



英  语  试  卷

考试时间: 120分钟   试卷满分:150分  命题人:西安市育才中学杨吉辉

第  Ⅰ  卷

第一部分  英语知识运用( 共三节,满分50分 )

第一节  语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1、official    A、sincerely  B、process   C、principle   D、precious

2、language   A、ability    B、perhaps   C、chance    D、entrance

3、worth     A、southern   B、clothes    C、than     D、health

4、whistle     A、tennis      B、relative    C、listen     D、fortune

5、opinion    A、invitation   B、virus      C、mine      D、recognize    

第二节     语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


6、---So you have no difficulty in working out the maths problem.


   A. Yes, I have not      B. No, none at all   C. Yes, no difficulty   D. Nonsense

7、Neither you nor I have passed the driving test, ______ ?

   A. have we    B. haven’t we     C. have I    D. have you

8、It is no longer a question ______ China can deal with any natural disaster.

   A. whether    B. if    C. that    D. which

9、The patient is ______ after the timely operation.

   A. making up    B. picking up    C. taking up    D. getting up

10、My little daughter        alone at home by herself.

A. dare not to sleep    B. doesn’t dare sleeping

C. doesn’t dare sleep     D. dare not sleep

11、Our English teacher likes swimming in summer, but he says he doesn’t like to swim today.

   ______ .

A、So do I.   B、So it is with me.  C、Neither do I.  D、Nor do I.

12、These two sentences are the same in meaning ______ they are written in two different languages.

A、besides   B、except   C、except for   D、except that

13、______ Xi’an is ______ old city, but ______ Xi’an now is developing very fast.

   A. The; an; the   B. The; an; 不填    C. 不填;an; the    D. 不填;an; 不填;

14、I want to buy a gift for my mother, ______ that is useful but inexpensive.

   A. one   B. the one   C. it    D. which

15、Is this school ______ that we visited that year?

   A. one   B. the one   C. it    D. which

16、All the questions in the English paper this time seem easy______.

   A. to do  B. to be done    C. doing    D. done

17、Doing that is beyond my ______.

   A. power   B. energy    C. strength    D.might

18、China is larger than ______ country in Africa.

   A. any other   B. the other   C. any   D. any of the other

19、I was walking in the street ______ I heard my name called.

   A. while   B. when    C. as    D. then

20、Millions of money as well as thousands of tons of food ______ to the snow-attacked areas in the south.

   A. have been offered    B. have offered    C.has offered    D. has been offered

第三节    完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


第二部分   阅读理解 (共25小题;第一节20小题,每小题2分;第二节5小题,每小题1分;满分45分)

In jungles there is often a thick undergrowth along the ground. It is so thick  21    in order to get through the jungle, men have to cut  22    with large knives. There are many huge trees, and large vines(藤蔓)  23    down from them so that their tops cannot be seen from the ground. It is quite  24   there because the leaves and vines  25   out the sunlight. This kind of jungle,called a tropical rain forest,  26   in many places near the Equator.

In these forests it is always  27   and damp. Rain falls almost every day of the year and the ground is never  28   . There is no spring, summer, winter  29   fall,   30   only a dry season and a rainy season. In the dry season, there is less rain, but there is never  31   when a rain stops altogether. Nights and days are almost the same  32   throughtout the year.

The largest tropical rain forest in the world is in the great  33   of the Amazon River in South America. This is not a region where it is  34   for man to live, because  35   the thick jungles, the heat, the dampness, the millions of insects, and the poor soil. Nevertheless there are people who live on this  36   , and the poor soil.

If you flew  37   the Amazon Valley in an airplane you would see  38   here and there. Most of these clearings(开垦地) are near rivers.  39   are roads in the jungles. People can travel  40   them in boats from one place to another. Do you want to travel there?

21、A、that           B、this          C、as          D、as to

22、A、them          B、these         C、it          D、this

23、A、hang          B、come         C、go          D、cut

24、A、light          B、bright         C、dark        D、terrible

25、A、keep          B、make         C、take         D、get

26、A、is bound       B、is well known  C、are famous    D、are larger

27、A、warm         B、cool          C、cold          D、hot

28、A、damp         B、wet           C、dry          D、muddy

29、A、either         B、neither          C、and         D、or

30、A、but          B、and             C、but also     D、or

31、A、a time        B、time            C、some time   D、times

32、A、length        B、depth           C、long        D、longing

33、A、mountain     B、valley           C、hill         D、bank    

34、A、different      B、impossible       C、easy        D、necessary

35、A、for          B、in               C、with        D、of

36、A、farm         B、land             C、river        D、jungle

37、A、over         B、above            C、across        D、through

38、A、rain forest     B、jungle           C、clearing      D、men

39、A、Rivers        B、Clearings         C、Valleys      D、Boats

40、A、over          B、above            C、in          D、on


第一节        阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A.B.C和D中),选出最佳选项。


When you are interviewed for a job, remember that it’s normal for many people to be nervous, particularly in such a stress producing situation. There are plenty of jobs-indeed, probably most-where a little nervousness isn’t looked at with suspicion. It dose helpto dry a damp forehead or a cold and sticky hand, and just before meeting the interviewer, don’t be too concerned about the outward manifestations of your nervousness. Experienced interviewers will discount most physical signs of nervousness. The only one that people have a hard time ignoring is a restless hand. Interviewers who constantly twist their hands or make movements that are dramatically distracting are calling attention to their nervousness.

Remember that interviewers talk to people in order to hire, not because they enjoy embarrassing uneasy applicants. One way to overcome a flustered feeling or “butterflies in the stomach”, is to note that interviewers want to hire people who have something to offer the company. If interviewers think you will fit into their organization, you will be the one who is sought after. It’s almost as if you are interviewing them to see if they are good enough for you.

41、According to the passage, the outward sign of nervouness that most attracts the attention of interviewers is______.

   A. a damp bow   B. clammy(湿冷的)hands   C. restless hand gestures   D. discomfort in the stomach

42、An interviewer is someone who______.

   A. is looking for a job   B. seeks facts from prospective employees

   C. has already hired you   D. always pays attention to finding fault of applicants

43、It can be inferred from the pasage that overcoming nervousness is a matter of______.

   A. wiping your head and hands before entering the interview room

   B. taking several drugs that make you calm before the interview

   C. being dramatic and aggressive

   D. realizing that interviews are two-sided and making the most of it


Young people and old people don’t always agree. They sometimes have different ideas about living, working and playing. In one special program in Florida State, adults and teenagers learn to live together in a friendly way.

Every summer 80 teenagers and 40 adults live together for six weeks as members of a special work group. Everybody works several hours every day. They do so not just to keep busy but to find meaning and enjoyment in work. Some teenagers work in the woods or on farms near the village. Some learn to make things like tables and chairs and to build houses. The adults teach them these skills.

There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free, too. During the free hours some teenagers learn photography or painting. Others sit around, talk or sing. Each teenager chooses his own way to spend his free time.

When people live together, rules are necessary. In this programme the teenagers and adults make rules together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. They talk about it and ask, “Why did it happen? What should we do about it?”

One of the teenagers has this to say about the experience: “You stop thinking only about yourself. You learn how to think about the group.”

44、In one special program in Florida State, young and old people______ .

A, spend six weeks together, working as farmers     B, don’t work together

C, teach one another new ways of building houses    D, are friendly to one another

45、All the members work some time every day mainly to ______ .

A, find value and pleasure in work        B, get used to the life on the farm

C, learn new skills of farming            D, live a busy life

46、Living together, ______ .

A, the members have no free time except weekends

B, the members are not allowed to break the rules they make together

C, the teenagers have to obey the rules the adults make

D, the members don’t have to obey the rules

47、The best title for the passage is______ .

A, Free Hours in the Special Work Group        B, Life in Florida State

C, The Rules of Living Together               D, Teenagers and Adults Together


    Many people have guard dogs to protect them against crime in their homes. They know that burglars are likely to avoid homes with dogs. Unfortunitely, fear of crime has led some people to buy dangerous, poorly trained guard dogs. Such dogs will sometimes turn on their owners or on friendly visitors.

There are no rules that determine who may train and sell guard dogs. Often, a dog is trained by being teased, beaten, and mistreated until the dog is a threat to any one it meets. It is impossibl to predict the behavior of such a dog or to control it when it feels threatened. And a guard dogmay be easily threatened by any sudden movement, even from its owner.

Phyllis Wright, manager of the Human Society of the United States, believes that an ordinary, alert dog gives more than enough protection in a home. She points out that guard dogs of any breed are more likely to bite than ordinary dogs.

Wright has trained attack dogs for the Army but says that she would never own one herself. “Once a guard dog attacks,” she stated, “ there is practically no chance of calling it back.”

Those who are thinking about buying a guard dog should consider Phyllis Wright’s words carefully. A guard dog may help to prevent break-ins. But remember that you must keep the dog in the house. Chaining it in the yard is useless.

The best dogs for keeping burglars away are noisy ones, such as terriers. But would you be prepared to put up with a lot of barking? Would your neighbors complain about your noisy dogs?

Before you buy any dog, consider the responsibilities of owning a dog. And think about all the ways in which a dog will affect your life.

48、The article is written mainly to ______ .

   A. suggest ways of protecting a home against crime   B. persuade readers not to buy guard dogs

   C. compare guard dogs with ordinary dogs    D. explain how to train guard dogs

49、The writer quotes Phyllis Wright probably because______ .

   A. she has had experience with guard dogs   B. she is a personal friend of the writer

   C. she has kept a guard dog in her room     D. she works for the Human Society

50、Which of the opinions woud the writer probably agree with?

   A. People should not be afraid of crime.    B. Dogs shouldn’t be used to guard againt break-ins.

   C. Guard dogs do not make suitable pets.   D. Only trained dogs should be used in the home.

51、Which kind of dog does the writer recommend to protect the home?

   A. An ordinary dog   B. An ordinary noisy dog   C. A guard dog   D. A well-trained dog


My friends are often jealous of my good memory. When they were beating their brains to recall how many people attended John’s ninth birthday, I succeeded in reminding them of the details. I tol them that Tom, Barbara, Tony and I did; that Mary brought a toy car as a gift, Tom brought a four-in-one disc…; that John said after blowing out the candles his wish was to be a pilot when he gew up…When Bob, Jim and Elizabeth were quarrelling, faces flush with anger, about the name of the forest where they went camping, I stopped them by detailing to them on which date, which month, which year we visited which forest and ate what food for picnic…

Bob often says, “Lewis, if only I had a memory half as good as you!” Whenever hearing this, a voice shouted from the bottom of my heart, “How I wish God gave me a forgetfulness half as good as you!”

In fact, instead of proud of being my memory, I hate it, I’ve suffered a lot from it, for it is sometimes too good: I can remember everything I’ve experienced, including what I don’t want to remember. Indeed, I do hope to forget something!

Barbara and I are best friends from the cradle. In fact, our relationship was already beyond friendship, it was that of lovers. But one day she left me for no reason except that I was too familiar to her to further our friendship. For the next two months and a half, I couldn’t fall to sleep. While in bed wide awake, I warned myself, “You must forget her, otherwise you will get destroyed.” But my good memory failed me again and again---I could remember how beautiful it was when I first kissed her affectionately and then in turn received even more affectionate responses; I could remember every sweet word she had said to me…

52、The first paragraph is intended to describe______.

   A. how the writer’s friends were jealous of him   B. what a good memory the writer had

   C. what happy childhood he shared with his friends 

D. what an important part he played among his fiends

53、Barbara left the writer______.

   A. for nothing    B. because she hated it that he kissed her

   C. because their riendship broke    D. because she was tired of him

54、Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

   A. The writer and Barbara had a long-term friendship.

   B. The writer, somehow, hated his good memory.

   C. The writer was struggling to tear himself off the pain of losing love.

   D. Tony’s wish was to be a pilot when he grew up

55、What the writer suffered the most was that______.

   A. he had got too good a memory      B. he lost Barbara

   C. others were jealous of her        D. he couldn’t remember anything about the beautiful past


Accidents are caused; they don’t just happen. The reason may be easy to see: an overloaded tray, a shelf out of reach, a patch of ice on the road. But more often than not there is a chain of events leading up to the misfotune-frustration, tiredness or just bad temper---that show what the accident really is, a sort of attack on oneself.

Road accidents, fo example, happen frequently after a family quarrel, and we all know people who are accident-prone, so often at odds with themselves and the world that they seem to cause accidents for themselves and others.

By definition, an accident is something you can’t predict or avoid, and the idea which used to be current, that the majority of road accidents are caused by a minority of criminallycareless drivers, is not supported by insurance statistics. These show that most accidents involve ordinary motorists in a moment of carelessness or thoughtlessness.

It is not always clear,either, what sort conditions make people more likely to have an accident. For instance the law requires all factories to take safety actions and most companyies have safety committees to make sure the regulations are observed, but still, every day in Britain, some fifty thousand men and women are absent from work due to an accident. These accidents are largely the result of human error or misjudgement---noise and fatigue, boredom or worry are possible factors which contribute to this. Doctors who work in factories have found that those who drink too much, usually people who have a high anxiety level, run three times the normal risk of accidents at work.

56、This passage might be taken from______.

   A. a text book    B. a science story     C. a popular magazine    D. a report of a business

57、The underlined word “accident-prone”(in paragraph 2) means______.

   A. likely to have accidents     B. injured in accidents

   C. likely to die in accidents    D. responsible for road accidents

58、The passage suggests that_____.

   A. accidents mostly result from slippery roads   B. accidents are usually caused by human factors

   C. doctors run three times the normal risk of accidents in factories

   D. about 50,000 people lost their lives at work in Britain every day

59、Which of the following is not discussed as a factor of accidents in the passage?

   A. Mood     B. Carelessness    C. Tiredness      D. Weather

60、What do you think would be the best title for the passage?

   A. Accidents and Anxiety       B. How Accidents Are Caused

   C. Human Factors in Accidents   D. How to Prevent Accidents


------ I’ d like to get a room, please.    61  

------ Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights?

------    62     I’ll be leaving early Monday morning.

------ We have some single rooms with bath. They are on the third floor, facing the sea.

------ What’s the price?

------ Thirty dollars a day.

------ Do you have anything for less?

------ No, we haven’t,    63    Every room has a telephone, and they all have TV sets.

------ All right. I’ll take it.

------    64    Just your name and address.

------ Here you are. Shall I pay you now ?

------ No. Pay at check-out time. Three o’clock.    65    The bagboy will take your bags and show you to your room.

------ Thank you.

------ You are welcome.


A.    May I have your name and where do you live?

B.     Just for weekend.

C.     but you’ll find the price is a little bit too high.

D.    Will you fill out this card here, please?

E.     Here’s your key.

F.      That’s right.

G.    But you’ll find these rooms comfortable.

第  II  卷

 第三部分   写作(共三节,满分55分)

第一节        单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


66、It was good news that he had been        (任命)president of the university.

67、We should remain calm in an        (紧急情况)and then we can find the most suitable solution.

68、China has carried out nine years of        (义务的)education for many years.

69、His        (面部的)expression suggested that he was very content, which took a load off my mind.

70、The weather in Xi’an is changing ______ (慢慢地).

71、The boy is always late for school so the teacher blames him        (经常).

72、He wanted to find a        (固定的)job. but he didn't make it.

73、There can be no ______ (和谐)between two selfish people.

74、There are no tickets ______ (得到)for tonight’s performance.

75、John insisted on      (陪伴)me to the concert. Actually he did want to go there.

第二节 短文改错 (共10小题;每题1.5分,满分15分)

此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√); 如有错误(每行只有一个错误), 则按下列情况改正:

多一个词: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉, 在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。

缺一个词: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该词。

错一个词: 在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。

When Gao Yubao was a child, he worked to a landlord. This landlord was          76______

especially sly and greedy. He made the farmhands to work very hard, and           77______

gave them few to eat. Naturally, they hate him. Now this landlord had a            78______

cock. The cock had strange habit. It didn’t crow at dawn, but at midnight.          79 ______

Every time it began to crow, the landlord would shout. “Get up, your lazy-         80 ______

bones!Get up and go to work.” So the farmhands had a deeply hatret for both the    81 ______

landload and his cock. Once, at midnight, Gao Yubao saw the landlord stole        82______

into the courtyard. There the man began to crow, just as a cock. So that was        83______

his trick. When Gao Yubao told the other farmhands that he had seen, they         84 ______

were very angry and decided to teach the landlord a lesson.                     85 ______

第三节:书面表达 (满分30分)












In recent years, studying abroad has been popular. Tens of thousands of Chinese students have gone to foreign countries to study. Many people are trying their best to apply to go abroad.



















6-10 BACBD   11-15 BDCAB  16-20 ADCBD

21-25 ACACA   26-30 BBCDA  31-35 BABCD  36-40 BACAD

41-45 CBDDA  46-50 BDBCB  51-55 BBDDA  56-60 CABDC

61-65 BFGDE

66、appointed   67、emergency  68、compulsory  69、facial  70、gradually  71、frequently 72、permanent  73、harmony   74、available     75、accompanying

76、work to改为work for  77、去掉work前的to  78、few改为little 

79、在 strange habit前加a  80、your改为you  81、deeply改为deep  82、stole改为steal 83、as改为like  84、that改为what  85、正确

Possible version

Studying Abroad

     In recent years, studying abroad has been popular. Tens of thousands of Chinese students have gone to foreign countries to study. Many people are trying their best to apply to go abroad.

     There are many advantages in attending schools abroad. First, students who have studied abroad can act as mediators between people of different cultures. Second, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from foreign countries. Third, we can learn foreign languages more quickly.

     However, there are some disadvantages. Most of the students are too young to live by themselves without any living experience. Besides, being far away from their home country, they may feel lonely and homesick. And the costs are much.

     In my opinion, we should think about it carefully. We should think about the family economic conditions; We should think about the conditions of our own. What’s more, we can also study well at home if we study hard.


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