说。

The teacher asked me to recite thepoem from memory. 老师要我背诵这首诗。

2. have a good (bad) memory for sth 对某事记忆力好()。如:

He has a good (bad) memory for dates(faces, figures). 他对日期(面孔,数字)记忆力很好()

3. in memory of 纪念……。如:

This library was built in memory ofthe scientist. 这家图书馆是为了纪念这位科学家而建的。



1. Dont mention it.

(1) 不用谢,不客气,哪里哪里 (用于回答感谢)。如:

AThank you very much.多谢你了。

BDon’t mention it. 不客气。

(2) 没关系(用于回答道歉)。如:

AI’m sorry to hve troubled you.对不起打扰你了。

BDon’t mention it. 没关系。

2. mention doing sth 提及要做某事。如:

He mentioned seeing her often.他提到过经常见到她。

Nobody mentioned going there helpingher. 没有人提到要去那儿帮助她。

注:mention 后一般不接不定式。

3. mention sb (sth) to sb 向某人提及某人()。如:

He never mentioned his girl friend tome. 他从未给我提及他的女朋友。

He mentioned to me that he had seenyou. 他给我提到曾经见过你。

注:mention 后一般不接双宾语,即不用于 mention sb sth

4. not to mention 更不用说,还不算。如:

He can speak French, German andJapanese, not to mention English. 他会说法语,德语和日语,更不用说英语。

Ther’re ten of us ready to help, notto mention [without mentioning] the children. 我们有10个人愿意帮忙,还不算小孩。



1. at the mercy of sb (sth) 任由某人(某事)摆布或控制。如:

The ship was at the mercy of thestorm. 船在暴风雨中失去控制。

She was not free of him and was athis mercy. 她还没有摆脱他,还受他的控制。

2. have mercy on [upon] / show mercy to [on] ……表示同情或怜悯。如:

Have mercy on us! 可怜可怜我们吧(饶了我们吧)!

He has little (some, no) mercy on thepoor. 他对穷人几乎没有(有些,没有)同情心。

He showed no mercy to [on]hisenemies. 他对仇敌毫不心慈手软。

3. Its a mercy that-clause ……,真是幸运。

It is a mercy (that) the accidenthappened so close to the hospital. 真幸运,事故就发生在医院附近。


What a mercy that you didn’tgo! 幸亏你没去!

4. out of mercy 出于仁慈。如:

He spared her out of mercy.他出于仁慈饶恕了她。

We helped him out of mercy.我们出于仁慈帮助了他。

5. throw oneself on sbs mercy 请求某人宽恕。如:

He threw himself on my mercy.他请求我的宽恕。

They didn’t throw themselves on hermercy. 他们没有向她请求宽恕。



1. by……method ……方法。如:

We can do it by the newmethod. 我们可以用新方法做它。

The examination is conducted by theoral method. 考试以口试方式进行。

2. the method of (doing) sth 做某事的方式(方法)。如:

She tried to change the normalmethods of work. 她设法要改变通常的工作方法。

Do you know any methods of teachingEnglish? 你知道教授英语有什么新的方法吗?

注:有时用于 the method to do sth,但较少见。



1. in the middle (of)

(1) ……中间。如:

He got here in the middle of thenight. 他半夜到达这里。

He put the box in the middle of thetable. 他把盒子放在桌子中央。

I was right in the middle of thecrowd and could see nothing. 我正在人群中间,什么也看不见。

(2) ……过程中,正忙于……。如:

He often stopped in the middle of aspeech. 他常常讲话讲到一半时就停下来。

I can’t help you because I am in themiddle of cooking dinner. 我不能帮助你,因为我正忙着做饭。

They were in the middle of dinnerwhen I called. 我去拜访时,他们正在吃饭。



1. mind doing sth 介意做某事。如:

I don’t mind being poor.我对贫困不在乎。

We don’t mind waiting.我们不介意等候。

注:doing 前有时可有逻辑主语。如

I hope you don’t mind me [my]bringing the dog with me.


I don’t mind the window beingopen. 窗户打开我不介意。

2. Never mind.

(1) 不用了,谢谢了(用于回答别人的主动提供)。如:

ALet me carry it for you.我替你拿吧。

BNever mind. 不用啦。

(2) 没关系(用于回答道歉)。如:

ASorry, I’ve kept you waiting.对不起,让久等了。

BNever mind. 没关系。

注:Never mind. 可用来回答道歉,但不用来回答感谢。

(3) 不要紧,没关系(表示劝慰)。如:

Never mind, my boy. You’ll feel everso much better when it’s all over. 不要紧的, 孩子,等事情过去你就会好多了。

3. Would [Do] you mind……? 请你……好不好,倘若……你见怪吗? 如:

Would [Do] you mind opening thedoor? 请你把门打开好吗?

Would [Do] you mind my opening thedoor? 我打开门你介意吗?

Do you mind if I sit here?我坐在这儿你介意吗?

Would you mind if I went home earlytoday? 我今天早点回家可以吗?

注:在该结构中,用 would 比用 do 更客气委婉,mind 其后通常接动名词或 if 从句。另外,用 Would you mind if ……时,从句谓语通常用过去式。最后注意对这类句型的回答(针对mind而言)。如:

ADo you mind if I smoke?我抽烟你介意吗?

BNo. 不介意(即同意你抽烟)

BYes. 介意(即不同意你抽烟)


表示不同意,可用 Yes, I do mind. / Pleasedon’t……/ Betternot, please. / I’d rather youdidn’t. / I’m sorry, but……等。

表示同意,可用 Oh, no, please. / No, not at all. /Not at all. / Cerainly not. / Of course not. / No, go ahead.等。

4. change ones mind 改变主意。如:

I was going to leave tomorrow, butI’ve changed my mind. 我原打算明天离开的,但我已改变了主意。

Nothing will make me change mymind. 什么也不能使我改变主意。

5. make up ones mind 决定,决心。如:

He made up his mind to stay.他决定留下。

You made up my mind.你使我下定了决心。

We made up our minds to spend ourholiday in the country. 我们决定到乡下去度假。



1. at the last minute 在最后一刻。如:

He changed his mind at the lastminute and came with us. 他在最后一刻改变了主意,同我们一起来了。

2. in a minute 一会儿。如:

I’ll be back in a minute.我一会儿就回来。

3. to the minute 一分不差,恰好。如:

He wakes up every morning at 7oclock to the minute. 他每天早上七点钟准时起床。

4. the minute (that) ……就。如:

We’ll leave the minute hecomes. 他一来我们就走。

I want to see him the minute (that)the arrives. 他一到来我就要见他。

5. up to the minute 时新的,最新的,时髦的。如:

Her clothes are always right up tothe minute. 他的衣服总是很入时。



1. miss (doing) sth 错过()某事。如:

I missed (hearing) the news.我没听到这个消息。

He just missed being struck.他险些儿被打着。

He missed (going to) the meeting onSunday. 星期天他没能去开会。

2. miss out

(1) 漏掉,遗漏。如:

Make sure you don’t miss any detailsout. 你要确保未漏掉任何细节。

The printers have missed out a wholeline here. 印刷工人在这里漏了一整行。

(2) 失去得到……的机会。如:

He came late and missed out on mostof the fun. 他来迟了所以错失了许我乐趣。



1. by mistake 错误地,弄错地。如:

I took his umbrella bymistake. 我错拿了他的伞。

He put salt in her cup of tea bymistake. 他错把盐放进了她的茶里。

2. make a mistake 弄错,出错,犯错误。如:

He made a mistake about thetime. 他弄错了时间。

Don’t make any mistake aboutme. 不要误解我的意思。

This time I made some mistakes ingrammar. 这次我出了几个语法方面的错误。


I made a mistake in bringing you uphere. 我错了, 不该把你带到这儿来。

He made the mistake of selling hishouse. 他错了,不该把房子卖掉。

3. mistake sb (sth) for ……误认为是……。如:

She mistook a rope for asnake. 她把一条绳子误认为蛇。

He mistook me for my youngerbrother. 他把我错当作我弟弟
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