



—— 加西亚·马尔克斯《回到种子里去》





孙瑶瑶《塔莎奶奶的美好生活组画》| Sun Yaoyao, Tasha’s Life Compilation
布面油画 Oil on canvas

English Version

'I've said this many times—it's the purest and most authentic thing stored in my mind. Not only can I recall the appearance of every house in the village as if it were yesterday, but I can also find cracks in a wall from my childhood that never actually existed.'

—— Gabriel García Márquez “Return to the seed”

Sun Yaoyao, a graduate from the Huangmei Opera School in Anhui, has led an ordinary life for over forty years, juggling family responsibilities and teaching. One leisurely afternoon in Toronto, while accompanying her child, she picked up a paintbrush and began expressing her life's journey on canvas. Despite no formal art school training, her paintings exude a natural charm, as if her canvas is an untouched artistic haven.

When observing Sun Yaoyao's artwork, one might contemplate the intrinsic value of painting. In an age dominated by the transformative influence of AI, questions arise regarding the justification for the existence of painting. What if painting were to lose its meaning altogether? However, let us entertain the notion that painting still holds a future. As long as we are alive, our physical bodies endure, prompting us to ponder whether we should remain true to our bodily experiences. Confronting these inquiries inevitably brings to mind Gabriel Garcia Marquez's late-life essay Return to the seed. In this reflective piece, Marquez delves into the interconnectedness of writing with its source, emphasizing the significance of confronting reality with authenticity and perception. As Marquez once again embarks on the journey back of Return to the seed, traversing the dusty paths of Aracataca, retracing to the origins and the core from this 'poetic source', he bears the most astonishing literary fruit.

Similar to Marquez's return to the seed, Sun Yaoyao, in her painting journey, rediscovers the essence of life and infuses of her body onto the tip of the brush, returning to the physical, returning to the primal, returning to intuition and perception. Back to her growth and dedication, back to her spirituality and sensitivity, back to the seeds buried in her feeling.

We sincerely express our gratitude to Mr. Chen Danqing for his essay to the exhibition of Sun Yaoyao.

孙瑶瑶《绣线菊》| Sun Yaoyao, Meadowsweet
布面油画 Oil on canvas










孙瑶瑶《戴耳环的男人体》| Sun Yaoyao, Man wearing earrings
布面油画 Oil on canvas



孙瑶瑶《今今组画》| Sun Yaoyao, Jinjin Compilation
布面油画 Oil on canvas



Female model wearing earrings

孙瑶瑶《羊群》| Sun Yaoyao, Flock of Sheep
布面油画 Oil on canvas








English Version

Do you feel anything?
Look at the paintings of the 'amateur painter' Sun Yaoyao

Text by Chen Danqing

It should have been a couple of years ago when Professor Tai from the Academy of Oil Painting sent me a dozen photos of paintings, saying they were done by a student named Sun Yaoyao from the advanced class. Half an hour later, I started imitating these paintings. I liked them, but I couldn't paint them. After imitating it, I felt I could paint like that too. 

Mrs. Sun used to work as an erhu player in the theater and is now a housewife. She only started learning to paint four years ago and belongs to what we commonly call 'amateur painters'. In the academy, there are always a bunch of these folks mixed in with the students. But is she an 'amateur painter'? Beware! The energy of a beginner, the madness, especially the fierce 'feeling', can't be matched by professional painters.

Of course, the premise is talent and ability. What is talent and ability? It's still that word: feeling.

In my view, 'amateur painters' just like any 'academy painter' or 'professional painter', whether they paint well or poorly, it all depends on their 'feeling'. I'm afraid when students ask me to look at their paintings (maybe eighteen years old or fifty, maybe a housewife or a Ph.D. student from the Central Academy of Fine Arts): at a glance, I can tell if he (she) has the 'feeling' or not. If not, no amount of talking is useful. I'm even more afraid when he (she) asks me: Teacher, how's my shading in my sketch? Is my color correct?

It's over. Another one stuffed with academic dogma. But sometimes, thank God, I meet frighteningly talented amateur painters. In the Academy of Oil Painting, I have been lucky enough to meet two formidable housewives in the past ten years. I've encountered two awe-inspiring housewives, one is You Yong's mother, Ai Qin, and the other, is someone I haven't met yet, Sun Yaoyao.

孙瑶瑶《台阶》| Sun Yaoyao, Steps
布面油画 Oil on canvas

What does it mean to have the 'feeling' for painting?

Take color, for example. In a portrait of a woman wearing a straw hat, she left a narrow blank space at the top, then suddenly added a few strokes of light purple. She loves using green, but she knows how to create various changes in green for each painting. When she painted a male nude model sitting, she used a high-purity apple green, bright and beautiful, the flesh tones of the human body are matched with various saturated mid-grayscales: but she must not know what 'grayscale' is, and luckily she doesn't.

Another example is the use of brushes. Of course, she only smears in an 'amateur' way, but every stroke is bold and confident. In different directions of smearing, she naturally understands how to vary the length of the strokes, strong and weak, thick and thin, so the whole painting has a proper rhythm. But she must not know what 'rhythm' is, luckily she doesn't.

When an 'amateur painter' draws a face, roughly outlining the facial features with lines, fundamentally inaccurate, not to mention volume, mass, and structure. However, she has never ruined a face, and, I can see that model, meaning the person she's gazing at, then, with unwavering lines, she makes that face 'turn into' a painting.

孙瑶瑶《红色小鸟》| Sun Yaoyao, Red bird
布面油画 Oil on canvas

A bit like comic/cartoon style? Yes, all 'amateur painters' tend to have a cartoon tendency. What makes me jealous is that in a state of not realizing it at all, she unconsciously conforms to the 'essence' values of contemporary painting today: a sense of awkwardness, amateurism, and almost unfinished. Based on what I've seen in contemporary painting at post-modern exhibitions in Europe and America, all of it almost looks like graffiti—the taste of 'high art', the 'correct' way of painting (not to mention the old-fashioned academic style) has never been so stale, outdated, and abandoned.

Her landscape paintings also make me envious. Simple compositions, but there is a composition. What I mean is that everything is reasonably good, each part is painted with colors that are neither imaginary nor realistic. This 'amateur painter' couldn't learn the academic way of painting landscapes, but she knows how to organize a painting to make it 'good-looking'.

Good-looking: what a simple truth. She paints landscapes just like she paints portraits, confident, affirmative, and therefore powerful, with no fumbling or wasted strokes, the texture of the brush and color is rich and full. I guess Ms. Sun isn't afraid that her paintings won't reach the standards of the academy because she's enjoying the pleasure of painting. But she might not know. Surrounded by professional painters in the Academy of Oil Painting, Mrs. Sun thinks that achieving the grandeur of oil painting is increasingly difficult, I don't know if she realizes that she has enjoyed the most important joy of painting—feeling.

孙瑶瑶《云》| Sun Yaoyao, Cloud
布面油画 Oil on canvas

Luckily, she doesn't know. But I know. When it comes to painting, I might know too much, so I lose the joy, lose the simple happiness of when I started, and all the simple joys come from feeling.

Finally, I want to say: that it's not easy for amateur painters to go far, and it's difficult to go far with talent alone because they lack what we call the 'rudiments' of training. But in current paintings, the rudiments are no longer important. Leaving one's feelings, leaving the pleasure brought out by the feelings, on the canvas is the real value.

Please, Ms. Sun, don't take my words seriously. No one can teach you to paint better. The only teacher for a good painter is always oneself, and the capital one can have is 'feeling'. This text is not intended to challenge 'professional colleagues' because we have exhausted 'feeling' and only 'professionalism' is left.

Wishing Sun Yaoyao a happy exhibition.


*文中图片版权 © 站台中国 & 孙瑶瑶
Images copyright © Platform China & Sun Yaoyao

About Artist


Sun Yaoyao, born in 1973, currently lives and works in Hefei. In 1989, she graduated from the Huizhou Opera School in Anhui Province with a major in opera music. She served as a performer at the Wuhu Art Theater in Anhui. From 2021 to 2022, she studied at the China Academy of Art, majoring in oil painting. In her artwork, Sun Yao Yao expresses her dedication to painting directly and passionately, presenting her reflections on life in the purest form on the canvas. Sun Yao Yao's recent solo exhibition includes 'Return to the seed' (Platform China Contemporary Art Institute, Beijing, 2023);'From Scratch——Yaoyao Sun’s Art' (Above the Cloud Art Gallery, Beijing, 2022).

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