

澳大利亚牛肉之都 洛克汉普顿旅行攻略

Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of our podcast series where we introduce you to some of the most interesting places in east coast of Australia. Today, we’re talking about the what’s called the “beef capital” of Australia, Rockhampton.

朋友们大家好,欢迎来到本期的石在澳洲英语俱乐部。在这个系列的节目中我们向大家介绍澳洲东海岸最有趣的景点和城市。今天我们带大家来到澳洲的牛肉首都 – 罗克汉普顿。

Rockhampton is a city in the Rockhampton Region, Queensland, Australia. The estimated urban population of Rockhampton in June 2015 was 80,665, making it the fourth largest city in the state outside of the cities of South East Queensland.and the twenty-second largest city in Australia. It is also one of the oldest cities in Queensland, and in Northern Australia.


Today, Rockhampton is an industrial and agricultural centre of the north, and is the regional centre of Central Queensland. Straddling the Tropic of Capricorn in Central Queensland, Rockhampton is best known for the statues of bovines along its wide streets and atop the welcome-to-the-city roundabout. It’s impossible to ignore that you’re in the Beef Capital of Australia.


So, what can you do in Rockhampton?

The region is best explored by car so hire some wheels and give a nod to the Droughtmaster bull statue as you exit the airport. It was installed in 1994 to welcome visitors flying in to Rocky for Beef Australia, a huge triennial expo that returns in 2018. Make your first stop The Spire Visitor Information Centre (07 4921 2311) on Gladstone Road, where you can literally “step into the tropics” and take a pic at the Tropic of Capricorn Spire, which marks (roughly) where the temperate zone meets the tropics. Pick up a free map and visitor’s guide and, for two bucks, the locally produced publication Rockhampton’s Heritage Walk.


From here, it’s a five-minute drive into Rocky’s heart. Centred on a labyrinth of laneways and back alleys, the CBD is home to a cosmopolitan mix of galleries, cafés and a shopping mall – the perfect place to park and begin your on-foot exploration along Quay Street. Running adjacent to the mighty Fitzroy River, Quay Street has about 30 buildings of historical significance, making it Australia’s longest National Trust heritage-listed street. Begin your walk at ABC Capricornia at No.??236. Built in 1898, the building was originally the gold store and headquarters of the Mount Morgan Gold Mining Company before it was kitted out with radio studios in the 1960s.

从这里开始开车25分钟就可以到达罗克汉普顿市中心。这个市中心都是错综复杂的小路和巷子,市中心有很多的画廊,咖啡厅和购物中心组成,是非常好的步行游览起点。你可以沿着Quay street一路前行,这条主干道和当地最大河流Fitzroy河垂直,街两侧大约有30个历史建筑,这里也是澳洲最长的历史街道。你可以从位于这条主干道236号的澳洲广播电视大楼ABC的主楼开始。这座大楼1898年建造,原身是黄金交易店,也是Morgan淘金公司的总部。

Other gems include the splendid sandstone and rendered-brick Customs House (208 Quay Street) and much-frequented watering hole The Criterion. End your Fitzroy River meanderings at Rockhampton Art Gallery, which features works by Australian greats such as Sidney Nolan, Charles Blackman and Margaret Olley.


With more than 300 sunny days a year, Rocky’s climate is the envy of many. But if you need to beat the heat, chill out in the naturally air-conditioned splendour of the Capricorn Caves. Located an easy 30-minute drive north of Rocky, the limestone cave system can be explored through guided tours or caving and abseiling adventures. On the Cathedral Cave Tour, hauntingly beautiful music and a lightshow combine in a spine-tingling demonstration of the cavern’s acoustics.


No visit to the Beef Capital would be complete without some dirt, dust and cowboys so don your boots and head to the famous Great Western Hotel. Time your visit for a Wednesday or Friday evening to see the pub’s indoor rodeo arena in action. You can even dine ringside on a rump steak by the award-winning steakhouse.

如果不去看看洛克汉普顿的牛肉,体验一下牛仔的生活,下榻非常有名的Great Western酒馆,那么这次的旅行是不完整的。建议大家选择在周三到周五的时间去观看,届时酒馆里的斗牛场会有表演和牛仔骑牛比赛。你甚至可以在斗牛场边享用一顿美味的牛排盛宴。

Rocky also offers easy access to the coast and Great Keppel Island. Serving as the gateway to the Southern Great Barrier Reef, the Capricorn Coast is a string of secluded beaches and seaside villages, with Yeppoon its main hub.


Begin your coastal adventure 38 kilometres from Rockhampton at John and Lillian Lever’s Koorana crocodile farm. With more than 3000 crocs in residence – and John and his family as your charismatic guides – you’ll be within metres of these saltwater giants. There’s the chance for happy snaps with a baby crocodile at the end of your tour and, if you don’t mind viewing then eating, the licensed restaurant serves croc kebabs and pies.




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