








a man doctor→men doctors男医生

a woman driver→women drivers女司机


police officers 警官          boy-friends男朋友

match-boxes火柴盒          flower shops花店

frying pans平底锅


passers-by过路人              lookers-on旁观者


fathers-in-law(岳父)           sisters-in-law(嫂嫂)



go-betweens中间人,媒人         grown-ups成年人

game,race, match



①play games

②play a game of basketball

③the Asian Games

④horse race.

⑤a 1,500-metre race

⑥run a race

⑦have a volleyball match

⑧watch a match

Key:①做游戏,比赛 ②进行一次篮球比赛 ③亚运会 ④赛马 ⑤一千五百米赛跑 ⑥赛跑 ⑦举行排球比赛 ⑧观看比赛

get a general idea of 对……了解大意(大概情况)

  Read the chapter quickly to get a general idea.


  I have a general idea of that town.


get in touch with sb.; keep in touch with sb.


Finally Hank and his friend gave each other their addresses and promised to get in touch again with each other when they both returned to the States.最后,汉克和他的朋友互换了地址,并且保证回美国后和对方联系。


Some students keep in touch with me all the time.一些学生一直和我保持着联系。

get sb. / sth. doing使某人/某物开始活跃或使某物开始工作

  Let me try now, I will get the car going


  拓展:get sb. to do sth. = have sb. do sth.让/使某人做某事

  get sth. done = have sth. done请人做某事

  I’ll get him to do the job.我会让他做这项工作。

  When did you get your hair cut?




(1)What 引导的感叹句

What 用做定语,修饰名词,其引导的感叹句句型结构为:


What an orphan he is!他是个多么可怜的孤儿啊!

②What+a (an)+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!如:

What a beautiful voice she has!她的声音多美啊!


What kind doctors they are!他们是多好的医生啊!


What good news it is!

(2)How 引起的感叹句

How 用做状语,修饰形容词、副词和动词,其引导的感叹句句型结构为:


How clever you are!


How well she dances!

③How +形容词+a(an)+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!如:

How good a student he is!


How the teachers worked!教师们工作多么努力啊!


How many books you have read!

⑥How much(little)+不可数名词+主语+谓语!如:

How little money the coat cost!


What a clever boy he is!

How clever a boy he is!


What a fine student!

What mountains!

How wonderful!

How brave!



She is such a nice girl!她是一个多好的姑娘啊!(陈述句)

Who do you think you are!你算老几!(疑问句)

“Stop the train! Stop the train!”(祈使句)


Happy New Year!(词组)

get through 接通电话;完成;通过

I can’t get through. The line’s busy.我没能接通电话。占线了。

get through the work/the exams/the book完成工作/通过考试/看完这本书


Can you ring up …?你能给……打电话吗?

I can’t get through.我没能接通(电话)

The line is busy.(电话)占线。

I’ll try again later.一会儿我再试试。

Could I speak to… please?我找……接电话。

This is … speaking .我是……

Hold on, Please.请等一等。

Can I take a message?我可以捎个口信吗?

Could you ask … to ring me back, please?


I’ll ask …… to call you.


They are talking on /over the phone. 他们在通电话。

You are wanted on the phone.有电话找你。

She answered the phone.她接了电话。


①give away 送给人、分发、泄露、暴露

Let’s give away our dog.我们把狗送人吧。

②give back:送还、恢复(健康)

Living here has given me back my health.在这住使我恢复了健康。

③give in交进来,让步、妥协、投降

The boy gave in the money he picked up.


In the end,they gave in.最终,他们屈服了。

④give off散发出

The gas gave off an unpleasant smell.那种气体发出难闻的气味。

⑤give out用完、耗尽、没有了。

Money gave out.钱用完了。

⑥give up放弃、不再做、把……献给……

My father has given up smoking.我爸“戒烟了。”

He has given up his life to teaching.


Don’t give up,try again.别泄气,再试一次。

give birth to 生……;造成……的原因。

①She gave birth to a baby last week.

②His illness gave birth to his absence.

Give my regards/ best wishes/love to sb. 向人问好时

give off,放出(光、烟、气味等)、散发,

give out,放出,发出(声音,光线,气味等),(食物、燃料、力量等)用尽、筋疲力尽。

①These red roses give off a sweet smell.

②This device gives out flashes of light in the fog.

③Both my strength and money gave out.

go bad 变坏

类似的:go wrong,go mad,etc.

go 通常表示不好的变化。

Alice’s face went red with anger.

My husband’s hair is going gray.


go fishing  去钓鱼       go riding去骑马

go boating 去划船       go climbing去登山

go swimming去游泳     go shooting去射击

go walking 去散步       go hunting去打猎

go shopping去买东西     go cycling去骑车

go dancing去跳舞   go camping 去露营


go farming务农     go nursing当护士

go on doing , go on to do , go on with

1) go on doing sth .指继续做同一件事。如:

After a short rest , they went on working . 短暂休息之后,他们继续工作。

go on with sth . 指继续同一件事,此时 with 后能接名词,代词,不能跟ing 形式。如:After a short rest ,they went on with the work . 短暂休息之年,他们继续那项工作。

go on to do sth . 指接着做另外一件事。如:

After finishing the words , they went on to go over the text.结束单词后,他们接着通课文。

2) 类似意义的说法。

continue doing/ to do = go on doing;

go ahead with = go on with ,隐含有付出努力之意

keep on doing ① = go on doing  ②指不顾困难,反对或警告而坚持做某事。如:He kept on smoking after the doctor told him to stop .医生告诉他停止后,他还是继续抽烟。

go through 浏览;经历;历经

  He went through several houses, but haven’t bought one yet.


  The country has gone through too many wars.这个国家已经历了太多的战争。

  The plan must go through several stages.


  拓展:go through with完成

  He hasn’t gone through with his composition yet.  他还没写完作文。

go with 与……相配;适合。

I’d like a pair of shoes to go with my trousers.我想要一双和我的裤子相配的鞋。

go/do without




He had no money for a TV set,so he had to _______ _______ ______.


We have no map but we can ________ ________

Key:①go,without,it ②do,without

had better (not) do sth.最好(不要)做某事。


①You’d better give up smoking.It dose no good to your health.你最好把烟戒掉,吸烟对健康没好处。

②she had better not come this evening .今晚她最好不要来。

hand down(=pass down)相传、传给


In poor families,clothes may be handed down from one child to the next.

hand back 把……归还……;hand in 面交,提出;hand on 传阅,依次传递;hand out 分发;hand over 移交。


    (1)happen to do sth.(主语常为“人”),意为“碰巧。恰好”。to 后可用不定式的一般式to do,完成式to have done进行式to be doing如:

You happened to be out when I came to your house.


She happened to have just finished reading the book.


The two salesmen happened to be quarrelling when the manager entered.


(2)It(so)happen that…“(如此)碰巧,恰好”。如:

It happens that he is a teacher of English.


It so happened that he was going that way too.



I happened to have no money with me./It happened that I had no money with me.


(3)happen to sb./sth. “某人/物出事,发生了……情况”。

如:What has happened to your hand?你的手怎么了?

Be careful not to let anything happen to that child.



①—We haven’t heard from Jane for a long time.(MET’91)

—What do you suppose __________to her?

A.was happening                B.to happen

C.has happened                 D.having happened

②They happened to _______for Tianjin when we got there.(MET’)

A.leave     B.have left      C.leaving      D.had left

③If anything __________you,let me know.

A.is happened to              B.is happening

C.happens on                  D.happens to

Key:①C ②B ③D

have a right to do sth.有权做某事

right:①当名词用,可有复数形式如:human rights人权;但是当方向(右边)讲时,不可数,turn to the right向右转


He didn’t feel quite right.他感觉不太舒服。

Your advice is right你的建议是对的。

Which is the right answer?哪个答案正确?


Don’t forget to turn right when you meet a bookstore.看到那家书店别忘了向右转。

The crowd divided right and left.


have/find + difficulty/trouble + (in)doing sth ./ with sth.

There be + difficulty/trouble + (in) doing sth./with sth.做某事有困难/麻烦;在……方面有困难/麻烦。

其中的difficulty和trouble为不可数名词;doing前的介词in 可省略。

①I have some difficulty(in)pronouncing some English words.有些英语单词我发音有困难。

②Everyone in the town knew him; so we had no difficulty(in) finding his house。镇上所有的人都认识他,所有我们毫不费力就找到了他的家。

③The boy had little difficulty with maths.这孩子学数学没困难。

④There was much difficulty (in) finding him.好不容易才找到他。

have mercy on/upon sb.

该短语意为“宽恕(或可怜)某人”,类似的词组还有show mercy to sb.。

He always has mercy on the poor.

at the mercy of …任由……摆布,在……的掌握中。

如:They were lost at sea,at the mercy of the winds and the waves.

have no choice but to do sth.


如:You have no choice but to obey me.

have on,have…on

have on 表示“穿着,戴着”,有have on sth.或have sth.,on结构,强调状态,无进行时,但有动词—ing短语形式。have…on表示“有事,有约(会)”。对比:

On Children’s Day,children always have on their new clothes. 儿童节那天孩子们总是穿着新衣服。

I’ve nothing on tomorrow.Let’s go together. 明天我没事,咱们一起去吧。

误:In fact the king was having nothing on.

正:In fact the king had nothing on.事实上国王什么也没穿。

正:The king having nothing on walked in the front.一丝不挂的国王走在最前面。


①He has something on this evening.I’ve to go without him.

②He has his uniform on this evening.

have something(nothing,much,little)to do with与……有(没有,有很大,有一点)关系。

①I have nothing to do with that young man.

②His job has something to do with telephones.

③This has little to do with what we are talking about.

④Do you have anything to do with that club?

He sends his regards/best wishes/love to you. 带人问好时

也可用:Please remember me to your parents.

head vi.向……前进,朝某方面行进。后面接for,forward的介词短语,或表示方向的副词east,eastward等。head south向南行

①Where are we heading?

②Those ships are heading for HongKong.

hear vt,;vi.


①Listen!I heard somebody knocking at the door.听!我听到有人敲门。

②Old Granny can’t hear very well.老奶奶听觉不好了。

(2)hear that(宾从)听说某事

①I heard that he had come back.我听说他回来了。

②I heard that we were going to Qingdao for a holiday.Is that true?听说我们要去青岛度假,是真的吗?

(3)hear of  听说;获悉。

①I have heard of him,though I don’t know him.尽管我不认识他,但我听说过他。

②They have never heard of American country music.他们从没听说过美国的乡村音乐。

③They have never heard American country music。他们从没听过美国的乡村音乐。

(4)hear from sb.收到某人的来信。

—Have you heard from Peter recently?最近收到彼得的信了吗?

—No,I haven’t heard from him for three months.没有。我已3个月没收到他的信了。


lose heart 失去信心;lose one’s heart to sb./sth.爱上某人/事;give heart to sb.鼓励某人;give one’s heart sb./sth.爱上某人/事;put one’s heart into 一心扑在某事上;heart and soul全心全意地;have a kind heart有一幅好心肠;break one’s heart使某人伤心;learn…by heart 记住,背诵;with a heavy/light heart 心情沉重地/轻松愉快地



The team had won no game and it ________ ________.


We wonder why she ________ _________ ________ _______an

old foreigner.


Nothing is too difficult in the world if you _______ _______

________ _______it.


It’s the duty of a Party member to serve the people  ________

_________ _________ __________.


help oneself to“自行取用(食物等),随意使用”

Help yourself to more cakes.

help to do sth.

该动宾结构意为“有助于干某事”,且不定式符号to 可以省略,即构成help do sth.的表达形式。如:

①This book helps to understand this question.

②Exercises help build up.


hold one’s hand 抓住某人的手;hold me by the arm抓住我的胳臂;hold one’s breath屏住气;hold back one’s tears  忍住泪水;hold a meeting 开会;hold 100 passengers容纳100名乘客;hold a position守住阵地;hold back 阻止;hold one’s head high昂首,趾高气扬;hold up the wounded part 抬高受伤的部位; hold it tight 抓紧;hold everything in secret 对一切都保密;catch/get/take hold of a rope 抓住绳子;hold a child in one’s arms 怀抱孩子;hold a final examination举行期末考试


①Nothing can hold______the wheel of the history.

②I held her _____ the hand and tried to follow her.

③He was saved by taking hold______ the big stick.

④Please hold______ your hand if you have any questions to ask.

Key: ①back ②by ③of ④up

How do you do ? 初次见面打招呼  答语为How do you do ?也可用Nice /Glad/Pleased to meet you.熟人见面打招呼  How are you?随便一些可用Hello, Hi.

How do (did )you find…?(你觉得/认为……怎么样?)是征求对方对某人、某事的看法或意见的用语。回答时在find 后要跟复合宾语。

    How did you find the dishes?

    (I found them)Tasteless.

    How do you find Peter Gray?

    I found him dishonest.

How long have you had it?你买了多久了?

瞬时动词come/go/leave/start/arrive/buy/die/join/borrow/marry等不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。如how long, for 和 since所表示的时间。


不能说:He has died for 3 years.

而应说:He has been dead for 3 years/He died 3 years ago.

It is 3 years since he died.


不能说:How long has he joined the army?

而应说:How long has he been in the army?/How long has he been a soldier?/How long is it since he joined the army?

how long/how soon/how far/how often

(1)how long 多久。表示一段时间,句中的动词应是延续性的。是对for 或since等所表示的时间状语的提问。

—How long have you lived here ?你在这里住多久了?

①—For three years.3年了。

②—Since 1997.从1997年至今。

③—Since I graduated from college.从大学毕业至今。

(2)how soon (将来)多久;(过)多久(以后)。是对in 所表示的时间状语的提问。

—How soon can you finish the work?多久你能完成这工作?

—In three hours. 3小时后。

(3)how far 多远。用来提问距离。

—How far is your hometown from here?你家乡离这里多远?

—Twenty kilometres.20公里。

(4)how often(每隔)多久;多经常。用来提问频度。

—How often do you usually go home?你多久回家一次?

—Twice a month. 一个月两次。

how to do sth.是由“疑问副词+动词不定式”构成的复合结构,在句中可作表语。

How to deal with it hasn’t been decided.

My question is how to feed so many people.

however adv. 然而;但是。表示转折,起承上启下的作用。本身具有相对的独立性,通常逗号与句子其他部分隔开。

①He likes singing. He can’t sing very well, however. 他喜欢唱歌,然而唱不好。

②He didn’t agree with me ; however, he said nothing.他不同意我的看法,但他什么也没说。

human(being)[c]人,与动物等对比的人(the human人类)

 A human being tells the machine what to do, when to do and how to do.


 In the story human beings were replaced by robots.





be badly wounded in the battle 战斗中受重伤;

wound sb.to death 使某人受伤致死;

hurt one’s back摔伤了后背;hurt one’s feeling伤害某人的感情;be hurt by his words被他的话所伤害。


have a wound in the chest胸部受伤;

receive a serious wound受重伤;the wounded伤员。


The girl fell off her bike. She hurt one of her legs hurts.




The soldier ______ ______ _____in his head./The soldier ______

_______in the head./The soldier head ______ ______.


I was rather__________by what they said about me.


My right foot ________.


It seemed that he _________badly_________.

Key:①received,a, would/was, wounded/was wounded

②hurt ③hurts ④was, hurt/wounded

I must be off now.     I must go now .    I must be leaving now. 表示自己要走时

I think it would be a good idea to(do sth.)


A:I’m afraid I’m putting on weight.

B:I think it would be a good idea to keep on doing moning exercises.

idea  n.  主意,想法

①have an idea       ②have the idea of doing

③have an idea that/wh-从句

He thought and thought, and then he had an idea.


She had the idea of discussing the problem with her husband.


I have an idea that he will lose. 我认为他会输的。

Do you have any idea where he has gone?



1)通常unless 等于if not 如:

I won’t go unless he comes .= I won’t go if the doesn’t come .


I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t have an accident .他要是不出事故,我倒会感到奇怪了。

unless 不能用于“由于未发生B而产生A”的句子,再如:

I’ll be quite glad if she doesn’t come this evening.要是他今晚不来,我才高兴呢。

mix .混合mixture n. 混合物

Water and oil will not mix .油和水不相溶合。

Mix black with white 混淆黑白。

注意:下面句子中mix 的形式。

A rain is falling ,mixed with snow .雨夹着雪在下着。

I’m sorry(that)…很抱歉……。是自认为表现欠妥或做事失误时的道歉用语,其后的从句说明道歉的内容和原因。

①I’m sorry I can’t answer the question.对不起我不会回答这个问题。

②I’m sorry that I broke your glass.很抱歉我把你的杯子打破了。


1)接名词、代词:You can’t imagine the life on the island.你无法想象岛上的生活。

2)接动名词:She never imagined her going abroad for further education.她从没设想过会出国深造。

3)接从句:You can’t imagine how worried I was those days.你想象不到那几天我是多么焦虑啊。

4)接复合宾语:The boy imagined himself to be a hero. 这男孩把自己想象成了英雄。

[应用] 选择正确答案

I can hardly imagine Peter ______across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.(MET’91)

A.sail      B.to sail       C.sailing       D.to have sailed




improve one’s English/the living conditions/one’s method of study/oneself in maths提高英语水平/改善居住条件/改进学习方法/提高教学水平。


After two days’ rest his health is improving.


3)用作名词:improvement of soil土壤改良;make improvement in 在某方面作出改进




Key:①His Chinese is improving./He is improving his Chinese.

②You’d better improve your article./You’d better make improvement in your article.

in prep. 在……之后。用于“将来一段时间之后”。

① Your birthday is in two weeks’ time .你的生日还有两周。

② I’ll finish the work in 3 days/in 3 days’ time. 这两项工作我3天后完成。


① I’ll be back in 3 days.3天后我回来.

② I’ll be back after the New year. 新年后我回来。

in a word总之=in one word

  In a word, I don’t trust him.


  Tom is brave, careful and calm. In a word, he is admirable.


in charge of    prep.担任……,管理……,负责

in the charge of a personDin a person’s charge由(某人)照料(管理)

take charge of 担任……,接管。

My father is in charge of this company.

in common, in general, in particular,in short

(1)in common(with)与……有共同处、(和……)一样。如:

They have nothing in common with one another.他们相互毫无共同之处。

(2)in general 大体上、通常、一般说来。如:

In general boys like sports more than girls.一般说来,男孩比女孩更喜欢运动。

(3)in particular= particularly特别、尤其。如:

I noticed his eyes in particular, because they were very big.我特别注意到他的眼晴,因为那双眼晴很大。

(4)in short简单地说,总之。如:

The man, in short,is not to be trusted.总之,那个人是不何信任的。

in debt(to)欠债,欠人情

out of debt还清负债,没欠债

get(run,fall)into debt,vi.借债,负债

pay off the debt还清债务

She was always in debt when she was out of work.

In 1860,Abraham Lincoln was elected president….1860年林肯被选为总统。


in future;in the future; for the future

in future意思是“从今以后”。例如:

In future,be careful with your pronunciation.今后要注意你的发音。

Such a bad habit must be got rid of in future.今后成长须改掉这样的坏习惯。

in the furture意思是“将来、今后的日期”,但 不一定就是从今立即开始,而是将来的时间。例如:

No one can know what will happen in the future.没有人知道将来会发生什么事。

My sister wants to be actress in the future.我妹妹将来想当演员。

for the future的意思是“就未来而论、今后”,作“今后”解时可与in future替换使用。例如:

What are your plans for the future when you grow up? 你长大以后对你的未来有什么打算?

For the future, we’ll  have to depend on ourselves.今后我们得依靠自己。

in honour of sb.(sth.) 为了纪念或表示敬意而举行某活动。

①A memorial meeting was held in his honour.

②It is only a dance in honour of my birthday.



in praise of为……颂扬、歌颂;in honour of 为纪念,为了向某人表示敬意;in memory of为了怀念;in favour of赞同,支持;in place of 代替;in charge of负责;in search of寻找;in need of 需要。



①This is a book which sings high praise for pioneers.

This is a book ________ ________ ________ pioneers.

②They startd off at once to look for the missing girl.

They started off at once________ ______ _______the missing girl.

③We all agree to your plan.

We are all ______ ________ ______your plan.

④We usr plastics instead of wood or metal.

We use plastics_______ ________ ________ wood or metal.

Key:①in, praise, of            ②in, search, of   

③in, favour, of            ④in, place, of

in one’s opinion 在某人看来,依照某人的看法,也可以说:

in one’s personal opinion

例:have a good /high opinion of sb . = think / speak well/highly of sb.


in one’s will在某人的遗嘱中


  Her death is god’s will, I suppose.


His strong will enables him to refuse all the worldly pleaseres.


  Where there is a will, there is a way.


in other words换句话说

  In other words, they failed to pass the exam.


  He became, in other words, a great hero.


in place/out of place在原处;在合适的位置。

①You should keep everything in place.(=in order)


②What you said is somewhat out of place.你的话有些离谱了。

in the 1950s:in the 1950’s 20世纪50年代。介词也可用during。

early/late in the 1990s:in the early/late 1990’s。 20世纪90年代早期/晚期。

in the hope of

该短语表示“期待,抱有……的希望”,后接名词、代词或动名词,可替换成:in the hope that 从句或hoping to…。对比:

They got up very early in the hope of catching the first bus.


注意:have the hope of…/There be hope of…有希望

对比:She has the hope of success.她有成功的希望。

There is still hope of persuading him to change his mind.




He went there in the hope of buying some fresh fish./He

Went there in the hope that he could buy some fresh fish./He went there hoping to buy some fresh fish.

in the last few years.

该短语意为“最近几年”,常和现在完成时连用,表示以前某时开始一直延续至说话时的动作或状态。in可被during或over 替换。常用的还有:during the past ten days过去的10天里;over the last 5 months过去的5个月里;in the past few weeks 过去的几周里如:

We’ve learned quite a lot of English over the past three years.



①Many factories were built in the last ten years in my hometown.

②Both my father and mother have been busy since the past few weeks.

Key:①改were 为have been


in the past sixty years在过去的60年里(常与现在完成时连用)

Great changes have taken place in the past few years.

in time及时(=not later than),终究(=sooner or later)

  I hope you will arrive in time for the meeting .


Work hard and you will succeed in time.


Increase v.& n.(使……)增长/加            

Travel can increase our knowledge of the world.旅行能加深我们对世界的了解。

The number of students in this school has increased to 3,000.这个学校的学生人数已增加到3000人。

The population of the area increased by 5% last year.这个地区的人口去年增加了5%。

an increase in production/ number/population.


information: news新闻;消息。为不可数名词,如果表示“几条消息”,应用piece

①The news is true.这条消息是真的。

②a piece of news 一条新闻;一则消息。two pieces of news 两条新闻;两则消息。several pieces of news几条新闻;几则消息。

insist on doing sth.坚持做……

suggest doing sth.建议做……

enjoy doing sth.喜欢做……



up,can’t help,imagine, leave off,mention,mind,miss,postp

-hone,practise,put off, resist,risk,can’t understand,und



Look forward to,object to ,be used to,in addition to,prefer…to,according to,stick to,etc.

insist表示“坚持要求(某人或主语本身)干某事。”;suggest 表示“建议”,以及order, demand, request, advise…,这些动词后的宾语从句常用虚拟语气形式。


He insisted that he(should)be sent to the poorest place to work。他坚持要求派他去最贫穷的地方工作。

instead of

instead of是短语介词,意思是“代替、而不”,后接名词、代词、动名词,有时接动词原形、不定式、形容词等。如:

I’ll take that book instead of this one.我要那本书不要这一本。

Instead of putting it off till the next day, he started working right away. 他立即开始工作,不把它拖到明天。

You should give him advice instead of money. 你应给他忠告而不是金钱。

A word of encouragement might have made me respect instead of hating him.一句鼓励的话当可时可能使我尊敬他而不是恨他。

Things are now better instead of worse.目前情况是好转而不是恶化。

We made the trip by train instead of by car.我们是乘火车旅行的,不是乘汽车。

instead of, instead, in place of, take the place of

He went to attend the meeting instead of me .

I was ill so he went to attend the meeting instead .

注意:instead 可用于句首,表示“相反的”。如:

She never studies .Instead, she plays tennis all day .她从不学习。相反地,她整天打网球。

in place of很多时候可与instead of换用,但更强调“取代”之意。如:

He isn’t fit for the job, so I’ll do it in place of him.他胜任不了这项工作,我要代他做。

take the place of 是动词短词,在句中做谓语,如:

Tractors have taken the place of horses .拖拉机已经取代了马。

注意:instead of 后可接ing 形式,介词短语等。如:

 He came by bus instead of by train.他是乘汽车来的而不是乘火车。

He wanted to go to a film instead of staying at home.他想去看电影而不是呆在家里。

Isn’t it easier to stay in the same place ?留在原地难道不更舒服一些吗?


① Don’t you know my address?难道你不知道我的地址吗?

②Can’t you speak English?你难道不会说英语吗?

①     Isn’t it happy to live with us ?莫非和我们生活在一起不快乐?


此句型中,it 作形式宾语,常用于句型中的动词有find,feel, think, consider, make等。Einstein.who was a Jew, found it impossible to continue living in Germany.


①I found it quite pleasant to work with him.我发现和他一起工作很愉快。

②He feels it his duty to help others.他感到帮助别人是他的责任。

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