

澳大利亚新总理Scott Morrison是谁?

现年50岁的Scott Morrison在自由党领导阶层的崛起非常迅速高效。




财长通常是任何一个有抱负的领导者的跳板位置,作为Malcolm Turnbull的财长,Morrison已经将他的形象提升到家喻户晓的地位。但是他在担任前总理Tony Abbott的移民部长时,他将难民船掉头,似乎采取了不妥协的立场,很少或几乎没有就 “主权边界行动”的实施提供公开信息,通过这段经历,Morrison赢得了一个强硬派的声誉,而这对于联盟党的政治成功来说至关重要。

在2014年的内阁人事重新洗牌中,Abbott让Morrison离开移民部,担任社会服务部长也许是偶然的:他获得了扩大自己的形象的机会,而不是只被视为苛刻,负面,单调的人物——从事这类工作的时间越长,其对许多选民的吸引力越受破坏,就像Peter Dutton那样。

Morrison有幸在经济相对健康时出任国库部长。与前任财长Joe Hockey发布的财政预算案不同,他的预算一般都很受欢迎。他来自教会保守的党派右翼,其社会观点与Dutton的观点并无不同,但他对更温和派的Turnbull保持忠诚。


Morrison并非没有争议,特别是在媒体上。他与电台主播Ray Hadley和Alan Jones的冲突非常激烈,在 Morrison今天成为总理后,其紧张关系可能会继续。对于工党政客的一大抱怨是他们往往是从竞选机器中招募的党派攻击者。如果自由党也有这种角色的话,Morrison就是自由党的版本。



Scott Morrison是谁?

* 1968年5月13日出生于悉尼

* 与16岁起就约会的Jenny结婚并有两个女儿

* 通常被人成为ScoMo

* 在新南威尔士大学学习经济学和地理学位

* 1996 – 1998年间出任旅游理事会总经理,1998 – 2000年出任新西兰旅游和体育办公室主任。

* 2000-2004年担任新州自由党州主任

*2004-2006年任澳大利亚旅游局局长,期间推出著名的以“Where The Bloody Hell Are You?”为标语的澳洲旅游全球宣传。

*2007年他在党内预选中先是败给Michael Towke,后来对方因据称派系之争失去党的支持,Morrison随后被选为悉尼南部的Cook选区的联邦议员。

* 2008年被时任联邦反对党领袖的Malcolm Turnbull提为前排议员。

* 2009年,在Tony Abbott发起领导权改选后,Morrison出任移民和公民事务影子部长

* 2013年9月,由时任总理的Tony Abbott任命为移民与边境保护部长,随后于2014年12月任社会服务部长。

* 2015年,在Turnbull取代Abbott担任总理后,Morrison出任国库部长。

* 以15.4%的投票领先率持有Cook联邦议席。


Who is Scott Morrison? Evangelical churchgoer behind Australia's tough line on immigration

Australia has a new prime minister in Scott Morrison – the socially conservative architect of Australia’s hardline anti-asylum seeker policies – after he mounted a late challenge during a drawn-out struggle for power in the governing Liberal party.

On Friday, incumbent Malcolm Turnbull failed in his attempt to stare down a challenge from hard right MP Peter Dutton, with insurgents in his party gathering enough signatures to call for a “spill” – or leadership contest.

That led to a three-way challenge that included Morrison, Turnbull’s treasurer, Dutton, the former home affairs minister, and Julie Bishop, the foreign minister. Turnbull himself stood aside from the contest.

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 Scott Morrison elected as new leader of the Liberal party – video

Bishop was eliminated in the first round, and Morrison beat Dutton in a subsequent run-off, 45 votes to 40, suggesting the party is still deeply divided.

There appears no end in sight to the civil war consuming the ruling Liberal-led coalition government. The country may be headed to an election, with Turnbull saying he will not stay in parliament. His resignation in between general elections would erase the government’s single-seat majority in the House of Representatives.

Australia has now had five prime ministers in just over five years. Since 2010, four prime ministers have lost office, not at the ballot box, but torn down by their own parties, earning Canberra the unhappy appellation “the coup capital of the Pacific”.

Morrison was sworn in as prime minister on Friday by the governor general – the Queen’s representative in Australia – General Sir Peter Cosgrove.

In his first address as prime minister-elect, Morrison counselled unity for a riven party.

“Our job ... is to ensure that we not only bring our party back together, which has been bruised and battered this week, but that will enable us to ensure we bring the parliament back together,” he said.


Morrison said his government intended to address, as its major priorities, Australia’s “economic and national security”. But he also nominated Australia’s long-running drought – 100% of the state of New South Wales is currently drought-affected – as a key issue. “This is our most urgent and pressing need right now.”

Morrison sought to downplay suggestions an early election was imminent. “We intend to be governing,” the incoming prime minister said. “I don’t think anybody should be making any plans for any elections any time soon.”

In his valedictory speech, Turnbull sounded a warning against the rising tide of populist anti-immigration political rhetoric, promoted from within his own party. “We are the most successful multicultural society in the world, and I have always defended that and advanced that as one of our greatest assets,” he said. “We must never allow the politics of race or division or of setting Australians against each other to become part of our political culture.”

(转自澳大利亚人报The Australian中文网  https://cn.theaustralian.com.au/2018/08/24/10878/ )

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