

A Build System for Complex Projects: Part 5
A Build System for Complex Projects: Part 5

Testing and extending the ibs build system

ByGigi Sayfan
November 12, 2009

Gigi Sayfan specializes in cross-platform object-oriented programmingin C/C++/ C#/Python/Java with emphasis on large-scale distributedsystems. He is currently trying to build intelligent machines inspiredby the brain at Numenta (www.numenta.com).

A Build System for Complex Projects: Part 1
A Build System for Complex Projects: Part 2
A Build System for Complex Projects: Part 3
A Build System for Complex Projects: Part 4
A Build System for Complex Projects: Part 5

This is the fifth and last article in a series of articles that explorean innovative build system for complicated projects. The previousarticles discussed build systems in general and the internals of theideal build system that can integrate with existing build systems. Part 1 and Part 2 discussed build systems in general and the internals of the ideal build system that can integrate with existing build systems. Part 3 discussed in detail how to the ideal build system works with the NetBeans IDE and can generate its build files. Part 4did the same for Microsoft Visual Studio. This installment (Part 5)focuses on testing the flexibility of ibs (short for the "InvisibleBuild System) and how to extend it in response to new requirements. Thecomplete source code and related files are available here.

Kicking the Tires

ibs was deployed and used as the build system for "Hello World -Enterprise Platinum Edition". The development team started to see how itdoes. The premise of ibs is that the developers will just add or removefiles, directories, libraries, and programs and never need to muckaround with build files.

Adding a File

The H team is responsible for the "hello" library that consists of twofiles called hello.hpp and hello.hpp. Here is the hello.cpp file:

#include "hello.hpp"std::string HelloProvider::getHello(){return "hello";}

This file implements the HelloProvider::GetHello() method thatreturns the string "hello". The H team felt that putting all the eggs inone basket makes it difficult for multiple team members to work inparallel. They decided that it makes more sense to use divide andconquer approach. The new design calls for two new functions -- get_he() and get_llo() -- thatwill be used by the getHello()method. Here is the code for the two new functions that are placed in afile called helpers.cpp with the prototypes in helpers.hpp:

#include "helpers.hpp"std::string get_he(){return "he";}std::string get_llo(){return "llo";}

The getHello() method in hello.cpp now uses these functions:

#include "hello.hpp"#include "helpers.hpp"std::string HelloProvider::getHello(){return get_he() + get_llo();}

The new helpers.cpp and helpers.hpp files were added to the all therelevant build files automatically by ibs (requires runningbuild_system_generator.py).

Here is the relevant part of the NetBeans configurations.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><configurationDescriptor version="45"><logicalFolder name="root" displayName="root" projectFiles="true"><logicalFolder name="HeaderFiles"displayName="Header Files"projectFiles="true"><itemPath>hello.hpp</itemPath><itemPath>helpers.hpp</itemPath></logicalFolder><logicalFolder name="ResourceFiles"displayName="Resource Files"projectFiles="true"></logicalFolder><logicalFolder name="SourceFiles"displayName="Source Files"projectFiles="true"><itemPath>hello.cpp</itemPath><itemPath>helpers.cpp</itemPath></logicalFolder>...

All the other build files were also updated and the new files show up inthe NetBeans IDE after reloading the project. Bob recommended to thedevelopers that they should close the NetBeans project group (or theVisual Studio solution) before running ibs and reopen it after ibs isdone to make sure the IDE is up to date.

Removing a File

Removing a file is just as easy: You simply remove unnecessary filesfrom the file system, run ibs, and watch the removed files disappearfrom all the build files.

Adding a New Library

The H team was proud of its software engineering acumen and shared theirdivide-and-conquer approach with the W team responsible for the worldlibrary. The W team got excited and wanted to pursue a similar approach.However Isaac (the development manager) wanted to go even further. Henoticed that "hello" and "world" share the letters "o" and "l" andproposed a new reusable letters library that wil provide functions forgetting important letters. This library can be used by the "hello" and"world" libraries to get all the letters they need.

The U team (responsible for developing the utils library) was assignedthe task of creating the letters library. The library consisted twofiles: letters.cpp and letters.hpp. Each letter needed for the helloworld application got its own function. Here is the code for letters.cpp(letters.hpp contains the function prototypes):

#include "letters.hpp"std::string get_h() { return "h"; }std::string get_e() { return "e"; }std::string get_l() { return "l"; }std::string get_o() { return "o"; }std::string get_w() { return "w"; }std::string get_r() { return "r"; }std::string get_d() { return "d"; }

The H and W teams modified the getHello() and getWorld()methods to use thenew letters library. The H team also got rid of the helpers.cpp andhelpers.hpp files that were no longer needed. Here is the code forworld.cpp file, which implements the getWorld() method:

#include "world.hpp"#include <hw/letters/letters.hpp>std::string WorldProvider::getWorld(){return get_w() + get_o() +get_r() + get_l() + get_d();}

This is a great example of code reuse and the code base is now veryflexible. For example, if the project stakeholders decided that all the"o" letters in the system should be uppercase, only the get_o()function of the letters library will have to change and all thelibraries and applications using it will just need to relink against it.

What kind of changes to the build files are needed to add a new library?First all the build files necessary to build the library itself, thenall the dynamic libraries or executables that depend on it (directly orindirectly) must link against it. In addition, you want to update theworkspace file so the new library shows up in the IDE and can be builtand debugged in the IDE. Of course, you want to do all that for all theplatforms you support. That's a lot of work and it's easy to miss a stepor misspell a file here and there. Just figuring out what test programsand applications need to link against the new library is pretty laborintensive. Luckily, for Isaac and his development team ibs can do allthat automatically. The single act of placing the letters library underthe src\hw directory is enough to tell ibs everything it needs to know.Let's see what ibs did on Windows this time:

  • Created the letters.vcproj file in the hw/letters directory.
  • Added the letters project to the hello_world solution under the hw folder (see Figure_1)
  • Figured out by following the #include trail that the "hello" and "world" libraries use "letters" and hence any program that uses either "hello" or "world" depend on "letters" and will link against it automatically. Currently, that's the hello_world application itself and the testHello and testWorld test programs.

[Click image to view at full size]
Figure 1

Here are the relevant changes to the hello_world.sln file:

Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "letters", "hw\letters\letters.vcproj", "{C27369BC-2E11-4571-B524-2F0279F202BD}"EndProjectProject("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "hello", "hw\hello\hello.vcproj", "{23B8D8A1-8E84-462B-BF90-58E1F07D267D}"ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject{C27369BC-2E11-4571-B524-2F0279F202BD} = {C27369BC-2E11-4571-B524-2F0279F202BD}EndProjectSectionEndProjectProject("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "world", "hw\world\world.vcproj", "{2A5E91EE-8A54-4594-A28E-3185F5F8602C}"ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject{C27369BC-2E11-4571-B524-2F0279F202BD} = {C27369BC-2E11-4571-B524-2F0279F202BD}EndProjectSectionEndProject{C27369BC-2E11-4571-B524-2F0279F202BD}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32{C27369BC-2E11-4571-B524-2F0279F202BD}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32{C27369BC-2E11-4571-B524-2F0279F202BD}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32{C27369BC-2E11-4571-B524-2F0279F202BD}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32{C27369BC-2E11-4571-B524-2F0279F202BD} = {0276cb28-8c64-46ae-9e52-3363bb4dcbd8}

Adding a New Test

The U team did a good job with the letters library and to adhere to thedevelopment standard, it added a test program too -- not TDD (TestDriven Development), but better than no tests at all. The U team createda directory called testLetters under src/test and put the followingmain.cpp file in it:

#include <hw/utils/base.hpp>#include <hw/letters/letters.hpp>#include <iostream>int main(int argc, char** argv){CHECK(get_h() == std::string("h"));CHECK(get_e() == std::string("e"));CHECK(get_l() == std::string("l"));CHECK(get_o() == std::string("o"));CHECK(get_w() == std::string("w"));CHECK(get_r() == std::string("r"));CHECK(get_d() == std::string("d"));return 0;}

After invoking ibs, the new testLetters project became part of the solution and the U team ran the test successfully.

Adding a New Application

The "Hello World - Enterprise Platinum Edition" was a great success andbecame a killer app overnight. However, some big players weren'tsatisified with the security of the system and demanded an encryptedversion of hello world. Isaac (the development manager) decided thatthis called for a separate application to keep the original hello_worldapplication nimble and user-friendly. The new application was to becalled "Hello Secret World" and print an encrypted version of the string"hello world!". Furthermore, it will not use any of of intensiveinfrastructure built for the original "Hello World" system. A specialno-name clandestine team was recruited to implement it. After a lot ofdeliberation, the no-name team decided to implement the ultimateencryption algorithm -- ROT13. In addition, the team demonstrated a nice usage of the standard transform() algorithm to apply the ROT13 encryption.

#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>char ROT13(char c){if (c >= 'a' && c < 'n')return char(int(c) + 13);else if (c > 'm' && c <= 'z')return char(int(c) - 13);elsereturn c;}int main(int argc, char** argv){std::string s("hello, world!");// Apply the secret ROT13 algorithmstd::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ROT13);std::cout <<s.c_str() << std::endl;return 0;}

Again, ibs took care of integrating the new application. The unnamedteam just had to put its hello_secret_world application under src/apps.

Extending the Build System

To this point, Bob hasn't make an appearence in this article and it is agood sign. The developers, including the new unnamed team, were able touse ibs effectively without any help from Bob. But, the success of the"hello world" product family brought new demands. Upper managementdecided that they want to package the "hello world" functionality as aplatform and let other developer enjoy "hello world" (for a small fee ofcourse). Isaac conducted a thorough market analysis and concluded thatRuby is the way to go. He summoned Bob and asked him to extend ibs, soit will be possible to provide Ruby bindings for the "hello" and "world"libraries.

Bob started to research the subject, soon discovering that Ruby dependson the gcc toolchain to produce its bindings. It's possible on Windowsto generate an NMAKE file for Visual Studio, but Bob decided that hewould first take a shot of building a Ruby binding for the Mac OS Xonly.

Ruby Bindings

A Ruby binding is a dynamic library with a C interface that follows someconventions and uses some special data types and functions from theRuby C API. The end result is a module that can be consumed by Rubycode.

Here is the C code Bob came up with as a pilot. The "ruby.h" header contains the Ruby C API definitions. The Init_hello_ruby_world() is the entry point that Ruby calls when it loads the binding. This function defines a class called HelloWorld that has two methods called get_hello() and get_world().The temporary implementation just returns the strings "hello" and"world". The final version will link of course to the C++ "Hello,World!" project and utilize its sophisticated services.

#include "ruby.h"static VALUE get_hello(VALUE self){VALUE result = rb_str_new2("hello");return result;}static VALUE get_world(VALUE self){VALUE result = rb_str_new2("world");return result;}VALUE cHelloWorld;void Init_hello_ruby_world(){cHelloWorld = rb_define_class("HelloWorld", rb_cObject);rb_define_method(cHelloWorld, "get_hello", get_hello, 0);rb_define_method(cHelloWorld, "get_world", get_world, 0);}

To make an actual Ruby binding out of this source file, Bob created aRuby configuration file called extconf.rb that contains just two lines

require 'mkmf'create_makefile("hello_ruby_world")

Next Bob ran the configuration file through Ruby and Ruby generated a Makefile appropriate for the current platform (Mac OS X):

~/Invisible.Build.System/src/ruby/hello_ruby_world > ruby extconf.rbcreating Makefile

Here is the Makefile:

SHELL = /bin/sh#### Start of system configuration section. ####srcdir = .topdir = /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/universal-darwin9.0hdrdir = $(topdir)VPATH = $(srcdir):$(topdir):$(hdrdir)prefix = $(DESTDIR)/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usrexec_prefix = $(prefix)sitedir = $(DESTDIR)/Library/Ruby/Siterubylibdir = $(libdir)/ruby/$(ruby_version)docdir = $(datarootdir)/doc/$(PACKAGE)dvidir = $(docdir)datarootdir = $(prefix)/sharearchdir = $(rubylibdir)/$(arch)sbindir = $(exec_prefix)/sbinpsdir = $(docdir)localedir = $(datarootdir)/localehtmldir = $(docdir)datadir = $(datarootdir)includedir = $(prefix)/includeinfodir = $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/infosysconfdir = $(prefix)/etcmandir = $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/manlibdir = $(exec_prefix)/libsharedstatedir = $(prefix)/comoldincludedir = $(DESTDIR)/usr/includepdfdir = $(docdir)sitearchdir = $(sitelibdir)/$(sitearch)bindir = $(exec_prefix)/binlocalstatedir = $(prefix)/varsitelibdir = $(sitedir)/$(ruby_version)libexecdir = $(exec_prefix)/libexecCC = gccLIBRUBY = $(LIBRUBY_SO)LIBRUBY_A = lib$(RUBY_SO_NAME)-static.aLIBRUBYARG_SHARED = -l$(RUBY_SO_NAME)LIBRUBYARG_STATIC = -l$(RUBY_SO_NAME)RUBY_EXTCONF_H =CFLAGS   =  -fno-common -arch ppc -arch i386 -Os -pipe -fno-commonINCFLAGS = -I. -I$(topdir) -I$(hdrdir) -I$(srcdir)DEFS     =CPPFLAGS =   $(DEFS)CXXFLAGS = $(CFLAGS)DLDFLAGS = -L. -arch ppc -arch i386LDSHARED = cc -arch ppc -arch i386 -pipe -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookupAR = arEXEEXT =RUBY_INSTALL_NAME = rubyRUBY_SO_NAME = rubyarch = universal-darwin9.0sitearch = universal-darwin9.0ruby_version = 1.8ruby = /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/rubyRUBY = $(ruby)RM = rm -fMAKEDIRS = mkdir -pINSTALL = /usr/bin/install -cINSTALL_PROG = $(INSTALL) -m 0755INSTALL_DATA = $(INSTALL) -m 644COPY = cp#### End of system configuration section. ####preload =libpath = . $(libdir)LIBPATH =  -L. -L$(libdir)DEFFILE =CLEANFILES = mkmf.logDISTCLEANFILES =extout =extout_prefix =target_prefix =LOCAL_LIBS =LIBS = $(LIBRUBYARG_SHARED)  -lpthread -ldl -lm -lutils -lhello -lworldSRCS = hello_ruby_world.cOBJS = hello_ruby_world.oTARGET = hello_ruby_worldDLLIB = $(TARGET).bundleEXTSTATIC =STATIC_LIB =RUBYCOMMONDIR = $(sitedir)$(target_prefix)RUBYLIBDIR    = $(sitelibdir)$(target_prefix)RUBYARCHDIR   = $(sitearchdir)$(target_prefix)TARGET_SO     = $(DLLIB)CLEANLIBS     = $(TARGET).bundle $(TARGET).il? $(TARGET).tds $(TARGET).mapCLEANOBJS     = *.o *.a *.s[ol] *.pdb *.exp *.bakall:		$(DLLIB)static:		$(STATIC_LIB)clean:@-$(RM) $(CLEANLIBS) $(CLEANOBJS) $(CLEANFILES)distclean:	clean@-$(RM) Makefile $(RUBY_EXTCONF_H) conftest.* mkmf.log@-$(RM) core ruby$(EXEEXT) *~ $(DISTCLEANFILES)realclean:	distcleaninstall: install-so install-rbinstall-so: $(RUBYARCHDIR)install-so: $(RUBYARCHDIR)/$(DLLIB)$(RUBYARCHDIR)/$(DLLIB): $(DLLIB)$(INSTALL_PROG) $(DLLIB) $(RUBYARCHDIR)install-rb: pre-install-rb install-rb-defaultinstall-rb-default: pre-install-rb-defaultpre-install-rb: Makefilepre-install-rb-default: Makefile$(RUBYARCHDIR):$(MAKEDIRS) $@site-install: site-install-so site-install-rbsite-install-so: install-sosite-install-rb: install-rb.SUFFIXES: .c .m .cc .cxx .cpp .C .o.cc.o:$(CXX) $(INCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $<.cxx.o:$(CXX) $(INCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $<.cpp.o:$(CXX) $(INCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $<.C.o:$(CXX) $(INCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $<.c.o:$(CC) $(INCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c $<$(DLLIB): $(OBJS)@-$(RM) $@$(LDSHARED) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBPATH) $(DLDFLAGS) $(LOCAL_LIBS) $(LIBS)$(OBJS): ruby.h defines.h

With a nice Makefile under his belt, Bob proceeded to build the hello_ruby_world binding:

~/Invisible.Build.System/src/ruby/hello_ruby_world > makecc -arch ppc -arch i386 -pipe -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -o hello_ruby_world.bundle hello_ruby_world.o -L. -L/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib -L. -arch ppc -arch i386    -lruby  -lpthread -ldl -lm

The result was a hello_ruby_world.bundle file, which is the bindingitself (a .dll on Windows, and .so on Linux). Now, Bob invited Issac toexamine the new toy. Issac, a big Ruby fan, immediately wrote a rubytest program to make sure the binding is indeed usable from Ruby. Theprogram starts with two require statements (the equivalent of import in Python). Note that the first one requires the new binding hello_ruby_world. Next, it creates a test class that subclasses the standard Ruby Test::Unit::TestCase and defines a method instantiates the HelloWorld class from the binding and exercises its methods.

require 'hello_ruby_world'require 'test/unit'class TestHelloWorld <l Test::Unit::TestCasedef test_HelloWorldhw = HelloWorld.newassert_equal(hw.get_hello(), "hello")assert_equal(hw.get_world(), "world")endend

Issac executed his test program and was happy with the results:

~/Invisible.Build.System/src/ruby/hello_ruby_world > ruby test_hello_ruby_world.rbLoaded suite test_hello_ruby_worldStartedFinished in 0.000405 seconds.

Issac also tried the interactive Ruby interpreter (irb):

~/Invisible.Build.System/src/ruby/hello_ruby_world > irb>> require "hello_ruby_world"=> true>> hw = HelloWorld.new=> #<HelloWorld:0x3679b4>>>  hw.get_hello() + ', ' + hw.get_world() + '!'=> "hello, world!">>

Bob was satisfied and it was time to integrate the new capability togenerate Ruby bindings into ibs. The proper way to do it was to figureout how to create a NetBeans project and a VisualStudio project thatcontain the various incantations hidden in the Ruby-generated Makefile.But Bob was pressed for time and the Ruby binding was really needed justfor the Max OS X platform. Consequently, Bob decided to utilizePython's agility and integrate the Ruby binding building as a standalonePython program that will have to be invoked by the developers or buildmaster after the build of the C++ projects was over. I'll shortlydiscuss how to integrate ibs into a full-fledged automated softwaredevelopment life-cycle.

For starters, he created a standalone piece of code to build Ruby extensions. He assumed the following:

  • All the Ruby extensions will reside in sub-directories of <root dir>/src/ruby
  • The name of the extension will be the name of the directory it resides in
  • The developers will write the C extension code

The program he came up with automated the entire process. For each Rubyextension it: Generated an extconf.rb configuration file from a template(based on the project path); generated a Makefile from theconfiguration file; and finally created the extension bundle itself byrunning 'make'. This code demonstrates one of the simplest ways toinvoke external processes like 'ruby' and 'make' from Python using thesubprocess module. The subprocess.call() function used heredoesn't provide a lot of control or interaction with the launchedprocess, but in this case it's enough. The subprocess modules provides multiple ways to launch and interact with launched processes.

The program is based on the build_ruby_binding() function thataccepts a project path (the directory that contains the extension's Ccode) and eventually creates the Ruby bindings bundle in the samedirectory. The build_all_ruby_bindings() function just iterates over all the sub-directories of the src/ruby directory and calls build_ruby_binding on each one.

import osimport sysimport subprocessextconf_template = "require 'mkmf'\n create_makefile(\"%s\")"def build_ruby_binding(project_path):"""Build a Ruby binding- Generate an extconf.rb file (configuration file)- Run it through Ruby to generate a Makefile- Run the Makefile to build the actual binding"""project_path = os.path.abspath(project_path)# Verify the project dir existsassert os.path.isdir(project_path)name = project_path.split('/')[-1]# make sure the binding file existsassert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(project_path, name + '.c'))save_dir = os.getcwd()try:os.chdir(project_path)# Generate the extconf.rb fileextconf_rb = extconf_template % nameopen('extconf.rb', 'w').write(extconf_rb)# Remove exisitng Makefileif os.path.isfile('Makefile'):os.remove('Makefile')# Invoke the extconf.rb file to generate the Makefilesubprocess.call(['ruby', 'extconf.rb'])assert os.path.isfile('Makefile')# Remove exisitng bundle and make a new onebundle = name + '.bundle'if os.path.isfile(bundle):os.remove(bundle)subprocess.call(['make'])assert os.path.isfile(bundle)finally:os.chdir(save_dir)def build_all_ruby_bindings(ruby_dir):subdirs = os.walk(ruby_dir).next()[1]for s in subdirs:build_ruby_binding(s)if __name__=='__main__':ruby_dir = '.'build_all_ruby_bindings(ruby_dir)

Debugging Build Problems

Sometimes builds fail. There are many possible reasons. With ibs, therecould be problems during the generation process or during the builditself. If the problem happens during the build system generation, thenyou can just run the build_system_generator.py script in the debuggerand put a breakpoint in the problematic area.

One problem that happens a lot with other build systems is missing ormisnamed files. This happens if a file is moved, renamed or just deletedbut the corresponding build file is not updated. With ibs, it can'thappen because the build files are generated automatically based on theexisting files. But, a source file might reference a missing file. Thiswill be discovered during the build itself.

Another common problem is link failure. That happens if an executable ordynamic library depend on a static library, which is not linked intoit. There are two reasons for link failures:

  1. The dependency is not specified in the build file
  2. The static library failed to build

Failure #1 can't happen with ibs because it detects all dependenciesautomatically and adds them to the build files. Failure #2 is easy todetect because the static library will fail to build before theexecutable or dynamic library fail to link.

A more difficult failure that can't be detected automatically isdependency on dynamic library. You must come up with some system totrack and manage dynamic library dependencies. You will usually get aclear error message that says that such and such dynamic library can'tbe loaded.

If you integrated testing into your build system then the most commonfailures will be test failures, which you just need to fix.

There could be other failures if your build system is even moresophisticated and perform other tasks like compiling documentation,packages your system for deployment, uploads to a staging area or a webserver.

The key is always to prevent as much as you can and make sure thatfailures are easy to detect with good diagnostic messages that containall the information needed to correct the problem.

Developing a Custom Build System

ibs, the build system I described in this series, focused on buildingC/C++ source files in a cross-platform way or rather generating buildfiles. A serious industrial-strength build system does much more. If youwant to develop your own build system, you need to consider theseaspects. The absolute minimum must include checking out the sources fromsource control, building all the software artifacts on all platforms,running a test suite on all platforms, and reporting the results.

The automated test suite is a critical piece for a professional softwareorganization and it get as fancy as you want with complete testenvironment that simulate your deployment environment, automated GUItests and complete builds and tests of your source releases (that'sright -- building the source is part of the test)

Then there is packaging. There are many ways today to distributesoftware. You may develop a web application, a native client, a smartphone app or a plugin to some other application like Firefox, Eclipse,or Visual Studio. Probably, you end up with multiple artifacts that needto be packaged and deployed. Your build system should take care of thisaspect too.

Automatically generated documentation is also in the realm of the buildsystem. In general, almost any repetitive task can be automated withsome imagination.

It is important to start small and grow the build system incrementally.If you try to nail everything down before you let the developers makethe firs checkin you won't get very far.

The best guideline is to address pain points as they show up. If yourdevelopers keep having problems with third-party dependencies thenfigure out a way to verify it before checkin. But if you releasesoftware every two years, there is probably no need for theautomatically creating an installer for fancy GUI client.


In this five-part article series, I delved into the sometimes mysteriousworld of building software. I described the issues involved in buildingcross-platform C/C++ code and presented a unique build system calledibs (Invisible Build System) that addresses many of the issues. Iexplored the design and implementation in great detail. I even tried tobe funny by showcasing the build system through the most bloated "HelloWorld" application I could conceive. I hope you liked this series andthat some of you will find it useful and may even try to create your ownbuild system. It's a lot of fun.

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