

s feet. (SIIL47)
suffer from 遭受      The peasants had to pay heavy taxes andsuffered greatly from hunger. (SIIL 86 )
take a look at 看一下    Can I take a look at it ?(SIL21)
take a taxi 打的      My plane leaves at seven , so I thinkwe’ll take a taxi. (SIL13)
take a photograph ( of ) 照一张相   A photographer is sentimmediately to take photographs. (SIIL 14 )
take along 随身携带    He took along some of his pictures inthe hope of getting a job there. (SIIL2)
take it easy 放心好了、别着急   Take it easy ! I’ve just calledthe First Aid Centre. (SIIL 29 )
take part in 参加    Every four years athletes all over theworld take part in the Olympic Game. (SIL38)
take place 发生    The dialogue takes place at a tailor’s shop. (SIIL38)
take sides ( in ) 站在…一边  He had taken Swiss nationality in1901 and therefore did not have to join the army , as
Switzerland did not take sides in the war. (SIIL 51)
take up 占去、占领    I think we should get this one , althoughit will take up more space in the room. (SIL36)
take the place of 代替、取代  Millions of young trees havealready been planted to take the place of those which were
blown over. (SIIL43 )
talk of 谈论、议论    people have been talking of it a lotrecently . ( SIIL 65)
tell lies 说谎    Recently I’ve discovered that he’s startedto tell lies . (SIL54)
think of 认为、看法    In "the good old days " people thoughtwell of each other . (SIL42)
throw away 扔掉    After you printed the book , you had tothrow away the carved pieces of wood . (SIL77 )
throw at 向…扔去      She looked around the kitchen forsomething to throw at the lion. (SIIL 46)
throw up 吐出、呕吐    Make the person throw up .(SIIL31)
translate... into ... 把…译成…  He said when people arelearning a foreign language, they should not translate
everything into their own language . (SIL82 )
try one’s best 竭尽全力    I try my best to be friendly , butthey do not seem kind to me . (SIL54 )
turn down 关小、调低    Let me turn the music down .(SIL101)
turn ... into ... 把…变成…  If we cut down forests , we’llturn the land into a desert . (SIIL33)
turn off 关掉(水、电、收音机) Before you leave the lab, make surethe electricity is turned off and the windows
are shut. (SIL5)
turn out 证明是、结果是    Hopefully tomorrow will turn outfine . ( SIIL 77 )
turn up 到达、出现    At around a quarter past eleven theirfather turned up . (SIIL70 )
turn over 翻动、耕翻    The soil should also be turned overwith a fork so that the weeds would be destroyed.
wash away 冲走、冲垮    In this way rains do not wash away thesoil . (SIL19) 
wake up 醒来  In the morning people woke up and found the worldoutside their houses completely changed.
wish ... every success 祝…成功  I wish you every success in thefuture . (SIIL 93 )
worry about 担心、烦恼 
work out 算出、解决    He worked out just how much the lightwould be bent . (SIIL51)
write to 写信给…    You can write to BBC English and ask forany information you need. (SIL 46 )
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