



2016-04-29 14:35

How can we avoid forgetting what we have learned? Now I would like to give you four suggestions. Then I'll give you a bit explanation on each of them.



Suggestion One(建议一):

Ok. The first one. Increasing intervals. Now research in psychology shows that we do not forget things gradually. You see a psychologist did research. Most of our forgetting occurs within 20 minutes after we have first learned something. More is forgotten with one hour. Still more within 8 hours. After 8 hours, the rate of forgetting stays surprisingly steady. You see, we do not forget things gradually, bit by bit. Bit by bit. It‘s not the case. So we forget more in the first 8 hours.

So what should we do? What should we do? And actually, I will suggest you should do revision everyday when you first learn the new words. And then you may spend some time review the words once in a week. Then later on, once in a month. So increasing intervals, I mean you learn frequently at the very beginning. Then gradually, you can delay a little bit. The interval is longer and longer. But still you have to review them. Now this is the first suggestion. Increasing intervals.

Suggestion Two(建议二)

The second suggestion is make full use of “dead” time. Dead. Why I use the word in the quotation marks? The “dead” time. Now when I say “dead” time, I mean those time is not useful any more. You know, when you are walking on the way, when you are in a bus, when you are, let me see, when you are lying on the bed before you sleep. All these time can‘t be used for very important things. But you can make full use of “dead” time to learn some words. And you can use your vocabulary notebook, you can use your electronic dictionary, just very small, learn few words every day. Every day. Try to use this kind of time learning words, eventually your vocabulary will be expanding quickly.

You do not need whole day learning vocabulary. Don‘t do in this way. And you may use just small amount of time every day. Let’s say, in the morning, 20 minutes, in the afternoon, 20 minutes, in the evening, 20 minutes. Suppose you want to spend one hour, you‘d better separate it into three sessions, 20 minutes each. Suppose you want to learn vocabulary half an hour a day, maybe you’d better divide them into two sections, 15 minutes a section. Don‘t put them together.

And then every day you learn a little bit. Then eventually, at the end of the week, you have spent about half an hour putting all these words together, go over them. Later I will mention, don‘t go over all the words. You have to select some of them to focus your attention. Now electronic dictionary also is a good way to learn words, because there is a sort of file for you to put those difficult words, right? Just put in your pocket. You can learn them anytime you can do it.

Suggestion Three(建议三)

And suggestion 3. And my suggestion is daily revision. Ten minutes a day. Weekly revision. One hour a week. Monthly revision. One hour a month. So that intervals, the first is a week, the next is a month.

Suggestion Four(建议四)

And the final suggestion is to spend more time on the words you find difficult. I found some students would like to go down a list from the first to the last, trying to memorize each one. You‘ve got a vocabulary list. From first to the end. From the first to the end. Every day, they follow the same pattern.

Now there are two problems for this kind of practice. The words at the top of the list tend to be remembered better. Then the words further down. Right? Time is wasted on the words that have been learned. What can be done? I‘ll give you an example. This example is given by a researcher.

Now I give you the footnote there. Suppose you have got these new words in one text: rewarding, frustrating, junior, positive, senior, opportunity, online, technology, participate, virtual, virtual classroom. Ok. You‘ve got so many words. Suppose all these words you are asked to learn. And you remember them at the end of the day. Let’s say. In the evening, you remember them. And tomorrow you go over them again. You found you forgot many of them. You only remember few of them.

So what should you do tomorrow? Should you go over them from the beginning to the end again? No. So this is the suggestion. If you, suppose you remember these words, junior, positive, senior, online, virtual, if you remember these words, put these words in another column. And then you only focus on, next day, you only focus your attention on the remaining five words. Don‘t go over ten words again. Focus on five words. Ok.

So you classify these words into three types. If you are familiar with them, you review them once. And then you review them once in a week. If you review them once in a week, no problem at all. You put them in a monthly column. So you review them once for a month.

But for those words, if you can not remember daily, you have to review them again and again. But the words become fewer and fewer. Not so many. So you can focus your attention on those things which are very difficult for you. This work makes learning more efficient.

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