

高三总复习 必修四 Unit One
Unit One  Women of achievement
1、wander   词性:          词义:
※ 原句再现
Then we follow as they wander into the forest. 然后当它们向森林走去时,我们就跟随着。
※ 拓展学习
They wandered in Europe for three months.
His eyes wandered round the full house.
Don’t wander off the road into the forest.
The dog wandered off and got lost.
The river wanders through some very beautiful country.
The little stream wanders through the woods.
Don’t let your thought wander in class.
His mind wandered back to his college days.
※ 重点操练
Don't let your mind ______ from the main point as issue. (脱离)
2、common   词性:          词义:
※ 原句再现
In pairs discuss what they have in common and what makes them great.
※ 拓展学习
You ’ve made a common mistake again.
Parks are common property to the city’s people.
My son has nothing in common with me.
※ 重点操练
Knowledge without ______counts for nothing.(常识)
3、devote  词性:          词义:
※ 原句再现
She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children.
※ 拓展学习
The old man has devoted all his life to teaching.
She devotes all her spare time to looking after her sick mother.
※ 重点操练
We should devote ourselves______ the people in the earthquake area.(帮助)
4、observe  词性:          词义:
※ 原句再现
She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.
※ 拓展学习
Did you observe anything strange?
We observed a curious phenomenon that day.
Did you observe a man enter the building?
The policeman observed a car running on the left of the road and stopped it.
※ 重点操练
I observed two men in raincoat ______ the hall. (进入)
5、argue   词性:          词义:
※ 原句再现
She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements.
※ 拓展学习
What are you arguing about?
I will not argue over the matter with you any more.
The way he spends money argues him to be rich. /that he is rich.
The smoke from the chimney argues that there is someone in the house.
He argues against the use of animals in the experiment.
Some students argue for the use of mobile phones in school.
The teachers argue the students out of bringing electric products to school.
They tried to argue us into going with them.
※ 重点操练
Do what you are told and don’t _____ me.(和我争论)
6、support   词性:          词义:
※ 原句再现
Her mother came to support her. 她妈妈支持她。
※ 拓展学习
No matter what he does, I will support him.
Do you support the idea that we will retire in 65.
Three poles support the house.
The old man is walking slowly with a stick supporting him.
I have to support a family of four.
The young should support the old.
※ 重点操练
The pillars have to ______ the weight of the roof. (承受)
7、refer to   词性:          词义:
※ 原句再现
If the word group refers to different members, use a plural verb.
※ 拓展学习
What does the underlined word refer to in the passage?
When I say someone is stupid, I don’t refer to you.
This rule refers to all of you.
The new regulation doesn’t refer to people under 45.
Did he refer to me in his letter?
The Japanese Prime minister referred to the war and apologized to the Chinese people.
If you don’t know the meaning of a word, you can refer to a dictionary.
Please refer to the last page for the answer.
Let’s refer this matter to the teacher.
If anyone wants more information, please refer him / her to me.
We refer to our teacher as our friend.
It’s not right to refer to students as silly cows.
※ 重点操练
The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without ____ his notes.(参考)
8、intend   词性:          词义:
※ 原句再现
I looked carefully at the text and realized that it was intended for women in the countryside.
※ 拓展学习
What do you intend to do today?
I didn’t intend to be rude to you yesterday.
Did he intend us to share the cost?
I intend you to do it by yourself.
I intend coming to help you.
What do you intend doing next?
I intend that we shall arrive tomorrow.
The old man intends that his son will take over the business.
The prize was intended for the old man.
This film is intended for children.
※ 重点操练
Those lovely flowers were ____ for your mother for her seventieth birthday, but as she is away, I would be
glad if you accept them.(准备)
9、deliver   词性:          词义:
※ 原句再现
There was story after story of how Lin Qiaozhi, tired after a day’s work, went late at night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her.
※ 拓展学习
Milk is delivered every morning.
We deliver goods to your door.
Obama delivered a very important speech in Shanghai Jiaotong University.
He delivered a new suggestion at the meeting.
Lin Qiaozhi delivered countless babies.
The doctor delivered Mrs Jones.
Teachers should try to deliver students from heavy study.
The dying father delivered his business over to his son.
※ 重点操练
______me from such tiresome people.(让我离开)
21、 保卫…以免受
II. 根据语境填写适当的词
medical, communication, welfare, behave, nest, achieve, rate, explain, condition, worthwhile
1 The heavy snow prevented  _________ with the outside world for three days.
2 I hope my kids will _________ themselves while I am away.
3 Only by working hard can you _________ your goal in time.
4 The reason Peter _______ to us for his lateness was unreasonable.
5 It cost me a lot to travel around the world, but it was really ________, for it broadened my views.
6 That secondhand car in perfect ________ went well.
7 Most people walk at an average ________ of 5 kilometers an hour.
8 Birds often make their _________ in trees.
9 They would rather work than live on _________.
10 She attended a _________ school before becoming a physician.
specialist, observe, strike, institute, inspire, kindness, modest, respect, organization, connection, entertainment, consideration, deliver, campaign, argue
11 The police _________a man in black entering the bank.
12 My brother graduated from a university and was assigned to work at a research _________.
13 I can never repay (报答) your many ________ to me.
14 We should care for the young and ________ the elderly.
15 A man was arrested in ________ with the murder of the teenager.
16 We will surely take this matter into __________ at tomorrow’s meeting.
17 The young couple are always _________ with each other about money.
18 Yesterday the police began a _________ to stop taking drugs.
19 She was __________ of a healthy boy weighing 3 kilogrammes.
20 After work I relax myself by watching TV, listening to radio or taking part in other forms of _________.
21 The World Trade _________ was established in January, 1995.
22 She was very _________ about her success.
23 His paintings were clearly _________ by Monet’s works.
24 Those workers went on _________ for higher wages.
25 He is a _______ in Japanese history, so just turn to him if any question.
III. A核心词汇 根据句子意思写出括号内所给中文的正确形式。
1.Where is it that you want to____________(庆祝)Christmas this year?
2.Is this the sister you____________ (提及)to in your last letter?
3.The CCTV concert was ____________ (打算) to call on more people to help the refugees of Yushu in Qinghai.
4. Greatly____________ (激发;鼓舞)by the teacher’s words,I have made up my mind not to give up my goal.
5.Trees can provide____________ (树荫)from the sun,so they can reduce cooling costs in summer.
6.Small shops were ____________ (挤满)out by supermarkets during the economic crisis.
7.The railway being built aims to ____________(连接)the small town to the big city.
8.Out of ____________(尊重),he accepted the idea that the old professor put forward at the meeting completely.
9.Much to my surprise,he ____________ as if nothing had happened. In general,I was quite pleased with his ____________.(behave)
10.I hold the firm belief that you are bound to ____________ your dream of being admitted to a key university,which will give you a wonderful sense of ____________.(achieve)
汉斯是一个有成就的人。他的一生都奉献给了无家可归的儿童,他的行为赢得了所有人的尊重。最近,汉斯被邀请在哈佛大学毕业典礼上发表演讲。汉斯说,“照顾孩子是平凡的工作,但是不要瞧不起平凡的工作。一旦开始做一件事情,你就必须坚持下去,否则你将一事无成。只有当你60岁回首往事时,你才会意识到你是否已经全力以赴,也只有当你能够说你已经全力以赴时,你才会对你的一生感到满足。” 
Hans is a man of 1)___________. He has devoted all his life to homeless children and his 2)___________ has won 3)___________ of all. Recently, Hans was asked to 4)___________ a speech on the 5)___________ in Harvard University. He said, “6)___________ for children is an ordinary job, but don’t look down upon ordinary jobs. Once you begin to do something, you must keep on with it, 7)___________ you will never 8)___________ anything. Only when you are sixty and looking back on your life will you 9)___________ whether you have done your best. And only when you can say you have tried your best will you be 10)___________ with your life.” 
IV. 根据本单元课文内容填写恰当的单词(每空一词)
Jane Gooddall was born in London, England, on April3,1934. Since    ①    she was attracted by animals and animal stories.
In 1957, the 26-year-old Gooddall went to Kenya to work as a secretary. She also arranged to meet the famous    ②     Louis Leaky, who hired her as his assistant. She went with him on many     ③    to the African jungle and in 1960. Leaky sent Gooddall to   ④ chimpanzees in a remote animal preserve, recording the animals’     ⑤    。
For three months Gooddall didn’t make any  ⑥    . Her breakthrough came one day when she saw a male chimpanzee   ⑦     a piece of grass into a termite(白蚁) hill, then put the grass in his mouth. The    ⑧     -that some animals use tools- was unknown to most scientists at the time .
Gooddall saw chimpanzees show emotions like   ⑨    , such as jealousy and love. Gooddall received her Ph. D. in the study of animals at England’s Cambridge University. Now she travels around raising money to     ⑩    wildlife.
V. 根据括号内所给的提示翻译下列句子.
1. 我突然想起,在那个年代一个女子去学医是多么困难啊。(hit)
2. 许多中国人尽管在国外居住了多年,仍遵从传统的习俗。(observe)
3. 关于这个问题和他争论是没有用的。(It’s no use…)
4. 实施这个计划对我来说有些困难。(have some difficulty in…)
5. 只有这样你才能在英语方面取得进步。(only + 介词短语)
6. 直到我离开父母去意大利时我才意识到我是多么的爱他们。(only + 状语在句首)
7. 只有到那时我才意识到交流的重要性。(only +介词短语)
8. 他对是否去参加探险仍拿不定主意。(hesitate about)
9. 我计划去的原因是如果我不去她会很失望的(the reason why…)
10. 应该做些事情保护环境免受污染。( protect …from …)
1、wander  2、common sense  3、to helping  4、enter  5、argue with  6、support  7、referring to
8、intended  9、Deliver
1、campaign   2、move off   3、look down upon/on   4、observe   5、respect   6、carry on   7、institute   8、support   9、refer to   10、deliver a baby   11、lead a…life   12、condition   13、generation
14、come across   15、worthwhile  16、in emergency  17、by chance  18、modest   19、be intended for
20、once in a while   21、defend against   22、be likely to
第一组: 1 communication  2 behave  3 achieve  4 explained  5 worthwhile  6 condition  7 rate  8 nests
9 welfare  10 medical
第二组: 11 observed  12 institute  13 kindnesses  14 respect  15 connection  16 consideration  17 arguing
18 campaign  19 delivered  20 entertainment  21 Organization  22 modest  23 inspired
24 strike  25 specialist
A  1.observe 2.referred 3.intended 4.inspired 5.shade 6.crowded 7.connect 8.respect
B 1) achievement   2)behavior  3)respect  4)deliver   5)graduation   6)Caring  7)otherwise
8)achieve  9)realize   10)content
IV.  ①childhood   ②specialist  ③trips   ④observe   ⑤behavior  ⑥ achievement   ⑦stick    ⑧discovery  ⑨humans  ⑩preserve
1. Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time.
2. Though having lived abroad for years,many Chinese still observe the traditional customs
3.  It’s no use arguing about the question with him.
4. I had some difficulty in carrying out the plan.
5. Only in this way can you make great progress in your English.
6. Only when I left my parents for Italy did I realize how much I loved them.
7. Only then did I realize the importance of communication.
8. He's still hesitating about joining/over whether to join the expedition.
9. The reason why I plan to go is that she will be disappointed if I don’t.
10. Something must be done to protect the environment from being polluted.
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