


Teamcenter's File Management System (FMS) is a file storage, caching, distribution, and access system. FMS provides global, secure, high performance and scalable file management.

Use FMS to centralize data storage volumes on reliable backup file servers, while keeping data close to users in shared data caches. This enables centralized storage and wide distribution of file assets to the needed locations within a single standard file management system. FMS provides WAN acceleration to effectively move large files across WAN assets.

FMS pulls files on demand as users request them. FMS efficiently transfers files across a wide area network (WAN). Also, FMS can locate caches closer to end user machines, for example, FMS server caches (FSCs). FMS uses a file GUID, a business neutral identifier for file contents, to determine when to pull a file from its local cache, rather than retrieving the file across a network from the vault’s underlying file system. Every file in a Teamcenter vault has a single file GUID associated with every replicated copy of the file. If you move, copy, reassign to a new owner, or rename the file, its file GUID remains the same. However, if you change the file content by one bit or change its language encoding, a new file GUID must be created to describe the file’s new contents.


Siemens Digital Industries Software reserves the right to change FMS behavior in the future to enhance performance or improve reliability.

FMS consists of two primary components:

  • FMS server cache (FSC)

    Provides a shared, secure, server-level cache. It uploads and downloads files to other FSCs and to client caches.

    An FSC can provide one or more modes of behavior, where each mode manages a type of data including volume files, cache files, transient files, and configuration files. A particular FSC can perform any or all of these functions simultaneously depending on your FMS configuration. All FSCs provide at least one mode in a properly configured FSC topology.

    You define configuration, volume, and transient file modes explicitly in the FMS configuration files using XML statements. Cache server functionality is installed on each FSC but is only used if the FSC does not have direct access to volume files.

  • FMS client cache (FCC)

    Provides a private user-level cache, just as Web browsers provide a read file cache. The FCC provides a high-performance cache for both downloaded and uploaded files. The FCC provides proxy interfaces to client programs and connectivity to the server caches and volumes.

    Any files captured by the FCC do not change, for either download or upload, and for either whole files or partial files. All file copies and file segment copies are identical throughout the system and never updated. New file versions are checked into the system with a new GUID, but a file with an existing GUID in the FMS system never changes. Therefore, there are no issues with file change or cache consistency.

    FCCs also provide access to the transient volume for the business server in a Teamcenter two-tier configuration. The business server writes or reads temporary files directly to a disk directory, and the rich clients access those files using the standard FCC interfaces. This provides client independence from the system configuration and ensures that client programs operate the same in both two-tier and four-tier mode for file access functions.

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