


1. The party, which had been greatly _____, was spoiledby the rude behavior of an uninvited guest.
A. looked forward to B. looked up to
C. called forth D. called for

[答案]A. looked forward to.

[注释]Look forward to 期待,盼望; call forth引起,唤起。 Call for需要,Look upto尊敬。

2. It was clear that the small grocer was _____ peoplehe owed money to.
A. at the expense of B. at the risk of
C. in the way of D. at the mercy of

[答案]D. at the mercy of.

[注释]at the mercy of在......支配下:
The ship was at the mercy of the waves.(这艘船任凭风浪摆布。)

at the expense of 以.....为代价,靠牺牲 .....;

in the way of碍......事;

at the risk of冒.....的危险:
1)He devoted his time to football at the expense of hisstudies.(他牺牲学习把时间都花在足球上。)
2)Her social lift got in the way of herstudies.(她的社交生活妨碍了她的学习。)
3)We do this at the risk of our lives andliberties.(我们冒丢掉生命和丧失自由的危险做这件事。)

3. I _____ her not to walk on the thin ice but she wouldnot listen to me.
A. warned B. persuaded C. suggested D. noticed

[答案]A. warned.

[注释]warn sb. (not) to do sth.警告某人(不)做某事。

suggest不能接sb. to do sth.

persuade sb.(not) to dosth.说服、某人(不)做某事;本题中不能选D. persuaded, 因该动词强调行为的结果。

从逻辑上讲,既然“说服了”,那么与she wouldn't listen to me就前后矛盾了。
如果把句子改为:I tried to persuade her not to walk on the thin ice but shewouldn't listen to me.(我极力劝她不要在薄冰上走,但她不愿听我的话。),那么就符合逻辑了。

[注意]warn sb. of sth.警告某人有......

4. When products made in factories _____, they arethrown away as garbage.
A. come to an end B. are put to use
C. are used up D. wear out

[答案]D. wear out.

[注释]wear out本题中意指(become useless form continueduse of wear)用坏,穿破,如:
The machine will soon wear out.(这机器即将用坏。)

come to an end(结束),put ... to use(投入使用), use up(用完), come intouse(开始投入使用)

5. She is making herself ill with _____ over her son'sfuture.
A. trouble B. annoyance C. disgust D. worry

[答案]D. worry

worry over 比worry about对某事的忧虑更为持久,更为专注,如:
He worries over the least thing that goes wrong.(他总是惟恐有一点小事出错。)

6. The microphone enabled them to keep in touch, inother words, it made it _____ for them to contact eachother.
A. likely B. capable C. possible D. probable

[答案]C. possible


capable有才能的,能胜任的”(有褒、贬 二义),如:
He is capable of anything.(他什么事都干得出来。)此句含有明显得贬义。

此外,作表语时,able接不定式,capable接of. capable还有一意思是“有可能的”,例如:
The car is capable of being repaired .(这辆汽车是有可能修好的。)用于此义时,

be capable of 后常接被动语态动名词或有动作意义的名词:The situationis capable of improvement .


1)It is likely that...例如:It is highly likely that he willsucceed.(很可能他会成功。)
2)think(feel, consider)it likely ...例如:I think it likely that wewill ultimately get a certain amount of money.
3)be likely to do sth.例如:He is likely to see you again .

但下面的句型是错误的,It is likely for sb to do sth.
所以think it likely for sb. to do sth.也是错误的,故本题不能选likely.

7. They did not find _____ to prepare for the worstconditions they might meet.
A. worth their while B. it worthwhile
C. it worth D. it worthy

[答案]B. it worthwhile

1)The visit to Paris was worthwhile .
2)He thinks teaching foreign languages is worthwhile.
3)She has a very worthwhile job.
4)I think it worthwhile to work on my stamp collection.

worthy (of)配得上,值得:
1)He is worthy of being praised.(=He is worthy to bepraised.)
2)He is a worthy winner.
3)She is not worthy to talk to man like you.(她配不上与你这样一位男士谈话)

8. In spite of the thunderstorm, the children slept_____ all night.
A. densely B. soundly C. loudly D. noisily

[答案]B. soundly

[注释]sleep soundly熟睡。也可以说sleep heavily.

9. John _____ knowledge of radio just by staying aroundthe radio station.
A. caught on B. worked up C. took up D. picked up

[答案]D. picked up

[注释]pick up学到,习得。

10. I support your decision, but I should also make itclear that I am not going to be _____ to it.
A. connected B. fastened C. bound D. stuck

[答案]C. bound

[注释]be bound to sth.受...的约束:
I was bound to my promise.(我受我的诺言约束)

[注意]be bound to do sth.
1)一定会:The plan is bound to win.(这项计划一定会成功。)
2)有责任(义务):You are bound to obey the laws.(你有责任遵守法纪)。

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