








张宁个展:超验的启点? 展览现场







I keep wondering what the value of art making is. For every work I created, I raised a question first and tried to look for the answer in the process. The concept goes first, and reproduces beyond material objectivity the fettering of my concept and spirit, thereby helping me to reflect on what is art and the contemporary transformation of art, as well as how to redefine the contemporary significance of painting in the artistic context of the times. It is the concept that drives artists and sparks creativity in them. As Hayek said, only the concept can triumph over the concept. Starting from “concept first” and “intervention of concept”, I reflect on two main issues: one is to break the material objects and enter the objective world of concept and mind; the other is to continuously question the transcendence via artistic thinking and obtain enlightenment.



In my works, I always try to conceal the “substances” themselves, to see clearly the “true nature” behind the “objects”.   It is like an in-depth inquiry through “substances” and “objects” into the relationship between man and nature, or even man and himself.   It is a “de-obscuring” process, to overcome the superficial “obscuring” caused by “experience” and “a priori information” to get closer to the “metaphysical” part of “transcendence”.   Although it is impossible for human beings to "visualize the essence", we can try to approach the “essence” infinitely with artworks.   It is undoubtedly a process of interrogating thoughts with thoughts, interrogating perception with thoughts.

To create works without considering the boundaries between abstraction and concretization, or between genres and materials, or in other words, to examine creation in the intellectual context of an individual consciousness rather than dwell on big concepts like abstraction and concretization. To reject the mere portrayal of nature and abandon the empirical traits of 2D imitation or reproduction, and to place the sense of identity and the sense of tracing to the source high above the empirical criteria. The works embody the efforts to break the bonds of specific themes, content and forms, colors, and emotions, to resort to “differences” rather than “universality”; they appeal in curiosity with lines and colors, express the understanding of nature and the world in the rhythm of points, lines and planes, striving to pave a practical path that is freed from the bondage of the physical world and has completed the continuous questioning of the transcendence. In this way, one may present a transcendental liberal order in his ideas and images. This order, a quest for holiness, is also contained in the redeeming light endowed by the Creator, so that it may, with its artistic ideas and works, help get us out of the predicaments of relativism, nihilism, radicalism and utopianism left behind by postmodernist art when subverting and dissolving everything.


Light, from a theological perspective; humans need the light, calling, and redemption from the Creator, to establish a transcendent inherent order of reflection, introspection and repentance, and to remind themselves not to lose the reverence in their hearts. Light, from a philosophical perspective, is the source of shadow, whereas the shadow is the reflection of things; it doesn’t  exists, and even if something does exist, it cannot be grasped, or it can be grasped but not be spoken. Questioning light and shadow is questioning the imaginary and the entity, the continuous inquiry of the true existence of the essence, and the physical expression of the ideas. Light, from a scientific perspective, is a very special being with "wave-particle duality", meaning that it can be a wave or a particle; it is material and immaterial. From the duality of light, we deduced the wave-particle duality of quantum states, and then propose the “observer effect” and “uncertainty principle”, giving birth to the epoch-making concept of “uncertainty”.


从艺术看,我作品中的光是抽象的,也是具象的;光是物质的,也是精神的。光,是一种生命,同时也具备精神的能量。作品中体现的光即形,分割空间,自然形与几何形自由穿梭,使物质与精神合二为一成为可能,让理性和感性在思维的基础上具有了更多的可能性。 艺术是一种超越一般理念的存在,艺术相对于观念,是意志的直接客体化。艺术可以摆脱执迷于表象世界诸多的欲求,在某一刻,最终从表象世界中悔悟过来,懂得了真正心灵的反思才是超脱这个表象世界的唯一方法。 

From an artistic point of view, the light in my works is abstract but concrete; it is material but spiritual. Light is a form of life and spiritual energy. The light-as-form embodied in the works breaks up space; the free transformation between natural and geometric forms makes it possible to combine material and spiritual into one, giving more possibilities to sense and sensibility on top of thinking. Art is an existence beyond general ideas; it’s a direct objectification of the will relative to ideas. Art can get rid of the obsession with the world of representation. At some point, you may finally recover yourself in repentance from the world of representation and understand that true spiritual reflection is the only way to transcend this world of representation.

Creation reminds me of Kant's affirmation of reason, the boundaries drawn, “thing-in-itself” and therefore Chaos theory, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Godel’s incompleteness theorem, bystander effect, and uncertainty. But in the end, I return to Kant and Hayek, valuing and affirming human reason; but I remember to draw the boundaries to Kant’s reason and guard against what Hayek called “the conceit of reason” and “the pretense of knowledge”. According to Gadamer, art is not a methodology, but an ontology; the attainment of art is the path to the revelation of truth. Words and images are not mere imitations, but to let what they express truly exist”. Such “existence” is the “thing-in-itself”, the origin of the world to which art can lead. The enlightenment and call to unreachable essentiality and uncertainty is an inner appeal, or maybe an instinctive mission, only so that my free will and independent character would go abreast with the instinct to approach the origin of enlightenment of transcendence. Of course, it is necessary that we quietly hold on to the purity of the inner longing in the silence of solitude. It is the enlightenment, the serenity, and the hope for the future. Indeed, we all need the purity of art to purge our hearts; we all need a minimalist attitude to face life with so many choices to make.


The continuous questioning of the transcendence always wants to present Kierkegaard’s “leap” while setting a “limit” or constraint for the “leap”, trying to boldly and piously approach the high latitude of the transcendence and at the same time respond to the reality, and to keep an eye on reality with a humble heart and compassion. The successive inquiries into transcendence are first of all about the nature of faith and the existence of the soul, which have to go to a transcendent being for answers. Faith teaches us humility, to acknowledge the limits of our cognition and avoid falling into the conceit of reason or the pretense of knowledge, especially with regard to such questions as the meaning of life and the future. Faith teaches us reverence, awe of the wonder of creation, the basic knowledge of the limitations and boundaries of humanity, and the awakening to the impermanence of the human world. Faith teaches us conscience, to respect the inner voice when facing a moral dilemma, to face up to the self-restraint of the evil of human nature, and to deeply sympathize with human suffering.



As Augustine argued, it is the conceit of cognition that is the root of crime. The so-called “conceit of cognition” is actually “making subjective judgments about the objective world”. The objective existence itself is not good or evil, but our cognition thereof is inevitably biased by our own subjectivity. Once we let this subjective perception guide our judgments, there will be a drift from the real world, and sin arises from it. Only by staying humble, and by questioning, self-examining and reflecting from our own perceptions, can we break free from the subjective and conceited cognition, and get closer to objective truth.

Art can be a practical path to break free from the bondage of the physical world of representation and to complete the continuous questioning of the transcendence; art can be a portal to home to our soul; art can also lift our spirit up from the secular world, in the biological sense, and into a higher dimensional order of thought.



Feb. 20, 2023, Zhang Ning at the Qingdao studio






张宁 作品









净语-5 150x100,纸本综合材料,2021




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