


1. animal animation  animate animated  beast claw  zoo zoology  botany botanical


1. animal [ 5AnimEl ] anima-表示有生命,动的;;animal n. 动物  To loveanimals is to love ourselves. 爱动物就是爱我们自己。

2. animation [ 7Ani5meiFEn ] n.活泼,有生气,动画片   His class is fullof animation. 他的课堂气氛活泼。

3. animate [ 5Animeit ] v.鼓舞adj.生气勃勃的  A little wine cananimate him a lot. 喝一点酒他就会生气勃勃。

4. animated [ 5Animeitid ] adj. 活生生的,活泼的, 动的, 愉快的 Nearly allchildren are fond of animated cartoons.几乎所有的孩子都喜欢动画片。

5. beast  b: bear,熊,east, 东方;beast  [ bi:st ] 东方有熊,有野兽 While in forest , you must be careful of beasts.在森林里你要小心野兽。

6. claw  [ klC: ] n.,脚爪  The cat catches the rat with itsclaws. 猫用爪抓其老鼠。

7. zoo [ zu: ]有200多头动物可组建动物园:动物园 The zoo is where children often like to go.动物园是孩子常想去的地方。

8. –ology 表示学问:zoology [zEu5ClEdVi ]  n.动物学  His father is an expert inzoology. 他父亲是动物学专家。

9. plant  n.植物 vt.种植  We plantdifferent kinds of plants every year. 我们每年种不同的植物。

10.botany [ 5bCtEni ]  bo, 音“不”tan,音似“动” botany, 不动的,植物是不能自己动的。 n.植物学  We are interested in botany.我们对植物学感兴趣。

11.botanical [bE5tAnIkl]  adj.植物的 botanical garden 植物园   

Animals are often the heroes of the animated cartoons. In theanimation, even the beasts outside zoos like tigers, lions and soon are all humanized. Sometimes plants can think and talk too. Howwonderful they are!

2.answer  reply ask  question request


1. answer [ 5B:nsE ] vt. 回答,答复,接(电话)

Can you answer the phone for me? 你能帮我接一下电话吗?

2. re-, 回reply [ ri5plai ] vt. 回答(reply to something)I’vereceived no reply from him. 我还没有收到他的回复。

3. ask  [ B:sk ] vt. 问,请求  MayI ask for a favour? 你能帮我一下忙吗? ask sbsth问某人某事   ask sb wh-  ask sb for sth向某人要某物  ask sb to do sth 请某人做某事

4. quest, question  [ 5kwestFEn ] n. 问题 vt.提问,询问

The police questioned him carefully. 警察仔细盘问了他。

5. request [ ri5kwest ] To express a desirefor; ask for,  n. & vt.请求

He was unwilling to refuse her request. 他不愿拒绝她的请求。


    The replyto the father’s letter said that the teacher was angry because theboy asked a question that his teacher couldn’t answer while herepeatedly requested an answer.

3. any  anything  anyone anybody  anywhere anyhow  anyway


1. anywhere [ 5eniwZE ]  adv.任何地方 I can’t find it anywhere. 我到处都找不到它。

2. anyhow [ 5enihau ]  adv.无论如何, 总之 

I think they're asleep; anyhow, they're quiet.我想他们睡着了;总之,他们很安静。

3. anyway [ 5eniwei ]  adv.无论如何, 总之 I don't know if it was lost or stolen;anyway, it's gone.我不知道是掉了还是被盗了,但无论如何,它不见了。

4. anything [ 5eniWiN ] pron.任何事 

You can take anything that is helpful with you.你可以随身带上有用的东西。

5. anybody [ 5eni7bCdi ] pron.任何人, 重要人物 

Anybody is welcome who is open-minded.欢迎任何思想开明的人。

6. anyone  [ 5eniwQn ] pron.任何一个

I haven’t visited my friends in Chengdu so far.我还没有去看望我在成都的朋友们。


    Anyhow,anyone is welcome if he has anything interesting to say.

4. appear  disappear appearance disappearance  seem


1. pear [ pZE ] 梨,梨形为上小下大,表示渐渐显露,加前缀a(注意要双写辅音字母p),强调“出现”, appear  vi. 出现,好象(有假象的含义)

It appears that the Tom appears in the classroom earlier thanothers. 好象汤姆到教室比其他人都早。

2. 加否定前缀dis-, disappear [ 7disE5piE ] vi. 消失 SARS hasn’t disappearedcompletely, so we can’t relax ourselves.非典还没有完全消失,因而我们不能掉以轻心。

3. 加名词后缀ance: appearance [ E5piErEns ] n. 出现,出场,外貌 We can’t judge a person by his appearance.我们以貌取人。  格言: Appearances aredeceptive. 人不可貌相。

4. disappearance [ 7disE5piErEns ]  n.消失,失踪 

The sudden disappearance of the boy worried the family a greatdeal. 男孩的突然失踪使全家非常紧张。

5. see 看见,seem [ si:m ]  vi.好象(有一定依据的推断)

It seems that a rain is coming. 好象要下雨了。

另类阅读:When the sun appears, the moon will disappear. Itseems that the appearance of the sun causes the disappearance ofthe moon.

5. apple  apply applicant  application  reply supply


1. apple [ 5Apl ]  n.苹果 The apple is healthy food. 格言:An apple a day keeps the doctoraway.一天一个苹果,医生无话可说。

2. 词根ply表示“放”, apply [ Ep5lai ] 放下去,应用;申请 I decide to apply forthe job. 我决定申请那份工作。

3. applicant [ 5AplikEnt ] n.申请者, 请求者 The managerwill meet all the applicants. 经理将会见所有的申请者。

4. 加名词后缀-ation, application [ 7Apli5keiFEn] 应用, 申请书 I am sure it will have a wideapplication. 我肯定它会有广阔的应用前景。

5. re-, 回去, reply [ ri5plai ]放回去,回答,答复  I replied that I wasunable to help them. 我回答说我不能帮助他们。

6. sup-, 下面,supply [ sE5plai ]放在下面,提供,供给 China is trying to find more oilsupply. 中国正在寻求更多的石油供应渠道。

另类阅读:The applicant applying for the job handed in herapplication replying to all the questions. The employer found hercompetent for the job supplying apples to the families around.

6. April  January February  March  May June  July  August SeptemberOctober November December


1. Jan, 联想Japan, 日本,太阳初起之意,最早;January [5dVAnuEri] 最早的月,一月

2. f, 联想花草,February [ 5februEri ]花草初长的时候,二月

3. 联想有名的植树节:March12, 在三月, March  [mB:tF ]  三月

4. April Fool愚人节在四月, April [ 5eiprEl ] 四月

5.有句话叫“大战红五月”,说明五月很忙“Mang”,高三学生尤其如此, May[ mei ] 五月

6. 对高三学生而言,June可是终生难忘的,决战高考(Ju)在六月!June [ dVu:n ]六月

7. 大学通知书七月就来(July的读音)July [ dVu(:)5lai ] 七月

8. 七月得到通知书后,接下来就让人仰慕(august, 尊严的; 庄严的),August [ 5C:^Est ] 八月

9. sep, 联想separate 分离, 九月份要离开父母朋友去读书,September [ sEp5tembE ]  九月

10. 国庆大假也说可回来一趟,October [ Ck5tEubE ]十月

11. 十一月了,北风萧萧,树上已没有(no)绿叶, November [nEu5vembE ]  十一月

12. de, 音“底”, 十二月,为年底了, December [ di5sembE ]十二月

另类阅读:A new year begins in January; the Spring Festivalcomes in February; we often plant trees in March; but don’t be afool in April. Anything is possible in May, We will smile in June.You can fly in July and enjoy your trip into August. The teachersare happy in September, and there are national celebrations inOctober. There are no leaves in November while the end comes inDecember.


In the bus a man found a thief was picking his pocket, and hesaid, " My dear, your are too late! Though I got my salary today,my wife picked it much more quickly than you!"

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