

小说|Jill's Magic Tree House #1.High in the Alps ( C...

我非常喜欢看《Magic Tree House》,故事里Jack和Annie一直在冒险,总是去那些神奇又有趣的地方!我真希望我的生活也像他们一样精彩。虽然我大部分的时间是在学校和家里度过,平静又幸福,这样很好,但我其实有点儿像Annie,也喜欢幻想和尝试新的东西……

我特别喜欢狐狸,还喜欢爬上爬下,更愿意帮助别人,所以我试着写了Jill's Magic Tree House,第1集High in the Alps故事发生在瑞士,将会有更多任务,也更加刺激!


Jill's Magic House


High in the Alps




Chapter 3 4 来自小雪的小画儿 10:15


小说|Jill's Magic Tree House #1.High in the Alps ( Chapter 1,2)

Chapter 3

Mallile Fountain

Just then in the distance, appears an old lady in white hair.

'That lady looks eruditely.' said Annie, 'Maybe she can tell us about Mallile fountain.'

She ran towards the old lady.

'Annie! Wait! Mom said we cannnot talk to any strange-' But Annie was already talking to her. 'ers.' saided Jack.

He went back to Modolia Fountain. In the fountain, was dark-blue water. It can't tell how deep is the fountain.

Then, Annie taped him on the shoulder. 'The old lady said this: we need to jump into this Fountain first, then when we can't hold our breath anymore, we make a wish in our mind about finding Mallile fountain,then Mallile fountain will appear in nowhere! See? Our mission is so easy!'

'But when we make our wish, will we be able to breath the air? will we-' asked Jack.

'Just do what she told us to do!' said Annie, 'don't care about things that doesn't need to be cared!'

Jack took a deep breathe, 'Um...Fine!' he said.

'Okay,' said Annie, 'Here goes! 1,2...3!'

Together they splashed into the icy cold water.

They went down and down as if the fountain will never end. When they can't hold their breathes anymore, they made the wish.

Suddenly, appears another even smaller fountain, the water has changes to grasses and the sunlight appears again. Jack and Annie was no longer in the deep, dark fountain instead, they were in the Apls again.

Jack quickly ran towards the fountain and checked the name of it, it reads 'Mallile Fountain'. He was surprised that he finds the right one and calles to Annie:' Annie, Annie! I found it! I-Annie?'

He looked back, Annie was lying on the grass.

'Annie!' shouted Jack, but Annie didn't move. 'My gosh!' replied Jack,' Annie wasn't sleeping, she fainted! Hope she'll be okay!'

He tried to move her but it was no used. 'Maybe it's time to use one magic rhyme.' said Jack to himself. He flipped through the pages, hope to find the right one. 'Make something fly into the air, no, find a person that can help you, no. Turn into foxes, no. Help a person to get awake! There you go!'

He stared at Annie for a long moment and said:' Let my Annie get awake! Loo-mee-Alee-ga-loo-mai!'

Just then came a flash of lightning, leaves was shaking and dark clouds covers the bright of the sun. When Jack looked at Annie again, Annie was floating!'

'What-A-Annie! Annie!' Shouted Jack, but his voice was dying in the strong wind.

Suddenly, the water from Mallile fountain rises to the air, it covers Jack and Annie, then, there is a loud ROAR as if someone was crying. Next, came another flash of lightning! Then everything was back to normal, just like before. Annie is no longer floating.

'Jack?' said Annie in a soft voice.

'Annie!' shouted Jack,' Do you have any idea what just happened?'

'Nope.' said Annie.

'Well, I found the...you know...Mallile fountain but you fainted! I tried to wake you up by using a magic rhyme but the magic was too strong! Just then, you woke up! And-'said Jack.

'Shh...' interrupted Annie, 'Mission first.'

'Oh!'said Jack.

Chapter 4

The Fox family

Jack and Annie started walking in the cool afternoon twilight to the fountain. They kept their heads down a bit to not look at the golden sun.

'What a beautiful day...' said Annie.

'Yeah, but we have to swim in the icy water in Mallile fountain first.' said Jack.

'Oh right.' said Annie.

'Hope ya don't faint again!' said Jack.

Annie laughed,'Okay on three okay? 1,2...3!'

They splashed into the fountain—again. And yeah, they've made the wish and appears in the grass—again!

'Annie? Annie!' yelled Jack nervously, hope that Annie would't faint again. But there was no sound. What? thought Jack, she'd fainted again? B-But I can only use a rhyme once! Oh! What am I gonna do?

'Boo!' shouted a voice.

'Ahh!' screamed Jack.


Jack looked back, Annie was staring at him, giggleling.

'You!' said Jack.

'Ha! I scared'ya!' said Annie.

'You're making me nervous!' said Jack, a little angry.

'Sorry!' said Annie.'Just kidding.'

'Kidding? That's not just kidding, that's—'said Jack.

'Mission!'shouted Annie, 'What's the next line?'

'First help a fox family.' answered Jack.

'Okay,' said Annie.

The birds were chirping and all flying the same direction.

'Look!' said Annie,' The birds was guiding us, telling which way to go!'

She ran after the birds, Jack followed.When the birds finally flew away beyond the clouds, Jack and Annie stopped, panting.

'Seems like the birds stopped guiding, we just need to look for little caves for foxes.' said Annie.

They began searching for caves and footprints.

'Look!' whispered Annie to Jack, Jack looked up, in the gray mist Annie was pointing at a small hole covered with big leaves.

'That must be the fox's home!' said Annie,excited.

'Ah, that's too big for a small creature like foxes.' said Jack.

'Well, I'm going in to find out weather you want to, or not.' said Annie, she started climbing into the leaf-covered hole right after she had finished.

'I'm going to scare her someday...'said Jack, he followed Annie.

'Jack! Help!!!' cried a voice, 'Help!'

Annie? thought Jack, it's her voice! She must be in trouble!

Jack quickly climbed deeper into the tunnel. In the tunnel, leaves twittered as Jack stepped onto it.The whole place seems to be winded by thick vines.It was very cool and wet. Soft drops of water bounced on Jack's head to the muddy ground.

As he move forward, he heard Annie's voice grew louder and louder,'Help! Jack! Help!'

'Annie!' cried Jack,'Where are you?'

'Down!' cried Annie,'Down here!'

'Well, down where?'

'Just step down!'



Jack felt a swoosh of cold air blowing at him as he fell down, down, down, down on the ground.


Jack quickly climbed up, following Annie's voice. When Jack reached Annie, he said,' Are you all right?'

'Well, I'm all right. But the foxes aren't!'cried Annie, she blinked back tears.

'What happens to them?' asked Jack.

'I can't understand them! But I knew that they were suffuring!' said Annie.

'But how do we know what they're talking about? How do we know what they need help with?' asked Jack,' turn to foxes? Hm! I don't think so!'

'That it!' cried Annie.

'What it?' ask Jack.

'We can turn into foxes! Cause then we knows what they're trying to say! Maybe a simple magic rhyme could help us to!' explained Annie.

'What?'cried Jack.

-to be continued-

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