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Stock return predictability from a mixed model perspectivePACIFIC-BASIN FINANCE JOURNALDai, Zhifeng; Zhu, Huan2.38210.1016/j.pacfin.2020.101267
Replicating AnomaliesREVIEW OF FINANCIAL STUDIESHou, Kewei; Xue, Chen; Zhang, LU4.64910.1093/rfs/hhy131
Multi-scale interactions between economic policy uncertainty and oil prices in time-frequency domainsNORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCESun, Xiaolei; Chen, Xiuwen; Wang, Jun; Li, Jianping1.53510.1016/j.najef.2018.10.002
A novel cryptocurrency price trend forecasting model based on LightGBMFINANCE RESEARCH LETTERSSun XiaoLei; Liu Mingxi; Sima Zeqian3.52710.1016/j.frl.2018.12.032
Housing, Wealth, Income and Consumption: China and Homeownership HeterogeneityREAL ESTATE ECONOMICSChen, Jie; Hardin, William, III; Hu, Mingzhi1.58510.1111/1540-6229.12245
Efficient predictability of stock return volatility: The role of stock market implied volatilityNORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCEDai, Zhifeng; Zhou, Huiting; Wen, Fenghua; He, Shaoyi1.53510.1016/j.najef.2020.101174
Trading behaviour connectedness across commodity markets: Evidence from the hedgers' sentiment perspectiveRESEARCH IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND FINANCEJi, Qiang; Bahloul, Walid; Geng, Jiang-Bo; Gupta, Rangan1.80110.1016/j.ribaf.2019.101114
Institutional shareholders and corporate social responsibilityJOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMICSChen, Tao; Dong, Hui; Lin, Chen5.73110.1016/j.jfineco.2019.06.007
Impact of economic policy uncertainty shocks on China's financial conditionsFINANCE RESEARCH LETTERSLi Zhenghui; Zhong Junhao3.52710.1016/j.frl.2019.101303
Forecasting oil price volatility using high-frequency data: New evidenceINTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS & FINANCEChen, Wang; Ma, Feng; Wei, YU; Liu, Jing1.81810.1016/j.iref.2019.10.014
Economic policy uncertainty and stock price crash riskRESEARCH IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND FINANCELuo, Yan; Zhang, Chenyang1.80110.1016/j.ribaf.2019.101112
Do investors want politically connected independent directors? Evidence from their forced resignations in ChinaJOURNAL OF CORPORATE FINANCEHu, Rui; Karim, Khondkar; Lin, Karen Jingrong; Tan, Jinsong2.52110.1016/j.jcorpfin.2018.11.004
China's Anti-Corruption Campaign and Financial Reporting QualityCONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCHHope, Ole-Kristian; Yue, Heng; Zhong, Qinlin2.02610.1111/1911-3846.12557
The relationship between energy consumption, economic growth and carbon dioxide emissions in PakistanFINANCIAL INNOVATIONKhan, Muhammad Kamran; Khan, Muhammad Imran; Rehan, Muhammad2.96410.1186/s40854-019-0162-0
The causal, linear and nonlinear nexus between sectoral FDI and infrastructure in Pakistan: Using a new global infrastructure indexRESEARCH IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND FINANCERehman, Faheem Ur; Khan, Muhammad Asif; Khan, Muhammad Atif; Pervaiz, Khansa; Liaqat, Idrees1.80110.1016/j.ribaf.2019.101129
The Value of Going Green in the Hotel Industry: Evidence from BeijingREAL ESTATE ECONOMICSZhang, LI; Wu, Jing; Liu, Hongyu; Zhang, Xiaoling1.58510.1111/1540-6229.12225
The Politics of M&A AntitrustJOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCHMehta, Mihir N.; Srinivasan, Suraj; Zhao, Wanli3.77310.1111/1475-679X.12291
Risk spillover between the US and the remaining G7 stock markets using time-varying copulas with Markov switching: Evidence from over a century of dataNORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCEJi, Qiang; Liu, Bing-yue; Cunado, Juncal; Gupta, Rangan1.53510.1016/j.najef.2018.09.004
Forecasting stock market returns: New technical indicators and two-step economic constraint methodNORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCEDai, Zhifeng; Dong, Xiaodi; Kang, Jie; Hong, Lianying1.53510.1016/j.najef.2020.101216
Exploring the sources of financial performance in Chinese banks: A comparative analysis of different types of banksNORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCEChen, Xiang1.53510.1016/j.najef.2019.101076
Does oil price uncertainty affect renewable energy firms' investment? Evidence from listed firms in ChinaFINANCE RESEARCH LETTERSCao, Hong; Guo, Litian; Zhang, Lin3.52710.1016/j.frl.2019.06.003
Does financial deepening attract foreign direct investment? Fresh evidence from panel threshold analysisRESEARCH IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND FINANCELiu, Haiyun; Islam, Mollah Aminul; Khan, Muhammad Asif; Hossain, Md Ismail; Pervaiz, Khansa1.80110.1016/j.ribaf.2020.101198
Dependency, centrality and dynamic networks for international commodity futures pricesINTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS & FINANCEWu, Fei; Zhao, Wan-li; Ji, Qiang; Zhang, Dayong1.81810.1016/j.iref.2020.01.004
Who affects who? Oil price against the stock return of oil-related companies: Evidence from the US and ChinaINTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS & FINANCELv, Xin; Lien, Donald; Yu, Chang1.81810.1016/j.iref.2020.01.002
Voluntary disclosure of corporate political spendingJOURNAL OF CORPORATE FINANCEGoh, Lisa; Liu, Xuejiao; Tsang, Albert2.52110.1016/j.jcorpfin.2018.08.014
The financing of local government in China: Stimulus loan wanes and shadow banking waxesJOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMICSChen, Zhuo; He, Zhiguo; Liu, Chun5.73110.1016/j.jfineco.2019.07.009
The disclosure of corporate social responsibility reports and sales performance in ChinaACCOUNTING AND FINANCEYu, Wei; Zheng, Ying2.21710.1111/acfi.12431
Spatial spillover effects and risk contagion around G20 stock markets based on volatility networkNORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCEZhang, Weiping; Zhuang, Xintian; Lu, Yang1.53510.1016/j.najef.2019.101064
Size and value effects in high-tech industries: The role of R&D investmentNORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCEYu, Lin; Liu, Xiaoquan; Fung, Hung-Gay; Leung, Wai Kin1.53510.1016/j.najef.2018.10.001
Mapping the oil price-stock market nexus researches: A scientometric reviewINTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS & FINANCELin, Boqiang; Su, Tong1.81810.1016/j.iref.2020.01.007
Low-carbon financial risk factor correlation in the belt and road PPP projectFINANCE RESEARCH LETTERSSun, YU; Chen, Lizhen; Sun, Huaping; Taghizadeh-Hesary, Farhad3.52710.1016/j.frl.2020.101491
Investment and financing for SMEs with bank-tax interaction and public-private partnershipsINTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS & FINANCELuo, Pengfei; Song, Dandan; Chen, Biao1.81810.1016/j.iref.2019.10.007
Institutional monitoring, coordination and corporate acquisitions in ChinaNORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCEPeng, Fei; Anwar, Sajid; Kang, Lili1.53510.1016/j.najef.2018.08.018
Impact of economic policy uncertainty on exchange rate volatility it of ChinaFINANCE RESEARCH LETTERSChen LiMing; Du Ziqing; Hu Zhihao3.52710.1016/j.frl.2019.08.014
Googling Investor Sentiment around the WorldJOURNAL OF FINANCIAL AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSISGao, Zhenyu; Ren, Haohan; Zhang, Bohui2.70710.1017/S0022109019000061
Gender gap in peer-to-peer lending: Evidence from ChinaJOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCEChen, Xiao; Huang, Bihong; Ye, Dezhu2.26910.1016/j.jbankfin.2019.105633
Executive incentive compatibility and selection of governance mechanismsACCOUNTING AND FINANCEXu, Rong; Zhang, Guangli; Zhang, Junyan; Zheng, Zhigang2.21710.1111/acfi.12323
Employee-Manager Alliances and Shareholder Returns from AcquisitionsJOURNAL OF FINANCIAL AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSISMasulis, Ronald W.; Wang, Cong; Xie, Fei2.70710.1017/S0022109019000036
Corporate board reforms around the world and stock price crash riskJOURNAL OF CORPORATE FINANCEHu, Jinshuai; Li, Siqi; Taboada, Alvaro G.; Zhang, Feida2.52110.1016/j.jcorpfin.2020.101557
Can China reduce the carbon emissions of its manufacturing exports by moving up the global value chain?RESEARCH IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND FINANCELiu, Huizheng; Zong, Zhe; Hynes, Kate; De Bruyne, Karolien1.80110.1016/j.ribaf.2019.101101
Asymmetric volatility spillovers between international economic policy uncertainty and the US stock marketNORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCEHe, Feng; Wang, Ziwei; Yin, Libo1.53510.1016/j.najef.2019.101084
When to go abroad: economic policy uncertainty and Chinese firms' overseas investmentACCOUNTING AND FINANCEWu, Ji (George); Zhang, Jian; Wu, Yiwen; Kong, Dongmin2.21710.1111/acfi.12474
What do private firms do after losing political capital? Evidence from ChinaJOURNAL OF CORPORATE FINANCELi, Zhimin; Cheng, Lei2.52110.1016/j.jcorpfin.2019.101551
Understanding time-varying short-horizon predictabilityFINANCE RESEARCH LETTERSHammami, Yacine; Zhu, Jie3.52710.1016/j.frl.2019.01.009
Uncovering the global network of economic policy uncertaintyRESEARCH IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND FINANCEMarfatia, Hardik; Zhao, Wan-li; Ji, Qiang1.80110.1016/j.ribaf.2020.101223
Uncertainty and R&D investment: Does product market competition matter?RESEARCH IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND FINANCEKhan, Muhammad Arif; Qin, Xuezhi; Jebran, Khalil; Ullah, Irfan1.80110.1016/j.ribaf.2019.101167
Time-varying lead-lag structure between investor sentiment and stock marketNORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCEYao, Can-Zhong; Li, Hong-yu1.53510.1016/j.najef.2020.101148
Time-dependent lead-lag relationships between the VIX and VIX futures marketsNORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCEYang, Yan-Hong; Shao, Ying-Hui1.53510.1016/j.najef.2020.101196
Time series momentum: Is it there?JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMICSHuang, Dashan; Li, Jiangyuan; Wang, Liyao; Zhou, Guofu5.73110.1016/j.jfineco.2019.08.004
The differences in hotel selection among various types of travellers: A comparative analysis with a useful bounded rationality behavioural decision support modelTOURISM MANAGEMENTWang, LE; Wang, Xiao-Kang; Peng, Juan-Juan; Wang, Jian-qiang7.43210.1016/j.tourman.2019.103961
DNMA: A double normalization-based multiple aggregation method for multi-expert multi-criteria decision makingOMEGA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCELiao, Huchang; Wu, Xingli5.32410.1016/j.omega.2019.04.001
Green product development under competition: A study of the fashion apparel industryEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCHGuo, Shu; Choi, Tsan-Ming; Shen, Bin4.21310.1016/j.ejor.2019.07.050
New doctors ranking system based on VIKOR methodINTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCHHu, Junhua; Zhang, Xiaohong; Yang, Yan; Liu, Yongmei; Chen, Xiaohong2.98710.1111/itor.12569
Economic growth, innovation, institutions, and the Great EnrichmentASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENTTomizawa, Aki; Zhao, Li; Bassellier, Genevieve; Ahlstrom, David3.06410.1007/s10490-019-09648-2
An integrated method for cognitive complex multiple experts multiple criteria decision making based on ELECTRE III with weighted Borda ruleOMEGA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCELiao, Huchang; Wu, Xingli; Mi, Xiaomei; Herrera, Francisco5.32410.1016/j.omega.2019.03.010
Inducing Downstream Information Sharing via Manufacturer Information Acquisition and Retailer SubsidyDECISION SCIENCESLi, Guo; Zheng, Hong; Sethi, Suresh P.; Guan, Xu2.01410.1111/deci.12340
A cultural inquiry into ambidexterity in supervisor-subordinate relationshipINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTXing, Yijun; Liu, Yipeng; Tarba, Shlomo; Wood, Geoffrey3.0410.1080/09585192.2015.1137619
DEA-based fixed cost allocation in two-stage systems: Leader-follower and satisfaction degree bargaining game approachesOMEGA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCEChu, Junfei; Wu, Jie; Chu, Chengbin; Zhang, Tinglong5.32410.1016/j.omega.2019.03.012
Linking motivational regulation to brand passion in a moderated model of customer gender and age: an organismic integration theory perspectiveREVIEW OF MANAGERIAL SCIENCEGilal, Faheem Gul; Zhang, Jian; Gilal, Rukhsana Gul; Gilal, Naeem Gul310.1007/s11846-018-0287-y
International strategies of emerging market multinationals: A dynamic capabilities perspectiveJOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT & ORGANIZATIONDeng, Ping; Liu, Yang; Gallagher, Vickie Coleman; Wu, Xiaojie1.93510.1017/jmo.2017.76
Measuring the Energy Saving and CO2 Emissions Reduction Potential Under China's Belt and Road InitiativeCOMPUTATIONAL ECONOMICSZhang, Yue-Jun; Jin, Yan-Lin; Shen, Bo1.31710.1007/s10614-018-9839-0
Financing strategies for a capital-constrained manufacturer in a dual-channel supply chainINTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCHLi, Guo; Wu, Huamin; Xiao, Shuang2.98710.1111/itor.12653
A DEA-based two-stage network approach for hotel performance analysis: An internal cooperation perspectiveOMEGA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCEYin, Pengzhen; Chu, Junfei; Wu, Jie; Ding, Jingjing; Yang, Min; Wang, Yuhong5.32410.1016/j.omega.2019.02.004
Does strategic planning help firms translate slack resources into better performance?JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT & ORGANIZATIONGuo, Jinyu; Zhou, BO; Zhang, Haili; Hu, Chunjia; Song, Michael1.93510.1017/jmo.2017.84
Intuitionistic fuzzy two-sided matching model and its application to personnel-position matching problemsJOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETYYu, Dejian; Xu, Zeshui2.17510.1080/01605682.2018.1546662
Allocating a fixed cost across decision making units with explicitly considering efficiency rankingsJOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETYLi, Feng; Yan, Zeyu; Zhu, Qingyuan; Yin, Miao; Kou, Gang2.17510.1080/01605682.2020.1718561
Agency selling or reselling: E-tailer information sharing with supplier offline entryEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCHZhang, Shichen; Zhang, Jianxiong4.21310.1016/j.ejor.2019.07.003
The impact of lean practices on performance: based on meta-analysis and Bayesian networkTOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT & BUSINESS EXCELLENCELiu, Chao-Chao; Niu, Zhan-wen; Li, Qing-Lin2.92210.1080/14783363.2018.1471352
Option contract strategies with risk-aversion and emergency purchaseINTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCHYuan, Xiaoyong; Bi, Gongbing; Zhang, Baofeng; Yu, Yugang2.98710.1111/itor.12519
Integrating intrinsic motivation into the relationship between product design and brand attachment: a cross-cultural investigation based on self-determination theoryEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENTGilal, Faheem Gul; Zhang, Jian; Gilal, Rukhsana Gul; Gilal, Naeem Gul2.14510.1504/EJIM.2020.103800
How do tourists' attribution of destination social responsibility motives impact trust and intention to visit? The moderating role of destination reputationTOURISM MANAGEMENTSu, LuJun; Lian, Qi; Huang, Yinghua7.43210.1016/j.tourman.2019.103970
Green innovation to respond to environmental regulation: How external knowledge adoption and green absorptive capacity matter?BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENTZhang, Jianming; Liang, Gongqian; Feng, Taiwen; Yuan, Chunlin; Jiang, Wenbo5.48310.1002/bse.2349
Exploring spatio-temporal changes of city inbound tourism flow: The case of Shanghai, ChinaTOURISM MANAGEMENTMou, Naixia; Yuan, Rongzheng; Yang, Tengfei; Zhang, Hengcai; Tang, Jinwen (Jimmy); Makkonen, Teemu7.43210.1016/j.tourman.2019.103955
Thriving at work as a mediator of the relationship between workplace support and life satisfactionJOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT & ORGANIZATIONZhai, Qingguo; Wang, Saifang; Weadon, Helen1.93510.1017/jmo.2017.62
The shelf space and pricing strategies for a retailer-dominated supply chain with consignment based revenue sharing contractsEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCHZhao, Ju; Zhou, Yong-Wu; Cao, Zong-Hong; Min, Jie4.21310.1016/j.ejor.2019.07.074
The impact of green supplier integration on firm performance: The mediating role of social capital accumulationJOURNAL OF PURCHASING AND SUPPLY MANAGEMENTZhang, Qiansong; Pan, Jieyi; Jiang, Yisa; Feng, Taiwen4.6410.1016/j.pursup.2019.100579
Sentiment analysis for online reviews using conditional random fields and support vector machinesELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCHXia, Huosong; Yang, Yitai; Pan, Xiaoting; Zhang, Zuopeng; An, Wuyue2.50710.1007/s10660-019-09354-7
Pricing and equity in cross-regional green supply chainsEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCHChen, Daqiang; Ignatius, Joshua; Sun, Danzhi; Goh, Mark; Zhan, Shalei4.21310.1016/j.ejor.2019.07.059
Physician voice characteristics and patient satisfaction in online health consultationINFORMATION & MANAGEMENTLiu, Shan; Zhang, Muyu; Gao, Baojun; Jiang, Guoyin5.15510.1016/j.im.2019.103233
Optimal pricing in on-demand-service-platform-operations with hired agents and risk-sensitive customers in the blockchain eraEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCHChoi, Tsan-Ming; Guo, Shu; Liu, NA; Shi, Xiutian4.21310.1016/j.ejor.2020.01.049
Openness and firm innovation performance: the moderating effect of ambidextrous knowledge search strategyJOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENTWang, ChunHsien; Chin, Tachia; Lin, Jie-Heng4.74510.1108/JKM-04-2019-0198
Less is more approach: basic variable neighborhood search for the obnoxious p-median problemINTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCHMladenovic, Nenad; Alkandari, Abdulaziz; Pei, Jun; Todosijevic, Raca; Pardalos, Panos M.2.98710.1111/itor.12646
Information sharing under different warranty policies with cost sharing in supply chainsINTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCHCai, Keyuan; He, Shuguang; He, Zhen2.98710.1111/itor.12597
Improving quality function deployment analysis with the cloud MULTIMOORA methodINTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCHWu, Song-Man; You, Xiao-Yue; Liu, Hu-Chen; Wang, Li-En2.98710.1111/itor.12484
How family firm characteristics affect internationalization of Chinese family SMEsASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENTYang, Xueru; Li, Jun; Stanley, Laura J.; Kellermanns, Franz W.; Li, Xinchun3.06410.1007/s10490-018-9579-7
Financing decisions in supply chains with a capital-constrained manufacturer: competition and riskINTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCHShen, Bin; Wang, Xin; Cao, Yifan; Li, Qingying2.98710.1111/itor.12670
Does the configuration of macro- and micro-institutional environments affect the effectiveness of green supply chain integration?BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENTYang, Qian; Geng, Ruoqi; Feng, Taiwen5.48310.1002/bse.2462
Do research institutes benefit from their network positions in research collaboration networks with industries or/and universities?TECHNOVATIONChen, Kaihua; Zhang, Yi; Zhu, Guilong; Mu, Rongping5.72910.1016/j.technovation.2017.10.005
The impact of live video streaming on online purchase intentionSERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNALZhang, MIN; Qin, Fang; Wang, G. Alan; Luo, Cheng2.38110.1080/02642069.2019.1576642
The effect of university-industry collaboration policy on universities' knowledge innovation and achievements transformation: based on innovation chainJOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERCheng, Hua; Zhang, Zhiying; Huang, Qing; Liao, Zhongju4.14710.1007/s10961-018-9653-9
Risk-based quality accident ranking approach using failure mechanism and Axiomatic domain mappingTOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT & BUSINESS EXCELLENCEHe, Yihai; Cui, Jiaming; Liu, Fengdi; Zhu, Chunling2.92210.1080/14783363.2018.1453300
Pricing and inventory strategies under quick response with strategic and myopic consumersINTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCHWang, Xuantao; Ma, Peng; Zhang, Yulin2.98710.1111/itor.12453
Ordering and returns handling decisions and coordination in a supply chain with demand uncertaintyINTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCHLiu, Jian; Xiao, Tiaojun; Tian, Chen; Wang, Huimin2.98710.1111/itor.12542
Not every coopetitor is the same: The impact of technological, market and geographical overlap with coopetitors on firms' breakthrough inventionsLONG RANGE PLANNINGYan, Yan; Dong, John Qi; Faems, Dries4.04110.1016/j.lrp.2019.02.006
Modified Distance Friction Minimization Model with Undesirable Output: An Application to the Environmental Efficiency of China's Regional IndustryCOMPUTATIONAL ECONOMICSAn, Qingxian; Tao, Xiangyang; Dai, Bo; Li, Jinlin1.31710.1007/s10614-019-09888-w
Knowledge sharing in supply chain networks: Effects of collaborative innovation activities and capability on innovation performanceTECHNOVATIONWang, Changfeng; Hu, Qiying5.72910.1016/j.technovation.2017.12.002
Investigating Response Heterogeneity in the Context of Positively and Negatively Worded Items by Using Factor Mixture ModelingORGANIZATIONAL RESEARCH METHODSKam, Chester Chun Seng; Fan, Xitao5.70510.1177/1094428118790371
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