



1. The teacher demanded that the exam _____ beforeeleven.

A. mustfinish    B.would be finished   C. befinished  D. must be finished

2. She made the demand that the journalists _____at once ______ Iraq.

A. leave;for          B. leave; to          C.left;to        D. to be left; for

3. He is talking so much about America as if he_____ there.

A. hadbeen          B. hasbeen    C. was   D. has gone

4. The young man insisted that he _____ nothingwrong and _____ free.

A. did; set   B.had done; should be set  C. should do; beset   D. had done; must beset

5. I suggested there ____ be a kind of language allcould understand and use ____ .

A. can;it                B. /;  /   C. would;it          D. may;  /

6. The suggestion has been made _____ thebasketball game _____ put off.

A. for;to          B. that;be       C. which; shouldbe          D. to; being

7. The order came that the medical supplies _____to Beijing for the SAS soon.

A. would besent     B. shouldsend        C. be sent     D.must be sent

8. It is important that we _____ wild animals.

A. willprotect    B. shouldprotect     C. shallprotect    D. are protecting

9. Had you listened to the doctor, you _____ allright now.

A.are             B.were             C. wouldbe        D. would have been

10. _____ any change about the date, please tell meimmediately.

A. Will there be  B. Should therebe  C. There willbe    D. Thereshould be

11. _____ today, he would get there by Friday.

A. Would heleave    B. Washe leaving   C. Were he toleave  D. If he leave

12. Should it rain, the crops _____ .

A. would besaved   B. would have beensaved   C. will besaved    D. hadbeen saved

13. You _____ come earlier. The bus left a momentago.

A.would             B. shouldhave             C.may               D. have

14. He treated me as though/as if _____ his ownson.

A. Iam                B. I wouldbe        C. Iwas                     D. I were

15. I _____ you some money, but I hadn’t any on methen.

A. wouldlend    B. would have lent  C. couldlend  D. may have lent

16. A few minutes earlier and we _____ therain.

A. havecaught    B. had caught  C. could havecaught   D. were to catch

17. --- “Have you ever been toBeijing?”        --- “No, but I wish I _____”

A.have        B.will           C.do           D. had

18. I’m glad I went over all my notes; otherwise_____ .

A. I may havefailed   B. I’dfail   C. I’d havefailed  D. I’ll have failed

19. --- “What will you do during the summerholiday?”

   --- “I don’tknow, but it’s high time _____ something.”

A. I’mdeciding            B. I’lldecide      C. Idecided     D. I decide

20. What should we do if it _____ tomorrow?

A. shouldsnow            B. wouldsnow        C.snow       D. will snow

21. If only I _____ my watch!

A. hadn’tlost       B. haven’tlost     C. didn’tlost     D. don’t lose

22. You _____ such a serious mistake if you hadfollowed his advice.

A. may notmake    B. might not make  C. shouldn’t havemade   D. might not have made

23. We _____ the work on time without yourhelp.

A. hadn’t had finished  B. didn’thave finished C. couldn’t havefinished    D.can’t have finished

24. --- “Where have youbeen?”      --- “I got caught in traffic; otherwise _____ sooner.”

A. I would behere    B. Ihave been here C. I had beenhere   D. I would have beenhere

25. If it were not for the fact that you _____ ill,I would ask you to do this right now.

A.were            B. hadbeen          C.are               D. should be

Key: 1-5. CAABB  6-10.BCBCB  11-15. CAABDB  16—20.CDCCA  21-25. ADCDC


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