

1. Jumping out of ________ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite________ exciting experience. (2002全国高考题)
A./; the    B./;an   C.an;an    D.the; the
2. There’s ________ dictionary on ________ desk by your side.(2003北京春季高考题)
A.a; the   B.a;a   C.the;a    D.the;the
3. An accident happened at ________ crossroads a few meters awayfrom ________ bank. (2003上海春季高考题)
A.a;a    B./;a   C./;the    D.the;/
4.The warmth of ________ sweater will of course be determined bythe sort of ________ wool used.
A.the;the   B.the;/   C./;the    D./;/
5.Mr.Li will give us ________ talk.________ talk will begin at8:00.
A.a;The   B.the;A   C./;/     D.a;A
6.The sun gives us ________ heat and ________ light.
A.the;the   B.a;a   C.a;the    D./;/
7.—What do you need in dinner?
—I need ________.
A.a knife and afork    B.aknife and fork
C.the knife andfork    D.theknife and the fork
8.________ Mrs.Smith is waiting for you in your office.
A.The    B.A    C.One    D./
9.She’s on ________ People’s Daily.
A.the    B.an   C.a     D./
10._____ Einsteins could not pay for _____ advanced education thatyoung Albert needed.
A.The;the   B.A;a   C.An;the   D.The;an
11.She is ________ newcomer to ________ chemistry but she hasalready made some important discoveries.
A.the;the   B.the;a   C.a;/    D.a;the
12.—Where is Jack?
—I think he is still in ________ bed,but he might be in ________bathroom.
A./;/    B.the;the  C.the;/    D./;the
13.I don’t like talking on ________ telephone; I prefer writing________ letters.
A.a; the   B.a;/   C.the;the   D.the;/
14.Many people are still in ________ habit of writing silly thingsin ________ public places.
A.the;the   B./;/   C.the;/    D./;the
15.—If you don’t like the red coat,take the blue one.
—OK,but do you have ________ size in blue? This one is a bittight for me.
A.a big   B.abigger  C.thebig   D.thebigger
16.I heard somebody playing ________ piano in ________ nextroom.
A.a;a    B.the;the  C.a;the    D.the;an
17.________ Pacific Ocean is ________ largest of all.
A.the; a   B./;the   C.the;the   D.a;/
18.Great changes have taken place in ________ 1990’s.
A./    B.a    C.the    D.an
19.Wouldn’t it be ____ wonderful world if all nations lived in_____ peace with one another?
A.a;/    B.the;/   C.a;the    D.the;the
20.Alexander Graham Bell invented ________ telephone in 1876.
A./    B.a    C.the    D.one
21.In 1864,Lincoln was elected _____ President of ____ UnitedStates for the second time.
A.the;the   B.a;a   C./;the    D./;/
22.John is ________ university student.
A./    B.any   C.a     D.an
23.The table is made of ________.
A.awood   B.somewood C.thewood   D.wood
24.We are going to learn ________ next week.
A.TwelfthLesson     B.TheTwelfth Lesson
C.TwelveLesson     D.TheTwelve Lesson
25.—I’d like ________ information about the management of yourhotel,please.
—Well,you could have ________ word with the manager. He might behelpful.
A.some;a   B.an;some  C.some; some  D.an; a
26.Paper money was in _______ use in China when Marco Polo visitedthe country in ______ thirteenth century.
A.the;/   B.the;the  C./;the    D./;/
27.Most animals have little connection with ________ animals of________ different kind unless they kill them for food.
A.the; a   B./;a   C.the;the   D./;the
28.Alice is fond of playing _____ piano while Henry is interestedin listening to _____ music.
A./; the   B./;/   C.the;/    D.the;the
29.Oh,John.________ you gave us!
A.How a pleasantsurprise   B.Howpleasant surprise
C.What a pleasantsurprise   D.Whatpleasant surprise
30.________ terrible weather we’ve been having these days!
A.How a   B.Whata  C.How    D.What
31.Many people agree that _____ knowledge of English is a must in____ international trade today.
A.a;/    B.the;an  C.the;the   D./;the
32.Beyond ________ stars,the astronaut saw nothing but ________space.
A.the; /   B./;the   C./;/    D.the;the
33.—Have you seen ________ pen? I left it here this morning.
—Is it ________ black one? I think I saw it some where.
A.a;the   B.the;the  C.a;a    D.the;a
34.After watching ________ TV,she played ________ violin for anhour.
A./;/    B.the;the  C.the;/    D./;the
35.—Are you sure to help me find ________ bed for my newhouse?
—Sure,but not now. I’m heading for ________ bed and a goodsleep.
A.a;/    B.a;a   C.the;a    D.the;/
36.Charlie Chaplin was considered one of the greatest actors in ___history of ___ cinema.
A./;/    B.a;the   C.the;the   D.the;a
37.—What about ________ book?
—It’s too difficult ________ book.
A.a;a    B.a;the   C.the;the   D.the;a
38.Towards ________ evening ________ cold rain began to fall.
A.an;the   B.the;a   C.the;/    D./;a
39.She always plays ________ football after ________ school.
A.a;the   B.the;the  C./;a    D./;/
40._____ wheel is thought to be _____ invention of _____ firstimportance in human history.
A.A; the; the  B.The; an;the C.A; an;the   D.A; an;/
41.I felt someone patted me on ________ shoulder.
A.a    B.the   C.my    D./
42.—So you are running ________ restaurant?
—Yes,but I don’t want to make it ________ restaurant only forrich people.
A.the;/   B.the;the  C.a;the    D.a;a
43.Xi’an was ________ starting point of ________ worldfamous“Silk Road”.
A./;/    B.a;a   C.the;/    D.the;the
44.It is ten o’clock in the morning but he is still________.
A.in the bed  B.at thebed  C.inbed    D.onbed
45.More than half of ________ water used for drinking,washing andirrigating crops comes from under ________ ground.
A.the; /   B./;the   C./;/    D.the;the
46.At noon we reached ________ small village ________ east of________ Summer Palace.
A.the; the; the  B.a; /;the  C.a; the;the   D.a; /;/
47.The child had only ________ slight temperature,but the doctorregarded ________ illness as serious enough for ________ hospitaltreatment.
A./; /;the   B.a; /;/   C.a; the;/   D./; the;the
48.I had ________ lunch at a friend’s house yesterday.________food was good.
A.the; /   B./;/   C.the;the   D./;The
49.—What is Jack going to do with all his money?
—He says he has always dreamed of taking ________ trip around________ world.
A.a;the   B.the;the  C.a;/    D.a;a
50.Qingdao is ________ most beautiful city in summer.
A.the    B./    C.a     D.one
51.Just now you said you always got to work on _______ 8 o’clocktrain. But would _______ later train get you to work on time?
A.a;a    B.a;the   C.the;the   D.the;a
52.The building was completed in ______ September of 1956 not in______ October,1955.
A./;the   B.the;the  C./;/    D.the;/
53.I would like to have _______ room,_______ window of which opensto _______ south.
A.a; the;a   B.a; the;the  C.a; /;/    D.a;the; /
54.There is _______ house in the picture.There is _______ old womannear _______ house.
A.an; a; the  B.a; an;the  C.the; a; an  D.a; the; an
55.________ Europe and ________ America are separated by ________Atlantic Ocean.
A./; /;the   B.the;the; the C./; /;/    D.the;the; /
56.There is ________“h” in the word“honest”.
A.a    B.the   C./     D.an
57.________ terrible life people in the small island lived at thattime!
A.What   B.How   C.Whata   D.Howa
58.Father often says to me,“Be _____ honest boy today and _____useful man tomorrow.”
A.a;a    B.an;an  C.a;an    D.an;a
59.Things of ______ kind come together; people of _____ kind fallinto _____ same group.
A.the; the; the  B.a; a; the  C.the; the;a   D.a; the;the
60.________ Suez Canal brought ________ east and ________ westcloser.
A.The; the; the  B./; the;the  C.The; /;/   D./; /;/
1~5 CAABA   6~10DBBAA  11~15CDDCB  16~20 BCCAC
21~25 CCDBA  26~30CBCCD  31~35AACDA  36~40 CDDDB
41~45 BDDCD  46~50BCDAC  51~55DDBBA  56~60 DCDBA
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