



(2010-01-10 17:38:04)

1.        机不可失,失不在来  Opportunity knocks once

2.        事实胜于雄辩   Actions speak louder than words

3.        活到老学到老    It is never too old to learn

4.        千里之行始于足下 A thousand –li journey begins /starts with the first step

5.        人不可貌相,海水不可斗量 A man can’t be judged by his appearance, nor can the sea water be measured by bucket.

6.        宾至如归     feel at home/home like

7.        并驾齐驱     keep pace with/keep up with

8.        默默无闻      be unknown to the public/remain unknown/nameless

9.        百读不厌.      Be worth reading again and again

10.    并非一日之功  sth be not the work of a single day/

sth be not made in a single day

11.    勤能补拙      hard work can make up for intelligence

12.    留恋往返      want to stay longer/not want to leave so soon

13.    获益非浅      benefit a lot from/by sth

14.    理所当然      It’s only right and natural that/It goes with saying that

15.    略胜一筹      slightly superior to/better than

16.    满载而归      back home /return with fruitful results/with load honors

17.    梦寐以求      dream of sth /long for sth day and night

18.    名列前茅      be second to none/come out in front /leave all the others behind

19.    无以伦比      beyond comparison /incomparable/unique

20.    迫不及待      can’t wait to do /too impatient to wait/impatiently

21.    全力以赴      spare no efforts to do/devote oneself to

22.    三心二意      change one’s mind constantly

be of(have) two minds about sth undecided/changeable

23.    光阴似箭Time doesn’t wait for us/How time flies/Time and tide wait for no man

24.    熟能生巧    Practice makes perfect

25.    鼠目寸光    short-sighted/near-sighted

26.    置若罔闻   turn a deaf ear to sth /take no notice of

27.    喜出望外  be wild with joy

28.    爱不释手  can’t bear /stand to put it down (leave it aside)

29.    不厌其烦  be patient in doing sth/do sth with great patience

30.    碍手碍脚  be /get /stand in the way

31.    安然无恙  without accident/safe and sound

32.    昂首阔步  in high spirits march forward

33.    半途而废 drop out/give up halfway

34.    奔走相告 run around/about spreading the news/spread news far and wide

35.    必由之路  the inevitable / the only way to sth

36.    标新立异  seek to be different/strive to be unique

37.    别出心裁  see above

38.    别开生面  start sth new

39.    不出所料 just as expected/within expectation

40.    不合适宜 out of date/fashion

41.    不慌不忙 calmly/unhurriedly

42.    不假思索 without hesitation

43.    不可估量 immeasurable /beyond measure

44.    不可思议 unbelievable/unimaginable/beyond belief

45.    不可救药 incurable/beyond cure

46.    不容质疑  there is no doubt that/ It goes without saying that

47.    不失时机 seize every opportunity to do sth/not lose/ miss the chance

48.    环顾四周 look about/around

49.    情不自禁/不由自主can’t help doing/but do

50.    车水马龙人山人海be crowded with people and vehicles/

heavy traffic/a sea of people

51.    出乎意料 to one’s surprise/out of one’s expectation/unexpectedly

52.    全心全意/诚心诚意 heart and soul/from the bottom of one’s heart

53.    持之以恒 persevere in doing/stick to doing/insist on/persist in doing

54.    55出人头地 .get ahead/make one’s way

55.    驰名中外 be famous at home and abroad

56.    首屈一指/出类拔萃 be second to none/get ahead of all the others/ outstanding/remarkable/stand out

57.    吹毛求疵 find fault with sb

58.    从容不迫do sth with great ease/unhurriedly/ calmly

59.    错综复杂 complicated/complex

60.    引人注目 catch one’s  eye/attract one’s attention/noticeable。

61.    依依不舍 be reluctant to part/can’t bear to part / attractive/fascinating /tempting

62.    坐失良机 miss golden chance

63.    有目共睹 It is clear to all that/obviously seen

64.    杂乱无章 in a mess/out of order/in disorder

65.    置之度外 with no thought for/no care about sth

66.    专心致志 be absorbed in/concentrate on/devote to

67.    心不在焉 absent-minded/inattentive


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