

R.H.奎特曼(R. H. Quaytman)

R. H. Quaytman

1961年生于美国 波士頓 (Boston)

现在生活和工作在美国 纽约

R. H. Quaytman对待绘画就像对待诗歌一样:当阅读一首诗时,人们会注意到特定的词语。R. H. Quaytman的绘画,以书籍的形式组织成章节,有语法,句法和词汇。虽然作品在材料层面上受到刚性结构的限制——只出现在由黄金比例决定的八种尺寸的斜面胶合板上——但开放式内容创造出多种排列组合,形成一种没有尽头的档案。R. H. Quaytman的实践涉及三种不同的风格:基于照片的丝网印刷,光学图案,如摩尔纹(moiré)和闪烁的网格(scintillating grids),以及手绘的油画作品。每一章都是针对特定的展览展开的,因此,每件作品都与它最初的展示地点有标志性的联系。

然而,R. H. Quaytman的作品最终并不是关于特定地点,而是关于绘画本身,以及它与档案的关系。它试图将主题和背景嫁接到抽象的基础上,以同样的尺度参与现代主义绘画和制度批判。在她的作品中,前者的自我介入与后者的社会情境矛盾地并存。R. H. Quaytman的作品透露出一种迷宫般的兴趣;她挖掘社会和机构的历史,并将它们与自传和文学参考资料放在一起。她的实践还具有“向后看”的姿态:其概念和历史框架来自于其他艺术家和她自己的作品所构成;早期的作品在随后的章节中重新出现,创造出一种错综复杂的参考性。它还试图构建一部个人艺术史。它的书目虽然冗长,但仍然是含蓄的。

Modern Subjects, Chapter Zero [The Suicide I], 2021
oil, acrylic, silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
84 3/8 x 52 3/8 x 1 1/4 in (214.3 x 133 x 3.2 cm)

The Sun Does Not Move, Chapter 35

The Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art, Porto, 2020

Installation view

The Sun Does Not Move, Chapter 35, 2019
oil, acrylic, silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
52 3/8 x 84 3/8 x 1 1/4 inches (133 x 214.3 x 3.2 cm)

An Evening, Chapter 32, 2017
oil, textile, silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
37 1/16 x 60 x 1 1/4 inches (94.1 x 152.4 x 3.18 cm)

O Tópico, Chapter 27, 2014
Encaustic, gouache, oil, silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
24 3/4 x 40 inches (62.9 x 101.6 cm)

The Sun Does Not Move, Chapter 35, 2019
oil, silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
32 3/8 x 52 3/8 x 1 inches (82.2 x 133 x 2.5 cm)

+ x, Chapter 34, 2018
oil, textile, gesso on wood
60 x 37.05 inches (152.4 x 94.1 cm)

+ x, Chapter 34, 2018
indigo distemper, silkscreen ink, acrylic on wood
32 3/8 x 32 3/8 inches (82.2 x 82.2 cm)

An Evening, Chapter 32
Secession, Vienna, Austria, 2017
Installation view

An Evening, Chapter 32, 2017
oil, silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
37 1/16 x 60 x 1 1/4 inches (94.1 x 152.4 x 3.18 cm)

An Evening, Chapter 32, 2017
black lacquer, oil, fabric, silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
37 1/16 x 60 x 1 1/4 inches (94.1 x 152.4 x 3.18 cm)

documenta 14
Kassel, Germany, 2017
Installation view

Morning, Chapter 30, 2016
Oil, silkscreen ink, lacquer, gesso on wood
37 1/16 x 37 1/16 x 1 1/4 inches (94.1 x 94.1 x 3.18 cm)

Morning, Chapter 30
The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles 2016
Installation view

Morning, Chapter 30, 2016
Silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
37 1/16 x 60 x 1 1/4 inches (94.1 x 152.4 x 3.18 cm)

חקק, Chapter 29, 2015
Oil, silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
37 1/16 x 37 1/16 x 1 1/4 inches (94.1 x 94.1 x 3.2 cm)

חקק, Chapter 29, 2015
Silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
24 3/4 x 24 3/4 x 3/4 inches (62.9 x 62.9 x 1.9 cm)

חקק, Chapter 29, 2015
Silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
60 x 37 1/16 x 1 1/4 inches (94.1 x 152.4 x 3.2 cm)

חקק, Chapter 29
Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 2015
Installation view

Preis, Chapter 28, 2015
Silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
24 3/4 x 40 inches (62.9 x 101.6 cm)

O Tópico, Chapter 27, 2014
Silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
52 3/8 x 32 3/8 inches (31.4 x 31.4 cm)

Voyelle, Chapter 26, 2013
Silkscreen ink, gesso on wood, and wooden shelf
32 3/8 x 32 3/8 x 7 inches (82.2 x 82.2 x 17.8 cm)

Passing Through the Opposite of What It Approaches, Chapter 25

The Renaissance Society, Chicago, 2013

Installation view

Passing Through the Opposite of What It Approaches, Chapter 25, 2012
Tempera, gesso on wood
37 1/16 x 60 inches (94.1 x 152.4 cm)

Point de Gaze, Chapter 23, 2011

Diamond dust, silkscreen ink, gesso on wood

32 3/8 x 52 3/8 inches (82.2 x 133 cm)

I Modi, Chapter 22, 2011
Silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
32 3/8 x 52 3/8 inches  (82.2 x 133 cm)

Cherchez Holopherne, Chapter 21, 2011
Silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
40 x 24 ¾ inches (101.6 x 63 cm)

Spine, Chapter 20, 2010
Oil, silkscreen, gesso on wood
24 ¾ x 40 inches (62.9 x 101.6 cm)

Beard, Chapter 19, 2010
Oil, silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
32 3/8 x 52 3/8 inches (82.2 x 133 cm)

New Work: R.H. Quaytman, 2010
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Installation view

Silberkuppe, Chapter 17, 2010
Silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
32 3/8 x 52 3/8 inches (82.2 x 133 cm)

Silberkuppe, Chapter 17 [white rays], 2010
Silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
24 3/4 x 40 inches (62.9 x 101.6 cm)

Distracting Distance, Chapter 16 [A Woman in the Sun, blue], 2010

Silkscreen ink, gesso on wood

24 3/4 x 40 inches (62.9 x 101.6 cm)

Distracting Distance, Chapter 16 [RGB], 2010
Silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
32 5/8 x 52 5/8 inches (82.9 x 133.7 cm)

Distracting Distance, Chapter 16 [yellow window with edges], 2010
Oil, silkscreen ink, gesso on wood
32 3/8 x 52 3/8 inches (82.2 x 133 cm)

Exhibition Guide, Chapter 15 [black & white gradation with edges], 2009

Oil, silkscreen ink, gesso on wood

32 5/8 x 52 5/8 inches (82.9 x 133.7 cm)

iamb, Chapter 12, 2008
Oil, silkscreen, gesso on wood
20 x 32 3/8 inches (51 x 82.2 cm)

iamb, Chapter 12 (Excerpts and Exceptions, with Painting Rack), 2001–09
Silkscreen ink, oil paint, and gesso on wood, and wood rack
Dimensions and installation variable

Ark, Chapter 10 (Stuart Sherman Passing By), 2007
Silkscreen, gesso on wood
20 x 32 3/8 inches (51 x 82.2 cm)

The Sun, Chapter 1, 2001
Oil, gesso on wood
20 x 32 3/8 inches (51 x 82.2 cm)

The Sun, Chapter 1, 2001
Oil, gesso on wood
20 x 32 3/8 inches (51 x 82.2 cm)


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