





1. stare at 盯着看。如:

It’s rude to stare at otherpeople. 盯着人看是不礼貌的。

2. stare sb in the face 直视某人的脸,就在眼前,不可避免。如:

He stared her in the face.他直盯着她的脸。

The answer to his problem was staringhim in the face. 他那个问题的答案是明摆着的。

3. stare sb into… 瞪得使某人……。如:

She stared him into silence.她把他盯得不吭声了。

比较:He stared me out ofcountenance. 他盯得她局促不安。

4. stare sb out [down] 盯得某人不敢再对视下去,以目光压倒人,使某人不敢再对视。如:

I tried to stare him out[down]but I failed. 我设法想以目光压倒他,但未能成功。

5. stare sb up and down 上下打量某人。如:

They all stared the tall man up anddown. 他们都上下打量着这个高个子人。


1. start by doing以做某事开始,先做某事。如:

We’ll start by washing thefloor. 我们先冲地板。

Start by melting the butter in thefrying pan. 先把奶油溶在煎锅里。

2. start for 动身去……。如:

What time do you start forwork? 你几点钟去上班?

He started for Paris lastweek. 上周他动身去巴黎了。

注:有时用 start out [off] 表示出发动身。如:

What time do you start out[off]? 你几点钟出发?

3. start off

(1) 动身,出发。如:

We must start off early.我们早点动身。

(2) 开始(做某事)。如:

It’s impossible to stop him talkingonce he starts off. 他一打开话匣就停不住的。

4. start out

(1) 动身,出发。如:

What time did you start out?你是几点动身的?

(2) 开始(做某事)。如:D39

Then he started to write anovel. 然后他开始写一本小说。

He started out studying medicine, butnow he’s a lawyer. 他开始是学医的,但现在当了律师。but

5. start in to do sth 开始(着手)做某事。如:

We started in to discuss theplan. 我们开始讨论这个计划。

注:有时也说成 start (in) on doingsth。如:

He hasn’t started (in) on writing thenext play yet. 他尚未着手写下一出戏。

6. start sb doing sth 使某人开始做某事。如:

The lecture started himthinking. 这次演讲使他开始思考。

The news started me wondering why theaccident had happened. 这消息使开始思索为什么会发生那样的事故。

7. start to do [doing] sth 开始做某事。如:

It started to rain [raining].天开始下起雨来。

Hearing the news she started crying[to cry]. 一听到这消息,她就开始哭了起来。

注:当主语是事物、start 本身为进行式或后接表心理活动的动词等情况下,通常后接不定式。如:

A strong wind started to blow.开始刮大风。

He was starting to clean theroom. 他开始打扫房间。

He started to like it.他开始喜欢它了。

8. to start with 在开始时,起初,首先。如:

The club had only six members tostart with. 这个俱乐部开始时只有六个人。

There was only one hotel in the townto start with. 这个城里开始时只有一家旅馆。

To start with, we haven’t got enoughmoney. 首先我们没有足够的钱。



1. stay away (from)

(1) 不去(某地),不去(上学,上班)。如:

Why did you stay away fromschool? 你为什么不去上学?

(2) 不接近,避开或远离。如:

Tell him to stay away from mysister. 叫他离我妹妹远点。

You must stay away from these roughboys. 你不要接近那些粗野的孩子。

2. stay behind 留下。如:

The teacher told me to stay behindafter school. 老师叫我放学后留下。

I stayed behind to help clean upafter the party. 晚会后我留下帮忙收拾东西。

3. stay for 留下(吃饭等)。如:

We stayed for (=to have)supper. 我们留下吃了晚饭。

4. stay in 呆在家里,不出门。如:

The doctor advised me to stay in fora few days. 医生建议我在家休息几天。

5. stay out 不在家,在外面。如:

The girl stayed out all night.这女孩整夜未归。

6. stay up 不睡,熬夜。如:

Tell him to stay up till I comeback. 叫他等我回来再睡。

I stayed up reading untilmidnight. 我读书一直读到半夜。



1. in (out of) step (with) (……)步调一致(不一致)。如:

They walked in step.他们齐步走。

I hope my ideas are in step withpublic opinion. 我希望我的想法与公众舆论是一致的。

He’s out of step with modernlife. 他与现代生活不合拍。

2. mind [watch] ones step 小心地走(或做事)。如:

Mind your step, or you’llfall. 小心点,不然你会摔倒的。

You’ll be in trouble if you don’twatch your step. 你若不谨慎从事,你会倒霉的。

3. step by step 一步一步地,按部就班地。如:

Step by step they were getting to thetop. 他们一步一步地走近山项。

Step by step we gainknowledge. 我们一步一步地获取知识。

4. take steps (to do sth) 采取措施(步骤,行动)(做某事)。如:

Take such steps as you thinkbest. 按你认为最好的步骤办吧。

They took steps to change thelaw. 他们采取行动修改法律。


We must take steps to prevent ithappening again. 我们采取措施防止它再次发生。




1. stick at

(1) ……有顾虑。如:

He sticks at nothing.他无所顾忌(即什么事都干得出来)

(2) 坚持()。如:

If we stick at it, we can finish thejob today. 要是我们坚持干下去,我们今天就可以完成这工作。

2. stick by 忠于,遵守。如:

We must stick by our friends.我们必须忠于我们的朋友。

Do you always stick by yourpromises? 你总能遵守诺言吗?

3. stick out

(1) 伸出,突出。如:

He stuck his tongue out at me.他对我伸舌头。

How his stomach sticks out!他的肚子多挺呀!

(2) 坚持。如:

You’ve only a few pages to go. Stickit out. 你还有几页就读完了,读完它吧。

(3) 明显。如:

It really sticks out that we aren’twelcome here. 很明显,我们在这里不受欢迎。

4. stick to

(1) 粘住。如:

The wet shirt stuck to hisback. 湿衬衫粘住他的背。

(2) 坚持,遵循。如:

We must stick to our agreement(promise, word). 我们必须坚持我们的协定(诺言)



1. stop doing sth 停止做某事。如:

He is trying to stop smoking.他在设法戒烟。

Hearing her husband come in shestopped crying. 听见她丈夫进了来,她就不哭了。

注:stop doing sth 指的是停止正在做的事,其中的 doing sth是动词stop 的宾语。

2. stop sb (sth) (from) doing sth 阻止某人(某事)做某事。如:

Her parents tried to stop her (from)seeing him. 她父母不让她见他。

If I can stop them (from) goingthere, I’ll do it. 要是我能够阻止他们去那里,我会这样做的。

注:该句型有时也可说成 stop sb’s doingsth。如:

Nothing can stop me (from) going. /Nothing can stop my going. 什么也不能阻止我去。

3. stop to do sth 停下来去做某事。如:

They stopped to listen, but there wasno more sound. 他们停下来听, 但再也没有听到什么声音。

They were tired, so they stopped tohave a rest. 他们很累了,所以停下来休息一会儿。

注:该句型表示停下正在做的事去做另外一件事,其中的 to do sth 为目的状语。

4. come to a stop 停下来。如:

The train came to a suddenstop. 火车突然停了下来。

注:上句也可说成 The train was brought to a suddenstop.

5. put a stop to sth 使……停下。如:

I must put a stop to this.我必须要制止这事。

Let’s put a stop to all thisnonsense. 让我们别再这样胡闹了。



1. tell a story

(1) 讲故事。如:

He is good at telling stories.他善于讲故事。

She told us an interestingstory. 她给我们讲了个有趣的故事。

(2) 说谎。如:

Don’t tell stories, Tom.汤姆,不要撒谎。

2. The story goes that……据说……。如:

The story goes that she killedherself that night. 据说她那天晚上自杀了。

3. to make [cut] s long story short 长话短说,总而言之。如:

To make [cut] a long story short, hecame back safe and sound. 总而言之,他安然无恙地回来了。



1. be strange to ……感到生疏或不习惯等。如:

He’s strange to the work.他对这种工作外行。

He is still strange to citylife. 他还是过不惯城市生活。

比较:He’s strange to this place. / Thisplace is strange to him. 她对这个地方不熟悉。

2. Its strange that… ……真是奇怪。如:

It’s strange that we should meethere. 我们居然在这里见面,真不可思议。

注:该句型中的 that 从句通常用“should+动词原形这样的虚拟语气,但有时也可用陈述语气。如:

It is strange that you don’t knowhim. 真奇怪,你居然不认识他。

It’s strange we haven’t heard fromher. 奇怪的是我们还没有她的音信。

3. strange to say 说来也怪。如:

Strange to say, he did pass the examafter all. 说来也怪,他到底还是通过了考试。

Strange to say, he married such agirl. 奇怪的是,他娶了那样一个女孩。



1. in [on] the street 在街上。如:

Our house is on [in] thisstreet. 我们家就在这条街上。

I met her on [in] the streetyesterday. 我昨天在街上见到了她。

注:英国英语多用介词 in, 美国英语多用介词 on



1. be strict with sb 对某人要求严格。如:

He is very strict with hisson. 他对儿子要求很严格。

You should be more strict withyourself. 你应该更严格要求你自己。

2. be strict in sth 对某事要求严格。如:

He is strict in his work.他对工作要求严格。

We should be strict ineverything. 事事我们都应该严格要求。

注:有时用介词 on, about。如:

He’s not very strict about it.他对这件事不很严肃。

He was very strict on [in] theobservance of the rules. 他严格遵守规则。



1. (be) on strike 在罢工(罢课)。如:

The railway workers are onstrike. 铁路工人在罢工。

2. go on strike 开始罢工。如:

They decided to go on strike.他们决定举行罢工。

3. be struck by

(1) ……打中。如:

The car was struck by a fallingtree. 汽车被一棵倒下的树打中。

(2) ……打动(吸引)。如:

I was struck by [with] herbeauty. 我被她的美貌打动(深深地吸引住)了。

4. strike sb as sth 给某人留下某印象,让某人产生某效果。如:

His joke didn’t strike me as beingvery funny. 他的笑话并未让我感到很好笑。

The house strikes you as welcomingwhen you go in. 这座房子你一进去就感到舒适。



1. struggle against ……作斗争。如:

The soldiers were struggling againstthe floods. 士兵们在与洪水作斗争。

He struggled against a desire forsleep. 他与睡意作斗争。

2. struggle for ……而斗争(奋斗)。如:

He had to struggle for aliving. 他得为生存而斗争。

The two leaders are struggling forpower. 这两个领导人正在争夺权力。

注:有时与 struggle to do sth同义。如:

He has been struggling for success inhis business. / He has been struggling to succeed in hisbusiness. 为使事业成功,他一直努力奋斗着。

3. struggle with ……作斗争。如:

I struggled with him for thewallet. 我和他为得到那个钱包而博斗。

注:有时与 struggle against 同义。如:

He has been struggling against [with]illness for many years. 他与疾病博斗了多年。



1. succeed in (doing) sth ()某事方面成功。如:

He succeeded in everything.他事事成功。

I’ve succeeded in preventing him fromleaving. 我已成功地劝阻他不要离开。

注:有时用于反语(通常与only 连用)。如:

I tried to clean the watch, but onlysucceeded in breaking

it. 我想把表弄干净,结果却弄坏了。

注意英语习惯上不说 succeed to do sth

2. succeed to

(1) 接着是。如:

Spring succeeds to winter.冬去春来。

(2) 接替,继承。如:

He succeeded to the mayoralty.他继任市长职位。

注:以上用法中的介词 to 有时可省略(succeed 用作及物动词)



1. have success in (doing) sth ()某事方面成功。如:

He has had great success inlife. 他事业很成功。

Did you have any success inpersuading her to come? 你说服了要她来吗?

2. make a success of ……方面取得成功。如:

I think he will make a success ofit. 我想他会成功的。



1. be successful in (doing) sth ()某事方面成功。如:

He was successful in theexamination. 他考试成绩很好。

Were you successful in finding a newhouse? 你想找所新房子你找到了吗?

注:英语习惯上不说 be successful to dosth



1. such (……) as

(1) ……这样的。如:

Take such as you need.你需要什么就拿什么。

I’ve never heard such stories as hetells. 我从未听过他讲那样的故事。

Such advice as he was given provedalmost worthless. 给他提的那类建议简直毫无价值。

注:该结构中的 as 用作关系代词,引导定语从句,as在定语从句中用作主语或宾语。另外注意,不要将该结构中的as 换成like

(2) 例如,诸如此类的,像……那样的。如:

Don’t do anything silly such as marryhim. 不要做什么蠢事,比如说去嫁给他。

There are few poets such as Keats andShelly. 像济慈和雪莱这样的诗人现在很少了。

2. such……that 如此……以致。如:

He is such a clever boy that we alllike him. 他这个孩子这样聪明,我们都喜欢他。

He shut the window with such forcethat the glass broke. 他关窗子用力很大,结果玻璃震破了。

注:该结构中的 that 有时可省略。如:

It was such a beautiful night (that)I wanted to go out for a walk. 夜色如此之美,我真想出去走走。



2. all of a sudden突然。如:

All of a sudden the lights wentout. 灯突然熄了。

All of of a sudden she burst intotears. 她突然笑起来。



1. suffer from

(1) ……之苦,因……而受苦。如:

We were suffering frompoverty. 我们当时受贫穷之苦。

He suffered most from lack ofrest. 他最吃亏的是休息太少。


(2) ……病。如:

What illness is he sufferingfrom? 他得了什么病?

He is suffering from a badcold. 他在患重感冒。

2. suffer with

(1) 由于……产生的痛苦。如:D8

He is terribly suffering with hisfeet. 他的脚痛得厉害。

(2) ……病。如:

The children are suffering frommeasles. 这些在患麻疹。


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