





1. shout at sb 对某人大声叫嚷。如:

Don’t shout at me.别冲着我喊。

He was so angry that he shouted ateveryone present. 他很生气,冲着在场的每一个人都大声叫嚷。

2. shout to sb 大声喊某人。如:

He shouted to me across theroom. 他在房间的另一端大声叫我。

He was too far away and I had toshouted to him. 他太远,我只好大声喊他。

注:shout at sb shout to sb的区别为:前者多指因生气或不满等原因而非善意地对某人吼叫,后者多指因距离远而不得不大声叫喊(否则对方无法听见),不带特别的感情因素。



1. show sb sth / show sth sb 拿某物给某人看。如:

She showed me her book. / She showedher book to me. 她把她的书拿给我看。

Please show me your photo. / Pleaseshow your photo to me. 请给我看看你的照片。


Show her some kindness. / Show somekindness to her. 对她客气些。

2. show sb how to do sth 教某人做某事。如:

He showed me how to do it.他教我如何做此事。

He showed us how to operate themachine. 他教我们如何操作这机器。

注:该用法中的 how 通常不能省略。

3. show sb to be 表明(证明)某人是……。如:

This showed him to be a goodteacher. 这说明他是一位好老师。

注:其中的 to be 有时可以是 to do 型,但通常用完成式。如:

His record shows him to have workedhard at school. 他的成绩证明他在校学习很用功。

4. show sb (a)round 陪某人参观,带某人到处看看。如:

He showed us round thefactory. 他带我们参观了工厂。

We were shown around by theteacher. 老师带着我们到处看了看。

5. show ones face 露面。如:

He daren’t show his face in thestreet. 他不敢在街上露面。

注:有时也说 show oneself / showup。如:

We waited for an hour but he didn’tshow herself [up]. 我们等了一个小时,但他还没有来。



1. (be) shy of sb (sth, doing sth)

(1) 羞于做某事(其后通常接动名词)。如:

He is shy of talking about the prizehe has won. 他羞于谈起他获得的奖。

注:此用法中的介词 of 也可换成 about。如:

He was not shy of [about] offeringsuggestions. 他并不怯于提建议。

(2) 提防某人(某事),躲避的某人(某事),害怕某事(某人)。如:

His eye trouble made him shy ofsight. 眼病使他怕光。

I’m a bit shy of that sort ofperson. 我对那样的人有点不放心(有点怕)

(3) 不敢做某事(其后通常接动名词)。如:

This made me shy of trying itagain. 这使我不敢再试了。

I’m shy of buying shares, in case Ilose money. 我不敢买股票,怕赔钱。

(4) (少,差)某事物。如:

We are shy of money.我们缺钱。

He is two months shy of hiseighteenth birthday. / He is shy two months of his eighteenthbirthday. 他还差2个月就18岁了。

注:表示此义时,其是的介词 of 有时可换成 on。如:

The house is shy of [on] abathroom. 这房间缺一个浴室。

We have plenty of wine, but we’re shyon beer. 我们有足够的葡萄酒,但啤酒不够。

2. be shy with sb 与某人在一起时怕羞。如:

He is shy with women.他与女人在一起时怕羞。

He was shy with strangers.他和生人在一起怕羞。

比较:He was shy of strangers.他怕见生人。

3. be too shy to do sth 太害羞而不敢做某事。如:

He is too shy to speak to her.他太害羞,不敢同她讲话。

He is too shy to ask anyone forhelp. 他太害羞不敢向任何人请求帮忙。



1. be sick at [about] (doing) sth ()某事恼火(不愉快)。如:

He’s sick at failing the exam.他考试没及格感到不高兴。

We’re pretty sick about losing thematch. 我们比赛输了感到很恼火。

2. be sick of sb (sth, doing sth) 厌烦某人(某事,做某事)。如:

I’m really sick of housework.我的确厌烦做家务事。

I’m sick of listening to yourcomplaints; be quiet. 我听够了你的抱怨,别说了。

注:该用法的 be sick of 常可换成 be tired of

3. (be) sick with sth 患某种病。如:

She is sick with a cold.她患感冒。

He is off sick with flu.他因患流感而未上班。

注:be sick with sb 意为对某人不高兴。如:

He was sick with me for beinglate. 他对我的迟到不高兴。

4. become [fall, get] sick 生病。如:

He suddenly became [fell, got]sick. 他突然病倒了。

5. the sick 病人()。如:

They have come to see thesick. 他们已来看望过病人。

The sick were allowed to passfree. 病人可以免费通过。



1. on [from] all sides 从四面八方。如:

On all sides there weredifficulties. 到处都有困难。

They were attacked from allsides. 他们四面受击。

2. on the side of ……一边。如:

On one side of the window is amirror, and on the other a painting. 窗子的一边是一面镜子,另一边是一幅画。

3. side by side

(1) 肩并肩,并排(用于本义)。如:

They lined up side by side for thephotograph. 他们并排站着照相。

(2) 并肩,相互支持(用于引申义)。如:

We stand side by side with you inthis dispute. 我们在这次辩论中相互支持。

4. take sides 支持(偏袒)某一方。如:

He took sides with me against theboss. 他支持我反对老板。I won’t take sides in thisargument. 在这场争论中我不会偏袒任何一方。



1. at first sight 第一次见到。如:

She fell in love with the cottage(her) at first sight. 她一见到这小屋()就喜欢上了。

2. at sight 一看见。如:

He can play and sing at sight.他一看谱就能演唱。

注:若注明看见某东西,则用 at the sight of。如:

At the sight of the police they ranaway. 他们一看到警察就跑走了。

3. catch sight of 看见,望到。如:

Then one of us caught sight ofher. 后来我们当中有一个人看见了她。

If you catch sight of him, ask him tocome and see me. 如果你见到他,叫他来看我。


I caught sight of her hurryingaway. 我看见她匆匆忙忙地走了。

4. in sight 在视线范围内,可以看见。如:

The train is still in sight.火车还看得见。

Peace is now in sight.和平在望。

5. lose sight of

(1) 看不见。如:

We lost sight of the boat in thefog. 雾中我们再不看不见那条小船。

(2) 忽略。如:

We shouldn’t lose sight of the mainpurpose of the meeting. 我们不应该忘记这次会议的主要目的。

6. out of sight 在视线范围之外,看不见。如:

The plane is now out of sight.飞机现在看不见了。

Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心不想。



1. sign ones name 签名。如:

The artist had signed his name in thecorner of the painting. 这位画家在画的角上签了名。

注:有时可省略 one’s name。如:

Sign (your name) here, please.请在这儿签名。

2. sign sth 在某物上签名。如:

He forgot to sign the check.他忘记在支票上签名。

注:上句也可说成 He forgot to sign his name on thecheck.

3. sign (to, for) sb to do sth 打手势示意某人做某事。如:

The teacher signed us to bequiet. 老师示意我们安静。

The policeman signed (to, for) me tostop. 警察打手势叫我停下。



1. break the silence 打破沉默。如:

The silence was broken by a loudsilence. 一声大叫打破了沉静。

2. in silence 沉默地,一言不发地,不声不响地。如:

They walked on in silence.他们默默向前走去。

He smoked for some time insilence. 他一声不响地抽了一阵烟。



1. be silent on [about] sth 对某事不表态(没有记载)。如:

History is silent about [upon] thisperson. 历史对这个人没有记载。

You’d better be silent about whathappened. 对所发生的事你最好只字不提。

2. fall silent 变得安静。如:

The class fell silent when theteacher entered. 老师进来时,全班学生都安静下来。

注:也可说成 become silent

3. keep silent 保持安静,不说话。如:

You’d better keep silent.你最好什么也别说。



1. Its silly of sb to do sth 某人做某事是蠢的。如:

It’s silly of you to do so.你这样做真蠢。

It’s silly of her to tell herhusband. 她告诉了她丈夫真是愚蠢。


You are silly to do so.

She is silly to tell her husband.



1. be similar to ……相似。如:

My problems are similar toyours. 我的问题与你的差不多。

A cat is similar to a tiger in manyways. 猫在很多方面与虎相像。

注:英语通常不说 be similar as[with],也不说as similar as

2. be similar in ……方面相似。如:

The two houses are very similar inappearance. 这两座房子外表很相象。

His house is similar to mine inappearance. 他的房子和我的房子外表上很相像。



1. ever since 自从……以来,从此以后。如:

We’ve been friends ever since we metat school. 自我们在学校相识以来就一直是朋友。

We came here in 1980 and have livedhere ever since. 我们于1980来此,此后就一直住在这儿。

2. It is some time since… 自从……以来有多久。如:

It is five years since heleft. 他已离开五年了。

It’s three months since he wentabroad. 他出国三个月了。

3. since when 从何时开始。如:

Since when has he been workinghere? 从什么开始他就一直在这里工作?

Since when have you livedhere? 从什么时候开始你就住在这里了?



1. sing sb sth / sing sth for sb 为某人唱歌。如:

She sang us an English song. / Shesang an English song for us. 她给我们唱了首英语歌。

注:有时用介词 to。如:

Sing your father a song, Mary. Singone of your new songs to [for] him. 玛丽,给你父亲唱首歌吧,唱首新歌给他听。

2. sing sb to sleep 唱歌使某人睡着。如:

She tried to sing the baby tosleep. 她设法唱歌使孩子入睡。



1. of a size 大小相同。如:

They are both of a size.它们两个大小一样。

All the desks are of a size.所有这些课桌的大小都是一样的。

比较:They are of the same size.他们大小一样。

We have boxes of differentsizes. 我们有各种规格的盒子。

2. the size of sth

(1) 某物的大小。如:

What’s the size of the box?这箱子有多大?

Take the size of the room.量一量这房间的大小。

(2) 与某物大小相当。如:

There were rats the size ofcats. 有些老鼠在猫那么大。

It’s about the size of an egg.它与一个鸡蛋的大小差不多。



1. go to sleep 入睡,睡着。如:

Now go to sleep and stop worryingabout it. 快睡吧,别再为此担心了。

He went to sleep while he was inchurch. 他在教堂里做礼拜时睡着了。

注:有时也说成 get to sleep。如:

He got to sleep at midnight.他半夜才睡着。

2. have a sleep 睡觉。如:

Did you have a good sleep?你睡得好吗?

I think I’ll go upstairs to have asleep. 我想上楼去睡一觉。

3. send sb to sleep 使某人入睡。如:

The soft music sent him tosleep. 这柔和的音乐使他睡着了。

4. sleep late 起床迟。如:

He often sleeps late.他经常起床很迟。

He was so tired that he slept lateinto the next morning. 他累极了,一直睡到第二天上午。

注:sleep late 的本意是睡到很迟的时候,即起床迟,注意不直译为睡得迟



1. be slow in doing sth 做某事很慢或反应很迟钝。如:

He is slow in understanding.他理解迟钝。

He is slow in arriving.他总是姗姗来迟。

2. be slow to do sth 不易于或不愿意做某事。如:

He is slow to show anger.他不易发怒。

He is not slow to tell us what hethinks. 他总是毫不犹豫地把他的想法告诉我们。

注:be slow in doing be slow to do 的区别如上,但在现代英语中,两者有时可换用,且有时介词 in 也可换成 about, 甚至省略。如:

They were very slow (about, in)paying me. 他们没有痛痛快快地把钱付给我。

I’d be slow to accept [aboutaccepting] these terms. 我不会轻易接受这些条件。

The government was slow in acting [toact]. 政府行动缓慢。


3. slow down [up]

(1) 减速,缓行。如:

The car slowed down.汽车放慢了速度。

Don’t slow up now!现在别慢下来。

Business slowed up [down] afterChristmas. 圣诞节后生意清淡了。

(2) 松驰下来。如:

Slow up a bit, or you’ll makeyourself ill. 别那么卖力气,不然你会累出病来的。



1. smell like 闻起来像……。如:

This smells like an orange.这东西闻起来有桔子的味道。

It smells like a hospital in here—hasanyone been using disinfectant? 这里好像有医院的味道,有谁在用清毒剂吗?

2. smell of ……的气味。如:

This room smells of paint.这房间有油漆味。

Babies smell of milk.婴儿都有股乳香味。

3. smell sth (sb) doing sth闻到(感觉到)某物(某人)在做某事。如:

I (can) smell somethingburning. 我闻到了烧焦的气味。

I could smell someonecheating. 我感觉到有人在作弊。



1. be all smiles 笑容满面,非常高兴。如:

He is all smiles. 他笑容满面。

She was all smiles at thenews. 听到这个消息她非常高兴。

2. smile at

(1) ()……笑。如:

The baby smiled at me sosweetly. 这婴儿对我笑咪咪。

(2) 嘲笑。如:

He always smiles at what shesays. 他老是嘲笑她的话。

3. smile on (命运、运气、胜利等)……微笑或对……有利。如:

Luck has always smiled on him.他运气一直很好。

The weather smiled on us; it was afine day. 天公作美,那是个大晴天。



1. smooth away

(1) 克服。如:

What can I do to smooth away thesedifficulties? 我要怎么做才能排除这些困难?

(2) 消除。如:

His new job smoothed away his worryabout money. 他的新工作使他消除了经济上的后顾之忧。

2. smooth down

(1) 弄平。如:

He smoothed down his hair.他弄平了头发。

(2) (使)平静。如:

She smoothed down her husband’sanger. 她使她丈夫的火气平息了下来。

3. smooth over

(1) 掩饰。如:

He tried to smooth over hiserrors. 她设法掩饰他的错误。

(2) 平息。如:

I will try to smooth their quarrelover. 我要设法平息他们的争吵。


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