


41.Shirley _____ a book about China last year, but I don't knowwhether she has finished it.

  A. has written   B. wrote   C. had written D. was writing


42. --- Who should I send this message to?    --- The mayor is the one___ ?

 A. to send it  B. to be sent  C. for sending  D. to send itto

答案解析:第一句提供了语境"应把消息送给谁?""应送给市长"。故A是错误的,正确答案为D,即sendthe message to themayor.被修饰的名词为不定式的间接宾语时,不定式后应加上适当的介词。

43.It is so difficult a problem that _____ student in this class_____ work it out.

  A. any,can't     B. no, can   C. every,can     D. no, can't

答案解析:此题很容易误选A,因为从句意上看,选A可将此句理解为“这个问题是如此之难,这个班上任何一个学生都不可能做出来”。但按英语习惯,any(任何一个)作为非肯定词,它只能出现在否定词not之后,而不能在其前,即可说notany,但不说any not。所以正确答案应选B。

44.The young man spent as much time as he _____ over hislessons.

 A. went    B. can go   C. could going  D. could togo

答案解析:此题除考查理解句子结构的能力外,还考查了动词短语spendsome time(in)doing sth的用法,所以答案为C。

45_____ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earthonce every month.

 A.It           B.As              C. That         D. What

 答案解析: 此题很容易误选A,认为此处应填一个形式主语,况且Itis (well) known to...也是一个常用句型,读起来也很上口,但是选A错了。同学们仔细想想看,假若选A,横线处填一个形式主语(it),那么其后就应有一个真正的主语,但事实上没有。但是若将句中的逗号改成that,则只能选A,因为这样一来,that便成为一个引导主语从句的引导词。此题的最佳答案是B,as引导的是一个非限制性定语从句,可置于主句前(常译为“正如”)或主句后(常译为“这一点”),句意为“正如大家所知,月球每月绕地球转一周”。 

46. —Must I turn off the gas after cooking ? —Of course . You can never be _______ careful withthat. 
  A.enough         B.too           C.so            D.very

答案解析:选B。can / couldnot...too是一个固定搭配,表示“无论怎样也不过分;此句话的汉语意思是:-做完饭后一定要把煤气关掉吗?- 当然,你越小心越好。有些学生误认为can never betoo…是一个孤立的结构,而逐字翻译,从而误选D。

47.Mrs Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machineshe had had ____ went wrong again.

 A. it    B. it repaired  C. repaired  D. to berepaired

答案解析:此题句型为have sth done, she had hadrepaired为定语从句,修饰the washing machine,C为正确答案。迷惑选项为B项。

48. --- Don't forget to come to my birthday partytomorrow.     ---______. 

 A.I don't    B.I won't    C.I can't    D.Ihaven't

答案解析::完整回答为I won't forget to come to your birthdayparty tomorrow.答案为B. 选A是受上一句中Don't 影响。

49.I'll come to see you if _____.

A. you're convenient  B. it is convenient foryou  C. you feel convenient  D.it is convenient with you

答案解析:此题最佳答案为B,但很容易误选A或C,因为按汉语意思,我们常说“如果你方便的话”,所以许多同学就将此直译为ifyou are convenient或if you feelconvenient。但事实上,英语中convenient的意思不是“感到方便的”,而是“使人感到方便的”,所以beconvenient的主语不能是“人”。要表示“如果你方便的话”,英语通常说ifit is convenientfor[to]you,其中的介词可用for或to,但一般不用with。

50.Sarah hopes to become a friend of _____ shares herinterests.

 A. anyone  B. whomever  C. whoever  D. nomatter who

答案解析:此题不能选A,假若选A,应在其后加上who,即用 anyonewho;也不能选B,一是因为横线处应填一个作主语的词(因为其后有谓语动词shares),二是因为在现代英语中 whomever这个词已基本废除也就是说,在现代英语中whoever 既用做主语,也用做宾语,如:Give itto whoever you see in the meeting-room.你在会议室里看见谁就把它给谁);也不能选D,因为 no matterwho只用于引导让步状语从句,不用于引导名词性从句。此题正确答案为C,whoever在此相当于 anyone who。



1. I hope _____ the job she's applied for (申请) .

A. she's going toget     B. she'll get   C. she is toget     D. she decides to get

答案是B项。will或shall用来表示希望或期望。因此在表示与希望有关的动词或动词短语的宾语从句中的将来时态时,要用will或shall。这些动词或短语是:hope, expect , be sure , believe , think , suppose , doubt 和be afraid等。

2. There must be _____ book which could help .

   A.some     B.any       C.one      D. one useful

答案是A项。some除了用作数量词外,还可用来泛指未知的人或事物。又如:Theremust be some reason for what he has done .(他所做的事肯定基于某种原因。)

3. If you _____ stop smoking , you can only expect to have a badcough .

A.won't      B. wouldnot     C. donot      D. can not

If you will would wait a moment , I will fetch the money .

4. Take a taxi , _____ you'll miss your train .

   A.and        B.if         C.otherwise     D. or

答案是C项。祈使句可用来取代if从句来表示评论、提出要求、发出忠告或威胁等。用祈使句比用if从句表达更强的紧迫性。在表示评论和要求时,其连词用and,表示忠告时用连词otherwise,表示威胁时,用连词or。例如:Failto pay and they will cut off the electricity .(不交钱,他们就会中断供电。)这是客观的评论;Tell us what to do andwe will get on with it .(如果你告诉我们该做些什么,我们就会把它做好。)这明显是请求;Put onyou overcoat when you go out , otherwise you will catch cold .(外出时你应该穿上大衣,不然的话你会感冒的。)显然这是忠告;Drop thatgun , or I will shoot you .(把枪放下,否则我就开枪打死你。)很明显,这是威胁。

5. I posted the letter some time _____ the week .

    A.in           B.during        C.throughout         D. within

答案是B项。如同感观动词一样,下面这些动词后只能跟代词的宾格或名词的通格(如him, Mary),其后是"动词-ing":start , keep , stop , catch , find ,leave , 如:When are you going to start him working for us ?(你打算什么时候让他开始为我们工作?)。应该指出感观动词后的宾语既可跟着"动词-ing"形式,又可跟着不带to动词不定式,但以上这些动词后总跟着宾语+动词-ing的形式。

6. I'd better not catch ______ that again !

    A. yourdoing      B. youdoing     C. you todo      D. you being doing

答案是B项。如同感观动词一样,下面这些动词后只能跟代词的宾格或名词的通格(如him, Mary),其后是"动词-ing":start , keep , stop , catch , find ,leave , 如:When are you going to start him working for us ?(你打算什么时候让他开始为我们工作?)。应该指出感观动词后的宾语既可跟着"动词-ing"形式,又可跟着不带to动词不定式,但以上这些动词后总跟着宾语+动词-ing的形式。

7. I couldn't have got to the meeting on time - _______ anearlier train .

A. if I had notcaught    B.unless I hadcaught    C. if I did notcatch    D. unless I caught

答案是B项。if…not和unless有时可以互相替换,但也有不能互相替换的时候。unless用于这样的句子,即"如果A不受阻于B,A将发生",例如:Hewill accept the job if the salary is not too low / unless thesalary is too low .(如果薪水不太低,他就会接受这一工作/除非薪水太低,否则他会接受这一项工作的。)但是unless不能用于"由于未发生B而发生A"的句子里,如:Iwill be quite glad if she does not come this evening(她今天晚上要是不来,我才高兴呢。)又如:I will be surprised if hedoes not win the game next week .(如果他赢不了下星期那场比赛,我倒会感到惊奇的。)在以上的两个句子中不能使用unless,但是unless常用来引导一个谈及过去的事后的想法,unless从句跟着主句,通常用破折号而不是逗号将它与主句分开。第7题的句意是:我不可能准时到会了-除非我当时赶上更早一列火车。这个句子的实际是说:我没有准时到会。我只有赶上更早的一趟火车,才能准时到会。如果用if… not代替上面句中的unless,那么这个句子就变成:I couldn't have gotto the meeting on time if I hadn't caught an earlier train .(要不是我赶上了更早的一班火车,我就不可能准时到会。)这句话表达的意思与上句完全相反:我确实准时到会了,因为我赶上了更早的一趟火车。

8. I'll have you ______ English in six months .

   A.speaking       B.speak        C.spoken     D. be able to speak

答案是A项。"have+宾语+doing"这一结构有以下五种用法。(1)用来表示我们一心要取得的效果,如:Hepromised to have me swimming across the river in two weeks' time .(他答应在两周之内使我能游过那条河。);(2)用来表示使宾语持续做某事,如:Incold winter we always have the fire burning day and night .(在冬天,我们总是让火日以继夜地燃烧着。);(3)用来表示不想发生的后果,如:Don'tshout ! You will have the neighbors complaining !(别大声嚷嚷!你会使邻居有意见的!);(4)用来表示说话人控制不了的情况,如:Wehave salesmen or saleswomen calling every day .(我们每天都得任凭推销员们的造访。);(5)这一结构前如用can not或won't,则表示"不能/愿容忍"宾语做某事,如:I won't / can not haveyou speaking like that about your father .(我不允许/不能容忍你那样无礼貌地谈论你自己的父亲。)

9. Our decision _____ was wise .

   A. ofwaiting    B. to wait    C.forwaiting     D. to be waiting

答案是B项。英语中一些名词总与不定式连用,如:decision , wish 与refusal等,使用这些名词与使用它们的动词形式表达的内容是一致的,请看下面三组例句:我们决定等待是明智的。

 His wish to succeed is probable.


 Her refusal to help surprised us greatly.


10. He's unlucky , and he's always suffering _____ luck oneafter another .

 A. a sick  B. an ill   C.sick    D.ill


11. The news about the terrible flood there greatly discouraged______ these for a sight-seeing .

A. us fromgoing      B. us togo      C. ourgoing        D. our to go

答案是A项。discourage与encourage互为反义词。英语中说"鼓励某人做某事"时使用encouragesb to do sth ,但如果要表示"使某人没勇气做某事"时,不能想当然的以此类推:discouragesb to do sth ,这是不符合英语习惯的错误表达方式,其正确形式是:discourage sb fromdoing sth 。

12. My dictionary ________ . I have looked for it everywhere butstill ______ it .

A. has lost ; do notfind    B. ismissing ; do not find 

C. has lost ; have notfound     D. is missing ; have not found

答案是D项。lose是个及物动词,如果要表示某物丢失了,只能用被动语态。A项与C项使用的都是其主动形式。missing是形容词,其词义是:lost; not to be found (丢失了的),据此,第一空缺处应填入ismissing。根据语境,第二个空缺处应填使用现在完成时的否定形式,因为它可以表示目前还未发生的动作。

13. Shortly after the accident , two ______ police were sent tothe spot to keep order .

 A. dozensof   B.dozens   C. dozenof   D. dozen

答案是D项。英语中一些表示数字的名词的前面如果用了数词,这些名词必须是单数形式,如dozen(一打),score(二十)和head(头) 等,例如:另外两打鸡蛋another two dozen eggs ; 八十七年前fourscore and seven years ago ; 五十五头牲口fifty-five head of cattle。但是如果这些名词用来虚指某些可数名词时,这些名词呈复数形式,其后更加上介词of例如:dozensof pencils (几十支铅笔)和scores of tame birds (几十只家禽)。

14. Besides Tom , ______ Crosettes have two other sons , ______of whom are all interested in making model planes .

A.不填;two   B. 不填;thetwo   C. the ;three   D. the ; the three

答案是D项。在英语的姓氏前使用定冠词,表示的是这个姓氏的一家人或这个姓氏的夫妇;"the+ 数词 + of +代词"这一结构表示该代词的总数是前面的数词表示的数量,而"数词+of+代词"结构中的代词表示的量肯定大于前面数词表示的数量,试比较:thefive of us (我们这五个人,us表示的就是五个人)而five of us(我们中的五个人,us表示的数量肯定要多于五个人)。

15. Mr. Zhang gave all the textbooks to all the pupils , except_____ who had already taken them .

these      B.ones     C.theones        D. the others
答案是C项。one本来是数词,但也可用作不定代词,代替前面刚提到的一个东西或人,避免重复前面刚提到的名词,有时one可以有自己的定语或冠词,甚至可以有复数形式,如:Idon't like these pink shirts . Will you please show me the whiteones ?(我不喜欢这些粉色的衬衣,请您把那些白色的衬衣拿给我看看好吗?)

16. ______ professional violinist practises for several hours aday , but ______ violinist has his own way of playing the Beethovenconcert .

A. Each ,every    B. Every ;each    C. All ;every     D. Either ; every

答案是B项。虽然every与each在汉语中的词意是:"每一个",但这两个代词的内涵不完全一样。every与all含义很接近,如:Hehas read every book / all books on the subject .(有关这个科目的书籍他全都读过了。)英文中常用every进行概括,强调事物或人的总体性,而each则表示个别概念,当我们说eachviolinist时,我们想到的是每个不同的人做着不同的事。又如:We wantevery child to succeed , however each child will find his or herown personal road to success .(我们希望每个孩子都能成功,然而每个孩子将会找到他或她个人的成功之路。)

17. The black horse is _____ of the pair .

    A. thestrongest    B.thestronger    C. thestrong      D. quite strong

答案是B项。英语表示"两里择一的那一个更…"的名词前的比较级前面应该使用定冠词the。pair的词义是"一对"或"一双",此处的thepair 的词义是two horses fastened side by side to a cart(两匹套在车辕的马)。因此,此处应该使用the stronger 。

18. The duties of a policeman are _____ than ____ .

A. dangerouser ; ateacher                B. more dangerous ; a teacher

C. greater danger ; those of ateacher        D. more dangerous ; those of a teacher

答案是D项。英语中由构词法派生出的形容词或副词比较级与最高级一律前面加more各themost构成。dangerous是由danger派生出的形容词,因此其比较级是moredangerous ;在比较句中,一定要使比较的东西是一致的。为了避免重复,需比较的对象如果是单数,应该使用thatof…代替,如果需比较的对象是复数,则用those of…,请看以下两个例句,并理解上述说法:The climate in Florida is asmild as in California . (佛罗里达州的气候与加州的气候一样暖和。)Classes in universities are more difficult than those in colleges .(大学本科的课程比大学专科的课程更难。)

19. It is a rule in his family that ______ comes home earliershould cook the dinner for the family .

A. Anybody   B.who   C. whothat    D.whoever

答案是D项。whoever有两个词义,(1)no matterwho,在这种用法时引导一个让步状语从句,如:Whoever ( = No matterwho ) it is , I do not want to see them .(无论他是谁,我都不想见。),又如:The business would be a success ,whoever ( no matter who ) owned it .(这个企业准能兴旺发达,甭管谁是它的主人。);(2)anybody /that,在这种用法时,它连接一个名词性从句,在本题中它连的是主语从句,又如:Iwill take whoever ( anybody that ) wants to go to that beautifulpark .(我要带任何想去那个美丽公园的人去那里。)在这一例句中whoever连接的是一个宾语从句。

20. I really wonder ______ he has posted me many parcels _____we worked together .

  A. how ;after    B. why; when   C. when ;before  D. why ; since

答案是D项。英语中的连词since有这样的特性:终止其后从句中的延续性的谓语动词的动作。第二个空白处填入since之后,这个从句的意思是:自从我们不在一起工作起。此外,since还可使其后从句里的非延续性的谓语动词延续。例如:Itis 15 years since he joined the Army . (他参军已经十五年了。)

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