



A 90-year-old man with a history of coronaryartery disease, hypertension, and a 30-pack-year smoking history presents to the outpatient clinic for his annual checkup. He denies recent complaints,although reports that he has not been as “active” lately. He has a history of good adherence to health maintenance recommendations, and results of recent colonoscopy and prostate examination are negative. He takes aspirin,metoprolol, and an occasional multivitamin. He admits to having problems with smoking cessation. Vital signs include a temperature of 37.0°C (98.6°F), bloodpressure of 120/80 mm Hg, pulse rate of 60/min, and respiratory rate of 10/min.Physical examination shows a thin, elderly man with mottled skin. His head,ears, eyes, nose, and throat (HEENT); neck; chest; and cardiac examinations areunremarkable. His abdomen
is nontender and nondistended, but a pulsating massis palpated approximately 2 cm superior to his umbilicus, 1 cm left of midline

一个有冠状动脉疾病、高血压病史和三十年吸烟史的九十岁男子到门诊诊所进行他的年度体检。他否认最近得过疾病,但是最近状态并不好。他曾经很好地坚持着健康的建议,但是最近的结肠镜检查和前列腺检查并不乐观。他服用阿司匹林、美托洛尔、偶尔服用复合维生素。他承认他在戒烟方面存在问题。生命体征:体温为37°C98.6°F),血压为120 / 80毫米汞柱,脉搏率为60 / min,呼吸速率为10 / min。体检显示老人消瘦,并且皮肤斑驳。他的头部,耳部,眼部,鼻子,咽喉;颈部;胸部和心脏检查未见明显异常。他的腹部无触痛和肿胀,但是在脐上2厘米中线左1厘米处可触诊到搏动肿块


1. What is the most likelydiagnosis? 

A pulsatile abdominal mass suggests anabdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). Approximately 30% of AAAs are discoveredduring routine physical examinations, although they are more difficult todetect in obese patients or when the aneurysm is small.

1. 最有可能的诊断是什么?


 2. What is the epidemiology of this condition?

 AAAs occur almost exclusively in people >60 years old (approximately 4–9% of people > 60 have an AAA) and account for approximately 15,000 deaths per year in the United States. An AAA is associated with advanced age, atherosclerosis, smoking, hypertension, and a family historyof AAA.

2. 这种疾病的流行病学是什么?


 3. What is the natural history of this condition?

Most, if not all, AAAs tend to grow.Morbidity and mortality are related primarily to the risk of rupture, which isdirectly proportional to aneurysm size (risk is markedly increased in aneurysms> 5.5 cm in diameter), and may be independently related to the rate ofaneurysm growth. The risk of rupture is also increased by female gender,continued smoking, uncontrolled hypertension, and increased aortic wall stress.

3. 这种疾病的自然史是什么?


 4What is the most appropriate treatment for this condition?

The primary management decision in patientswith AAAs is either surgery (open or endovascular) or watchful waiting. Allsymptomatic AAAs should be promptly repaired; repair is also recommended forpatients with asymptomatic AAAs that are > 5.5 cm in diameter or have grown0.5 cm within a 6-month period. Patients with smaller aneurysms should bereferred to a vascular specialist and followed by abdominal ultrasound; theyshould be prescribed beta-blockers to control hypertension andcounseled to cease smoking.

4. 这种情况的合适治疗是什么?


5. What is the prognosis for this patient overtime?

In a recent trial of about 1000 patients withmedium-sized aneurysms, those who received early elective surgery had significantly better survival ratesthan those who underwent surveillance only. This patient’s prognosis depends onthe size of his aneurysm, rate of growth, blood pressure control, and smokingcessation, as well as the chosen treatment strategy .

5. 这种患者的预后如何?


词    汇

Pack-year1 pack-year is equal to smoking 20 cigarettes per day for 1 year  一种计算吸烟史的单位,相当于每天20支

Complaint:an illness that affect a part of the body 主诉

Colonoscopy:a visual examination of the colon with a colonoscope 结肠镜

Prostate:anorgan in the body of male mammals situated at the neck of the bladder 前列腺

Aspirin: a medicine that reduces pain, inflammationand fever, In this case, slows clotting of the blood by poisoning platelets 阿司匹林

Metoprolol: beta-blocker used in treatinghypertension and angina and arrhythmia and acute myocardial infarction 美托洛尔

Smoking cessation: cease smoking 戒烟

Vital signs: signs of life 生命体征

Palpate: the process of using one's hands toexamine the body 触诊

Umbilicus: belly button 肚脐

Rupture:state of being tornor burst open  破裂(如动脉瘤破裂)

elective surgery :a surgery that is scheduledin advance because it does not involve a medical emergency.  择期手术






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