

 1. If you don’t know how to operate themachine, read what the _______ say.
  A. explanations B. instructions C. introductions D.descriptions
2. Although she didn’t mention me by name, I know her remarkswere intended for my _____.
  A. decision B. benefit C. demand D. value
3. Her ______ changed when she heard the news.
  A. impression B. sight C. appearance D. expression
4. She raised her finger to her lips as ______ for silence.
  A. an idea B. a mark C. a sign D. a word
5. You thought I was the boss? Whatever gave you that ______?
  A. news B. idea C. position D. right
6. The reason I didn’t tell you was that I wanted it to be a______.
  A. news B. wonder C. pleasure D. surprise
7. He decided not to accept the job, but wouldn’t tell us his______.
  A. words B. reasons C. feelings D. secret
8. A big _______ soon gathered at the scene of the accident.
  A. people B. group C. team D. crowd
9. He left a ______ saying that he would be a little late.
  A. message B. sentence C. word D. letter
10. He has no _______ from me. He tells me everything.
  A. news B. secrets C. friendship D. facts
11. Shelly had prepared carefully for her English examination sothat she could be sure of passing it on her first ______.
  A. intention B. attempt C. purpose D. desire
12. I didn’t have to work all weekend—I did it by ______.
  A. chance B. choice C. accident D. myself
13. You’ve just missed your ______, and you will have to waitfor the next round.
  A. chance B. turn C. time D. part
14. Electricity, like other forms of ______, has greatlyincreased in price in recent years.
  A. pressure B. force C. strength D. energy
15. Those black clouds are a sure ______ that it’s going torain.
  A. thing B. mark C. sign D. one
16. I paid him £50 for the painting, but its true ______ mustbe at least £500.
  A. price B. money C. value D. importance
17. Were you given a ______, or did you have to do it?
  A. job B. duty C. request D. choice
18. Just as a famous Chinese saying goes, a timely heavy snow isa ______ of good harvest next year.
  A. mark B. track C. sign D. appearance
19. —Hi, this way, please.
  —OK. I sometimes have no sense of ______ when I arrive atthe crossroad.
  A. position B. direction C. situation D. condition
20. —I’ve got an “A” in the examination.
   —That’s a good ______. You will surely win asecond.
  A. result B. news C. start D. idea
  1—5BBDCB 6—10DBDAB 11—15BBBDC 16—20CDCBC
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