

10. ...ran as fast as he could后接动词的什么形式?
  That day Mr. Smith got up late, so he ran as fast as he could_____ the early bus.
  A. catch    B. tocatch    C.catching    D. caught
  此题容易误选A,认为情态动词后只能接动词原形。但是,错了,正确的答案是B。其实情态动词could后本来有动词原形run,只是被省略了,即此句的完整形式应是...sohe ran as fast as he could run to catch the earlybus,其中的不定式to catch the early bus为目的状语。
  (1) My parents did what they could _____ my aunt anduncle.
  A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped
  (2) He read what he could _____ his knowledge.
  A. widen B. to widen C. widening D. widened
  (1) He ran as fast as he could _____ to catch the bus.
  A. hope B. to hope C. hoping D. hoped
  此题的最佳答案不是B,而是C,其中的现在分词短语hoping to catchthebus用做伴随状语,即一边跑一边希望能赶上汽车。但是,如果选B,将tohope to catch thebus视为目的状语行不行呢?不行。因为“他拼命地跑”目的是“为了赶上公共汽车”,而不是“为了希望赶上公共汽车”,换句话说,将“希望”作为“目的”不妥。因为同样的原因,下面一题也应选hoping:
  He studied as hard as he could _____ to enter a goodcollege.
  A. hope B. to hope C. hoping D. hoped
  (2) He spent every minute he could _____foreignlanguages.
  A.study    B. tostudy    C.studying    D. studied
  此题也应选C,但是,它与上面选现在分词hoping表伴随有所不同,此题的studying其实与其前的动词spend有关,即套用的是“spend +时间或金钱+ (in)doing sth”这一句型。

  _____ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earthonce every month.
  A. It  B. As   C. That D. What
  此题很容易误选A,认为此处应填一个形式主语,况且It is (well)known to...也是一个常用句型,读起来也很上口,但是选A错了。同学们仔细想想看,假若选A,横线处填一个形式主语(it),那么其后就应有一个真正的主语,但事实上没有。但是若将句中的逗号改成that,则只能选A,因为这样一来,that便成为一个引导主语从句的引导词。此题的最佳答案是B,as引导的是一个非限制性定语从句,可置于主句前(常译为“正如”)或主句后(常译为“这一点”),句意为“正如大家所知,月球每月绕地球转一周”。

12. 这里用that is why 还是which is why?
  He is always really rude, _____ is why people tend to avoidhim.
  A. that   B. it  C.this   D . which
  此题容易误选 A,因为 that's why ...是一个常用表达,同学们极易受此影响而选错,
当然若此句的横线前有连词 and或将其前的逗号改为分号,则完全可选that(分别构成并

which 指 He is always really rude。另外请比较以下两题(注意连词的有无)。

  (1) He had a lot of friends, none of _____ could lend him anymoney.
  A. whom B. them C. which D. who
  (2) He had a lot of friends, but none of _____ could lend himany money.
  A.whom    B. them   C. which   D. who
  第(1)题选A,none of whom could ...为非限制性定语从句;第(2)题选B,由于句中有并列连词but,整个句子为并列句,因此选them。

13. 这里该用none of them 还是none of which?
  He wrote a lot of novels, none of _____ translated into aforeign language.
  A. them   B. which  C .it  D. what
列连词 and 或but,但这次又错了。此题的最佳选项应是A,注意此句与上面一句有着本
质的不同,即此句的 translated不是谓语,而是一个非谓语动词(过去分词),所以逗号
后面其实不是一个完整的句子,而是一个独立结构。假若在 translated前加一个助动词 w
  (1) I met several people there, two of _____ were foreigners.
  A. whom   B. them   C.who   D. which
  (2) I met several people there, two of _____ being foreigners.
  A. whom   B. them   C.who   D. which
  第(1)题选A,two of whom were foreigners为非限制性定语从句;第(2)题选B,two of them being foreigners不是一个完整的句子,因为句子没有谓语,而只有非谓语动词being。

14. 这个定语从句用that引导还是用when来引导?
  He said he would never forget the day _____ he spent with hisgirlfriend in the country.
  A. that    B.when  C. how   D.where
  此题容易误选 B,有不少学生总是机械地认为:
时间名词后用关系副词when,地点名词后用关系副词where。其实时间名词和地点名词后既可能用关系副词也可能用关系代词,主要看它们在定语从句中充当什么句子成分,原则上可归纳为:作主语或宾语,用关系代词;作状语,用关系副词。此题从句中的spent 缺宾语,故应用关系代词(that),而不能用关系副词,即此题应选A。
  (1) This is the factory _____ I worked 10 years ago.
  A. where   B. that   C.what   D. why
  (2) This is the factory _____ I worked in 10 years ago.
  A. where   B. that   C.what   D. why
  第(1)题选A,work 为不及物动词,where在定语从句中用做地点状语;第(2)题选B,虽然动词 work 不及物,但是work in 却是及物的,that 在定语从句中用做介词 in 的宾语。

15. 这里用 in which case 还是用 in whose case?
  She may have missed the train, in _____ case she won't arrivefor another hour.
  A. whose    B.that   C.which   D. what
  此题容易误选A,因为不少同学认为在定语从句中能用做定语的关系代词的只有whose。其实除 whose 可用做定语外,which也可用做定语,只是含义上有差别:在此情况下,whose的意思相当于one's,而 which 的意思则相当于 that 或this。比较:
  (1) This is Mary, whose [= and her] father we met lastweek.
  (2) Call again at 11, by which time [= and by that time] themeeting should be over.
  注:若15题中的逗号前有连词 and,则可选 B(that)。

16. which可用于指人吗?
  Mr. Smith is a painter, _____ I should also like to be.
  A. that    B.which   C.who   D. it
  此题很容易误选C,因为许多同学认为指人时总是用who,不能用which,选项A(that)虽然也能指人,但这是非限制性定语从句,也不能用。其实此题应选B(which),因为这里的which其实指的不是具体的某个人,而是指一个人的特征或属性,此时不能用who。又如:Sophiawas dressed like an actress, which she wasnot.苏菲亚的穿着像个演员,实际她不是。He is hardly the man which wethought him to be.他几乎不是我们原来想要他成为的那种人。

  According to the rules, students must not _____ their booksduring examinations.
  A. read   B.watch   C.notice   D. look at
  Let me have a look at the book.让我看看或翻翻这本书。
  Please answer my questions without looking at yourbooks.请不看书回答我的问题。

18. 涉及every和each的主谓一致?
  Every boy and girl _____ the book and they each _____ to buyone.
  A. like, want   B. likes,wants  C. likes,want    D. like, wants

  此题容易误选D,认为前面一空要用复数动词,因为它的主语是boy andgirl,是复数;而第二空则应用单数动词,因为其前有each表示“每一个”。而事实上,恰恰相反,此题应选C。因为按英语习惯,every后接两个单数名词作主语时,谓语要用单数,即第一空应填likes;而第二空要填复数动词want,因为其前的主语是they而不是each(each为主语同位语)。

19.是English还是the English?
  _____ is his favorite subject, but he doesn't know _____ for“gongzuo”.
  A. English,English?     B.The English, the English
 C. English, the English   D. The English,English
  此题容易误选A,认为表示语言的名词前是不用冠词的。的确,英语中表示语言或表示学科的语言名词前习惯上不加冠词,但是它若表示语言中的对应词语时,则其前习惯上要用定冠词,又如:What'sthe Chinese for“work”(work用汉语怎么说)?因此最佳答案为C。另外,在the Englishlanguage, the Frenchlanguage这类带有language的表达中也通常要用冠词。语言名词前习惯上不用物主代词,所以“谁教你们的英语”不能译为:
  Who teaches your English?而应译为:Who teaches youEnglish?(此句teach后接的you和English为双宾语)但是,当表示语言的名词表示某人使用语言的能力和水平时,则可用物主代词,如可说MyEnglish is very poor。

20.是than any country还是than any other country
  Canada is larger than _____ country in Asia.
  A. any   B. any other   C.other   D. another
  同学们大都比较熟悉下列句型(其中的other不可省略):He is cleverthan any other student in hisclass.他比班上其他学生要聪明。
  Shanghai is larger than any other city inChina.上海比中国其他城市要大。
  于是许多同学便将than anyother作为一个短语记了下来。但是上面一题有所不同。这类句型到底该不该加other,主要应看所谈论的对象是否在比较的范围之内:若在范围之内,则用other(以排除自己与自己比较);若不在范围之内,则不用other。比较下面一题:
  China is larger than _____ country in Asia.
  A. any B. any other C. other D. another

21.是remind sb of doing sth还是remind sb to do sth?
  Remind him _____ the window when he leaves.
  A. of closing   B.closing   C. toclose   D. close
  受remind sb of (doing)sth结构的影响此题容易误选A。比较以下三个结构:remind sb of sth=使某人想起某事remind sb of doing sth=提醒某人做过某事(暗示动作已发生)remind sb to do sth=提醒某人去做某事(暗示动作尚未发生)
  I'm too busy these days. Please remind me to attend the meetingon Friday. 这几天我很忙,请提醒我星期五去开会。
  I was going to see the film, but he reminded me of seeing itbefore.我本来打算去看这部电影的,但是他提醒我说我以前看过。(此句也可说成:...buthe reminded me that I had seen it before.)

22. 是be interested to do sth还是be interested in doing sth?
  You are right, we are not interested _____ to stories, but nowwe'd be interested  _____ your story.
  A. in listening, inhearing     B.to listen, to hear
  C. in listening, tohear      D. to listen, in hearing
  此题容易误选A,因为 be interested in 是大家很熟悉的结构,in是介词,其后接动词自然应用动名词。但是,从句意来看,此题的最佳答案应是C。为此请注意以下区别:beinterested in doing sth =对做某事感兴趣(指一般性的动作)beinterested to do sth =很有兴趣做某事,很想做某事(指尚未发生的动作)如:He isinterested in listening to stories. 他对听故事很感兴趣。We'd beinterested to hear your story. 我们很想听听你的故事。
  be keen on doing sth = 热衷于做某事(指一般性的动作)
  be keen to do sth = 渴望做某事(指尚未发生的动作)
  He is keen on playing tennis. 他很喜欢打网球。
  I can't drive yet, but I'm keen to learn.我还不会开车,但我很想学。

  但是,以上用法是不可以随便推而广之的,因为并不是所有的“be +形
容词”都可同时接不定式或“介词 + 动名词”的。如:(1)要表示“喜欢做某事”,英语可用 be fond of doing sth,但不用 be fondto do sth。
  (2) 要表示“忙于做某事”,英语可用 be busy in doing sth,但不用be busy to do sth。
  (3) 要表示“厌烦做某事”,英语可用 be tired of doingsth,但不用 be tired to do sth。
  (4) 要表示“做某事做迟了”,英语可用 be late in doingsth,但不用 be late to do sth。
  (5) 要表示“做某事有经验”,英语可用 be experienced at / indoing sth,但不用 be experienced to dosth。另外,对于可用于以上两个结构者,也不见得含义都有以上区别。如:befortunate to do sth 与 be fortunate in doing sth大致同义。
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