

理想伴侣 & 吸引力法则


理想伴侣 & 吸引力法则
2012-01-16 3:05 P.M.

Your Ideal Partner And The Law Of Attraction

理想伴侣 & 吸引力法则

When you want something in your life like your ideal partner you can use the Law of Attraction in a specific way that will attract a mate to your side.


What you need to do in a nutshell is start living like you already have your ideal partner in your life. When you can create and maintain this reality you will be living your life inside the reality you are trying to attract.


You can do this by adjusting your thoughts and emotions away from waiting and hoping for the arrival of your dream lover to actually being the person your future mate would want to be with. You need to think feel and act like someone who already has their dream partner in their life.


Your ideal partner can be blocked from finding you if you focus on your loneliness or the isolation you feel lost in. Can you hear love songs without feeling sad and sorry for yourself? Does the sight of other happy couples make you impatient about waiting for your life to fill with love?


What those emotions are doing is making sure that you live in the emotion of the LACK of an ideal partner you want. Feeling isolated lonely sad and sorry rapidly builds barriers and emotional blockages that will prevent the Law of Attraction from sending you any abundance. You have to turn those emotions around and send out positive happy vibrations to the Law of Attraction if you want to attract a mate.


The following techniques will help you turn your negativity and fear around and make your emotions and thoughts send the right vibrations out to the Universe.


==> Start thinking and feeling like your ideal partner is already in your life. I know this sounds too simple but it does work.


==> Instead of feeling lonely and isolated feel loved and cherished. Be happy everyday and project a secure attitude rather than sad and sorry.


==> If you can feel happiness when you see other couples you will be sending joy and a feeling of being connected with an intimate significant other to the Law of Attraction.


==> Using the power of gratitude romantic movies and love songs will add pure joy to your heart. Be grateful for the inspiration they instill in you to attract the attention of the Universe.

==> 浪漫电影和情歌使用了感恩的力量,会为你的内心平添单纯的快乐。对它们注入你内心的灵感心存感激吧,这会吸引整个世界的注意。

==> Affirmations that your soul mate will come into your life at the right moment along with the belief that your significant other is already here will send a powerful beacon to the Law of Attraction the will get results. Don't just wish for it behind your affirmations. KNOW it is true. Feel grateful that you have that knowledge.

==> 宣称你的灵魂伴侣将会适时走近你的生命,坚信你的另一半已经在那里,这将会给吸引力法则发送强有力的信号。不要仅仅在你的宣称背后对此期盼。知道这是正确的。对你据此的认知充满感激。

Affirming and visualizing that your ideal partner is already in your life is powerful and effective but it's not enough unless you make it real for you like you are already involved. Visualize the activities you would both enjoy.


Now start LIVING the activities you've been visualizing. If picnics in the park are one of your visualizations have a picnic there often. Go out to dinner where you visualize your intimate romantic dates with your ideal partner. If following through on these activities alone isn't comfortable for you take a friend out to dinner or share your picnic with a family member.


The things you really want in your life will appear once you start living like your significant other is already part of your life.


Attracting anything in your life whether it's more money a better job or your dream lover is achieved the same way. Get a very specific picture of what type of person you want to enter your life. Make room in your closet and your life. If you focus your beliefs and feelings on the type of life partner you want and making it real the Law of Attraction will send you more than you expected. That's how it works.


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