



艺 术 家 推 广 计 划

遇 见 绘 画

也 许 你

似 曾 相 识

或 许 你

素 未 蒙 面

然 而

这 些 人 物

在 他 笔 下 皆 是 过 往 的 孤 独 患 者

某 一 瞬 间

我 们 在 他 的 画 里 似 乎 看 见 了 真 实 的 自 己




Maybe you

Deja vu


Maybe you

Without a mask


These characters

In his writings are lonely patients in the past

For an instant

We seem to see the real self in his paintings


The - Shu

◇  中国当代著名艺术家安堃先生  ◇

Chinese famous contemporary artist An Kun Mr

  关于艺术家|About artists




An Kun

Born in Jiangsu in 1968, now lives and works in Beijing

Graduated from Suzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1990 and studied in Department 

of oil painting in Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1994.

◎      安 堃  个 展      ◎

©An Kun  Solo   exhibition

◇    KUNSTBROEDERS 画廊   荷兰    ◇

©KUNSTBROEDERS  Gallery   Holland

◎    2017  Zangvoort  博物馆博览会    ◎  

©2017  Zangvoort  Museum Fair

●  展览|Exhibition

个  展

2017  安堃作品展KUNSTBROEDERS画廊  荷兰

2015  安堃作品展KUNSTBROEDERS画廊  荷兰

2013 踯躅-  阿特画廊             北京

2012 小资朋友 798 宁空间     北京

联 展(部分

2017年 Zandvoort 博物馆博览会        荷兰

2017年 Art Karlsruhe Germany 卡尔斯鲁厄       德国

2016年 10年2006-2016——宋庄美术馆建馆十周年特展  北京

2016 Art Karlsruhe Germany 卡尔斯鲁厄      德国

2016 Realisms  艺术博览会 阿姆斯特丹    荷兰

2015 科特赖克艺术节      比利时

2015 出彩 美国当代艺术邀请展  Sarasota Venice 艺术中心


2015 kunstrai 艺术博览会   阿姆斯特丹       荷兰

2015  亚洲当代艺术博览会            香港

2015 ART Breda           艺术博览会       荷兰

2015 Realisme  Amsterdam       艺术博览会       荷兰               

2014 ART3F  Mulhous        艺术博览会        法国

2014 RT3G  Mulhouse        艺术博览会        法国

2014 中国意向表现主义邀请展         北京

2013 我们:1994-2013中国宋庄20年特展  北京

20122012(首届)当代艺术weibo大展  宋庄美术馆  北京

2011 艺术.在路上当代艺术展              北京

2010 第二届偶发艺术节 上上美术馆     北京

2010 当代艺术联展上海莫干山M50  7艺术中心  上海

2009年“MOVING”中国当代艺术联展       英国

2009 Art Scope艺术博览会            英国

2008 08当代艺术展    北京 

2008 Empty四人油画联展 苏蒙画廊   北京

2008 宇宙当代油画联展 798艺术区art艺术+Beijing画廊   北京

2008 ART仓当代油画邀请展   北京

2007 art艺术+shanghai画廊开幕展   上海

2007 第三届宋庄国际艺术节艺术家大展   北京

Selected Solo Exhibitions 

2017 Solo exhibition Kunstbroeders Gallery, the Netherlands

2015 Solo exhibition Kunstbroeders Gallery, the Netherlands

2013 ZhiZhu – Exhibition Ate Gallery, BeiJing,China

2012 Petty FriendNing Gallery, 798, Beijing, China

 Selected Group Exhibitions Part

2017 Zandvoort Museum fair, Holland

2017 Art Karlsruhe Germany, Karlsruhe, Germany

2016 10 years (2006-2016) - Songzhuang Museum of Art Museum 10th anniversary special exhibition Beijing

2016 Art Karlsruhe Germany, Karlsruhe, Germany

2016 Realisms art fair, Amsterdam, Holland

2015 Festival Kortrijk Belgium

In 2015 the United States out of contemporary art exhibition Sarasota Venice Art Center in Sarasota, Florida

2015 kunstrai art fair, Amsterdam, Holland

2015 Asian Contemporary Art Fair, Hongkong

2015 ART Breda art fair, Holland

2015 Realisme Amsterdam art fair, Holland

2014 ART3F Mulhous art fair, France

2014 RT3G Mulhouse art fair, France

Chinese Invitational expressionist exhibition 2014, Beijing

In 2013 we: 1994-2013 China Songzhuang 20 special exhibition Beijing

2012 2012 (first) contemporary art Weibo exhibition,

Songzhuang Art Museum, Beijing

Art in 2011. Contemporary Art Exhibition on the road, Beijing

Art Museum, Beijing, second Art Festival, 2010

2010 contemporary art exhibition Shanghai Mogan Mountain Art Center

 Shanghai 7 M50

2009 "MOVING" China British Contemporary Art Exhibition

2009 Art Scope art fair, UK

2008 08 contemporary art exhibition, Beijing

2008 Empty four somun Painting Exhibition Gallery in Beijing

In 2008 the contemporary painting exhibition in 798 Art Zone 

art Beijing art gallery in Beijing

2008 ART Pavilion contemporary oil painting invitational exhibition, Beijing

2007 art art +shanghai gallery opening exhibition, Shanghai

2007 third song Songzhuang International Art Festival, Beijing

    展  览  海  报     ◎

©Exhibition   posters


作品分别被法国、英国、荷兰、比利时、泰国、韩国香港 、台湾美术馆、画廊和个人收藏。

The works have been collected by France, Britain, Holland, Belgium, Thailand, Korea, Hongkong, Taiwan, art galleries, galleries and personal collections.

◎   艺 术 家 工 作 室  

©Artist    studio

◇   安 堃    2017   新作   ◇

©An Kun New works   Oil on canvas   2017

© 等 待 黎 明   250 x 200cm   布面油彩   2017

Waiting for the dawn   250 x 200cm   Oil on canvas   2017

©依 恋   200 x 150cm   布面油彩   2017

Attachment   200 x 150cm   Oil on canvas   2017

©凝 神   100 x 80cm   布面油彩   2017

Attentively   100 x 80cm   Oil on canvas   2017

©走 神   80 x 60cm   布面油彩   2017

 Day dreaming   80 x 60cm   Oil on canvas   2017

©岚   150 x 100cm   布面油彩   2017

Lan   150 x 100cm   Oil on canvas   2017

©伤   100 x 80cm   布面油彩   2017

Injury   100 x 80cm   Oil on canvas   2017

©山 上   100 x 80cm   布面油彩   2017

On the hill   100x80cm   Oil on canvas   2017

©小 憩   80x60cm   布面油彩   2017

Nap   80x60cm   Oil on canvas   2017

©灵 灵   100 x 80cm   布面油彩   2017

Lingling   100 x 80cm   Oil on canvas   2017

©月 下   150 x 100cm   布面油彩   2017

The moon   150 x 100cm   Oil on canvas   2017

©怎 么 还 不 来   80 x 60cm   布面油彩   2017

Why not come yet   80 x 60cm   Oil on canvas   2017

©早 春   100 x 80cm   布面油彩   2017

Early spring   100 x 80cm   Oil on canvas   2017

©观 望   80 x 60cm   布面油彩   2017

Wait and see   80 x 60cm   Oil on canvas   2017

©惊 秫   150 x 135cm   布面油彩   2017

The scary   150 x 135cm   Oil on canvas   2017

©媛   150 x 100cm   布面油彩   2017

Yuan  150 x 100cm   Oil on canvas   2017

©夜 思   100 x 80cm   布面油画彩   2017

Night thoughts   100 x 80cm   Oil on canvas   2017

©驿 动 的 心   200 x 150cm   布面油彩   2017

Moving heart   200x150cm   Oil on canvas   2017

◎   读 安堃 的 绘 画   ◎

©Read An Kun painting



    If we reconsider our current environment and living conditions, I think, in an Kun picture seems to find spiritual comfort, his works are not beautiful, but also non mainstream art form, but to restore a coat only blank soul of the real you, he, she, they, we: helpless, lonely, confused and exhausted...... Of course, there are still many thoughts about the future.

The - Shu

©一 甸 艺 术



《武松打虎》山东快书 视频【第六回】
《弥渡山歌》视频音画。山丹丹民族组合 演绎的云南民歌,嗓音清亮悠长,节奏民歌时尚化!
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