


2023.10.03 广东



Formation of the hindgut

During the first month of life, the embryo undergoes an anterior flexion, called cephalocaudal plication. The extoblaste stays on the convex pole of the embryo. The entoblaste engates the concave part and forms the anterior, median and posterior gut inside and the umbilical vesicle and allantoid outside the embryo.

The posterior gut, or hindgut, develops and becomes the splenic flexure, the descending colon, the sigmoid colon, the rectum and the anal canal. The distal part of this hindgut ends in a cul de sac called cloaca. At that point, the entoblaste is in contact with the ectoblaste, defining a membrane called the cloacal membrane.




Formation of the rectum and anus

A transversal membrane progressively descends between the allantoid in the front and the hindgut behind, so that the cloaca is separated into two parts: the anterior one receives the name of urogenital sinus and the posterior the name of anorectal canal. Before the end of the second month of life, the septum joins the cloacal membrane and will form later, in the girl, the perineal fibrotic area. That membrane is divided into urogenital membrane in the front and anal membrane behind.



Ultimate rectal development

The ectoblaste is then attracted by the anal membrane. This causes a depression called proctodaeum, that opens, so that the lower rectum has two components: the cranial part, which is from entoblastic origin and has a mesenteric artery blood supply, and the caudal part, which is from ectoblastic origin and has a internal iliac artery blood supply.




Anatomical definition

The term meso, coming from the Greek mesos, means intermediate or middle. In gross anatomy, the prefix meso pertains to two layers of peritoneum that suspend an organ. The rectum is closely applied to the sacral hollow so that the word mesorectum is inapplicable and strickely incorrect. Moreover, the term mesorectum does not appear in the Nomina Anatomica.




Clinical definition

A total mesorectal excision implies the complete excision of all fatty tissues enclosed within the perirectal fascia. The anatomic plane for rectal cancer excision the surgeon must follow is the one between the perirectal fascia and the pelvic fascia. The perirectal fascia takes its origin from the pelvic fascia. It covers the pelvic floor musculature and reflects as a strong sheath to encapsulate the rectum. It extends cranially around the ampulla posteriorly and laterally and blends with the visceral peritoneum overlying the rectum. It fuses anteriorly with the prostatoperitoneal aponeurosis.

The pelvic fascia covers the sacrum posteriorly and the lateral sides of the pelvis laterally. The neurovascular plane is under this sheet, protected from the surgeon's scissors. The pelvic and perirectal fascias are perforated at the point of the middle rectal arteries and rectal nerves penetration, which forms the rectal wings during dissection. Except at that level, the total mesorectal excision is blood free and the plane is easily entered, either by laparotomy or laparoscopically.




Rectal blood supply

The rectum is vascularized by the superior, middle and inferior rectal arteries, which are all contained within the mesorectum. The left and right superior rectal arteries represent the terminal branches of the inferior mesenteric artery,after it has given the left superior colic artery and the superior, middle and inferior sigmoid arteries. The inferior mesenteric artery leaves the mesosigmoid and penetrates the mesorectum behind the upper part of the rectum, giving birth to the left and right superior rectal arteries, so that after having divided the first one at its origin, a slight traction either by laparotomy or laparoscopy opens the good plane of the mesorectum. The two superior rectal arteries distribute to the upper third of the rectum and contract may anastomoses with the two other following systems within the mesorectum and also within the submucosa.

The left and right middle rectal arteries are inconstant and, when present, are of small calbre. They come from the ipsilateral internal iliac artery and pass through the pelvic fascia and the perirectal fascia toward the rectum wall. They distribute to the middle third of the rectum. 




The left and right inferior rectal arteries come from the internal iliac arteries too, via the pudendal arteries that lie in the Alcock canal, just against the internal side of the ischiatic tuberosity. These arteries distribute to the inferior third of the rectum and the anal canal. The rectal veins are close to the corresponding arteries. The inferior and middle rectal veins end in the caval system iva the iliac veins and the superior rectal veins join the portal system via the inferior mesenteric vein, so that a physiological portocaval anastomosis is described around the rectum.


Rectal lymphatics

Lymphatic nodes gather in three groups: those against and around the rectal muscular wall called the distal or perirectal group which are all comprised within the mesorectum, those along the mesenteric artery called the intermediate group and the last one at the origin of the inferior mesenteric artery called the proximal group. All carcinoma tumor cells will drain through these three groups,except the very low rectal and anal cancers that can drain through inguinal nodes. Exceptionally, very massive tumors are associated with iliac nodes invasion, like for instance prostate cancer does.



Autonomic pelvic nerves

The pelvic nerves comprise the sacral plexus devoted to the pelvic musculature and the inferior limbs(L4,L5,S1,S2 and S3), the pudendal plexus for the pelvic viscera and the external genital organs(S2,S3 and S4) and the autonomic pelvic plexuses that are intricated with the prededing ones(superior and inferior hypogastric plexuses). When the rectum and the mesorectum are freed following the good plane, there is no risk of damaging these nerves. At the end of thsi stage, the superior hypogastric plexus formed b the thoracolumbar sympathetic plexuses(devoted to ejaculation in men) appears in a triangular shape that fives the left and right inferior hypogastric plexuses that are of quadrangular shape lower in the pelvis and receive posteriorly other branches from the second, third, fourth and fifth anterior sacral roots. These nerves are from parasympathetic origin and comprise the nervi erigente(devoted to erection in men). The inferior hypogastric plexuses five branches to the internal genital organs, urinary bladder, rectum and anal canal. In case of a huge tumor invading the perirectal fascia or even the pelvic fascia or more, the surgeon may face teh problem of sectioning one or the two hypogastric nerves or, lower, the hypogastric plexuses. As a consequence, the patient will experience often permanent and irreversible urinary and sexual disturbances. In smaller tumors, i.e. T3 or less, there should be no such functional disorders, after having mentioned that psychological trauma f a heavy operation, radiotherapy or pain medications can in themselves induce sexual troubles.



来源:Faucheron JL. Pelvic anatomy for colorectal surgeons. Acta Chir Belg. 2005 Sep-Oct;105(5):471-4. doi: 10.1080/00015458.2005.11679762. PMID: 16315828.

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