


Unit 1 My name’s Gina.

一. 词组

1. answer the question 回答问题         2. answer thetelephone 接电话 

3. answer the letter 回信    4. answer the door   开门     5.look at      

6. the answer to the question 这个问题的答案.     7.look after 照顾

8. look about= look around 四处环顾    9. look like  看起来像   

10. look for   寻找     11. look down on  看不起   12. ID card 身份证

13. look up(在字典参考中)査找         14.an ID card 一张身份证

15. a piece of…一张(一片,一块…… 16. a piece of bread 一块面包 

17. a piece of meat一块肉  18. a piece of news 一则消息

19 a piece of paper一张纸


1. What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?  My name is …I’m … 我叫………

  What’s his name? 他叫什么名字?   His name is…He’s…  他叫……     

  What’s her name? 她叫什么名字?  Her name is…  她叫……   She’s

2. What’s your first(given) name?你叫什么名字?My first name is…

  What’s her firstname?                   Her first name is

  What’s his firstname?                   His first name is

3. What’s your last (family) name? 你姓什么? My last name is

  What’s his lastname?                   My last name is

  What’s her lastname?                   Her last name is

4. What’s your telephone number? 你的电话号码是多少? It’s…/My telephone number is …

  What’s her telephone number?

  What’s his telephone number?

  What’s your QQnumber?    你的QQ号是多少?

  What’s your ID card number? 你的身份证号码是多少?

  What’s your bike number   你的自行车号是多少?

5. Nice to meet you.= Nice to see you. Glad to meet you.  见到你很高兴

     Unit2      Is this your pencil?

. 词组

1.How do you spell…?你怎样拼写……

2. Can you spell…?你能拼写……吗?Yes, I can./No, I can’t. 

3. do one’s homework 做家庭作业      4. do the exercise 做练习

5. a set of …  一套,一列,一串    6. a set of keys一串钥匙 

7.a set of suit 一套西装8. phone# =phone number =telephonenumber      9. Please call 685-6034 请拨打685-604310.at the bus stop 在公共汽车站

11. Call Mike at 195-1539 拨打195-1539给迈克打电话  

12. at a high speed 高速    13. at home 在家      14. at school 在学校  

15. at the shop 在商店     16. at night  在夜晚     17. at noon 在中午 

18. at a low price 以低价格

19. The girl in a hat is under the tree. 戴帽子的那个女在树下。


1. This is …这是……   This is not … 这不是……Is this … Yes, it is.

  That is … 那是……That is not …  那不是…… Is that…NO, it isn’t.

  It is …   它是……   It is not …  它不是…… Is it…

2.What’s this ? 这是什么?  What’s that? 那是什么?  It’s …  它是……

 What’s this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?What’s that in English? 那个用英语怎么说?It’s……它是…… 3. How do you spell it? 你怎样拼写它?

Unit3       This is my sister


1. a photo of my family=a picture of myfamily 一张我的全家福

2. Thanks for +n./doing=Thank you for+n./doing ……而感谢,谢谢你……


1. 介绍他人的句子:This is …这位是……     That is    那位是……

                 These are …这些是……  Those are… 那些是……

2.These are …These are not … 这些不是……  Are these…Yes, they are.

Those are …Those arenot…          Are those …   No, they aren’t.

They are… 它们是……  They are not… Are they…

3. What are these?这些是什么?What are those? 那些是什么?

They are …. 它们是……

4. 1I am 我是 She is…她是……   We are…我们是……

He is…他是……       You are…你们是……

           It is… 它是……       They are…他(她,它)们是……

单数名词is(Jim is…The girl is…)     *and *are …复数名词are

Tom and Alan are…The boys are …                           

2Am I …Yes, you are./No, youaren’t.  

Are you…?   Yes, I am. /No, I’mnot.   Yes, we are./ No, we aren’t.

Are they…Yes, they are./ No, theyaren’t 

Are we …?  Yes, we(you) are/ No,we(you) aren’t.

Is she…? Yes, she is./ No, sheisn’t.        

 Is it…? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.

Is he…?  Yes, he is./No, he isn’t.

Are the teachers(复数名词)Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t.

  Is Mary(女单)…?  Yes, she is. /No, she isn’t.

  Is Jim(男单)… ? Yes, he is. /No, he isn’t.

        Unit 4   Where’s my backpack?


1. talk about 谈话   2. on the sofa 在沙发上   3. on thebookcase在书橱上 

4. on the floor在地板上          5. on thewall 在墙上(墙的表面)

6.in the wall在墙上(墙的里面) 7. on the bed 在床上 

8. be ill in bed 卧病在床         9. in a hat戴一顶帽子  

10. in a red jacket 穿一件红夹克    11. your ideal person你理想中的人

12 take…  to………拿走,把……带到(带去)……

14.bring…to………拿来,把……带来  13. need +n./ to do sth需要……. 15. between…and ……………之间

16. Please take these things to yoursister请把这些东西带给你的姐姐。

17. Can you bring some things to school?你能带些东西到学校吗?


1.in the desk 在课桌里        2. on the table在桌子上

3.under the chair 在椅子下    4.  between the two chairs 在两把椅子之间

5.between the two boys在两个男孩之间  6.  next to the door 挨着门    

7.near the school 在学校附近          8. behindthe door在门后 


. Where is + 单数名词?  It’s…

  Where are + 复数名词? They are…

 There is +单数名词

 There are +复数名词    “”……

What’s +介词短语?(表示某地或某处有什么)

: There is… /There are …

What’s on the table? There is an apple onthe table.

What’s under the tree? There are somebikes under the tree.

What’s in the box? There is a pen in the box.

There is a pen and some books on thedesk.

There are some books and a pen on thedesk.

Unit 5. Do you have a soccer ball?


1. play soccer 踢足球  2. play ping-pong 打球   3. play baseball 打棒球

4. play tennis 打网球  5. play volleyball打排球  6. play basketball打蓝球

7. play the guitar弹吉他 8. play the piano弹钢琴9. play the violin 拉小提琴

10. play the drums打鼓 11. play the trumpet 吹喇叭 12. play chess下棋

13. watch TV 看电视            14. watch… on TV 在电视上……

15. volleyball club排球俱乐部     16. soccer club足球俱乐部  

17 tennis club 网球俱乐部        18. be interested in ……感兴趣    

19. on the telephone通过电话.     20. at sports center 在运动中心

21. have a great sports collection有大量的运动用品收藏

22 have small sports collection 有少量的运动用品收藏

23. play sports= have sports = do sports 做运动  

24. join us 加入我们

25. That sounds good.那听起来不错

26. That sounds  interesting 那听起来有趣。


1. I /We/You /They/*and */复数名词+have(动词原形)

  She /He/ It/单数名词+has(动词原形)        


2. Let sb do(动词原形) sth. 让某人做某事(表示说话人的建议)

 eg. Let us go home. =Let’s gohome.            Let him watch TV.

   Let me playsoccer.                                    Let them play tennis.

肯定回答:                                否定回答:

OK  /Yes.Let’s…                      Sorry, I don’t have any time.

 Allright.                                      Sorry, I’m not free.

 That’s a goodidea.                      Sorry, I can’t.

Unit 6. Do you like bananas?


 1. have lunch 吃午餐2. have breakfast 吃早餐

3. have dinner =have supper 吃晚餐4. eat well 吃得好5. a lot of=lots of许多6.be) in good health身体很健康7. keep healthy保持健康

8. a running star 赛跑明星9. a famous volleyball star一个著名的排球明星

10. a football star足球明星   11. a basketball star 篮球明星


1. like to do sth. 喜欢做某事(表示一次性或尙未发生的动作)

He likes to clean theclassroom.   They like to go to a movie.

2. like doing sth 喜欢做某事(表示习惯的动作或爱好)

 like watching TV 喜欢看电视like playing soccer 喜欢踢足球

3. 不可数名词:water, milk, orange, coffee,soup, clean soup, bread, rice, food, meat, pork, fish, mutton, dessert,broccoli, chicken, salad, ice cream (不可数名词只有单数,但单词前不能用“a, an”)

Unit 7.  How much are these pants?

. 词组

1. at a good price 以合理的价格    2. at a great sale 在大减价

3. at a high price  以极高的价格    4. on sale出售,上市

5. bags for sports 运动包           6.clothes for children 儿童服装

7. a letter for you  你的信          8. booksfor children 儿童读物

9. buy sb sth.= buy sth for sb 为某人买某物   10. for sale 待售

11. help sb do sth. =help sb to do sth =help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事

12. have a look 看一看        13. have a look at sth.看一看(具体的东西)

14. see for oneself 亲眼看看      15. (sth)need doing sth 事情必须被做


1. 问价格: How much is +单数名词?      It is …

           How much are + 复数名词?  They are …

How much is the pen? It is four dollars.

How much are the pants? They are 15dollars.

2. 元(yuan)角 (jiao)  分(fen)(¥)

美元(dollar)美分(cent($) 英磅(pound 便士(penny)先令(shillingpenny 的复数形式是pennies/ pence


Unit 8.  When is your birthday?

. 1. School Day 校庆  2. Art Festival  艺术节  3. Chinese Contest 汉语比赛     4.Music Festival 音乐节  5. English Party 英语晚会  6. school trip 郊游  7. English SpeechContest  英语演讲比赛    8. speech contest 演讲比赛           9. at the age of  ……岁时       10. give a speech  做一次演讲         11. be on atrip   正在游行         12. have a nice trip 祝你旅途愉快          13. make a trip to = take a trip to = go on a trip to ……旅行

14. have a game = have amatch   举行比赛                 

15. have a basketball game = have abasketball match 举行篮球赛         

16. have a meeting 开会           17. have a class meeting 开班会          18. have a birthday party 举行生日聚会     19.be born  出生                  20. Can I help you? = What can I do for you? 我能帮你吗?                   21. What’s the price of = How much is …/How much are …  ……多少钱?

22. What’s the date today ? = What dateis today?

23. What day is it today?  今天星期几?

. 语法及句型Grammar:

1. 月份:January  February  March  April  May  June  July August  September  October  November  December (第一个字母必须大写)

2. 熟记  Page 100 的基数词和序数词

3. When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候/

My birthday is January 31st .= It isJanuary 31st.

4. 名词的所有格


1)单数名词或结尾没有-s的复数名词,直接在词后加-’s: Tom’s bag, 汤姆的书包Women’s Day 三八妇女节, China’s capital 中国的首都

2)词尾以s结尾的复或单数名词,直接在词后加-’:Teachers’ Day 教师节, the boys’ football 男孩子们的足球 Ross’ bag 罗斯的书包.(以s结尾的单数名词的所有格也可以在词尾加-’s: Ross’s bag..

3)并列名词的所有格有两种情况:一种表示共同所有,只需在最后一个名词的词尾加-’s: Kate and Joan’s room凯特和琼的房间。一种表示分别所有,则在每个名词词尾加-’s: Kate’s and Joan’s rooms凯特的房间和琼的房间。

2、表示无生命的事物的名词,一般用   结构来表示所属关系:the map of China中国地图, the legs of the table桌子的腿


1)用of结构与名词所有格-’s结合构成双重所有格:a friend of my father’s我父亲的一个朋友, one book of his brother’s他兄弟的一本书

2)用of结构加名词性物主代词构成双重所有格:a pen of mine我的一支钢笔, a neighbor of his他的一个邻居。

5. 问年龄的句型

How old are you? = What’s your age? 你多大年龄?

How old is he? = What’s his age?

How old is she? = What’s her age?

I am twelve. = I am twelve years old.

Unit 9.  Do you want to go to amovie?

. 词组

1. on weekends =at the weekend  在周末    2. on weekdays 在工作日

3. in the movie = in the film  在电影中     4. all kinds 各种各样

5. go to school  去上学  6. go to work 去上班  7. go to bed 上床睡觉[

8. go home   回家  9. want to do sth   想做某事  10. think of 想到

11. want sb to do sth. 想(让)某人做某事  12. think over 仔细考虑

13. think about  考虑  14. learn about 学习有关,了解有关

15. learn a lot /moreabout    ……了解得多 

16. learn     byheart       ……背熟,把……记熟

17. learn from eachother       相互学习  18 a movieactor   电影明星

19. go to a movie = go to see a movie =go to the cinema = go to see the film

20. see a movie = see afilm    看电影  21 a movie actress 男电影演员工

22.. What kind of movies do you like? 你喜欢哪种类型的电影?

   What kind of movies does shelike?

   What kind of movies does helike?


(1) 1. 一般现在时: 表示 现在一段时间内经常性或习惯性的动作。

I                           She

We                      He          +动词原形后

You                       It           “s”“es” likes

They     原(like        单数名词

*and *     


一般疑问句                            一般疑问句                     否定句

I        否定句                                         She

      We                                                              He                              doesn’t +动词原形

Do   You      don’t + 动词原形     Does             It

     They                                                           单数名词 

      *and *


2. 一般现在时的时间状语:

in the morning   在上午      every morning   每天早上     

in the afternoon  在下午      every afternoon  每天下午

in the evening    在晚上     every evening    每天晚上

on Monday     在星期一     every year      每年

on Tuesday     在星期二     every month     每月

on Wednesday   在星期三     every week     每周

on Thursday     在星期四     every day      每天

onFriday       在星期五     everyterm      每学期

on Saturday     在星期六     every Monday   每星期一

on Sunday      在星期日    

often 经常    usually 通常    always 总是  sometimes 有时

2and 是连词,用来表示并列关系,意为(用于肯定句)

but 是连词,用来表示转折关系,意为但是,然而

or 是连词,①用于表示否定的并列句②用于表示选择的句子

He likes apples and bananas.  Shelikes comedies and he likes thrillers.

She doesn’t like documentaries, but Ilike them.

They like singing but we don’t likesinging.

She doesn’t like comedies or thrillers.

Jim isn’t at home or at school.

Are you a teacher or aworker?    I am a worker.

Does she like comedies orthrillers?    She likes thrillers. (选择疑问句只能用一个句子回答)

Unit 10.   Can you play theguitar?

一、  词组

1. English club 英语俱乐部        2. art club艺术俱乐部 

3. music club  音乐俱乐部        4. chess club  棋类俱乐部

5. swimming club  游泳俱乐部    6. volleyball club  排球俱乐部

7. a flower show  花展           8. amonkey show  猴子表演

9. in the music room  在音乐室     10. school show    学校公演

11. play sb sth = play sth forsb   为某人播放……

12. play sth on + 乐器用某种乐器演奏

13. join sb in doingwth    和某人一起做某事

14. be good with = get on wellwith   ……相处得好

15. help sb with wth = help sb (to )dosth    帮助某人做某事

16. come and join us    快来应聘17. do Chinese Kungfu  玩中国功夫

18. What club do you want to join?  你想参加什么俱乐部?

I want to join the swimmingclub.    我想参加游泳俱乐部。

19. What club does he /she want tojoin? 

He(She) wants to join the music club.

20. show sb sth = show sth tosb    给某人看某物。


a little 一点 little 少许,少量+不可数名词

a few 一些  few 少许,很少,几乎没有+可数名词

I have a little bread. I can give you some.

I have little water. Can you give me some?

He has a few books. We can borrow some from him.

There are few students in the classroom. Let’s turn off thelight.

    a little  小的,(小而可爱的),一点

I have a littlecat.          我有一只小猫。

She is a littlegirl.          她是一个可爱的小女孩。

We are a little busy.       我们有一点忙。

三、 语法

1. 情态动词(would / can / may / must+动词原形(无人称变化)


He can playsoccer.            

 He may playsoccer.                    

He must cleam the classroom.


He can not (can’t) playsoccer.  

He may not (mayn’t)play soccer.

He Must not( mustn't)clean the classroom.


Can he playsoccer?             

 May he play soccer?

Must he clean the classroom?


Yes, hecan.                     Yes, hemay.                             Yes, he must.

No, hecan’t                     No, he mustn’t.                          No, he needn't.

                                      No, he can’t (请注意否定回答)

Unit 11  What time do you get up?


1. get up  起床  2. do homework 做作业  3. do one’s homework 做作业

4. eat breakfast 吃早饭  5. eat lunch  吃午饭  6. eat dinner  吃晚饭

7. take a shower = have a shower  洗澡  8. get to +地名名词到达……

9. get here  到达这儿  10 get there 到达那儿 11. get home 到达家

12. listen to sb ……讲(说) 13. work long hours 长时间工作

15. brush one’s teeth 刷牙22.tell sb about sth 把有关告诉某人

16. by bus = on a (the )bus 乘公共汽车 14. study long hours 长时间学习

17. take a bus to +地点名词 = go to+地点名词by bus乘公共汽车去某地

18. begin to do wth = start to dosth  开始做某事 19. write to sb给某人写信

20. know about  了解有关……  21. know a lot about ……了解得多

23. be late for school上学迟到.    25 hope to do sth. 希望做某事

24. be late for class 上课迟到     26. wish sb to do sth. 希望某人做某事

27.What time is it ?= What’s the time? 几点了?

28. School starts at nine o’clock.=classes begin at nine o’clock.学校9点开始上课         

29. Best wishes to you   向你致以美好的祝愿

30. Best wishes for  Teachers’ Day 祝教师节快乐

. 语法

 (一) 时间表达法。

1.   整点的表达法:7:00  seven o’clock   2: 00  two o’clock

2.   30分钟之内的表达法:

2:05  two five   five past two

3:10  three ten   ten past three

6:15  six fifteen   aquarter past six

7:25  seven twenty-five  twenty-five past seven

8:30  eightthirty      half past eight

 3.   30分钟之后

355   three fifty–five                 five to five

7: 40    sevenforty                     twenty to eight

8: 35    eightthirty-five                 twenty-five to nine

9:45     nine forty-five                 a quarter to ten

() 介词 “at   in   on” 的用法:

at seveno’clock        in 2006()           on Monday

at a quarter pastfive     in December(月)    on Sundayafternoon

at half pastsix          in winter(季节)      on Monday morning

                    in the morning      on November 1st

                    in the afternoon      on the morning of June 2nd

                    in the evening

 Unit 12  My favoritesubject is science.

. 词组

1. have a class= have classes  上课2. have English  上英语

3. have a math class  上数学课  4. have an English class 上英语课

5. be busy with sth  忙于某事   6. be busy doing sth 忙于做某事

7. be strict in sth  对某事严格要求  8. be strict with sb  对某人严格要求

9. be busy    10. be tired    11. afterbreakfast  早饭后

12. after lunch  午饭后  13. after dinner  晚饭后  14. after class  课后

15. after school  放学后  16. after work  下班后

 . 语法及句型


(1) The days of the week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

  Sunday is the first day in a week.星期天是一周的第一天。

2Some adjective wordsfun 令人愉快的 difficult 困难的 interesting 有趣的boring 无聊的,令人生厌的 relaxing 轻松的exciting 令人激动的

(3)SubjectEnglish 英语 math 数学 Chinese 中文,汉语,biology 生物 history 历史 geography 地理politics 政治music 音乐art 美术P.E.体育science科学(理科)IT信息

(4) What’s your favorite subject?你最喜欢的科目是什么?

  My favorite subject is math. 我最喜欢的科目是数学。

  What’s her favorite subject? 她最喜欢的科目是什么?

  What’s his favorite subject? 他最喜欢的科目是什么?


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