

第200课 病例探析(048)-髓内室管膜瘤





D、Von Hippel-Lindau病





     Ependymoma (ependenoma) is the most common type of intramedullary tumor, accounting for about 60%, originated in the central tube of ependymal cells or in areas such as the filum terminale ependymal residue, can happen at any segmental spinal cord, see more at lumbosacral segment, conus medullaris and filum terminale. It is most common in adults, with a peak of 40 to 50 years, and slightly more men than women. The tumor growth is slow, the clinical course is long, the clinical symptoms are not specific, mainly depends on the size and location of the tumor.


      Since ependymoma originates from ependymoma cells on the surface of the central canal, the tumor is often located in the center of the spinal cord and grows medially along the long axis of the spinal cord. Another characteristic of ependymoma is clear tumor boundary.


      WH02000 years promulgated by the central nervous system tumor classification ependymal tumors can be divided into: mucus papillary ependymoma, subependymal tumor, ependymoma and anaplastic ependymoma, ependymoma is divided into cells, nipple, transparent cell type and ependyma cells four subtypes. Staging: mucus papillary ependymoma, subependymal tumor for grade I, ependymoma to Ⅱ anaplastic ependymoma Ⅲ level. The cervical medulla is mostly cell type or mixed type ependymoma, and the cauda equina is mostly mucinous papillary type.



In T1WI, the signal is mostly equal and low, while in T2WI, the signal is mostly high. If the tumor is complicated with bleeding or cystic degeneration, the signal is mixed. Depending on the bleeding time, hematoma complicated signal performance, pulmonary tumor hemorrhage with cystic change, visible stratified fluid, pulmonary hemorrhage, on the surface of the tumor with hemosiderin deposition, for low signal in T2WI manifestation, namely 'cap'. Cystic degeneration is another cause of tumor signal imbalance. Cystic degeneration associated with ependymoma of spinal cord can be divided into three types:


1、The cyst inside the tumor is the tumor cyst change, and the cyst wall is composed of tumor cells.


2、The cystic cavity of the tumor's head and tail is the reactivity change of surrounding spinal tissue to tumor. Formation mechanism including the normal spinal cord ischemia caused by spinal cord softening, tumor necrosis or hemorrhage at the ends of the degradation products in tumor gathered themselves together, and leads to the lumen of the high permeability formation, fluid for yellow or bloody fluid, the capsule wall have normal glial cells, cystic wall not enhancement;

③脊髓中央管的扩张,由于肿瘤堵塞了脑脊液的正常循环通路所形成,囊液为脑脊液。/3、The expansion of the central canal of the spinal cord is due to tumor blocking the normal circulation pathway of cerebrospinal fluid, which is cerebrospinal fluid.


Ependymoma of spinal cord is a tumor rich in blood supply.


1、 星形细胞瘤:占髓内肿瘤的25%,多见于儿童,以颈胸段最为常见,一般呈浸润性、偏心性生长。T1WI呈低信号,T2wI呈明显高信号,病变可出血、坏死、囊变,信号常不均匀,坏死、囊变部分呈更长T1WI和更长T2WI信号。增强扫描一般呈不均匀性轻中度强化。星形细胞瘤与正常脊髓组织分界不清,手术难以完全切除,预后较差。而室管膜瘤多发生于年轻人,可发生于脊髓各段,以腰骶段、脊髓圆锥及终丝较常见,肿瘤呈中心性生长。增强后明显强化,边界清楚,手术易于完全切除,预后较好。

1. Astrocytoma: accounting for 25% of intramedullary tumors, most commonly seen in children, most common in the cervicothoracic segment, generally with invasive and eccentrical growth. T1WI showed low signal, T2wI showed obvious high signal, and the lesions could be bleeding, necrosis and cystic degeneration. The signal was often uneven, and the necrotic and cystic lesions showed longer T1WI and longer T2wI signals. The enhanced scanning is generally non-uniform mild to moderate enhancement. The boundary between astrocytoma and normal spinal tissue is not clear, so it is difficult to completely remove the tumor after surgery, and the prognosis is poor. In contrast, ependymoma mostly occurs in young people, and can occur in all segments of the spinal cord. Lumbosacral segment, spinal cone and terminal filament are more common, and tumor growth is centripetal. After enhancement, obvious enhancement, clear boundary, easy complete resection, good prognosis.


2, vascular tumor, vascular tumor is rare in the spinal cord, located in intramedullary tumor blood vessels can be characterized by diffuse enlargement of the spinal cord, cystic change, bleeding, should with ependymoma. Intramedullary angioblastoma of spinal cord accounts for 3% ~ 8% of intramedullary tumors, mostly in patients around 40 years old, rarely seen in children. Angioblastoma is a benign tumor with unknown origin and no capsule, but it has a clear boundary with the spinal cord. It can occur in any segment of the spinal cord, most commonly in the cervical spinal cord. Tumor showed equal or high signal on T1wI, high signal on T2wI, and empty blood vessel signal shadow was seen in tumor, which was an important feature. In addition, some spinal hemangioblastoma also showed the characteristics of the enhancement of the small wall nodules in the large sacs of typical intracranial hemangioblastoma, which is helpful for the diagnosis of angioblastoma.


3. Metastatic tumor: the differentiation between intramedullary metastases and ependymoma is mainly based on the inconspicuous thickening of the spinal cord, the rare cystic degeneration of the spinal cord, and the primary lesion.


A . 第三脑室
B . 第四脑室
C . 侧脑室
D . 中脑导水管
E . 脊髓中央管

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中英文字幕:脊柱肿瘤(Spinal tumors)
【病例报告】| 椎管内髓外硬膜下室管膜瘤1例
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